Are you still kidding about the possibility of a meteorite falling on your head?

The New Jersey woman has already made a joke. A visitor from space flew into the house of Susie Cope from Philadelphia. A metal meteorite pierced through the roof, flew through all the floors and fell to the floor in the lower one. Fortunately, no one was hurt. And Susie can be congratulated in general - according to the laws of the United States, now this is her meteorite.


May 18, 2023

They called ways to recognize a photo taken by a neural network.

First you need to pay attention to the format of the picture and the faces located on it. “Real human faces are a little bit asymmetrical. Outdated neural networks, on the contrary, give out excessively disproportionate faces. In addition, in fake photos, human eyes can also give out the work of neural networks. People's eyes in these shots often appear blurry and out of focus.


May 18, 2023

A printer for printing patches with vaccines has been created.

Scientists have created a printer that allows you to print a patch with microneedles filled with the drug. The device can be used in the fight against coronavirus and other diseases. Once attached to the skin, the microneedles deliver the drug almost painlessly to the body and then dissolve.


May 18, 2023

Track Package wheels.

Tesla has unveiled a set of sports wheels Track Package, which allows the Model S Plaid to accelerate to 322 km / h. The electric car was supposed to reach such speeds initially, but the company set a limit of 262 km / h for safety reasons. For the Track Package, you'll pay: $15,000 just for a set of sport brakes, or $20,000 for brakes, aluminum forged wheels and sport tires. Can only be used on closed tracks.


May 18, 2023

Disappointment in men: how different zodiac signs change after marriage.

From heaven to earth - Aries, Leo, Libra. The beloved of a representative of these zodiac signs feels special, but when a man carries a woman in his arms for years, you get used to it. Such all-consuming love relaxes and makes you think that a man will fulfill any whim and forgive mistakes. Aries in love does not lose pride, but is ready to move mountains in order to get the desired woman. After marriage, he no longer knows what to do with his victory. Leo gives his beloved as much tenderness and beautiful words as he would like to receive in his address, but, not feeling reciprocity, is disappointed. Libra swears love, but loses interest when he sees the imperfections of his beloved, he can change after the birth of a child if the figure of his wife has become unattractive. Living together and registering relationships changes not only men, but also women, therefore, before reproaching a loved one, it is better to analyze your behavior.


May 18, 2023

4 reasons not to cross the path of a patient Taurus. No. 1 - Reflex.

There are potholes and puddles on the Taurus road. But the earthly guys do not lose heart, but try to make the track smooth and comfortable. And then some fools got out of the ditch and shook the clods of dirt. Maybe for a start it was necessary to find out about the reasons why you should not block the way of the Taurus? Reason 1. Reflex. Taurus, despite their practicality and prudence, first do and then think. As they say, they act on the machine (well, as they pull the knee after being hit with a hammer). Competitors get hit in the forehead, rivals get hit on the forehead ... Pets of Venus, of course, will apologize, but next time they will do the same. But it is not necessary to interfere in earthly affairs without permission.


May 18, 2023

Daily horoscope May 18th.

Capricorn♑️ The start of the day can seem quite daunting. The emotional background will be tense, so you will react to many minor events much more sharply than usual. Serious problems will not arise. But new opportunities will certainly open up. You will notice them as soon as you tune in a positive way. Aquarius♒️ Start the day with the most important things. The morning is suitable for solving already familiar tasks and in order to take on something completely new. Business meetings will also go well. It is possible that you will receive offers of cooperation from people with whom you have long wanted to work. Pisces♓️ Do not worry about small misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences that are possible in the morning. Something may not go according to plan, but you can still realize everything that you have in mind, or even more. Soon the impact of positive trends will increase. First, there will be changes for the better in the business sphere, and then in personal relationships.


May 18, 2023

Daily horoscope May 18th.

Libra♎️ Take your time. This day is not one of those when luck itself goes into hands. In order to achieve success, you will need to try. But you won’t have to work alone: there will be reliable allies, like-minded people nearby, ready to share your worries and join in solving any problems. You will achieve great results if you don't give up too soon. Scorpio♏️ Many issues are resolved unexpectedly easily. But this does not mean that you can relax and go with the flow. Quite the opposite! It is worth taking the initiative in business. So you will have a chance to win really important victories, to achieve big changes for the better. Don't miss the opportunity to show what you are capable of. Sagittarius♐️ Even if you have a thousand things planned for this day, there is no need to rush. Rushing can lead to errors, which can not be corrected immediately. Thoughtful decisions and thoughtful steps will help you achieve your goals, and attention to small details will help you avoid unpleasant moments in the future. Not worth the risk.


May 18, 2023

Daily horoscope May 18th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for solving important issues. No matter how the circumstances develop, you will not lose optimism, and you will do the right thing. If you take the initiative in time, changes for the better will not keep you waiting. This applies not only to the business sphere, but also to personal relationships. Leo♌️ Do not be afraid of difficult tasks: today you will surely cope with them. Even if there are obstacles along the way, you will quickly find a way to overcome them. The knowledge and experience gained earlier will help in the work, but as far as personal relationships are concerned, you should rely on intuition. Virgo♍️ Do not put off important meetings: the first half of the day is perfect for them. At this time, it will be surprisingly easy to find a common language even with those with whom you have previously argued over any trifle. Long negotiations can be successfully completed, from which you no longer expected anything good. There will be a chance to make good deals.


