How to attract a man: tips for each zodiac sign.

Aries - give him the opportunity to long and hard to achieve you, otherwise he may lose interest. Taurus - show him that you can bring stability to his life. Gemini - You will have to step out of your comfort zone and reveal your fun and rebellious side to him. Cancer - learn to deal with his emotions and become a support. Leo - show him that you are a self-sufficient person who can stand up for himself. Virgo - give him emotional support, even if you know that he can handle it on his own.


May 22, 2023

Simple truths.

▫️If you were rejected, it doesn't mean anything. You don't get worse or smaller, nothing really bad happens. Your man is in the world, and he will accept you. ▫️If you are accepted, one day you will part - not in life, but in death. Treasure what you have, do not regret what you will lose and do not be afraid to lose. ▫️ Rejoice that there is a person who shines for you. Shine yourself - the more light, the less fear, the less fear, the less darkness in the soul. The leaf that wants to return to the tree can swim against the current and fly against the wind. But the tree will not grow it to the old branch. The more you love, the more you give love, the more remains. If, while giving love, you feel pain or hatred, then you gave the person poison in chocolate icing. It is hardly worth demanding gratitude for such a gift.


May 22, 2023

Never, you hear me, never try to convey your offense to a person.

Don't try to explain to him how much it hurts. If he hurts you, believe me, he absolutely does not care. The answer you will receive is only more insults, pain, wounds. Be patient. Endure and live on. Time will pass, and you will become the happiest person in the world. Oh, leave him alone, so as not to get hurt even more ...


May 22, 2023

Codependent Relationships. Where is the way out?

To begin with, you need to answer the question honestly: do you really want to quit this relationship? If so, why haven't you done it yet?People want a magic pill, that is to make everything happen in one fell swoop, without pain, without working on one's self, without thinking, just WHOOSH and everything is easy and good, as if this relationship never happened. So, it never was and never will be. This is infantile, childish thinking. You have to pay for everything. And sometimes you have to pay VERY dearly. The first step to resolve this problem is to understand the reasons WHY you got into it. If you don't find out the reasons and work them out, you have all the chances to be trapped into the similar painful relationship again.


May 22, 2023

I don't judge, I accept and support.

That's because there is no single model of happiness for everyone. I feel really perplexed when Nancy, a happy mother of many children, insistently advises Mary, a career woman, to have children, and Mary, in response, rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue, advises Nancy to drop everything and go to Japan, to the Hanami holiday. Why do people think that there is only one happiness model - THEIR OWN? After all, the world is so beautiful in its diversity of shapes and colors. And there is nothing more foolish than trying to fit everything and everyone into one single theory.


May 22, 2023

The border is LOCKED

We lock our apartment, guard our car with alarms, check if our backpack is locked, and if our wallet and credit cards are safe. But often, while keeping things safe, we forget to take care of our inner security. Each of us has our own private world. And only YOU have the right to decide where its boundaries, who to let into it, and who - absolutely not. Healthy psychological boundaries are: - Awareness of the value of one's opinion. - Conformity to internal attitudes and priorities. - Careful handling of personal information. - Understanding your own wants and needs. - The ability to say NO. - The ability to respect others' privacy. Personal boundaries serve us as a reliable FARE guard, protecting us from unnecessary intrusions and stress, and preserve our inner harmony.


May 22, 2023

The number of hungry on the planet for the first time exceeded 250 million people - UN.

In 2022, the number of undernourished people in the world increased by 65 million in a year and reached 258 million people in 58 countries. This figure was a record for seven years. The war, extreme weather events and the consequences of the pandemic are all to blame. The worst situation is in Somalia, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen. There, 38 million people live in an extremely deplorable situation on the verge of starvation. There are 35 million children under the age of five among the hungry. About a quarter of them are severely nutritionally deficient, and this threatens their lives.


May 22, 2023

Flying motorcycle Xturismo Hoverbike.

In Abu Dhabi, a flying hoverbike Xturismo was introduced, capable of climbing to a height of up to 20 meters and moving for 40 minutes without refueling and recharging at speeds up to 80 km/h. It is expected that the model will be used in rescue, search and other operations.


