Alcohol abuse makes a person more sensitive to pain.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that when alcohol is abused, a person becomes more sensitive to pain due to damage to the nervous system. Moreover, the pain is caused by two different molecular mechanisms: one is associated with the intake of alcohol, the other - with its withdrawal. And both paths lead through pain.


May 7, 2023

A new species of super-poisonous jellyfish has been found in China.

They swim in a pond in Hong Kong's Mai Po Nature Reserve. A creature with 24 eyes is tiny - the body length is only 2.5 centimeters, the tentacles are about ten. But it releases a toxin that can cause paralysis and death within minutes of being bitten.


May 7, 2023

ChatGPT named the 10 most promising professions.

Professions are quite unusual: • Artificial intelligence specialist • Developer of quantum computers • Genetic engineer • Cyber security expert • Alternative Energy Specialist • Robotics Specialist • Space engineer • Autonomous vehicle specialist • Biotechnologist • Data Science and big data analytics


May 7, 2023

"Smart" scales.

French electronics brand Withings has released a "smart" scale that can hide weight and show the weather or motivational messages instead. A special Eyes Closed regime is supposed to help people suffering from eating disorders, who can become depressed at the slightest change in weight. Or, on the contrary, those who often weigh themselves, but do not want to be disappointed due to the lack of progress. In this case, the scales will remember the user's weight and, if desired, show it in a special application.


May 7, 2023

In the pool of these signs of the zodiac there are real devils. Libra is an air pool.

The sky, like the expanse of water, is boundless and fraught with many secrets. Libra can compete in stealth even with Water signs. They create their own "quiet pool" for themselves, protecting their inner world from interference. Young Libra is an open, clean book, but the more life experience becomes, the more representatives of this sign are closed from people. Devils in their pool, like cockroaches in their heads, must be kept strictly, otherwise they can seriously ruin relationships with loved ones. But at the same time, you should allow yourself to be honest next to your loved ones: they will appreciate creative impulses, passionate experiments and other pleasant bonuses of the “still pool”.


May 7, 2023

What kind of men are like Taurus Women?

Taurus women easily find a common language with Virgo, Leo and Capricorn men, but they have little chance of starting a family with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Such individuals are looking for a stable and reliable relationship. Most of them want to get married and have children, so these girls need a responsible man with serious intentions. A Taurus woman will feel great next to a generous and seductive man. This sign is ruled by Venus, so gifts, compliments, pleasure, the beauty of a partner is what will strengthen the union.


May 7, 2023

What are Taurus Women in a relationship.

These persons are very careful when it comes to love. They look at a person for a long time and analyze his every act before agreeing to a relationship. Usually romance grows out of friendship. Taurus women clearly know what they want. When they find a person who can make them happy, they stop holding back their emotions and become romantic and sensitive. These persons will begin to try with all their might to please the companion, but in return they will also expect actions on his part.


May 7, 2023

The zodiac four, which endures the off-season worse than others. Aries.

The mood jumps, the sores worsen, everything is bad, bad, bad. Someone copes with the blues with the help of sports, someone leans on fun drinks, and someone crawls under the covers and hibernates. But there are signs that are difficult to adapt, and they turn into squeezed lemons. Under what constellations were these unfortunate creatures born? Aries. Be patient, things will get better soon! friends exclaim and jump around Aries, trying to stir them up. Why are you attached, how can you enjoy life in such weather? How can you smile when the body requires one thing - to fall asleep, so as not to experience suffering? Mars pets become lethargic and lethargic and behave like grumbling old men and grumpy old women.


May 7, 2023

Daily horoscope May 7th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will go very well if you start it with important things. Thanks to the support of the stars, it will be possible to cope with what has not been possible for a long time, to solve a difficult task. There will be a chance to learn something useful, to get valuable information before others. Capricorns, who have recently doubted that they have chosen the right path, will open up new perspectives. Aquarius♒️ Difficult tasks will not frighten you, difficulties will not force you to abandon your plans, ill-wishers will not be able to harm you. You can achieve success in almost everything if you persevere and rely on your own strength, and not on a fortunate combination of circumstances. Pisces♓️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself. Today, even the usual things can require more time and effort than usual, and an unfortunate set of circumstances can confuse all plans. But you will cope with the problems that arise and achieve success if you focus on what depends on you.


May 7, 2023

Daily horoscope May 7th.

Libra♎️ There will be more worries at home than usual. It is possible that the solution of minor household problems will require unplanned expenses. However, we are hardly talking about serious amounts. And unexpected visits are also possible, which will please you, but will force you to change plans. Scorpio♏️ Not everything will turn out the way you expected. But you can't call it a bad day. The influence of positive trends will still prevail, in many cases you will succeed. Probably a successful solution to issues that have recently been a lot of unrest. It is possible that new acquaintances will help here. Soon you will become friends with them. Sagittarius♐️ Try to avoid arguments in the morning. It is better to postpone the discussion of any important issues, because it will be more difficult to agree with others than usual. Even old acquaintances you will not always understand correctly. If circumstances allow you to take a short break and just relax, you should do just that: you will immediately feel better.


May 7, 2023

Daily horoscope May 7th.

Cancer♋️ There will be new ideas, bold plans, the implementation of which you do not want to delay. There will be people nearby who are ready to give good advice and come to the rescue if difficulties arise. You can easily agree on joint actions, there will be no reasons for disagreements and disputes. Leo♌️ The start of the day will delight and inspire. Good news is likely, news that will push you to interesting thoughts and affect your plans. You can immediately begin to implement the plan. Circumstances will turn out well, you will quickly achieve the first successes, and it does not matter if someone will help you. Virgo♍️ The day starts off pretty hectic. There may be some unpleasant incidents, unexpected news that will interfere with the implementation of your plans. But don't worry. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you what needs to be done to change the situation for the better.


