Daily horoscope 13 April.

Cancer♋️ Start your day with the most important tasks. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will succeed in many things, cope with what did not work before. You can take the initiative in your work, offer something new to people with whom you have been cooperating for a long time. Your knowledge and experience will make a good impression on many. Leo♌️ The day will open up interesting opportunities, and intuition will tell you how to act so as not to miss any of them. There will be a chance to take part in the work on some important projects. Your knowledge and talents will come in handy, people on whom a lot depends will pay attention to them. Virgo♍️ The day will open up interesting opportunities, and intuition will tell you how to act so as not to miss any of them. There will be a chance to take part in the work on some important projects. Your knowledge and talents will come in handy, people on whom a lot depends will pay attention to them.


April 14, 2023

Daily horoscope 13 April.

Aries♈️ It will not be easy to find a common language with others at the beginning of the day. Even old acquaintances may misunderstand you, doubt the sincerity of your words. It is possible that you will have to explain several times what seems obvious to you. Try to remain calm, do not let a moment of irritation spoil the relationship that is important to you. Taurus♉️ The start of the day is hardly without controversy. Especially a lot of them will be at work. Even your most successful ideas will not receive support, but you will hear enough criticism in your address. Try to be philosophical about it. The situation will soon change for the better, so is it worth worrying? Gemini♊️ Do not put off important meetings: the first half of the day is perfect for them. You will make a good impression even on those who are usually critical and notice only other people's shortcomings. Relationships that at this time will begin as business, may eventually take on a friendly or romantic character.


April 14, 2023

Love should be earned

What does that mean? A person in a relationship begins to "pay" with his health, do more than he wants, expect reward, sacrifice, give the clothes off their backs. Why does this happen? Most often, this is not a sign of great love or devotion, but a sign of approaching childhood trauma and codependent relationships. This person is reminded how, as a child, they could not just get love and so they paid with themselves, their body, desires or emotions to earn love, because children have nothing but that. Nothing to pay with but yourself. And that’s monstrous.


April 12, 2023

Perhaps you are missing yourself.

If you constantly need someone else’s presence, it's possible that you’re not enough for yourself. If we are satisfied with being on our own and do not need anyone else, it does not mean that this other person is not valuable or does not make sense. It simply means that our values are not controlled and do not depend on others, only on ourselves.


April 12, 2023

People are not born evil

Experience makes them evil.⠀ Experience hurts and scars people, causing them to see danger everywhere. Experience dictates what good is, which often does not coincide with our understanding of it. Experience dictates a certain form of love, but sometimes this form does not suit us at all. In many ways, experience shapes consciousness. Together it’s a lot more than we inherent from mother nature.⠀


April 12, 2023

What makes a good parent?

Firstly, the ability to restrain as well as restrain oneself. Don’t bite the bullet, rather refrain from expressive emotions to avoid interrupting communication. Secondly, it’s understanding why we are making this or that decision. Why do we forbid, why do we make mistakes. Understanding how our decisions will affect the character and fate of our child. Thirdly, the ability to clearly distinguish between the boundary of your desires and the desires of the child. For example, you were engaged in hockey, but for a number of reasons did not achieve the desired results. And so you shift your hockey dreams onto the head of your own son. And he, by the way, dreams of playing the guitar.


April 12, 2023

Developing communication skills

Everyone knows how important it is to be a good speaker. So, let's go straight to the tips that will help improve your communication skills: 1.Show initiative. Don't be shy about making contact first. If you want a conversation, just start it. 2. Be open-minded. Don't be afraid to show your emotions and thoughts, because with openness you are more likely to find good friends. 3. Listen without interrupting. It's a very simple tip, but many people forget about it anyway. Listening without interrupting is a good way to understand others and match them.


April 12, 2023

How to build resilience?

There are situations in life when there is too much stress and you need to be able to be resilient to it, otherwise the end will be dire. Here are 2 tips that can help to improve your stress tolerance: 1. Mental attitude. Stress release depends on our thoughts among other things. It's important to be on the positive side, then the release of the stress hormone will be less. 2. Tea. Tea contains L-theanine. This unique amino acid fills our body with energy and boosts our stress tolerance.


