Daily horoscope May 21st.

Cancer♋️ Start the day with useful activities. In just a few hours, you will deal with the cases that have accumulated lately, cope with those that you have been putting off for a long time. This period will also be suitable for working with documents, drawing up official requests, preparing for visiting government organizations. Leo♌️ Don't get excited or angry if things don't go according to plan early in the day. All difficulties that may arise at this time will be temporary and will soon be in the past. The influence of positive trends will soon increase and you will feel that life is getting better. Virgo♍️ Do not take on important things in the morning. It will not immediately be possible to gather your thoughts and understand how to act. The morning is suitable for pleasant conversations with loved ones, walks and interesting activities for which you did not find time before.


May 21, 2023

Daily horoscope May 21st.

Aries♈️ Don't worry about the little things. The beginning of the day is hardly without difficulties, and disagreements with loved ones at this time are not excluded. But intuition will tell you how to behave and what to do. Soon you will find a way to change things for the better. Taurus♉️ Try to look at things realistically, do not get carried away by dreams and fantasies. The day will open up a lot of interesting opportunities, but in order to take advantage of them, you need to correctly assess your strengths. It will be useful to seek advice from a person who has supported you more than once and suggested what to do. Gemini♊️ Do not put off important meetings and serious conversations. In the morning, it will be especially easy to get along with others, you will find a common language even with those with whom you have previously argued for any reason. It will be possible to put an end to long-standing disagreements, to make peace with the people with whom you were in a quarrel.


May 21, 2023

Tree Pose.

Trees have an excellent ability to withstand hardship while maintaining both flexibility and firmness. In this position, you can learn well to ground yourself, grow high, become stronger and wiser. Place the foot of the bent leg above or below the knee, without loading the knee joint, the supporting leg is active. Want to make the pose more difficult? Stretch both arms up. Make it more difficult? Close your eyes!


May 20, 2023

Use the power of the morning.

We all know the feeling when you want to take a little more nap after the alarm has sounded. Therefore, doing yoga in the morning can be a great test for our willpower. On the one hand, morning is an ideal time for meditation and practice, and on the other hand, it is a challenge for our body, which still wants to soak in a warm bed. But from experience and feedback, many gurus can say: morning yoga is just a matter of habit.


May 20, 2023

Women are at increased risk of developing asthma due to abuse.

Women who have experienced domestic violence have a 52% higher risk of developing atopic diseases than others. In particular, we are talking about asthma and dermatitis. These conclusions were made by British scientists in the course of a study involving more than 62,000 women. The fact is that in women who have experienced abuse, the regulation of the immune system can change in response to stress. The study has a limitation - women who experienced violence were more likely to smoke than participants in the control group.


May 20, 2023

American biochemists have named soap aromas that attract mosquitoes.

It turned out that insects are attracted to soap with lilial - a substance with the scent of lily of the valley, as well as three compounds with the smells of tropical fruits and flowers. Three molecules repel mosquitoes: benzyl benzoate, benzaldehyde and nonalactone. They have special floral, almond and watermelon flavors. The discovery will allow the development of new hygiene products that will repel insects.


May 20, 2023

Parkinson's disease can be caused by a common water bacterium.

Scientists have proven a link between the presence of bacteria in genetically edited worms and physical changes in the brain that are consistent with Parkinson's disease. The researchers hope that the discovery will improve the early diagnosis of the disease in humans or even slow its progress. New treatments will target the digestive system and surrounding nerves, not the brain.


May 20, 2023

Australian ants pretend to be dead when meeting with scientists.

Zoologists have discovered ants on an Australian island that settle in possum houses and pretend to be dead by the whole colony. This probably helps them protect themselves from predators.


May 20, 2023

Dubai plans to build the world's largest artificial reef Dubai Reefs.

It will cover 200 square kilometers and be home to over 1 billion corals and 100 million mangrove trees. Dubai Reefs is to help restore the marine and coastal environment. It will house facilities for marine research as well as ecotourism. The floating houses will run on completely renewable energy sources. Also on the reefs it will be possible to engage in regenerative marine farming - this is an environmentally friendly technology for food production.


May 20, 2023

Scientists stop allergy symptoms with a peanut patch.

Children from 4 to 11 years of age have learned to treat with skin immunotherapy - a patch with 250 micrograms of peanut protein. This is much less than in other treatments, which means less risk of side effects. Now scientists have tested the effectiveness of this method of treatment for children under four years old. The study included 362 children from 8 countries. After a year, 67% of the study group were able to eat from one to four peanut "nuts".


