4 zodiac signs that will never be able to hide their provinciality. Taurus.

Astrologers apologize in advance and in no way try to offend anyone, but the fact remains that Taurus, born in the provinces, remains true to his “roots” to the end and does not even think about changing. And why - and so everything suits him. Moreover, he is unspeakably proud of his roots and does not try to pose as a watchdog wise by his life experience. And even if it happens that the ward of Venus suddenly decides to hide his origin, then he definitely will not do this just to please someone.


May 25, 2023

4 zodiac signs that will never be able to hide their provinciality.

"Oh, you village!" - exclaim the "aristocrats" and laugh at the next provincial, who looks with wide eyes at the expanses of the big city, intending to conquer them. Someone manages to quickly assimilate and “merge” with the surrounding scenery, while someone can’t re-educate himself and get rid of the habits and manners that at once give out a simpleton in him. So under what signs were born "incorrigible provincials" and how they are trying to adapt to the new reality, read in the following posts.


May 25, 2023

Here is a vacation!

Japanese companies have given employees leave to play the latest The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Usually they give up to 10 days of paid rest, and such a promotion is called the Zelda Vacation so that employees can play and not be distracted by anything.


May 25, 2023

"Meat from a test tube" and ecology.

ACBM, better known to the masses as "test-tube meat", is positioned as an environmentally friendly replacement for classic meat. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly - in recent years it has been promoted not so much as ridding animals of suffering, as ridding the planet of CO2 emissions associated with animal husbandry. Scientists from California decided to check how true this statement is. The study showed that the production of one kilogram of meat from a test tube is accompanied by CO2 emissions 25 times more than 1 kilogram of meat from farmers.


May 25, 2023

Communication with babies helps shape the structure of the brain.

The scientists recorded the speeches of 87 children about 6 months old and 76 children about 30 months old. In total, they collected about 6,208 hours of data. The team then used MRI to measure the amount of myelin in the brain. It turned out that more of the substance was formed in children aged 30 months, with whom adults talked more.


May 25, 2023

The best teacher is personal experience, but it's expensive

However, some of us just never learn from errors they have made. I mean, many people, having once made a mistake in choosing a partner, seek the same personality type over and over again. Why? Where does this masochism come from? For example, a young man in his late teens fell in love with a femme fatale. The relationship didn't work out, and the guy was badly burned. But, after that, he tried to create a serious relationship with the woman similar to his ex. Obviously, all these attempts failed. We are attracted to the familiar type, since something already discovered seems to us the most pleasant, sympathetic, almost native. And often, this is not the case.


May 25, 2023

Daily horoscope May 25th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will give reasons for joy, open up new opportunities. Many things will turn out well. But you will win really important victories only if you act decisively and persevere. Aquarius♒️ Don't believe everything they tell you. Today, there will be especially many people near you who are used to sharing unverified information or simply telling lies. Before making any decisions, make sure that you rely on facts and not someone else's speculation. Pisces♓️ The day is good for travel. They will turn out well, help you escape from the usual worries and tune in a positive way. Business negotiations will not disappoint either. Your suggestions will appeal even to those who were previously critical. Relationships that were previously purely formal will become less formal, and this will please you.


May 25, 2023

Daily horoscope May 25th.

Libra♎️ Great day to work. You will not only be great at solving small problems, but you will also understand what needs to be done to achieve the most important professional goals. Negotiations, meetings with management, interviews will be successfully held. There will be no problems in the exams. Scorpio♏️ Stock up on patience. Events today will develop more slowly than usual. But you should not worry about this: you will have time for everything that you have planned, and even more. Relations with colleagues will not always develop smoothly, sometimes their comments will unbalance you. However, everything will soon change for the better if you do not succumb to provocations. Sagittarius♐️ It is better not to make important decisions at the beginning of the day. At this time, it will be especially easy for you to overestimate your strengths, to wishful thinking. Wait a bit: soon the situation will clear up, you will realistically assess the situation and decide on plans.


May 25, 2023

Daily horoscope May 25th.

Cancer♋️ The day will surely start with good news. Pleasant surprises, good coincidences are likely. It is worth taking the initiative in work: this way you will not only achieve success, but also attract the attention of people on whom a lot depends. It is possible that soon they will make very interesting proposals. Leo♌️ The day will be eventful, interesting and full of surprises. Whatever plans you make, prepare for the fact that they will need to be changed. First of all, it concerns work. There may be new tasks that need to be solved immediately, and you will need to focus on them and solve everything else. Virgo♍️ Start the day with something pleasant and interesting. Think about what inspires you, talk to people who always find the right words. This will help keep a good mood until the evening.


May 25, 2023

Daily horoscope May 25th.

