The Gaia telescope has found two black holes super-close to Earth.

Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2 are only 1500 and 3800 light years from our planet. By the standards of space - literally the backyard. Now, scientists will try to photograph them and study them in more detail.


April 16, 2023

Pouring beer with the power of thought.

In Britain, they created a unique work. Thirsty Thoughts founder Seth Jackson has come up with a machine that can dispense beer using the power of thought. He used encephalogram technology - a special sensor monitors brain activity and executes a command.


April 16, 2023

Heinz ingenious solution

Does it piss you off too when there's sauce at the bottom of a Heinz bottle that you can't get out? The company came up with an ingenious solution to this problem. Soon all ketchup bottles will come with lids on both sides. One traditionally on top, and the second below. So far, this is just a concept that they plan to put on supermarket shelves soon, but if the idea comes to buyers, all sauces will come in this form factor.


April 16, 2023

Nikon has released a cool gadget.

This is a dog camera that monitors the heartbeat of pets, captures exciting moments and takes pictures. Now you can see with your own eyes what attracts the attention of pets and evokes emotions in them.


April 16, 2023

SAXX blew up Walter White's underpants.

Lingerie company SAXX blew up Walter White's Breaking Bad underpants for charity. The firm bought the lingerie at the show's prop sale for $32,500. Now they plan to sell the charred pieces of panties in frames, and send the funds raised to the Testicular Cancer Foundation.


April 16, 2023

Biologists have successfully implanted artificial embryos into the uterus of monkeys.

The scientists placed eight to ten seven-day-old blastoids into the wombs of adult animals. They were then observed for three weeks. In three out of eight monkeys, such embryos caused pregnancy. However, within 20 days of the transfer, monkey blastoids stopped developing. This suggests that they are not yet perfect copies of ordinary embryos. Scientists hope such studies will tell us more about human pregnancy. As technology advances, researchers are likely to find ways to use stem cells to create more mature embryos.


April 16, 2023

Daily horoscope 16 April.

Capricorn♑️ It will be difficult to avoid disagreements at the beginning of the day. There are also heated debates. Make sure they are constructive so that you will have a chance to find a solution that everyone will like. It is better to postpone the discussion of issues related to money and large acquisitions for the evening. Aquarius♒️ Today you can find answers to many questions that have recently made you and your loved ones worry. Having discarded illusions and vain hopes, you will decide on plans for the future, draw up a clear plan of action, which you will adhere to. Others will love your serious attitude. If you turn to someone for help, you will not be denied. Pisces♓️ The day will be hectic, eventful and interesting. Many Pisces will like it, because the representatives of the sign will be able to do exactly what inspires them the most. It is possible that you will discover some new talents in yourself or find a worthy use for old ones.


April 16, 2023

Daily horoscope 16 April.

Libra♎️ It will be difficult to deal with emotions. Even because of minor events, you will experience much more than usual today. In addition, it will be difficult to avoid disagreements and disputes. They can completely unsettle the most impressionable Libra. Scorpio♏️ The start of the day is good. Many of your undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will be able to cope well with what you could not do before. There will be an opportunity to correct old mistakes, to complete what was started a long time ago. You won't need help. But if acquaintances nevertheless offer it, do not refuse: common affairs will bring you even closer. Sagittarius♐️ Many things will work out well. You will not only manage your own affairs, but also help those who find themselves in a difficult situation. It is possible that you will need to spend some time correcting other people's mistakes. You will take this calmly, quickly focus and achieve the desired result.


April 16, 2023

Daily horoscope 16 April.

Cancer♋️ The day will please. Its first half promises some successful events, inspiring events. There will be an opportunity to return to the things that pleased you before, to do what the soul lies in. If you go on trips with your loved ones, you will surely have a good time. A change of scenery will benefit everyone. Leo♌️ Today you will make a good impression on many. People who see you for the first time will be completely fascinated. It is not excluded the beginning of friendships or a romantic story. When it comes to communication, rely on your intuition. She will tell you how best to behave with loved ones, whether to trust new acquaintances than to help a person who finds himself in a difficult situation. Virgo♍️ Minor troubles are possible at the beginning of the day, but you should not worry about them. This time will be favorable for Virgos, who will take up something new. Such representatives of the sign will quickly understand how to succeed, and will find people who are ready to help with this.


April 16, 2023

Daily horoscope 16 April.

Aries♈️ The day will be favorable for communication, you will easily get along with a variety of people. Relationships that were previously tense will become more relaxed. Some Aries will make amends with those with whom they were in a quarrel, or will improve relationships that were previously tense. Taurus♉️ A good day awaits you. Intuition will tell you what to focus on, and you will choose exactly those things in which you can quickly achieve success. Morning promises good news, inspiring news from people whose fate has been bothering you lately. Gemini♊️ The day will bring many surprises. Unexpected events are not ruled out, due to which plans will have to be changed. You will not worry and worry, keep your composure and make the right decisions. Friends and other close people will support you and willingly help if needed.


April 16, 2023

Scientists have learned how to repair damaged nerves with silk.

Silkworm silk was used as a base, and the “filling” of the nerve was made from spider silk. The tissue was then tested on rats with damaged sciatic nerves. The treatment proved to be as effective as cell therapy. The nerve successfully grew along the silk threads until the broken nerve endings were connected. Now scientists are considering using the new technology to treat humans. Probably, it can be used for recovery from injuries of peripheral nerves.