May 22, 2023

In the future, only female crews can be sent into space.

Crew support over the years will be an important factor in planning expeditions. One way to save resources could be to send all-female crews. It turned out that they will need less water, energy and oxygen than their male counterparts. The exact difference between the male and female crew will depend on the height and other parameters of the selected astronauts. But in all situations, an all-female crew consumed fewer resources.


May 22, 2023

4 men of the zodiac, running from difficulties. Pisces.

The Pisces man does not run away from difficulties, he simply ignores them. But where is the best place to ride out the storm? Of course, in a warm and cozy silt. Problems are always tiring and distract from the important, and the water man loves to dream. No one can force Pisces to fight adversity and life's troubles. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. “So it is,” these men mutter and run away from difficulties with all their might. After all, anyway, someone will save the world, and the guys from this four will lie on the couch and watch the process through binoculars.


May 22, 2023

3 female zodiac signs that are out of control. Leo.

There should be a mystery in a woman, but in the representatives of these 3 signs of the zodiac there is a whole interweaving of conflicting qualities and secrets. They are bright and unusual personalities who hardly control themselves: it is difficult to curb a difficult and quick-tempered character. Lionesses are not used to restraining themselves: if they don’t like something, they will openly and loudly say about it. They are sincere in the display of emotions: they laugh out loud when they are having fun, and get angry if something goes wrong. They are respected, loved and feared for their spontaneity and straightforwardness. Lions can restrain themselves if the outcome of an important matter depends on it or the manifestation of emotions is inappropriate, but they rarely do this, only if necessary. By the way, Leo is one of those signs that prefer to be the first to leave a partner, keep that in mind.


May 22, 2023

Daily horoscope May 22.

Capricorn♑️ The more important the things that need to be done today, the earlier it is worth taking them on. The morning will be especially successful. You do not have to be exhausted to achieve the desired result, everything will turn out quickly. Unexpected cash flows are likely. Aquarius♒️ Unusual encounters are likely. They will make a strong impression on you. It is possible that you will be able to communicate with a person about whom you have heard a lot of good things before, and even make friends with him. Conversations with old acquaintances will cheer you up, perhaps you will also receive some important information. Pisces♓️ Do not be surprised and do not be shy if you suddenly find yourself in the center of attention. What you say and do will be of particular interest to many today. It is worth taking a moment and sharing your ideas with people who can help bring them to fruition. It is possible that you will find not only new allies, but also true friends.


May 22, 2023

Daily horoscope May 22.

Libra♎️ It will not be easy to remain calm at the beginning of the day. Unfortunate coincidences, misunderstandings, disagreements with people with whom you previously got along well are possible. It is better not to rush into decisions: emotions can interfere with a correct assessment of the situation, and it will hardly be possible to quickly obtain the necessary information. Scorpio♏️ In the morning, you will be especially impatient and short-tempered, so getting along with you will be more difficult than usual. Serious problems in personal relationships can still be avoided: loved ones will meet you halfway, try to smooth out sharp corners. But at work, difficulties can arise. Sagittarius♐️ Be prepared to change plans. Most likely, today you will be doing some completely new things, solving unexpectedly appeared tasks. Intuition will tell you how to deal with them. But the advice of old acquaintances will not be superfluous: thanks to them, you will not make even small mistakes.


May 22, 2023

Daily horoscope May 22.

Cancer♋️ Take the initiative in business, tell about your ideas and plans. This will help you find not only allies you can rely on, but also true friends. Today, many will be interested to know what you have been doing lately, what successes you have achieved. Throw away false modesty and do not be embarrassed if you hear unexpected compliments. Leo♌️ The day may start badly, but you should not be upset because of this. Firstly, you will cope quickly with the solution of problems that arise this time. Secondly, changes for the better will not keep you waiting. Just don't rush into big decisions and don't make promises if there is even the slightest doubt that they can be kept. Virgo♍️ If a lot of things are planned for this day, it is worth starting them as early as possible. The morning is suitable for paperwork and contacting government organizations, as well as for activities that require accuracy and attention to detail. There is also the possibility of academic success.


May 22, 2023

Daily horoscope May 22.

