In Pennsylvania, children will be given weed right at school.

In the state of Pennsylvania, they have prepared a law that will allow nurses and parents to give marijuana to children on the territory of an educational institution, that is, they can smoke right in the classroom. The weed will be medical, and the child will need a certificate from a doctor.


May 6, 2023

"Baby Silencers"

A start-up that produces "baby silencers" has gone viral on the network - so that you can safely watch a movie or not be distracted by children's screams on a trip. But only the “founder” of the startup turned out to be humorist Brad Goss, who laughs at the hype around the device on his Instagram. But many parents have already run to buy.


May 6, 2023

In the pool of these signs of the zodiac there are real devils. Cancer is a quagmire.

The magnetism and calmness of Cancers are not just like a whirlpool, but a quagmire with devils. It seems that Cancers hide something, keep silent, and often behave suspiciously, but usually this is how their natural shyness manifests itself. They may seem prim and uninteresting, but upon close acquaintance they reveal themselves as cheerful dreamers.


May 5, 2023

Are Taurus Men prone to cheating?

According to the expert, it is impossible to say for 100% whether a person will cheat on his partner or not, relying only on his zodiac sign, in this case Taurus. However, after analyzing the personality traits, we can assume that it will push her to betrayal. Taurus men love to have fun. If in a couple a representative of this sign lacks tenderness, there is no satisfaction in sexual life, there is no joint pleasure, then he can look to the left.


May 5, 2023

Zodiac Signs and Stress: How They Find Peace of Mind. Aquarius.

Usually Aquarius himself is the root cause of his stress - he is the biggest procrastinator in the entire zodiac circle. He clearly sees the future, but does not get along well with the present. This principle of "there will always be tomorrow" does not fit well with the implementation of tasks set in real time. The creative nature of Aquarius does not withstand constant pressure and anguish, and he breaks down into base emotions. In such cases, Aquarius is recommended to expand the circle of contacts: an unfamiliar person can give more useful advice than relatives who understand your behavioral models well.


May 5, 2023

Daily horoscope May 5th.

Capricorn♑️ You will be able to find answers to important questions, guess what someone was trying to hide from you. Not everything will turn out as easily and quickly as we would like, but you will not quit what you started and you will surely achieve the desired results. Cash receipts are likely in the first half of the day. The second will require expenses, but here we will talk about insignificant amounts. Aquarius♒️ Don't put off anything for too long. The more complex things that require attention, the sooner it is worth taking them on. Getting along with others in the first half of the day will be noticeably easier than in the second. If you want to agree with someone on joint actions, it is better to discuss them before lunch. Pisces♓️ Don't worry about the little things. Something may not go according to plan today, but the influence of positive trends today will still be strong enough, which means that all difficulties will soon be in the past. Old acquaintances will willingly support your undertakings, help if any problems arise.


May 5, 2023

Daily horoscope May 5th.

Libra♎️ The day will open up new business opportunities. You won't get lost. Intuition will quickly tell you how to benefit from the current situation. Not everyone will understand why you act the way you do. But no one will stand in the way or dissuade you from what you have planned. Scorpio♏️ Work issues that have been troubling you lately will be successfully resolved. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will quickly cope with complex tasks, successfully complete tasks that you had to devote a lot of time and effort to. Help is unlikely to be needed, but if it is offered by new acquaintances, it is better not to refuse: joint activities will help you make friends. Sagittarius♐️ It is unlikely that the whole day will be light and cloudless. But still, the influence of positive trends will prevail, so you will cope with any difficulties that arise. You have to be careful with money. Any decisions regarding finances must be balanced, well thought out.


May 5, 2023

Daily horoscope May 5th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will be especially favorable for business communication. Useful acquaintances, meetings with people are not excluded. The second half of the day will hardly do without unpleasant surprises. But serious difficulties will not arise, and you will quickly cope with minor problems. Leo♌️ If you have big plans for this day, it is worth starting to implement them as soon as possible. The morning will be favorable both for solving new problems and for completing the cases to which you have already given a lot of effort. Successful deals, interesting job offers are likely. There will be no problems with paperwork, the appeal to state organizations will be successful. Virgo♍️ Be especially careful at the beginning of the day: there will be a chance to get useful information before others, to learn something important. You will quickly orient yourself in the situation, make the right decisions. It will become clear what needs to be done to disarm rivals, to protect their business and personal interests.


May 5, 2023

Daily horoscope May 5th.

Aries♈️ The day can be difficult. You will hardly be able to stick to the plan drawn up before. It is much more likely that you will need to improvise, come up with something new on the go. Some minor difficulties may suddenly arise due to which you finish things later than expected. Taurus♉️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to avoid arguments. It will not be easy to find a common language with even those with whom you usually get along well. There will be especially many disagreements with colleagues and management. But this will not interfere with the work, you will solve all important issues on time. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day is perfect for taking the initiative in business, taking on something new. Intuition will tell you how to act in order to quickly achieve success, and you will definitely listen to it. The advice of others will hardly be as useful: think it over carefully before you follow it.


May 5, 2023

In Israel, for the first time created an analogue of fish meat using 3D printing.

Steakholder Foods manufactures non-slaughtered meat products in a laboratory environment. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried the company's products and promised new permits for the production of "laboratory" meat.


