Daily horoscope May 4th.

Capricorn♑️ You will succeed if you listen to your intuition, you will be guided by its prompts in business. Others may not like your decisions. You should not worry about this: a little later, everyone will understand that you have found the best solution possible. Aquarius♒️ Any serious conversation should be conducted at the beginning of the day. It doesn't matter if it's about work or personal matters; in any case, it will be possible to do without disputes, quickly find a solution that everyone will like. You will make a favorable impression on new acquaintances, like those with whom you would like to cooperate. Travel will be good. Pisces♓️ Try not to worry about anything. Many things will go well, although the beginning of the day may seem rather unfortunate. You will quickly understand how to cope with the problems that have arisen and solve new problems. Things that you started earlier, you will successfully complete, with almost no effort.


May 4, 2023

Daily horoscope May 4th.

Libra♎️ The day will hardly do without tense moments, but the influence of positive trends will still prevail. Good news is likely; most likely, they will be related to work or study. Some Libras will find unexpected uses for their talents or figure out how to turn an old hobby into a source of income. Scorpio♏️ It will be very difficult not to be angry with everyone around in the morning. But if you still cope with negative emotions, you will soon see that the situation is changing for the better. Focus on things you can handle on your own. This will avoid long explanations and unsolicited advice. Sagittarius♐️ It's worth hurrying up. The first half of the day will be favorable for serious business and for discussing important issues. Many of your ideas will turn out to be just great, and their implementation will not have to be put off for a long time. It will be easy to make a good impression on others, even those who usually notice only other people's shortcomings will like you.


May 4, 2023

Daily horoscope May 4th.

Cancer♋️ The day starts well. In the first half, there will hardly be any problems, many things will turn out better than you expected. This is the right time to return to old ideas and plans: there will be a chance to bring your plans to life. Successful transactions are likely; some Cancers will have a new source of income. Leo♌️ Serious matters and important meetings are best planned for the second half of the day. The morning will hardly do without disagreements, at this time it will be difficult to get along even with old acquaintances who have always understood you perfectly. Some Lions will also find it difficult to concentrate, because of this, mistakes are possible. Virgo♍️ Act decisively. Today, a lot will depend on whether you are confident in your abilities and whether you are ready to quickly make some important decisions. New business opportunities will open up. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you what to do. But the advice of friends is unlikely to be really useful.


May 4, 2023

Daily horoscope May 4th.

Aries♈️ If you are attentive, you will learn something important before others, receive news that will prompt interesting thoughts. Act decisively and do not waste time in vain. There will be a chance to defeat strong rivals, successfully complete work on a complex and important project Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to be without misunderstandings, but there is no need to rush to conclusions. The influence of positive trends will soon increase, the situation will change for the better, and new opportunities will open up. Getting along with others will also become easier over time. In the evening, you will be able to agree on some important things with people who previously did not even want to listen to you. Gemini♊️ Today everyone will need your ideas and knowledge, your experience and your emotional support. People who you would not want to refuse anything can ask for help. You may have to put aside your own affairs in order to solve other people's problems. You will not become angry or worry about this, just try to cope with the situation as best as possible.


May 4, 2023

Toning the whole body with a tennis ball.

I think you have heard at least once in your life that there are certain reflex zones on the foot that can affect the entire body. So, with this simple exercise, you can relax the ligaments and tendons in the soles of your feet, which has a relaxing effect on the entire back of the body. As a result: Relief of pain in the legs, spine, in some cases even the disappearance of a headache! Filling the body with energy and improving blood flow throughout the body. How to do it: Place the ball under the arch of your foot while standing next to a wall or chair for stability. Keep your heel on the floor. As you inhale, gently press your body weight against the ball. As you exhale, release the pressure. Do 10 breaths. Next, move the ball along the length of the foot, from toe to heel, massaging the sole of the foot. Do 60 seconds and repeat on the other leg.


May 4, 2023

Wrinkles and not a fresh complexion - what do women in China do?

Yes, in general, the same as we do - facial massage. Another thing is that for massage they use a scraper and do Gua Sha massage. Like any competent massage, it begins with the study of the neck and forearms - you can stretch it with your hands, you can use the same scraper. You can not skip this part or hack - it is important to eliminate the blocks in order for the facial massage to be effective. For massage, base oil is used, you can add a drop of lavender oil to it. Massage should not be done on inflamed skin, acne should not be disturbed. With scraping movements, each zone is worked out 10-15 times. Movement directions can be easily found on YouTube. You can do it every day or every other day. Ideally, the courses are two weeks in two.


May 4, 2023

The benefits of sage for the female body.

Sage is one of the main medicinal plants that can slow down the aging process. Sage contains natural substances - plant hormones, which are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen. it is recommended to drink sage infusion 3 times a year for 3 weeks every morning. Cooking method. 1 tsp Pour sage herbs with a glass of boiling water, wait until the infusion cools down, then strain and drink in small sips 30-40 minutes before breakfast. Depending on your mood, you can add honey or a slice of lemon to the infusion, or both.


May 4, 2023

The benefits of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is a balanced food product, easily digestible by the body. Cottage cheese improves metabolism and, as a result, prevents obesity. The healing properties of cottage cheese contribute to the prevention of tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. The milk protein contained in cottage cheese has great nutritional value, but at the same time it is digested many times better than even lean meat. Cottage cheese is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus - thanks to it, the condition of hair, teeth, nail plates, bone tissue and the nervous system noticeably improves.


May 3, 2023

Help with depression.

Surprising fact, but sex really helps fight depression. Orgasm accompanies the production of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which is responsible in our body for pleasure and happiness.


May 3, 2023

If it hurts.

