Daily horoscope May 17th.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day can be difficult for the most impressionable representatives of the sign. It will be difficult for such Capricorns to remain calm. They can worry about little things that they simply would not pay attention to at other times. However, there will be people nearby who are ready to help and support. Feel free to contact them. Aquarius♒️ Successful trips and successful negotiations are likely. Circumstances will turn out well, but in order to win really important victories, efforts will be required. Do not miss the chance to achieve what you have been striving for a long time. Your efforts will not be in vain. Pisces♓️ The start of the day can be quite stressful. It is possible that someone will try to unbalance you. Try not to succumb to provocations and make your own decisions, and not those that someone will try to impose on you. The influence of positive trends will soon increase, you will feel much calmer and more confident.


May 17, 2023

Daily horoscope May 17th.

Libra♎️ The most important and difficult questions you will need to solve on your own today. Hardly anyone will come to your aid or give you good advice. But you yourself will do a great job: you have enough experience and knowledge for this. Successful coincidences are likely, thanks to them you will achieve noticeable progress in business. Scorpio♏️ In the morning you will receive inspiring news, your mood will immediately improve. You will feel ready to take on something important and challenging. It will be possible to achieve the first successes quickly. There will be many people nearby ready to help you. Intuition will help you choose allies you can rely on. Sagittarius♐️ You have to be careful at the beginning of the day. Not everything will turn out the way we would like, and not all of your plans will be able to be realized. But if you do not give up on what you have planned, you will surely find a way to succeed. Try not to take risks and not rush into decisions.


May 17, 2023

Daily horoscope May 17th.

Cancer♋️ Whatever the circumstances, try to remain calm. This day may bring unexpected events or news that will require you to change your plans. Try to take it easy and not worry: the influence of positive trends will still be strong enough, so you will surely succeed. Leo♌️ You should not count on easy successes and quick achievement of goals, because today you have to solve difficult tasks. Most likely, you will need to act independently; even proven allies can hardly help you. You will have to work hard, but you will adequately cope with all the tests. This will not go unnoticed. People who used to doubt you will realize how wrong they were. Virgo♍️ There will be a lot to do today, but there is no need to rush. Intuition will tell you what to tackle first and what can be postponed for a while. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. People who previously did not want to support you will change their minds and offer their help. She will come in very handy.


May 17, 2023

Daily horoscope May 17th.

Aries♈️ Get in a positive mood. The start of the day is unlikely to be without worries and excitement, but the situation will generally be good, and you will achieve excellent results if you do not give up too early. You can go back to old ideas. In their implementation, people with whom you met quite recently will willingly help. Taurus♉️ The day is suitable for solving financial issues. Here you can rely on intuition: its tips will help you manage your money properly and make profitable deals. Probably a good buy. The impact of positive trends in work will also be noticeable. There will be no difficulties that you could not overcome. Gemini♊️ Important meetings will go well, you will make a good impression even on people who are usually critical and notice only other people's shortcomings. Good news regarding work is likely. Enticing professional prospects may open up before you. It is important not to get confused and start acting as early as possible.


May 17, 2023

Diary therapy

Nothing new, everything is as old as the WORLD. By the way, the practice of keeping diaries dates back to ancient Japan in the 10th century, when the ladies of the court kept records of their life and love in "sleep books". So how does a diary work? It's a great, if not the best, tool for REFLECTION - getting to know yourself, your feelings and emotions. It's the best way to safely EXPRESS yourself - the case when pen and paper are your best friends. Paper will accept everything: your anger, your sorrow, your love and your craziest ideas. But it is worth keeping a diary consciously, so that it is not just a remedy for your stress or anxiety, but so that it can help you understand and realize yourself more deeply.


May 17, 2023

Love triangle - where is the way out?

A love triangle is a situation where one of the spouses or intimate partners has a relationship with someone else... that is, a romantic relationship involving three people. Where is the way out? Be aware of your role in this relationship. What's your role? Are you a hostage to the situation or its cause? Analyze what you are getting out of this relationship? What are they giving you? Consider your options for getting out of the triangle. Whatever corner of the triangle you are in, take care of yourself, restore your emotional balance, and only then make decisions. Do rely on yourself. MATURE men and women never be caught in love triangles - they are not interested in them and do not need them. A love triangle is essentially a triad - mom-dad-child. And these roles in a triangle flow and change from one to the other. Generally, people who find themselves in such a triangle, have not solved the child-parent conflict with their parents in childhood and are still immature.