April 12, 2023

Cold climate prolongs life.

A new study has found that moderately cold temperatures increase a person's life expectancy and reduce susceptibility to age-related diseases. This is because cold prevents proteins from sticking together. It is likely that these results can be applied to the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with protein aggregation, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's and ALS.


April 12, 2023

At the US university began to study pornography.

Temple University in the United States opened a course dedicated to pornography. It aims to study how porn affects viewers, is reflected in pop culture and in scientific research. Students study legal intricacies, watch documentaries and read historical texts. Viewing pornography is not part of the curriculum. Prior to this, other institutions introduced pornography courses, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vanderbilt University, and Arizona State University.


April 12, 2023

Worldwide, one in six adults suffer from infertility - WHO.

Infertility affects 17.5% of adults on the planet, that is, approximately one in six. There is no difference in rates between different regions of the world, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO). At the same time, governments do not adequately finance assisted reproductive technologies. Because of this, residents of poor countries have to give almost all their money for treatment.


April 12, 2023

Robops Boston Dynamics will paint for a contemporary art exhibition in Australia.

Three Boston Dynamics robots will paint for the NGV Triennial contemporary art and design exhibition. It will be held in Melbourne at the end of the year, hundreds of artists are participating, including Yoko Ono, Tracey Emin, David Shrigley, Sheila Hicks and other famous creators.


April 12, 2023

A piece of agate turned out to be a dinosaur egg.

An unusual agate from the British Museum turned out to be a dinosaur egg. British scientists have found that an unusual spherical piece of agate from India, kept in the Natural History Museum in London since the 1880s, is actually a dinosaur egg almost 60 million years old. The discovery was made using computed tomography. Scientists suggest that the egg fell into the area of ​​the volcanic eruption and was covered with lava. After that, for hundreds of years, silicates were gradually washed out of the eggshell and agate was formed.


April 12, 2023

Poor sleep doubles the risk of developing asthma.

Regular poor-quality sleep increases the risk of developing asthma by 55%, even genetic predisposition - by 47%. These conclusions were reached by Chinese scientists during a ten-year study involving 455,000 people aged 38-73.


April 12, 2023

Astronomers from the Arab interplanetary station Al Amal have published a complete map of the surface of Mars.

It was made up of more than three thousand color photographs collected over two years. On the map, you can see the giant canyon system of the Mariner Valley, to the right and left of which there are areas with volcanoes. In particular, Mount Olympus with a height of more than 20 km is clearly visible - it is considered the largest in the solar system.


April 12, 2023

Vegetable protein increases muscle no worse than meat.

As part of the study, participants were divided into two groups. Some followed a meat or omnivore diet, while others followed a vegan diet. They measured the level of metabolism and indicators during training. There was no significant difference in muscle mass gain and strength between the two groups. People on an omnivorous diet, on average, gained about 2500 grams of muscle, and vegans even more - about 3100 grams.


April 12, 2023

American car wash Take 5 uses pigeons to attract customers.

Birds fly and mark cars. A GPS tracker was attached to each pigeon to find “tagged” cars. Then, the owners of these cars are proudly presented with a coupon for a car wash at a discount, and it works.


April 12, 2023

Treasure hidden on the moon.

It will contain the key to a wallet containing 62 bitcoins (about $1.5 million). They will be received by the first one who reaches the surface of the satellite. The key to the wallet will be engraved on the MAPP Rover lunar lander, which will be launched into space later this year on a SpaceX rocket. The purpose of this space action is to inspire a new generation for interplanetary exploration.


April 12, 2023

Astronomers have discovered one of the largest black holes.

Scientists from Durham University in the UK have discovered a supermassive black hole - about 33 billion times the mass of the sun. 6 solar systems in a row can enter this hole along with their Oort clouds, which are thousands of times larger than the solar systems themselves.


April 12, 2023

The greatest creation of China.

In China, every year on the first of April they remember their greatest creation: the local company Dream Elephant wanted to release a toilet for couples. It was assumed that thanks to this invention, the ever-busy Chinese hard workers would be able to spend time together at least somewhere. Alas, the idea did not appeal to future buyers and the innovative toilet bowl remained only a concept.


April 12, 2023