May 18, 2023

Daily horoscope May 18th.

Aries♈️ Success will largely depend on whether you manage to tune in to a positive mood in the morning. Chase gloomy thoughts, try to maintain confidence in your abilities, even if the circumstances are not very successful. Some difficulties may arise today, but you will quickly cope with them if you do not lose your composure. Taurus♉️ Potential cash receipts. Some Taurus will receive an even larger amount today than they expected. Intuition will tell you how to dispose of it correctly. You definitely don't want to spend money on nonsense. The day is suitable for concluding deals and long-term cooperation agreements. Gemini♊️ There will be more cases than expected, but you will have time for everything. Intuition will tell you what to do first, and there will be people nearby who are ready to help at any time. The first half of the day is suitable for negotiations, meetings with potential employers and business partners. The second should be devoted to activities that require concentration and attention.


May 18, 2023

Disappointment in men: how different zodiac signs change after marriage.

Loving cheater - Scorpio, Gemini, Sagittarius. Passion, vows of eternal love and vibrant relationships - these men know how to turn their heads. But in marriage, they have few emotions and impressions, and the beloved is no longer so perfect and good. Scorpios are very jealous, often the reason is that they themselves stare at other women. There are many variables in the love of Gemini, he may not even consider it a betrayal of a relationship with another girl. Creative Sagittarians painfully say goodbye to freedom, at a young age they are not ready for family relationships, but with psychological maturity they begin to appreciate constancy more.


May 18, 2023

Make eye contact.

Eye contact is an essential component of flirting and can increase a man's sense of attraction to you. If you're too nervous to look him straight in the eye, or feel uncomfortable, then use fleeting glances. By communicating in such an unusual way, you can show the object of your attention that you like him. In addition, you will be able to check if he is interested in you.


May 18, 2023

Give a sincere compliment.

We often expect beautiful words from men and are offended if we do not receive them. Many girls are convinced that compliments are not particularly important to their boyfriends, even though they receive sincere kind words many times less than women. This does not mean at all that you need to praise them very often and for nothing. It's about speaking honestly and frankly to them about their virtues. If a man feels that you appreciate him, he will begin to fall in love with you even more.


May 18, 2023

Watch your appearance.

You must take care of yourself first and foremost for your own sake. Looking neat, taking care of your skin, hair and nails is not only necessary to attract men, it will also give you more confidence and improve your quality of life. Think about your strengths and weaknesses and, based on them, choose the style of clothing that is perfect for you.


May 18, 2023

Laugh at the jokes of the man you like.

A good sense of humor attracts other people. In one 2005 study, the following pattern was revealed: most women care that their partner can make them laugh, and the vast majority of men need to know that their lady of the heart finds their jokes funny. If you really like a guy, then chances are you can easily follow this advice. In the end, you just need to have fun.


May 18, 2023

A smile can charm a man.

A smile is a very powerful tool that is often underestimated. One study showed the following relationship: happiness was the most attractive expression of emotions in women, while in men, on the contrary, they were most fascinated by seriousness. Try to make eye contact with the object of your attention. Smile as often as possible, regardless of whether the emotion is directed at your boyfriend or not. In any case, this will make you more attractive in his eyes.


May 18, 2023

Red color attracts the attention of a man.

There is evidence that it is believed that the color red is a serious magnet for men. And the point is not at all that it is bright or symbolizes passion. You can paint your lips with red lipstick or wear a scarlet dress.


May 18, 2023

What do men react to when they meet?

There is an opinion that men judge women only by their beauty. Even if we assume that they themselves agree with this statement, this is not entirely true. The attractiveness of a girl and her ability to take care of herself are, of course, important factors. However, all people have different ideas about their ideal partner. Aesthetic perception is too ephemeral to bring it to a common denominator. There are other things that men react to, and in most cases unconsciously. He can fall in love with your smile, admire your talents, appreciate kindness, adore moles and love your voice. There is no perfect formula for how to bind a person to yourself. However, you can try to make him pay attention to you. And then, who knows, it is possible that the usual attraction will grow into strong love.


May 18, 2023

How to impress a man.

It is impossible to force another person to love you. No tricks, seduction techniques, manipulations can create a strong and strong connection. It is not in our power to control the real feelings of another person. However, there are a few things you can do to grab a man's attention and show him that you are special.


May 18, 2023

5 zodiac signs who don't care what other people think. Aries.

The fiery vermin did not want to be on this list - the stars hardly persuaded Aries to stand at least in last place. There are horns, there is character, the inability to hear someone other than oneself is also present: the pets of Mars have absorbed all the qualities of stubborn lambs. The guys from the zodiac five are not only stubborn, but also selfish. And they are not even interested in what all sorts of people think.


May 17, 2023