May 20, 2023

Astronauts will be able to extract water from lunar dust using a microwave.

Scientists from Florida have found that if moon dust is heated in a microwave oven for at least 25 minutes, water will be released from it. The discovery will help astronauts and colonizers extract liquid directly on the Earth's satellite.


May 20, 2023

Women scientists receive fewer grants than men.

In addition, they rarely receive second grants to continue their scientific work. The authors of the report analyzed data from 55 grant award studies published between 2005 and 2020. They cover more than 1.3 million applications worldwide. The analysis also showed that Europe was friendlier to female scientists, giving them about 6% more bonuses than funding agencies in the US. This is likely the result of a more active gender equality policy.


May 20, 2023

Taiwan has developed an ingenious program to combat the ubiquitous street scavengers.

Due to the fact that not all residents of Taiwan are ready to wait for a garbage truck at certain hours, many citizens leave waste right in front of the house. Local IT specialists found a way out - they created an AI hologram in the form of one of the deities most revered by the Taiwanese. If a person decides to litter, a strict god immediately appears over him. During the beta test of the program, the number of illegal dumps decreased by 73%.


May 20, 2023

In Australia, they proposed to shoot kangaroos so that they do not die of hunger.

Otherwise, they may die of starvation en masse, as the population will soon reach 60 million. Kangaroos are a serious environmental problem in the country. Their numbers are constantly changing: in rainy years with a large amount of food, the population can increase by tens of millions. However, animals quickly deplete food supplies, after which they die en masse from hunger. According to some estimates, up to 90% of kangaroos died in some areas during the last drought.


May 20, 2023

Artificial intelligence has predicted the future of mankind from 2023 to 2100.

• 2026: AI destroys the economy. Web developers, accountants, lawyers are gradually being replaced by AI. • 2028: AI creates art, music and video; replaces teachers • 2033: AI creates robots for itself. AI is built into everything from coffee makers to airplanes. • 2038: AI makes scientific discoveries that would take computers thousands of years • 2045: AI stops the aging process, a person will live more than 300 years • 2050: The "age of abundance" has been reached. Established a universal basic income. People live mostly in virtual reality. • 2060: Humans merge with AI. Biological brains go digital • 2070: Human consciousness goes digital • 2100: AI dominance. AI seeks to colonize other star systems


May 20, 2023

Unusual learning.

The US Navy trains sea lions and dolphins to play video games to improve their cognitive abilities and make them happier. A sea lion named Spike has been particularly successful in learning. He can use his muzzle to press buttons and control the cursor to go through the game labyrinths.


May 20, 2023

The trailer for the anthology series Crowded Room starring Tom Holland and Amanda Seyfried has been released.

Each season will tell about a person with an unusual mental disorder. The plot of the first season centers on Danny Sullivan, who suffers from multiple personality disorder. The screenplay is based on the novel The Many Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes. Premieres June 9 on Apple TV+


May 20, 2023

How to charm a man by correspondence.

To win the heart of a man through regular correspondence, you need to follow some rules: 1. Do not ask trivial questions, especially at the beginning of an acquaintance. Get creative and learn something really important and valuable about him that will unite you. 2. If the object of your attention does not respond, then you do not need to bombard him with messages. Wait, he will definitely write the answer to your last phrase. 3. Tell interesting stories about yourself, but do not embellish and invent. If during communication you have a vivid memory in your head that fits the topic under discussion, then share it with the man. 4. Do not show excessive coldness, but do not impose. Keep this balance. 5. Be a good listener. Show respect for his feelings and thoughts. This is the right way to a man's heart.


May 20, 2023

Be yourself.

It is important to be yourself and not someone else. If you're pretending to try to please a guy, you're only making things worse. You may be able to maintain this perfect image for several weeks or even months. But sooner or later you will get tired of hiding your true identity, and he will get tired of finding out who you really are. By trying to seem like a different person, you are clearly indicating that you are not at all comfortable being alone with yourself. As a rule, such deception always pops up, and after that disappointment may come. If you are really in love with a man and want to build a serious relationship with him, then start with the most solid foundation - the truth.


May 20, 2023

Start imitating your interlocutor a little.

There is no need to completely mirror every action of a man - everyone already knows this manipulative technique, and it is very annoying. It's about subtly mimicking certain elements of behavior. This will make him subconsciously feel that you already have something in common. For example, when he scratches his face, fix your hair after a few seconds.


May 20, 2023