Try to change the position, ask your partner to move less intensively and enter less deeply. Does not help? Take a lube and use it - perhaps it's all about vaginal dryness and insufficient natural lubrication. If this has not helped, think about it: maybe you are very tense (especially if you have sex with this guy for the first time) and you just can’t relax. Pay more attention to the preludes to be fully tuned in to the “working moment”.


May 3, 2023

Sex task "Subdue".

Surely your partner will enjoy being a led and submissive partner. Hold his hands behind your back with your left hand and use your right hand to "dominate". Although he is probably physically superior to you, he is unlikely to resist and reject the idea of playing this game! You can use handcuffs - then you will have more opportunities for caresses.


May 3, 2023

Undress him.

Every man loves to be seduced and caressed. You will be amazed at how pleased he will be when you begin to undress him slowly, with your fingers and teeth. And then gently run your fingers, soft tongue, wet kisses wherever you want.


May 3, 2023

There is no "BAD" blowjob.

A blowjob is definitely not an activity that can be put "failed". A man may not like sex in general, and this will depend on many factors. But such that classic sex is good with the same woman, but oral sex is so-so, practically does not happen. Therefore, even if you consider yourself completely inexperienced, you can safely start practicing. Believe me, even the most banal and trivial attempts to please him will really "reach" their goal.


May 3, 2023

“The color of pain is red” is an intriguing story about BDSM.

The work of the writer Eva Hansen was published in 2014. The main character is a journalist who is trying to uncover the murders of women with low social responsibility. The prime suspect is a handsome millionaire who is known for his love of hardcore sex. When things come to a standstill, the girl decides undercover to infiltrate his circle of acquaintances - or rather, join a club of BDSM lovers. There then begins her acquaintance with previously unknown pleasures. In addition to new preferences in sex, the main character finds love. And the object of love becomes none other than that same millionaire.


May 3, 2023

Personality of the Taurus Man.

Negative qualities. Taurus men are very stubborn - they listen exclusively to themselves and do what they want, rarely following the advice of others. However, sometimes this quality helps them to succeed, especially in business. To some, it may seem that Taurus men are closed - they rarely express their opinion unless they are asked to. In fact, such individuals simply prefer to restrain their emotions and not say too much. Such men are catastrophically afraid of change. Taurus men cling to the past and try with all their might to keep what they have. However, sometimes it slows down progress and prevents you from moving forward.


May 3, 2023

Personality of the Taurus Man.

Positive traits. Taurus men are patient, unshakable and calm - nothing can piss them off. They will not make scandals for no reason, because they know how to keep emotions under control. These individuals live in a real and firm step forward, they are not lazy - they always work hard. The main priority of Taurus men is financial security. Most of all, they like to leisurely enjoy the fruits of their labor. Taureans are drawn to luxury - they strive to get rich in order to acquire a luxurious house and car, wear quality clothes and travel a lot. Fortunately, determination and perseverance help Taurus men achieve their goals. They are not the best interlocutors, because they do not speak much, but they are excellent listeners. Taurus men never interrupt and always show their interest in dialogue.


May 3, 2023

Zodiac Signs and Stress: How They Find Peace of Mind. Scorpio.

Scorpio is a very sensitive sign, but alas, he is not used to sharing his true emotions with others and putting his feelings on display. This is his main problem. He makes a good face with a bad game, and then sincerely wonders why his relatives do not understand how sad Scorpio is in his soul. So in the case of this representative of the water element, the cure for stress is simple - Scorpio needs to speak out, and ideally, develop the habit of sharing what is sore.


May 3, 2023

Daily horoscope May 3rd.

Capricorn♑️ Today it will be easy for you to get along with new acquaintances, to find an approach to those whom you have recently met for the first time. Thanks to your perseverance, you will cope with what no one else has been able to do before. This will impress a lot of people. Even people who previously disapproved of your ideas will support them today. Aquarius♒️ Explaining to others why you are doing this and not otherwise will be more difficult today than usual. Be patient: even old acquaintances will hardly immediately understand you correctly. At the beginning of the day, disagreements and disputes are likely, but it will be possible to find a solution that suits everyone rather quickly. Pisces♓️ There will be a lot of conversations today, but it will hardly be possible to learn something useful. Both old acquaintances and those whom you first met recently will want to chat with you. Unfortunately, this may interfere with the implementation of your plans. If you are too often distracted, you will not have time to do what you have planned.


May 3, 2023

Daily horoscope May 3rd.

Libra♎️ Today, the ability to get along with different people will be very useful to you, to find an approach even to those who are not disposed to communicate. Thanks to your diplomatic talents, you will help many to avoid conflicts, and you yourself will acquire new allies. Scorpio♏️ Keeping calm today will be more difficult than usual. Even minor events can make you nervous and prevent you from making informed decisions. Try to spend more time with those who understand and support you, and stay away from people who like to make critical remarks on any occasion. Sagittarius♐️ It will be difficult not to succumb to provocations. Today, there will be too many people around you who are used to getting their way with the help of manipulation and cunning. Someone may try to involve you in dubious projects or take advantage of your knowledge and connections to their advantage.


May 3, 2023

Daily horoscope May 3rd.

Cancer♋️ Think about what you can do to please yourself in the morning. If you start the day in a good mood, then everything will turn out well. Unfortunate coincidences, unpleasant incidents can make the most impressionable Cancers worry, but there will be people nearby who will support them. Leo♌️ Don't put off anything for too long. The first half of the day will be favorable, at this time you will cope with difficult matters, solve tasks that previously seemed very difficult. Cash receipts, including from unexpected sources, are not ruled out. Some Leos will be offered a new job that opens up a lot of opportunities for professional growth. Virgo♍️ A good day to take the initiative in work, try to interest others with new ideas. Don't miss the opportunity to show what you are capable of. People who have underestimated you in the past will realize how wrong they were and will want to build relationships.


May 3, 2023