May 17, 2023

Emotional burnout — where does it come from and how to get rid of it?

It has been said about it so much, however, I have personally experienced this state and thus know how difficult it is to overcome this problem. Basically, it happens when you give a lot and receive little, or you receive it much later. Therefore, the body accumulates tension. And if that tension lasts long enough, then the phase of emotional exhaustion sets in. If you find yourself in this state for a long period, you need to look for a way out. It may be very hard to identify the causes and resolve problems without a psychologist, but you can start it on your own though: 1. Recognize the problem. 2. Determine your state of mind by taking the Boyko or Maslach Burnout Inventory. 3. Listen to your body. 4. RELAX. Create your sleep and work schedule. 5. Delegate responsibilities at work and at home. And most importantly - love yourself and don't wear yourself out, life is one!


May 17, 2023

Masculine and Feminine Styles of Handling Conflict

Have you noticed? If we girls quarrel, it's SERIOUSLY and FOR THE LONG HAUL. After that, it is very difficult for us to establish relations with each other, as a rule, the fallout from a serious quarrel remains forever. In MEN'S RELATIONSHIP the opposite is true. Men can also argue very seriously, they tend to figure things out more aggressively, shout louder, and may even fight. However, when the issue is over, they easily return to their previous relationship. Psychologists explain it the following way: girls usually play conflict-free games in their childhood, so they learn to appreciate harmony and friendship. Boys, playing more dynamic and aggressive games, get into conflict situations more often and quickly resolve them to get back to the game as soon as possible.


May 16, 2023

Getting rid of negativity

If you keep coming back to an unpleasant event over and over again, it's worth finding an activity you can "throw yourself into". The most effective way to stop getting worked up is to exercise. Personally, any kind of routine helps me a lot. I turn on my favorite music and immerse myself in work completely. For example: cleaning the house, jogging in the park or walking the dog. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which push away negative emotions and causes fatigue that can distract you from bad experiences.


May 16, 2023

Why grow up?

GETTING OLDER, we learn assessing the situation with a cool head and finding ways to solve it. Without counting on or expecting help from others. Relying on ourselves gives support, faith and confidence even in hard times. Maturity allows us to set priorities and refuse unnecessary things. Strong inner self-support allows us to do it quickly, without long deliberations and feelings of guilt or shame. Maturity also allows us to delegate some things. And that helps as avoid anxiety and fear that the other can't handle it. Maturity lets us assess our state of mind and signals that it's time to take a break. The inner core allows to take time for ourselves without remorse and fear of "What will people think?!". The INNER CORE together with maturity helps transform fears into resources, and negative qualities into helpful ones.


May 16, 2023

Learning how to forgive

Unnecessary offenses poison our lives, first of all to those who are offended. As for the offender, keep in mind that he or she will sleep peacefully, not even feeling any concern. So it is easier and better for yourself to forgive and let go. Some steps to do it: MAKE THE DECISION TO FORGIVE. The most important thing about forgiveness is to realize that YOU need it much more than your abuser. LIVE YOUR EMOTIONS. Respect your feelings, don't hide them in yourself, find an opportunity to live them and feel them fully. Even if not immediately, but gradually you will become much easier. REMEMBER THE TIMES YOU WERE FORGIVEN. Remember how you regretted your own mistakes and how important it was for you to receive forgiveness from those you offended. Choose TO BE STRONG. Don't let your resentment poison your life.


May 16, 2023

Snail Pose (Vakrasana)

This pose is great for reducing belly and flank fat and strengthening the spine. To perform it, it is necessary to sit in a position with even legs, turn the body to the right, stretch the right leg, and bend the left at the knee. The left hand is at the bottom, slightly away from the body, and the right hand is on the outside of the left thigh. Hold this position for ten seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. It is important to control breathing when performing, it should be calm and even.


May 16, 2023

Body awareness.