April 15, 2023

Francis Ford Coppola has completed filming for Megalopolis. They lasted 40 years.

Film studios were initially unwilling to support Coppola's project, which is why he financed it himself. The director even had to sell his wineries in Northern California. Adam Driver, Natalie Emmanuel, Aubrey Plaza, Jason Schwartzman and other famous actors played in the film. The sci-fi film follows a successful architect who decides to rebuild New York after a natural disaster. The idea came to Coppola after the release of the 1979 Vietnam War drama Apocalypse Now.


April 15, 2023

In London, fakes of famous paintings that have long been considered original will be exhibited.

Also, visitors will be told the history of these paintings and sculptures and how they were exposed. For example, among the exhibits there is a forgery of Van Baburen's "Procurer", which was painted in the 1930s by the forger Han van Meegeren, and a painting in the spirit of the Botticelli Madonna, created by the swindler Umberto Giunti. His deception was exposed by noting that Madonna looked like actress Greta Garbo - the forger was her fan.


April 15, 2023

Are Aries women prone to cheating?

Representatives of the element Fire love bright emotions and are looking for new sensations. “These people get turned on quickly and cool down quickly. And, as a rule, no one is to blame for this. But if the Aries woman finds "her man", she will be faithful and even ready for self-sacrifice, astrologers say.


April 15, 2023

Do not hesitate to eat from someone else's plate. Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are so focused on getting new sensations and planned trips that someone else's plate, which turned out to be under their noses, will not embarrass them at all. The usually witty and cheerful Sagittarius will brilliantly get out of the situation by applying sparkling humor. Sagittarians always have no time to deal with everyday life and home, because often they are somewhere far away. Representatives of this sign are accustomed to lead the lifestyle of a real traveler, absolutely not suffering from disgust. That is why Sagittarians rarely wrinkle their noses when they discover some inconsistency in accepted things. This does not mean that the named signs of the zodiac completely lack a squeamish attitude towards many things. It's just that representatives of these constellations prioritize differently, choosing more important things for themselves. That is why food accidentally tasted from someone else's plate will not unsettle them.


April 15, 2023

4 pairs of zodiac signs who can't decide who's boss in the family. Virgo and Taurus.

Where to go on Saturday and what to cook for dinner - any little things in a couple cause grandiose scandals. The correct result is not important here, because the main thing is just to insist on your own. Virgo is sure that, due to her perfectionism, only she knows how to do it. But Taurus does not doubt his superiority. Both relentlessly claim to be the leader, not listening to the second partner.


April 15, 2023

Daily horoscope 15 April.

Capricorn♑️ The day would hardly pass without controversy. Even people who used to support you in everything and willingly agreed to any proposals may now doubt your ideas. It will take some time for them to change their mind. Aquarius♒️ A good day for important meetings and serious decisions. Your intuition will be especially sharp today, you can rely on its tips in everything. Good ideas about work or business may come up. Some Aquarius will find an unusual but very effective way to increase income. Pisces♓️ Feel free to take on new things: you will quickly achieve the first successes and immediately understand where to move on, and the result will not keep you waiting. Some Pisces will want big changes in their lives. It's better not to rush here. Think carefully before taking decisive action. So you can avoid mistakes and save a lot of effort.


April 15, 2023

Daily horoscope 15 April.

Libra♎️ In the morning it may seem that others are not even trying to understand you or are specifically trying to unbalance you. But it will soon become clear that this is not the case at all, and it will become easier to get along with everyone. The middle of the day is suitable for important conversations: you will find the right words, you can convince everyone that you are right without offending anyone. Scorpio♏️ A good day for useful activities. You will do a lot of good for yourself and for others. The people you turn to for help will not refuse. It is possible that recent rivals will take your side. Many Scorpios, thanks to their charm, will find new friends, make pleasant acquaintances. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be busy: there will be more cases than you expected, and it is unlikely that anything can be postponed. But you can handle everything if you prioritize correctly and don't waste too much time on nonsense. Before taking on something completely new, check with people you trust. This will avoid many unpleasant moments.


April 15, 2023

Daily horoscope 15 April.

Cancer♋️ Pay attention to the ideas that will appear today. They may seem completely unbelievable, far from reality, but later you will surely find a way to carry out your plan. You will be able to deal with small matters that have not reached your hands for a long time, you will quickly put everything in order. Leo♌️ Don't waste time on trifles. You have a lot to do today. Circumstances will turn out well, you will have time even more than planned. Willingly help friends and other close people. You can also contact them for advice. Virgo♍️ The day will turn out well, much will turn out better than you expected. Your experience and knowledge gained a long time ago will be very helpful. Thanks to them, you will quickly understand how to act, find answers to any questions.


April 15, 2023

Daily horoscope 15 April.

Aries♈️ No need to put off important conversations. The day is suitable for discussing issues that previously caused a lot of controversy. You will be able to negotiate with those with whom you did not get along before. Remind yourself to those with whom you have been in contact for a long time: such people will be happy to restore relationships. Taurus♉️ In the morning it will be difficult to maintain peace of mind. The emotional background at this time will become especially tense, so you can react sharply to minor events, worry about trifles. However, over time, the influence of positive trends will increase, you will feel calmer and more confident. Gemini♊️ Great day to chat. Today, many will listen to you very carefully. People who previously doubted your ideas will now appreciate and support them. You can immediately start implementing new plans. Circumstances will turn out well, the first successes will not keep you waiting.


April 15, 2023