Zinc and selenium deficiency.

Do you know why your diet must include beef, chicken liver, oats, buckwheat, beans, fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, mushrooms, chicken eggs, cottage cheese? These foods are rich in zinc (meats, organ meats, cereals, legumes) and selenium (seafood, dairy products, eggs). This means that they are able to provide your body with a sufficient amount of these minerals and prevent many unpleasant symptoms. Including - with zinc deficiency: - decreased immunity; - colds, allergies, - digestive disorders; - brittle nails and hair loss; - nervousness, irritability, mood swings; - fast fatiguability; - prolonged healing of wounds; - deterioration of vision, including night vision; - distraction, poor coordination; - complications of pregnancy (anomalies in the development of the fetus, - premature birth); - decreased libido and deterioration of sperm quality in men.


May 6, 2023

Scientists have taught parrots to call each other via video link.

The study found that pet parrots who were allowed to make video calls to other birds felt less lonely. They behaved more socially, preening more often, singing and playing.


May 6, 2023

The editor-in-chief of the German magazine Die Aktuelle has lost her position.

This happened after the magazine published a chatbot-generated interview with Michael Schumacher. Back in 2013, the world legend was fatally injured while skiing, his relatives recently stated that he cannot move independently and fully communicate with others. And now in Germany there is a magazine with a photo of an idol on the cover and a caption, "the first interview." And already inside the magazine it is explained that the interview was written by artificial intelligence, as if Schumacher himself answered the journalist's questions. In particular, the magazine cited the idol's "quotes" that his life was "completely changed after the accident, it was a terrible time for the whole family." The rider's family was outraged, they said they were preparing a lawsuit. The owners of the publication quickly issued a statement that the article was tasteless, misleading and should never have appeared. Anna Hoffman, who had headed the magazine since 2009, was put out on the street.


May 6, 2023

A huge blue hole has been found off the coast of Mexico - an underwater vertical cave.

In depth, it is second only to the 300-meter hole found in Sansha Yongle in China. The Yucatán blue hole was named Tam Ha (Taam ja ') - "deep water" in the Mayan language. Its surface area is 13.690 square meters. The cave has very steep 80-degree slopes. Scientists have yet to study the microbes and other organisms that inhabit it, as well as study the geology of the cave. Blue holes appeared during the last ice age. Then the sea was a hundred meters lower than it is now.


May 6, 2023

Vitamin D improves the effectiveness of melanoma treatment.

Scientists came to these conclusions during a study involving 200 people with skin cancer. A positive effect of treatment was observed in 56% of patients with normal levels of vitamin D - it was initially such or it was increased with the help of nutritional supplements. Among people who had a deficiency of the substance, this figure was 36.2%. In addition, patients from the first group lived almost twice as long after the start of therapy. Vitamin D is not a cure for cancer and in itself does not save you from the disease, but it supports the proper functioning of the immune system.


May 6, 2023

Stress really ages.

The biological age of humans and animals increases due to physiological stress and decreases rapidly after long periods of rest. Biologists from Harvard came to such conclusions during experiments with mice. Severe forms of stress increase the likelihood of death, including due to the fact that they dramatically increase the biological age of a person. This suggests that the ability to quickly recover from stress plays an important role in human aging and longevity.


May 6, 2023

A resort town in Italy has imposed fines on tourists who take selfies for too long.

The Portofino resort will fine tourists 275 euros for taking selfies too long. Two picturesque places of the town fell under the restrictions. So in the season they expect to deal with pedestrian traffic jams. About 500 people live in the resort, but in the summer thousands of tourists come there, including celebrities.


May 6, 2023

Wounds heal three times faster under the influence of electricity.

Chronic wounds are a major problem for diabetic patients and the elderly. The researchers sped up their healing process by a factor of three using electrical stimulation. More research is now needed to develop effective products that generate enough electric field strength to suit every individual.


May 6, 2023

In the pool of these signs of the zodiac there are real devils. Scorpio is evil Satan.

Only one representative of the undead lives in the pool of Scorpion, but its destructive power is many times greater than from hordes of devils. Vengefulness and painful pride excites the inner world of Scorpio. This sign is friendly, active, successful, but there is always a feeling that its representatives are passionately obsessed with something, but hide their passion. Scorpio skillfully copes with paranoia, jealousy and other qualities that trouble his life. He can convince himself and those around him that he is a righteous man, but when the inner fire breaks out, to which the devils run, new sides of his soul open up.


May 6, 2023

Character of the Taurus Woman.

Negative qualities. It is difficult to find a compromise with Taurus women, as they are extremely stubborn. These persons will argue with the interlocutor to the last and will never admit they are wrong. They do not like to be corrected or dictated by the rules. Such individuals always make their own decisions. Representatives of this zodiac sign need a lot of time to open up to new people. They take a long time to get used to strangers. Taurus do not like change, as they do not adapt well to new conditions. They want to plan their every move to avoid surprises that scare them. Such women are often selfish. They may appear cold and indifferent because they think of themselves first. These individuals value honesty, but their directness often hurts the feelings of others.


May 6, 2023

Character of the Taurus Woman.

