One and a half thousand things Freddie Mercury will sell at auction in London.

In London, Mary Austin, a friend of Freddie Mercury, will auction 1,500 personal belongings of the musician at Sotheby's. One of the most interesting lots is a crown made in the image of the headdress of British monarchs and a red velvet mantle with faux fur and rhinestones. In this costume, Mercury performed the song God Save the Queen at his last live performance at Knebworth in 1986. Other valuable items include a manuscript with lyrics to We are the Champions, a small Tiffany silver mustache comb, and a 1975 Mercury Martin D-35 acoustic guitar in its original case. In addition, paintings and artifacts that Freddie Mercury bought during his travels will be put up for auction.


May 9, 2023

The Hunger Games are back.

The trailer for the prequel to the saga has been released, subtitled The Ballad of Snakes and Songbirds (based on the 2020 book). The plot will unfold 60 years before the main series and will tell about the early life of President Coriolanus Snow of Panem and the birth of the Hunger Games. The film itself comes out in November.


May 9, 2023

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in clouds.

Canadian and French scientists have taken samples from the clouds at the top of the 1,465-meter Puy de Dome and found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in them at a concentration in which they are also present on the Earth's surface. The clouds contained between 330 and 30,000 bacteria per milliliter of water, with an average of about 8,000. And they found 20,800 copies of resistance genes. Now scientists want to limit the spread of bacterial resistance genes. To do this, they will have to figure out exactly how and where the microorganisms get into the clouds.


May 9, 2023

Music lessons keep the brain young.

A new study has found that learning music provides additional brain benefits by preserving neural patterns in older people. This allows them to better understand speech. The results of the study can also be used in future therapy.


May 9, 2023

Telegram bot Zigmund.GPT

The psychologists of the Zigmund.Online service, together with the developers, created the Zigmund.GPT telegram bot based on artificial intelligence, which can be contacted for 24/7 support. To start a dialogue, it is enough to describe to the bot the situation that worries the user, and wait one or two minutes. You can formulate a request in the usual language, as in a conversation with a live interlocutor. In response, the chatbot will comment on the situation and offer useful self-help tools.


May 9, 2023

Xiaomi has released the smartest mop in the world.

Mijia Floor Scrubber will give advice on how to clean better. In addition, she herself sterilizes the water, determines the level of surface contamination and will indicate to you with a voice “wipe here again.” The brush is motorized and rotates, and one charge is enough to clean an area of 30 square meters. The cost starts from 2990 yuan.


May 9, 2023

Totem animals.

The word "totem" was introduced into English in 1791 by a British merchant and translator, who gave it a false meaning, believing that it denotes a spiritual guardian of a person who appears in the form of an animal. In the late 18th century, the Ojibwe named their clans after those animals that inhabit the area where they live and appear either friendly or intimidating. The first accurate account of totemism in North America was produced by Methodist church missionary Peter Jones of the Ojibwe tribe. He wrote that the Great Spirit gave the Ojibwe clans tudaims (totems) and that it should never be forgotten that the members of the group are related to each other and for this reason cannot marry among themselves.


May 9, 2023

Totem animals.

Totem animals play a big role in our lives, they capture the imagination and provide incredible opportunities for self-awareness and self-expression. Totemism is a belief system in which people have an affinity or mystical relationship with a spiritual being such as an animal or plant. It is believed that the entity (totem) interacts with a certain kindred group or individual and serves as an emblem or symbol. The term "totem" comes from the Ojibwe word "ototeman", which translates as "relative of a brother or sister." The root "ote" means blood relationship between brothers and sisters who have the same mother.


May 9, 2023

The zodiac four, which endures the off-season worse than others. Cancer.

If Cancers can't stand changing moon phases... what can we say about the off-season. During the period when spring turns into summer, all existing (and fictional) diseases stick to them. And on the days when winter turns into spring, Cancers fall from fatigue. Smart aquatic creatures aren't looking for a cure for depression—they're just waiting for the off-season to end (and lashing out in between).


May 9, 2023

Daily horoscope May 9th.

Capricorn♑️ Try not to worry about trifles. The emotional background today will be especially tense, you can worry and worry about what you simply would not pay attention to at another time. In the first half of the day, relatives will hardly be able to understand and support you, but later communication with them will certainly help you tune in a positive way. Aquarius♒️ Feel free to take on important and difficult tasks. Today you will do a lot of things very well. Intuition will be especially sharp, thanks to it you will find answers to questions that have baffled many. It is possible that you will receive some useful information before others and immediately understand how to use it. Pisces♓️ It will be easy for you to find a common language with very different people. If you behave correctly, you will make a good impression on those who are usually critical. Relationships that were previously formal will become more relaxed.


May 9, 2023

Daily horoscope May 9th.