Aries♈️ Hardly a day goes by without controversy. You will find a way to prove your case without offending anyone. This will be appreciated by many. People who previously thought you were difficult to deal with will change their minds. Those who barely noticed you before will want to make friends. Taurus♉️ Even if you have big plans for this day, you should not rush. Act consistently, try to stick to the plan that you made earlier. This will avoid unnecessary fuss, do not forget or lose sight of anything. Gemini♊️ Take care of important things in the morning. The first half of the day will turn out well, it will be favorable for solving both already familiar tasks and completely new ones. You will quickly understand what seemed difficult before. And the people who will be around will come to the rescue in time and give excellent advice.


May 25, 2023

Marriage cannot be pardoned!

A man who DOESN'T WANT to get married will remain unmarried psychologically, even if he marries. You see? He will try to avoid his family in any way he can, from drinking alcohol and playing computer games to becoming a workaholic, cheating, and hanging out with friends. Psychologically single man, even when married, is kind of not here, that is not with you or the kids, while you're staying together. He is absent. Many women live with such a husband and feel discomfort all the time. You can't change that - it was just a wrong choice. So, unless you want to live with a man who will almost always be psychologically absent - never force a man to marry. You will lose.


May 24, 2023

Afraid of relationships

Frequently, unsuccessful relationships cause FEAR of getting into a new one. So, life goes on and you meet interesting people, but you don't dare... The most important thing to understand is that NO ONE can EVER guarantee that a new relationship will be perfect. Moreover, any relationship, even the most wonderful and dreamy, may end one day. None of us is safe from the pain and disappointments of breakups. Realizing and accepting this, is the FOUNDATION of maturity! We are not in control of other people. So the OTHER always poses a threat to our psyche. However, the joy of a relationship is worth taking risk AGAIN.


May 24, 2023

Wording matters.

Sometimes we program our minds with our own words. How? Very simple! Here's a comparison of two phrases: "I am oppressed" and "I feel oppressed." Is there a difference? At first glance, it seems like there isn't. However, these sentences have different meanings. When someone says, "I feel oppressed," he's referring to some kind of feeling. And any feeling can be changed, that is, it is possible to stop feeling oppressed. The phrase "I am oppressed" indicates that the person has put circumstances before her/himself and is unable to change anything. Use the power of words to your advantage and always be aware of the wording you use. Remember: you control your emotions and not vice versa.


May 24, 2023

Your Own Path

If you know exactly where you're going and why, you shouldn't care what OTHERS think of you. This is hard to achieve because you've been taught from childhood to conform to someone else's concept of norm . But it is possible - if you have enough courage to break the rules, to distinguish your goals from the imposed ones, and not just go YOUR OWN way, but continue to follow them despite difficulties, setbacks and outside pressure. To go your own way without looking back at the opinions of others means to have a strong spirit.


May 24, 2023

To walk a fine line

Intimacy vs. codependence. Here's what can help you see the difference. — The desire to share your emotions is intimacy. Trying to impose your moods - codependency. — Talking openly about what you're not happy with in a relationship is intimacy. Imposing blame on the other for relationship problems - codependency. — Having your OWN social circle and letting the other have theirs is intimacy. NOT having any connections outside your relationship - codependency. — Having your priorities and interests and sharing them with your partner is intimacy. CHANGING your values to suit your partner or trying to change his/hers to suit you - codependence. The main thing is to strike a balance


May 24, 2023

Scientists have calculated the month and hours in which people most often have thoughts of suicide.

Most often, thoughts of suicide occur in people in December in the early morning - from four to six o'clock. In winter, due to the lack of sunlight, people's mental state deteriorates, hence the thoughts of suicide. And they settle scores with life in about six months, since with an increase in daylight hours, energy and strength appear to plan and implement their plans.


May 24, 2023

Google Maps is launching a new Immersive View feature.

It will allow you to create 3D maps for driving, cycling and walking routes. Immersive View maps will generate artificial intelligence. It will combine street and satellite imagery to create a complete model of the future route. The feature is already available in some US metropolitan areas and will soon expand to other cities around the world.


May 24, 2023

Grandfather from China became a beauty blogger to cure his grandson.

The 72-year-old pensioner who tests cosmetics, lipsticks and mascara in the video is called Zhu Yunchang. His little grandson named was diagnosed with a rare diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy. The family sold everything they could, but there was still not enough money for treatment. Zhu started making money from his blog, saving for medicine for his grandson.


May 24, 2023

The historian called ChatGPT worse than nuclear bombs.

According to him, artificial intelligence should serve humanity in order to find a cure for cancer or help in environmental issues, but you need to remember the high risks. "While nuclear bombs cannot invent more powerful nuclear weapons on their own, artificial intelligence can create exponentially more powerful artificial intelligence," he explained.


May 24, 2023

The American blogger faces up to 20 years in prison.

American YouTuber Trevor Jacob, who made a video of his plane crash, admitted that he did it intentionally for the sake of views. Now he faces up to 20 years in prison. He previously denied guilt and insisted on an accident. The blogger also revealed that he filmed this video for ad integration. No, not parachutes, but metal wallets.


May 24, 2023