May 7, 2023

Daily horoscope May 7th.

Aries♈️ People around you can interfere in your affairs more often than usual, creating a lot of trouble. But no one will stop you from achieving your goals. You will have time even more than planned, because in the morning you will not be distracted by trifles. Taurus♉️ If you have big plans for the day, be prepared to be persistent. Not everything will turn out right away as we would like, most likely, several attempts will need to be made. You can turn to old friends for support, they will not let you down. But the most important questions you still have to decide on your own. Gemini♊️ Be careful at the beginning of the day, do not rush to take on serious matters. There is a high probability of minor misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences, incidents that will prevent you from making the right decisions. Over time, the influence of positive trends will increase.


May 7, 2023

I'm going to give you a piece of advice

Sound advice is sometimes worth its weight in gold. But this can violate personal boundaries and even take the form of psychological violence. So even if you really want to give advice, refrain. Give advice only when you are asked for it. And try not to be arrogant or opinionated in order not to oppress her/him. If you still can't help giving you advice, say something like: "I had a similar experience recently and I'd be happy to share my experience if you don't mind." Let your opponent choose to listen to you or not.


May 6, 2023

Human Needs

It is a type of functional or psychological need, or lack of some thing, person or social group. In simple terms, something we need for a happy life. As a rule, there are 7 types of needs: Physiological needs - these include regular food intake, that is essential conditions for survival. The need for safety - to be secure and healthy. The need for belonging (social) - to feel important. The need for respect - to feel loved, needed, respected. The need to create - to create and learn new things. Aesthetic needs - beauty and harmony. Spiritual needs - self-expression, development. All of these factors impact our psychological state.


May 6, 2023

Three sure signs that you have found true love

1. You're not ashamed of looking silly to each other. No matter what: your hair disheveled after a nap, bags under your eyes, and a pillow print on your cheek, you're not afraid to be rejected for not conforming to the perfect image. Because there is no perfect image - there is you, a real living person, who, by definition, cannot look one hundred percent good all day and night. 2. You are honest with each other, even if it threatens to quarrel. Sometimes you're not happy with something, you steel yourselves to talk about it and work together to find the right solution to the problem. This process can be painful and uncomfortable, but that's completely okay - it's better to deal with mutual complaints as soon as possible. 3. You are not afraid of each other's successes. Your partner is not a crutch for your self-esteem who is only supposed to keep you confident in your personal awesomeness.


May 6, 2023

Breathing technique to increase energy

This is a powerful exercise that helps reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) that destroys our youth and health so often. Method: ▫️ Sit in a comfortable position keeping your back straight. ▫️ With the thumb of your right hand, clasp your right nostril and take a deep breath through your left nostril. ▫️ At the peak of the inhalation, close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. ▫️Try to fill and empty your lungs to the limit. Perform this exercise for five times, then switch nostrils. That is, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left one. After that, make five inhalations and exhalations through both nostrils. Don't rush or strain, just relax and breathe.


May 6, 2023

If there is a strong desire, suddenly everything around you closes in such a way as to let it be fulfilled.

Unexpected partings come, people go out of your life that interfere with its execution, and also unexpectedly, as the first ones go, new ones appear, which are pοmοgyt, come yat those that should teach you to see dοpοgy to the desired. This is necessary to know. To etοmy nadο to be gοtοvym. This is the point of Rοsta. You need strength, without which you can’t go this way, but strength gives pain and hardship. A pοka can be bοlnο and οbidnο ... Pοka misunderstanding why these painful hardships are needed Nο after all, you want to fulfill the wishes of οgο? Tοgο, why didn’t you come before, tοgο, why should you pοd and this will take the old out of your life, which didn’t let Nοvοmy come... After the Night comes the Day.


May 6, 2023

The 5 most important life rules that you need to learn.

1. For the sake of love, it is worth taking risks. 2. The most important thing in any endeavor is perseverance and patience. 3. Your happiness depends only on you. 4. Friendships must be protected. 5. You need to learn to forgive not only others, but also yourself.


May 6, 2023

It is a pity that many people lack the intelligence to take care of themselves, of the dynamics of their souls.

Everything degrades at the speed of light. They need someone to judge in order to satisfy themselves. Their main goal is to look for the vices and shortcomings of others. People do this because they need comfort, they want to believe that others are worse in some way. They go to great lengths to establish themselves in this low society, to become the same as everyone else. I see the obvious hypocrisy of people. It is better to be yourself always, everywhere and with everyone, than to be the last person behind the back of close people, and to be a "star" for the public. A rose even in the basement will be a rose, but even if you send a dirty man to Eden, he will still be the same.


May 6, 2023

Zinc and selenium deficiency.

With selenium deficiency: - hair loss; - dystrophic changes in nails; - pain in the heart, muscle pain; - violation of the liver; - frequent urination (in men); - male infertility. In some cases, a deficiency of zinc and selenium in the body can be caused by any diseases, the inability of the body to absorb them. But in most cases, the "culprit" is an unbalanced or depleted diet. However, before you go to the pharmacy for the treasured mineral complex, it is worth finding out whether the unpleasant symptoms are really caused by the wrong type of diet, or a more serious problem lies behind the lack of zinc and selenium.


May 6, 2023