The zodiac four, which endures the off-season worse than others. Gemini.

Energetic Gemini in the offseason become like robots. They suffer from insomnia, and their well-being worsens even with an imperceptible change in the weather. The craving for adventure disappears, and Mercury's pets turn into recluses. The air guys lose their wings and move around like zombies. Dreaming of finding (and eating) someone weaker (like Aries) so as not to feel worthless.


May 8, 2023

Daily horoscope May 8th.

Capricorn♑️ Solve all emerging problems immediately, without putting them off indefinitely. Promises are also best kept, otherwise you will get into an unpleasant situation. In personal relationships, you should not be too straightforward: your excessive frankness can offend a loved one. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for sports and outdoor activities. If possible, arrange a family picnic in nature, play outdoors with children. It is better not to argue or quarrel with those close to Aquarius. Unintentionally spoken words can turn into a major scandal. In the evening, try to relax emotionally. Pisces♓️ Plan your day so that you meet and socialize more. The more you talk to strangers, the more likely you are to get a good offer. Pisces need to remain optimistic and use difficult circumstances to their advantage.


May 8, 2023

Daily horoscope May 8th.

Libra♎️ Think about what you want to receive and what resources you have for this. If you can afford a new difficult case, then feel free to start working on it. The emotional background is increased, so control your emotions and do not create conflict situations with others. Scorpio♏️ The diplomacy and friendly attitude of Scorpios on May 8 will help them easily get out of difficult situations. You can take on the role of a peacemaker and try to resolve not only your own problems, but also the conflicts of others. Sagittarius♐️ Time spent in the family circle or with your loved one will restore your peace of mind and charge you with positive emotions. Do not worry about the little things, just look at what is happening around. If there are urgent matters, then it is better to deal with them now, while there is time for this.


May 8, 2023

Daily horoscope May 8th.

Cancer♋️ Communication today will not bring satisfaction to Cancers: others may be negatively disposed or there will be mutual misunderstanding. It is useful to do introspection, think about mistakes and outline development paths for the near future. Leo♌️ Think about what things give you confidence in your abilities, and engage in their development. Those around you will need your attention and advice: do not miss the opportunity to strengthen your authority in the team. Virgo♍️ Typical Virgos on May 8 will be energetic and active. Choose the most difficult or unpleasant things for today and try to move forward in solving them. To be in time as much as possible, do not be distracted by chatter and gossip.


May 8, 2023

Daily horoscope May 8th.

Aries♈️ Good day for work and communication. Remember to take breaks and rest to avoid overexertion. Among your colleagues, you may encounter misunderstanding or even disapproval of your ideas. Taurus♉️ Cases will be resolved faster and more efficiently if you choose an individual way of working today. People around you will distract you with conversations, and you will not have time to finish all the planned tasks. Gemini♊️ This day is suitable for active recreation and fun. Time spent in the company of friends will be pleasant and will bring many joyful moments. Do not start new things: your enthusiasm is unlikely to be enough to bring them to the end.


May 8, 2023

If the events of the past hurt, create new life around you.

New music that is not associated with anyone. New places and new roads that do not remind of anyone. New make-up, which no one criticized, and which delighted no one. A new way of thinking that hasn't led anywhere yet. New hobbies that no one shared with you. The new you who knows no pain!


May 8, 2023

Be together.

We do not understand that being together means growing together, rising, and not burrowing in a blanket of social pressing problems. Being together is not prohibitions, walls, frames, misunderstanding and sex two, three times a week under a blanket without light. Together - this is inspiration, the desire to become better, the embodiment of this desire into reality, this is a passion that rolls up to the throat and spreads through the body with heat. Together - this is soul to soul, goosebumps from touch, native voices, care, understanding from a half-word. Together - this is when you are not bored for a second together and sick at a distance, and everything else is a sick affection, habit and advice from society that needs to be sent away.


May 8, 2023


We all know from our own experience that like tends to like. When our thoughts are clear and our hearts are calm, we are more often lucky, and even the difficulties encountered along the way are resolved more easily. Moreover: happy people stay healthy, young, beautiful longer. But there are times when it seems that it is impossible to achieve harmony in the inner world - after all, the surrounding space regularly throws up reasons for stress, anxiety and other intense negative emotions. Special meditations will come to the rescue to cleanse the negativity, which are described by the Australian singer in the World Music genre, the author and host of self-development trainings for women - Peruquois.


May 8, 2023

Unclear motivation

If you want to do yoga, then first you need to decide what yoga is for you: just stretching or spiritual practice. If the first, then your road is to a fitness club. There you will get physical training, coupled with stretching to pleasant music. But if yoga for you is a process of knowing yourself and the world, then it is better to go to specialized studios. They are easily recognizable by the aromas of incense and the images of the god Ganesha at the entrance.


May 8, 2023

Clock exercise.

It is often used in Pilates and will help you relax your ligaments and muscles. Stretch on your back, put your hands along the body, bend your knees. Feel the weight of your feet, hands, sacrum, and lower ribs. Do not tense your neck and shoulders. For simplicity, imagine that the sacrum is in the middle of the clock face. Inhale and slowly, without leaving the floor, roll the pelvis to the six. Exhale and also smoothly move your hips to the number 12. If the back of your head slides along the floor, do not try to control and stop the movement. All muscles and ligaments should be as relaxed as possible.