Few people allow themselves the luxury of stopping and listening to their own bodies. But it “screams” not only when it is hungry or in pain. Often, with all the busyness, you can easily miss the signals that the body is at the limit, exhausted. But if you ignore them, everything can end in a serious illness. The development of body awareness allows you to establish contact with your own body.


May 16, 2023

Daily horoscope May 16th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be successful and fruitful. You will not only do everything that you planned before, but you will also do an excellent job of solving new tasks. Small disagreements with colleagues or management are likely, but they will not interfere with the work, and in some cases may even be useful. Aquarius♒️ Pay attention to the ideas that come up at the start of the day. Most likely, it will not be possible to implement them right away, but a little later you will probably return to your plan and bring everything to life. Nearby will be those who can be contacted for help and support. You will listen to good advice and do not make mistakes. Pisces♓️ The day promises cash receipts, including from unexpected sources, and successful purchases. Gifts that you will be very happy with are not excluded. The influence of positive trends will prevail in the business sphere. Relations with colleagues will become formal, there will be an opportunity to make friends.


May 16, 2023

Daily horoscope May 16th.

Libra♎️ You probably have some tough decisions to make today. Hardly anyone can help with this. But intuition will tell you how best to act, so you should listen to its prompts especially carefully. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. You will begin to understand much better those with whom you did not find a common language before. Scorpio♏️ Take seriously everything that you undertake, and success will not keep you waiting. This day will be important for the Scorpions, who will begin to solve new work tasks. Such representatives of the sign will show what they are capable of, find new allies, and be able to strengthen their positions. Sagittarius♐️ You need to be careful, especially if you are going to take on something important. It will take some time to understand the situation, to understand what you can handle on your own, and where you need help. Choose your allies carefully, do not trust those who promise mountains of gold. New acquaintances may try to take advantage of you.


May 16, 2023

Daily horoscope May 16th.

Cancer♋️ You will have to deal with several things at once, even if you did not plan anything like this. A particularly busy day awaits Cancers, who lead others, make responsible decisions. Not everything will come easy, but you'll be great at whatever you take on. Leo♌️ Events will develop more slowly than you would like, and there is hardly anything you can do about it. Some Lions will notice that there are changes in the business sphere, but it will be difficult to say what exactly. Consult with people whose experience you trust: they will surely have something useful to say. Virgo♍️ Whatever you plan for this day, remember to proceed with caution. It is better not to take risks where it can be avoided, and not to make hasty decisions. This applies to work, and financial issues, and personal relationships.


May 16, 2023

Daily horoscope May 16th.

Aries♈️ Today, a lot will depend on your ability to get along with different people, to find an approach to those who are not at all like you. This will be especially important for work. A real breakthrough in business will be possible if you choose the right allies. Any meeting should be prepared seriously. Taurus♉️ The day will be favorable for work. New opportunities will open up in the professional field, you will try not to miss any of them. Possibly useful contacts. Negotiations from which you did not expect anything special will end surprisingly successfully. Gemini♊️ The day will be hectic and will surely bring a lot of worries. New tasks will be added to those tasks that you planned to do, and you will need to choose what to focus on first. Listen to your intuition: its tips will be more useful than the advice of others.


May 16, 2023

Nike has created an artificial northern lights.

Nike has created artificial northern lights over Manchester in honor of footballer Erling Holland's record. For the first time in 26 years, the Norwegian footballer broke the English Premier League record for the number of goals scored in one season.


May 16, 2023

In China, they successfully connected the brain of a monkey to a computer.

On May 4, a group of Chinese scientists conducted the world's first successful experiment to connect a brain-computer intervention interface (BCI) to a monkey's brain. They connected invasive sensors to the walls of the monkey's brain vessels, which made it possible to receive signals without performing a craniotomy. Thanks to the received data and their identification, the animal gained control over the mechanical arm.


May 16, 2023

Japan has unleashed delivery robots on the streets.

Behind the external attractiveness of such mechanisms lies a serious goal. The population of Japan is one of the oldest in the world: almost 30 percent of the population is over 65 years old. Many of them live in sparsely populated rural areas where there is no easy access to basic necessities.


May 16, 2023