Libra♎️ The beginning of the day can hardly do without minor misunderstandings, some unfortunate incidents. But you should not be especially worried about them: soon the situation will change for the better. It is better not to rush into decisions, to postpone important meetings and conversations for a while. Scorpio♏️ Take your time. Today you are unlikely to be able to quickly cope with all matters, instantly solve complex issues. The influence of positive trends will be quite strong, but in order to achieve the goals set, purposefulness and perseverance will be required. Sagittarius♐️ A pleasant day awaits you. Intuition will tell you what things to devote to it. You will be doing something really interesting, and it will please. In addition, you will be able to learn a lot, gain knowledge that will soon come in handy. And some Sagittarians are also waiting for unusual meetings. The beginning of a friendship or romantic relationship is very likely.


May 9, 2023

Daily horoscope May 9th.

Cancer♋️ Communication today will not bring satisfaction to Cancers: others may be negatively disposed or there will be mutual misunderstanding. It is useful to do introspection, think about mistakes and outline development paths for the near future. Leo♌️ The day will be quite tiring, but still auspicious. It is possible that old acquaintances and friends who are especially dear to you will unexpectedly drop in on a visit. Lions who decide to visit relatives will have a good time. If you focus on solving family problems, you will surely get through them quickly. Virgo♍️ Do you have big plans for this day? Then their implementation is better not to postpone. The morning will be favorable for solving many issues. At this time, you should especially carefully listen to your intuition: it will tell you how best to act. Successful purchases are likely, some Virgos will receive gifts.


May 9, 2023

Daily horoscope May 9th.

Aries♈️ The day will be favorable for communication. If you need help and support, you will certainly get it. In the morning, not everything can turn out the way we would like. But it's not worth worrying too much about it. Soon the situation will change for the better, and you will see new opportunities. Taurus♉️ The morning will hardly pass quietly. There will be more cases at this time than usual, and you will have to rush to cope with everything on time. You don't have to deal with everything on your own. For help, you can turn to old and new acquaintances, they will not refuse. Gemini♊️ There will be more worries than usual. It is possible that someone close to you will need your help, and you will not want to refuse requests. Some Gemini will need to change plans to travel or focus on things that previously seemed unimportant and urgent.


May 9, 2023

How to diversify the usual sex?

Travel through the body. Everyone knows about the main "points" that bring pleasure to the fair sex. Of course, we are talking about the clitoris, nipples and lips. Their stimulation is ideal for quick and vibrant sex, but if you want to prolong intercourse and get new sensations, you should look for other, no less interesting and responsive places.


May 8, 2023

How to diversify the usual sex?

Take off your panties differently or don't take them off at all. Underwear can both excite and hinder, introduce an element of stiffness. You need to interact with him competently and according to the situation, focusing on the mood and circumstances. Sometimes getting rid of panties becomes part of the foreplay, unusually beaten up: with the help of a consistent massage, confectionery cream, or even break in a fit of passion with your hands, a strip of thong comes off with your teeth, etc.


May 8, 2023

How to diversify the usual sex?

Experiment with the missionary position. You probably know what it looks like, but you could not even imagine how many variations it has - more than forty! You can change it every day. Nothing complicated, just see what the difference is. In most cases, it lies in the position of the woman's legs. Closer contact and deep penetration are achieved by weaving behind the back of the partner.


May 8, 2023

How to diversify the usual sex?

Watch out for your wrists! Many poets dedicated poems to the thin female wrist, they admired them, they selflessly touched their lips. What changed? This part of the body is still sensitive. You can gently stroke her on a romantic date, join her fingers at dinner, enthusiastically licking a delicious cream.


May 8, 2023

What is the priority for Taurus Women: family or career?

If a Taurus woman feels financially stable and confident in her partner, then her family will be her priority. If the material condition is unstable, then she will do everything in her power to fix it, which means that she will temporarily put her career in the first place. Representatives of this sign are very hard to endure the lack of comfort and stability. But they are purposeful and productive, so they can take care of themselves on their own.


May 8, 2023

Why do Taurus women break up with men?

The Taurus woman is painfully experiencing a breakup and doubts the decision made for a very long time. She is looking for a compromise to the last, as she is used to preserving and increasing, and not destroying and breaking. But if a partner shows greed, laziness and, worst of all, gives rise to jealousy, then the Taurus woman will sooner or later refuse to endure this. For representatives of this zodiac sign, the appearance of the partner and his lifestyle are also very important. If a man began to abuse alcohol, stopped taking care of himself, allows himself to go dirty and untidy, then the Taurus woman will begin to doubt the expediency of this relationship, but first she will try to correct her lover and return him to a healthy lifestyle.


May 8, 2023

Are Taurus Women Cheating?

If a Taurus woman is in love, then she will never look in the direction of another man. But long-term relationship problems can push her to seek tenderness and love on the side, so it is very important not to accumulate problems, but to solve them on the spot. Also important is the sex life. If there is no pleasure, then problems grow like a snowball.


May 8, 2023