May 8, 2023

If you want to be happy, stop controlling EVERYTHING.

No, I'm not calling you for chaos. Just stop demanding anything from your loved ones and persuading them that things should be the way you want them to be. You've been asking your husband to fix a leaking faucet for three months, but it led to nothing - so you get annoyed. Or, for example, you ask your son to turn off the computer, but he doesn't quit the game all day long - you panic. The key is that as long as you push someone, nothing will change. In the first case it is important to focus attention on yourself, in the second - on the relationship with the child, but in a different scenario. Stop CONTROLLING everything. It takes up a ton of resources and your nerves if something goes wrong. Trust the universe, your family, your kids. Let them learn how to live their own life and try to do the same to make yourself feel needed by other means.


May 8, 2023

Unreliable partner

The unreliable partners shift responsibility for their lives to others. So the OTHER has to take care of them, meet their needs, think of them, and share some resources. Even better if he or she gives ALL the personal resources. The unreliable people tend to blame others, make claims, accuse, insult and force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests, demand, as well as appeal to the other's sense of duty, covering up their own plans that way. Such a person will never discuss his or her goals, since to achieve something, one should give something away. And the unreliable partner is not going to lose anything he or she owns. That's why manipulating others is hidden by the words "you have to", "everyone lives this way", "it's hard for everyone", "you shall".


May 8, 2023

Hit, run, freeze!

Actually, these are the default settings of our psyche when reacting to stress. Our brain can be divided into three basic units: the reptilian brain, the emotional limbic brain, and the neocortex. The reptile brain is composed of the brainstem that develops in utero and manages the life support functions. It's responsible for our "freeze" response. This is when fear makes our legs go weak. The emotional limbic brain is the mammalian brain that develops in the first 5-6 years after birth. It is responsible, in particular, for the "hit and run" reaction. In general, it includes any active reaction to danger. The prefrontal cortex (frontal lobes) is responsible for planning and predicting, perceiving the time and context and controlling things. So during a crisis that is perceived as dangerous, this important part of the brain shuts down. And the body switches to the "hit and run" or "freeze" mode. Does this behavior sound familiar to you?


May 7, 2023

Nо time

How often do you say these words? Many important things, however, take very little time. Here's a list of things you can and shall do in 5 minutes! ▫️ Read a couple book pages. ▫️ Do 50-100 squats. ▫️ Pay attention to your pet. ▫️ Clean up your desk/room. ▫️ Take vitamins. ▫️ Massage your face. ▫️ Meditate in silence. ▫️ Turn the music on and dance. ▫️ Serve breakfast/lunch/dinner ▫️ Make a to-do list ▫️ Exercise/stretch ▫️ And also practice daily 5-minute drawing.


May 7, 2023

The balloon telescope took its first photo of space.

The story of SuperBIT is like a joke that came true. NASA decided to reduce the cost of launching space telescopes by mounting them on balloons. To do this, built a huge ball the size of a football field. And it really works - the telescope successfully took the first photo. This is the Tarantula Nebula, and not much worse than the more expensive Hubble Space Telescope.


May 7, 2023

Global warming could release toxic substances from the permafrost.

The permafrost stores pollutants from the petrochemical industry - gasoline, diesel, as well as lead, mercury and arsenic. There you can also find radioactive waste from nuclear tests. This is not an exhaustive list, because many data about the infrastructure in permafrost regions are classified or inaccessible to scientists. According to rough estimates, 13-20 thousand points can be noted on the map of the Arctic, where military-industrial waste is buried. They were not disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, because it was believed that in the permafrost, garbage would be safely stored for centuries.


May 7, 2023

Japanese scientists cured mice of influenza with the help of alcohol.

They infected mice with influenza, and then forced the rodents to breathe alcohol vapors. The virus stopped reproducing after 10 minutes. For its successful inactivation, vapors with an ethanol concentration of 20% were needed. It is not dangerous for the cells of the body. Scientists believe that ethanol inhalations can become a universal and affordable treatment for respiratory diseases, as they should fight any viruses in a protein shell. Including the covid-causing SARS-CoV-2.


May 7, 2023

Astronomers have recorded unusual bursts of radiation in space.

The extraordinarily bright flashes of light are so powerful that radio telescopes can detect them over four billion light-years away. Perhaps they come from black holes or neutron stars. The researchers reanalyzed all previously known repetitive bursts of energy. They hope this will help lead to a definitive answer to where they come from.


May 7, 2023

Mattel has introduced a Barbie doll with Down syndrome.

So the company wants to give children with special needs a toy they can identify with. The doll has entered the inclusive line of Fashionistas, which already has dolls with prostheses, hearing aids, vitiligo and moving in a wheelchair.


May 7, 2023

The right to drink at work.

In Spain, an electrician defended his right to drink at work through the courts - it turned out that this did not prevent him from fulfilling his duties. The man worked for the company for 27 years and drank from a can to several liters of beer every day, sometimes "distracted" by wine and brandy. Once the management could not stand it and the hero of the news was fired for constant alcoholism. True, the court found the reason for dismissal unreasonable, since it did not violate labor laws and did not interfere with his work in any way. Now the electrician will be reinstated, and the company owes him 47,000 euros in compensation.


May 7, 2023