Daily use of a new pill, Tagrisso, reduces the risk of death from lung cancer by 50%.

According to The New England Journal of Medicine, almost a thousand patients with lung cancer took part in the experiment for 5 years, and the drug fully justified the claimed properties.


June 12, 2023

675 million people on the planet still do not have access to electricity.

Over the past 10 years, the figure has halved - back in 2010, 1.1 billion people lived without electricity. Basically, problems with electrification are observed in the Sahara and other regions of Africa.


June 12, 2023

Brazil will start paying the poor to save the Amazon jungle.

The initiative is called Bolsa Verde. About 30 thousand families will take part in it. Every minute, the Amazon forests lose an area of about three football fields. If this continues, humanity will very soon reach the point of no return, after which the largest jungle in the world can no longer be restored. If the program is successful, it will include other natural areas - the Atlantic forest and the Cerrado savannah.


June 12, 2023

The cost of Neuralink reached $5 billion.

This happened after she received permission to test brain chips on humans. According to Reuters, back in 2021, this figure was equal to $2 billion. Now shares are being sold at $55 per unit.


June 12, 2023

Mussel feces could help clean up microplastics in the oceans.

Scientists have found that the blue mussel Mytilus edulis ingests microplastics and other pollutants along with its regular food, sequestering the pollutants in their feces.


June 12, 2023

Britain will start paying an unconditional basic income of £1,600 a month.

Scientists will see how this affects mental and physical health. The amount will be paid monthly to thirty randomly selected people without any conditions for two years. Two places were chosen for the experiment: Jarrow in the north-east of England and East Finchley in north London.


June 12, 2023

Obesity increases the risk of developing mental disorders.

It turned out that in the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of obesity precedes the development of mental problems. At the same time, women have a higher risk of getting sick than men, with the exception of dependence on nicotine. According to the rules of the World Health Organization, the diagnosis of obesity is put on people with a body mass index of more than 30.


June 12, 2023

AI put 3,900 people out of work in the US in a May report.

However, this is a small fraction of the fact that the planned cuts in the US labor market in May affected 417,500 people - due to restructuring, business closures and cost cutting. The generative AI market will reach $1.3 trillion and lead to the loss of 300 million jobs by 2035, but labor productivity will grow.


June 11, 2023

The scientists managed to "hack" the cells.

Scientists have managed to "hack" the cells of mice and force them to produce insulin when sugar levels rise. Thus, the mice were cured of diabetes. In the coming years, they will try to test this technology on people.


June 11, 2023

The Chinese company Shenzhen UFO Technology invented the flying saucer.

iUFO is a large drone for one person. It flies for 15 minutes at a speed of 50 km / h at an altitude of up to 200 meters. They want to use the plate for tourist purposes - for sightseeing.


June 11, 2023

Swedish startup Luvly has come up with an IKEA electric car.

The compact car will be delivered as parts and assembled by the end seller. The car is only 2.7 meters long and weighs 380 kg. Inside there is room for two people (up to two meters tall) and a roomy trunk of 270 liters. Top speed is 90 km/h and range is only 100 km. The price is 11,000 dollars.


June 11, 2023

Smartphone ban.

Parents in the small town of Greystones in Ireland have voted to completely ban smartphones for children under 13. It is noted that the initiative took place without the intervention of the authorities - the adults simply agreed with each other to protect at least small children from the influence of the Internet.


June 11, 2023

Headset Vision Pro

Apple introduced the Vision Pro headset, which is controlled by the movement of the eyes, hands and voice. Some details about the Vision Pro headset: • Start of sales at the beginning of next year at a price of $3499. • Vision Pro can be synchronized with other Apple devices and applications. For example, broadcast your desktop from a MacBook. • There are no external controllers. For gesture control, you can hold your hands as you like. • The headset allows you to "turn off" the external reality and regulate the degree of access to it. • If EyeSight is enabled, the user's eyes will be displayed on the external display. • Vision Pro has a 2 hour battery life. • The M2 processors and the new R1 are installed inside.


June 11, 2023

The Japanese have created a ballpoint pen with a live parasite floating inside.