Aries♈️ Notice the ideas that come up in the morning. It may not be possible to implement them right away, but a little later you will definitely return to what you have in mind. The entire first half of the day will be favorable for study. It is also suitable for understanding complex issues: you will quickly collect all the necessary information, draw the right conclusions. Taurus♉️ Don't worry if things don't go according to plan at the start of the day. This time will surely be full of surprises. However, intuition will tell you how best to act. Listen to her, and you will have time for everything you need, quickly cope with all matters. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for business meetings: they will go even better than you expected. Job offers or long-term cooperation are likely, promising a quick increase in income. Some Gemini will have ideas for starting their own business. Soon you will have the opportunity to discuss them with people whose experience you can trust.


May 22, 2023

3 zodiac signs that read other people's minds. Cancer.

The heightened emotional state of Cancers makes them excellent candidates for the role of "readers" of other people's thoughts. Cancers are very receptive individuals, it costs them nothing to unravel well-hidden falsehood and deceit. The hypocritical natures of Cancers are determined almost at first sight, trying to stay away from them. Cancerians always take care of their stable emotional state, they will never communicate with a person who irritates them morally. If Cancer stubbornly avoids communicating with any person, it is quite possible that he saw something deceptive and false in her. In this sign, the ability to predict the further actions of people and accurately determine the reason for their actions is highly developed. Constellations present some signs of the zodiac cycle with a real gift in the form of telepathic abilities. From such people come out very subtle personalities with amazing intuition.


May 21, 2023

4 men of the zodiac, running from difficulties. Libra.

“Everything will be fine” is the motto of the Libra man. However, when he encounters difficulties, he sincerely believes that a good wizard is about to arrive and help solve all problems, while Libra will go to a safe place. The air guy is not a coward at all, he just does not like all this fuss that prevents him from living in peace.


May 21, 2023

4 reasons not to cross the path of a patient Taurus. No. 4 - Fair.

The same boomerang, only of earthly origin. Taurus are very fair guys. And, most likely, it was they who came up with the sayings about an eye that is for an eye, about a tooth that is for a tooth ... well, you understand. Retribution will be quite adequate. But only those who crossed the road to the earthly guys will still not like it - Taurus may not calculate the retaliatory strike. Nefig was to get underfoot and interfere with the achievement of great goals. Taurus are quite calm and peaceful creatures. And they will never strike first. But if someone with a sword appeared on their road ... Then let this someone not be offended later - sitting on the side of the road, with the same sword (but not in his hand, but in ... let's not talk about sad things).


May 21, 2023

Daily horoscope May 21st.

Capricorn♑️ Do not count on easy successes and quick wins in the morning. At this time, you will have to make an effort to get the desired result. Your own knowledge will not always be enough, but people with whom you can consult will be nearby. Aquarius♒️ Unusual ideas will appear, new plans that you want to implement immediately. But it is better not to rush and act carefully, especially when it comes to some matters that are important both for you and for your loved ones. Remember: it is not necessary to make decisions alone and take full responsibility. Consult with those who know you well; it will surely come in handy. Pisces♓️ No matter how much you want to put aside everyday worries and take on a completely new and very exciting business, it is better to start the day by solving already familiar tasks and those issues that have long required attention. The more you manage to do in the morning, the more opportunities you will have later for pleasant communication, interesting trips, creativity and other pleasant activities.


May 21, 2023

Daily horoscope May 21st.

Libra♎️ Take your time. Patience will certainly come in handy today, because events will develop somewhat more slowly than you would like. There may be delays in precisely those cases that you expected to deal with quickly. But all this will not prevent you from achieving success before the end of the day. Scorpio♏️ People around you will interfere in your affairs more often than usual, and you will hardly like it. Especially a lot of tense moments will be in the morning. Don't give in to negative emotions! It is worth waiting quite a bit: soon everyone will understand what you can help with, and where it is better to let them act on their own. Sagittarius♐️ Try to look at things realistically, not to hover in the clouds and not build illusions. This advice is especially important for Sagittarius, who will take up something new today. Such representatives of the sign run the risk of overestimating their capabilities, making mistakes that will be difficult to correct. It will be useful to consult with those who know you well and have already suggested more than once how best to proceed.


May 21, 2023