Positive traits. Taurus women are ambitious, reliable and responsible. They always take a firm step towards the goal, no one is able to stop them. These individuals rely on their minds, they know that success requires hard work. Such individuals are only interested in serious and long-term relationships. They make friends for life and cannot leave a partner, even if the feelings in the relationship have faded. These persons are honest, they always tell the truth, including not the most pleasant. Taurus will not lie for their own benefit, because justice is important to them.


May 6, 2023

Character of the Taurus Woman.

Representatives of this zodiac sign love order in everything and do not tolerate surprises. Not everyone can live by their rules. What else is worth knowing about Taurus? These persons avoid noisy parties where there are many strangers. They prefer to spend their free time at home with close people. Some may call such girls boring, while others, on the contrary, will appreciate them for their love of calm and comfort.


May 6, 2023

Zodiac Signs and Stress: How They Find Peace of Mind. Pisces.

Pisces cope with stress on their own through a rich imagination. They calmly go with the flow, pretending that the problem does not exist. On the one hand, this is a useful skill. But the wards of Neptune have a craving to escape from themselves through self-destruction. Therefore, among Pisces there are many alcoholics, drug addicts and other addicts. If the strategy of "escaping from reality" saves them from stress, great, but it's better to escape from reality through fantasy books, science fiction films or unusual music. All these things will benefit the fertile imagination of Pisces.


May 6, 2023

Daily horoscope May 6th.

Capricorn♑️ The day starts off very well. The first half of it will surely please you with good news. And some Capricorns at this time will receive offers that they don’t want to refuse. It is worth listening to intuition: it will tell you how to achieve your goal and avoid difficulties. Small cash flows are likely. Aquarius♒️ A good day to build and discuss plans. Intuition will be especially sharp, thanks to its clues you will understand how events will develop, what others will do. You will assess your capabilities correctly, you will not build illusions, and therefore disappointments will be avoided. Pisces♓️ This day is better for relaxing than for some serious business. Focusing will be more difficult than usual, you risk losing sight of something. Small mistakes, annoying financial losses are possible. They will not have serious consequences, but they can still spoil the mood.


May 6, 2023

Daily horoscope May 6th.

Libra♎️ The day will be hectic, eventful and very fruitful. You will have time to do everything that you planned, and even more. Some difficulties may arise, but you will quickly understand how to deal with them. Pleasant meetings, interesting acquaintances are likely. There will be an opportunity to restore long-standing relationships, make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel Scorpio♏️ It is worth listening to advice if they are given by people who know you well. So you can avoid mistakes and quickly achieve your goal. You can make long-term plans, but it's too early to discuss them with someone: first, think it over yourself properly. Unplanned expenses are possible. Try not to spend too much on things that are easy to do without. Sagittarius♐️ You will achieve a lot if you do not waste time in vain and show perseverance. The day is suitable for taking on some long-term projects; you will not be tempted to quit what you started. You will quickly find allies and helpers. You will be supported even by those from whom you did not expect anything like this.


May 6, 2023

Daily horoscope May 6th.

Cancer♋️ Today you will find answers to questions that puzzled you in the first place. Intuition and observation will help in this, as well as the ability to negotiate with very different people, to receive information from them. Changes for the better are likely in relations that have been tense until recently. Disputes that upset both you and your loved ones will remain in the past. Leo♌️ The day will be especially favorable for communication. You will make a good impression on new acquaintances, and you will understand your loved ones perfectly. In the morning there will be an opportunity to discuss some important issues, to agree on joint actions. Some Leos will make big decisions about the future. Cash receipts, including from unexpected sources, are not ruled out. Virgo♍️ The day will bring unexpected news and amazing events. It is unlikely that it will be possible to stick to the plans drawn up before. It will make you happy rather than upset. Improvisations will be successful, decisions made without much thought will be correct.


May 6, 2023

Daily horoscope May 6th.

Aries♈️ Don't rush into important decisions. Today, it will not be so easy to objectively assess the current situation, you can wishful thinking, overestimate your capabilities. Some Aries will also be more trusting than usual. It is possible that someone will try to take advantage of this. Taurus♉️ A favorable fruitful day awaits you. It is suitable for already familiar cases, and for completely new ones. You will quickly understand what is really important and needs attention right now, and you will not waste time on trifles. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources, profitable deals. Gemini♊️ Not everything will be easy, but you will still succeed in many things. The usual methods are unlikely to be effective, so get ready to improvise and come up with something new. Old acquaintances will certainly offer help, and it will be very helpful.


May 6, 2023

Cranberry juice helped women fight cystitis.

The use of cranberries and juice from it reduces the risk of recurrence of infectious diseases of the urinary tract (UTI) in women by 25-30%. In children - more than half, and in patients predisposed to UTI after medical intervention - by 53%. These conclusions were reached by the experts of Cochrane, a non-profit organization that compiles reviews based on evidence-based medicine. They are considered authoritative in the professional community.


May 6, 2023

Scientists have found stem cells that protect against gray hair.

Researchers have found that melanocyte stem cells have the unique ability to move between growth zones in hair follicles. Understanding this process can help prevent graying of hair.


May 6, 2023

Smartphone replacement.

Humane from former Apple employees introduced a gadget that is designed to replace smartphones. The device is mounted on the chest, projects a display on the palm, and is controlled by voice and gestures. The device can answer calls, as well as translate and extract from what the interlocutor said using neural networks. The built-in camera can recognize objects and provide information about them. The price and date of the start of sales are not yet known.


May 6, 2023