Anisakis parasite pen is a very specific souvenir as these worms can cause serious harm to human health. Despite this, anisakis pens are already available for purchase and find their customers.


June 11, 2023

Utah schools banned the Bible because of vulgarity and violence.

A school district in the U.S. state of Utah has removed a King James Bible from elementary and high school libraries because it contains "vulgarity and violence." The decision was made after a complaint from one of the parents. The Bible has been removed from shelves as part of a 2022 law that bans pornographic and obscene books from schools. In most cases, books on the topic of sexual identity and the rights of the LGBT community were seized. Prior to this, the Bible was removed from school libraries in a Texas school district. This is attributed to the efforts of conservatives to ban teachings on controversial topics.


June 11, 2023

Stones for Gemini. Pearl.

Pearls are a precious stone, which has long been considered a symbol of femininity, tenderness and beauty. It also has healing properties and has a positive effect on the health and emotional state of a person. For Gemini, this mineraloid can be especially beneficial for its mental health and focus-enhancing abilities. Representatives of this sign are often absent-minded and because of this they can experience nervousness and stress. Pearls will restore inner harmony, strengthen memory, and also help you concentrate and remember information more easily.


June 11, 2023

Why Capricorns are so harmful and how to live with it. Blame Saturn.

The patron planet gave Capricorns a bunch of talents, among which composure is in the first place. The editors of uznayvse.ru notes that Capricorns are proud of their equanimity and often go too far. “Capricorn, let's go outside, we'll wait out the earthquake!” You shout, and the sign of the Earth sits proudly on the couch and does not even tremble with fear. This is not harmful, this is the ability to remain calm. Do not fight, but sit side by side - and Capricorn will definitely save you.


June 11, 2023

5 attitudes that prevent the Gemini sign from being happy.

Installation 5 - Everything is formed. “Maybe it will blow over!”, the Gemini wave their hands and get involved in another adventure. If only not to think about serious problems, if only not to be loaded with all sorts of philosophical questions. Funny? Certainly! Life pleases with diversity - everything is bright and interesting. But the feeling of wrongness does not disappear. But happiness was so close, but the Gemini rushed off in the other direction. The twins themselves do not know what they want. And this eternal uncertainty prevents them from living - they rush into all serious, trying to prove something to someone, and do not even realize that they are already happy.


June 11, 2023

Daily horoscope June 11th.

Capricorn♑️ You will have many unusual ideas, and they will all be extremely good. It will not be necessary to postpone the implementation of the plan for a long time: already in the middle of the day there will be an opportunity to move on to concrete actions. It is important not to get confused, to take the first step in time. Intuition will tell you what it should be. Aquarius♒️ It will be especially easy to meet and make friends with someone today. If you go to some unusual event, you will immediately find yourself in the center of attention and will be liked by many. It is possible that old acquaintances, people from whom you have not heard from for a long time, will remind you of yourself. Communication with them will please, besides there will be a chance to learn something interesting and useful. Pisces♓️ Today you will surprise many. Those around you, accustomed to the fact that it is easy to agree on anything with you, will not immediately understand that now you are not ready to make concessions. Tensive moments are not excluded even in communication with loved ones, but it will be most difficult to get along with those who do not yet know you well. Serious conflicts can still be avoided, and hardly anyone will be seriously offended by you.


June 11, 2023

Daily horoscope June 11th.

Libra♎️ Think of cases that until recently seemed extremely difficult. Today you will have a chance to do great with them! You will see opportunities that were previously unnoticed, you will guess how best to act. New acquaintances will willingly come to the rescue, thanks to their support it will become easier to achieve the desired result. Scorpio♏️ Feel free to take on new challenges. You will cope with them perfectly, there will be no insurmountable difficulties, you will not have to wait long for the first successes. Many Scorpios will need someone else's experience: thanks to him, the representatives of the sign will not make their own mistakes, they will not lose sight of anything. Sagittarius♐️ The beginning of the day is suitable for making long-term plans. You can immediately begin to implement your plan: you will quickly understand how to act, the first successes will not keep you waiting. This time will also be favorable for solving financial issues. Here you should rely on intuition, it will not let you down.


June 11, 2023