May 4, 2023

Australian scientists create artificial intelligence based on human neurons.

Scientists use clusters of lab-grown neurons from human stem cells to form an artificial brain and connect it to an operating system. Experts believe that such technology is a possible future of AI, because human neurons work much better than any digital model, as they are self-programming and require much less energy consumption. Prototypes managed to teach how to play an analogue of the game Pong. In the future, it will also help in the development of drugs, the study of diseases and other technologies.


May 4, 2023

Causes of self-destruction.

Psychologists have found that self-destruction arises from a lack of understanding of the consequences of one's actions. Psychologists have found that people find it difficult to give up bad habits because they do not understand the connection between their actions and their consequences. These findings can be used to treat people with self-destructive behavior.


May 4, 2023

In the US, lightning struck a tree and created a new mineral.

It is something between terrestrial and space rocks. Inside the fulgurite, they found crystalline phosphorus of an unusual shape. These are rare fragments of the phosphorus material CaHPO3 - it is not a phosphate, but it is not a phosphide either. It turned out that the new mineral contains calcium phosphite. It is likely that with prolonged heating, the discovered material will turn into a mineral that is present in meteorites.


May 4, 2023

The Red Cross urged gamers not to commit war crimes in games.

Many popular video games are based on players fighting in virtual wars. In this regard, the Red Cross urged gamers not to commit war crimes even in games. Gamers are asked not to shoot surrendered or wounded enemies, civilians and civilian buildings, and to provide medical assistance to anyone who needs it. The rules are linked to the real laws of war, which require humanism towards civilians, facilities and care for the wounded on both sides of the conflict.


May 4, 2023

Having a purpose in life protects against Alzheimer's disease.

Having a purpose in life protects the functionality of the brain, even when faced with stress and trauma. This means that highly motivated people have better cognitive functions in middle age, they are less likely to experience Alzheimer's disease. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Barcelona during a study involving 624 people, whose average age was 53 years.


May 4, 2023

British scientists have proposed giving harmful emissions to be eaten by volcanic microbes.

Researchers have discovered a new species of cyanobacteria that lives near the Italian island of Vulcano in the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the waters of which there is a lot of CO₂. It turned out that these microbes effectively absorb carbon dioxide. So, they can be used to combat harmful emissions.


May 4, 2023

In the pool of these signs of the zodiac there are real devils. Pisces are a thousand devils.

All representatives of Water are characterized by a still whirlpool - they hide in themselves great strength and thousands of vices. The power of this element is underestimated until they fall into the epicenter of the storm. But there is a representative of Air, whose whirlpool and depth are drawn into an even greater whirlpool of passions. Astrologers will tell about who these damn quiet ones are. Pisces are a thousand devils. The versatility of Pisces is hidden behind an impenetrable cold look and ostentatious indifference. He is in no hurry to open up to strangers, although outwardly he seems to be a sociable and friendly person. Only close people who have lived with Pisces for decades begin to gradually discover all the facets of this complex personality. In the "still pool" of Pisces there is a craving for experiments, dreaminess, bordering on self-deception. When Pisces suddenly takes the place of a leader in a company, although he has always been in the shadows, this comes as a surprise to everyone. Pisces also bring unpleasant surprises: he can live with his beloved for 10 years and endure her antics, and then suddenly leave or start cheating, discouraging relatives and spouse.


May 4, 2023

What kind of girls are suitable for Taurus Men?

Taurus men like feminine, soft and caring girls who need a strong shoulder and completely rely on a partner. They are suitable for women who dream of raising children and creating home comfort. However, such individuals can get along with careerists, but only if they do not neglect the family for the sake of work. Taurus adore a calm, measured life, in which there is a place for celebration and pleasure. In the soul, each representative of this sign is a real sybarite, who is disgusted by fuss and haste. You will get the key to the heart of the Taurus man if you sincerely share all the pleasures that he loves so much - sumptuous meals, long trips, trendy music. They like to surround themselves with beautiful things, comfort and harmony. Help them in this, indulge their weaknesses. Taurus do not like quick changes, so be patient: your relationship may not develop as quickly as you would like it to, but as a result, they will be strong and reliable.


May 4, 2023

What are Taurus Men in a relationship?

Taurus men know how to truly love. They try in every way to show their feelings - arrange romantic dates, present gifts, shower with compliments. At the same time, such personalities are not at all assertive and not aggressive, they will not be imposed if they see that they are indifferent to a girl. Taurus can hardly let go of a loved one. They try to save the relationship to the last, even if the feelings have faded. Taurus men take a long time to come to terms with a breakup.


May 4, 2023

Zodiac Signs and Stress: How They Find Peace of Mind. Sagittarius.

Usually luck accompanies Sagittarius, but black stripes happen in the life of each of us. Sagittarians try to avoid emotional upheavals by hiding them with jokes (which is why there are so many black humor lovers among them), and they are unlikely to tell anyone about problems, maintaining the image of a sort of “shirt-guy”. But when anxiety nevertheless takes possession of Sagittarius's thoughts, he should give a break to his tireless mind and try meditation practices. Yes, at first this active ward of Jupiter will be bored, but in the end, the calmed psyche will thank him.


May 4, 2023