These 4 zodiac signs can become millionaires. Scorpio.

Scorpio VIII astrological house, which is the symbolic house of Scorpio, is associated not only with cardinal changes, pain, the themes of death and birth, but also with finances - moreover, large ones. Under the sign of Scorpio are all kinds of investments, large cash projects, loans and inheritance. Scorpio can "fall" into the hands of huge amounts. But also this sign is overtaken by no less losses. In the case of this sign, it can be assumed that it is enriched by joining a large "ocean of money" - through investments, for example. Maintaining financial well-being Scorpio helps his secrecy and the ability to turn things around without publicity. They say happiness loves silence. Probably wealth too.


June 23, 2023

Daily horoscope June 23rd.

Capricorn♑️ Do not worry about minor troubles and misunderstandings: they are unlikely to have any unpleasant consequences and will soon be simply forgotten. The day as a whole goes pretty well. He will open especially many interesting opportunities for Capricorns, who are engaged in difficult and responsible work. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for solving many important issues, both related to work and related to personal relationships. Having a good understanding of what you want and how you can achieve it, you will not want to waste time in vain. Others will appreciate your approach to business. People who previously disapproved of your ideas will offer to help you implement them. Pisces♓️ You will have a lot to do today. To cope with everything on time, you have to think about many things at the same time. It will not be easy not to forget or confuse anything here, but you can handle it. The experience gained a long time ago will help. Thanks to him, you will not make mistakes, refuse to participate in dubious undertakings in time.


June 23, 2023

Daily horoscope June 23rd.

Libra♎️ Be prepared to work hard at the start of the day. At this time, even the usual and well-known things may require more attention than usual. It will hardly be possible to avoid disagreements and disputes. You will not be able to immediately convince your interlocutors that you are right. Try to be kind no matter what they say and avoid harsh criticism. Scorpio♏️ You want to act quickly, as soon as possible to achieve all your goals. Indeed, it is not worth wasting time. The influence of positive trends will be significant, and it is worth taking advantage of this to solve the most important tasks. Both old and new friends will be happy to help you. But not always they will do it disinterestedly, be ready to render reciprocal services. Sagittarius♐️ Today you will take even insignificant events to heart, because of this it will be difficult to focus on something really important. However, Sagittarians who prioritize correctly will succeed. It will be useful to listen to the advice of old acquaintances. Thanks to them, you will understand in time what is really worth paying attention to.


June 23, 2023

Daily horoscope June 23rd.

Cancer♋️ You will find yourself in the spotlight much more often than usual, and this will please rather than make you worry. Don't miss your chance to show what you can do. The more people notice your victories, the higher the likelihood of interesting offers in the near future. Leo♌️ At the start of the day, focus on things you can handle on your own. Even old allies at this time will hardly be able to help you: they will be too busy solving their own problems. But you will achieve the desired results even without their support if you persevere. Virgo♍️ You have a lot to discuss with both old and new acquaintances. Conversations can take a lot of time. It is possible that because of them you will even have to postpone some business. This will turn out to be the right decision, because the information you receive will be very valuable.


June 23, 2023

Daily horoscope June 23rd.

Aries♈️ Optimism and self-confidence, which have helped you more than once before, today can prevent you from correctly assessing the situation. Most likely, you will have to solve problems that are difficult to cope with on your own. Think about who you could turn to for support. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to achieve the desired result. Taurus♉️ Many work issues will be resolved much faster and more successfully than you expected. A variety of people will be willing to help you, and you will not always need to ask them for it. Even ill-wishers can provide very useful services, albeit guided by their own interests. Gemini♊️ Try not to succumb to provocations at the beginning of the day. It won't be easy. Sometimes it may seem that others are specifically testing your patience, trying to unbalance you. Admittedly, sometimes it will. But much more often than not, misunderstandings will be the cause of all communication difficulties, so be prepared to repeatedly explain simple things.


June 23, 2023

67% of Americans would rather go back in time without smartphones or internet.

Predictably, the highest percentage of nostalgia lovers was in the 35-54 age group. There, 77% of people voted for the rejection of technology. But even in the junior category, aged 18-34, there are also the majority of refuseniks - 63%.


June 23, 2023

BORK has released AVALON massage capsule.

A distinctive feature is that the capsule massages not only the body, but also the brain: BORK engineers, with the help of neuroscientists, have implemented the Brain Massage function. Binaural beats affect the brain and provide its concentration or relaxation, depending on the selected program.


June 23, 2023

Gene therapy for HIV has been introduced to humans for the first time.

This is the first genetic drug against HIV, which was invented 40 years after the discovery of the disease and which is not a vaccine. Moreover, for the first time such serious tests are carried out not on monkeys, but on humans. The new technique allows you to edit the genes, thus removing the DNA of the virus from infected cells. Thus, therapy completely destroys the infection in the patient's body.


June 23, 2023

If you have not received a ticket to Hogwarts, now you can buy it.

The largest park in the Harry Potter universe has opened in Tokyo. This is where most of the school is, including the dining hall, suspension bridge and stairs, Diagon Alley, the Ministry of Magic, platform 9¾, and even the Dursleys' apartment. All the scenery is original and taken straight from the filming. Admission for an adult is 6,300 yen.


June 23, 2023

At an auction in Hong Kong, a Chinese bowl was sold for $25 million.

The bowl was made during the reign of Emperor Yongzhen in the 18th century and is part of a rare group of ceramic products. Now it belongs to the collector Alice Cheng.


June 23, 2023

The world's largest outdoor TV with a diagonal of 201 inches.

C-SEED 201 has a matrix of seven MicroLED panels that hide in a stand and unfold epicly when needed. By the way, the whole process takes 40 seconds. The cost of the TV is 600 thousand dollars.


June 23, 2023

Scientists have found the answer to the eternal question of what came first - the egg or the chicken.

After analyzing 51 fossil and 29 modern types of chickens, including oviparous and viviparous, scientists concluded that as a result, the chicken appeared first. Studies have shown that the ancient ancestors of chickens were reptiles that existed long before the time of the dinosaurs, and they practiced live birth. The appearance of the egg as a shell occurred later, as a result of evolutionary processes, and played an important role in the survival of offspring.


June 23, 2023

A direct link has been found between blue eyes and alcoholism.

Scientists at the University of Vermont were compiling a database on mental disorders and, as an unexpected side effect, discovered an interesting phenomenon - the brighter a person's eyes, the more likely they are prone to excessive drinking and alcohol addiction. And vice versa. Owners of green and gray eyes are at risk, and blue-eyed people are alcoholics. Not always, of course, but more often than anyone else. Scientists rechecked the results obtained three times to make sure they were reliable.


June 22, 2023

American scientists have created insulin from genetically modified lettuce.

It contains three peptides from a natural hormone. It will be possible to take the substance orally - without injections. This will make life easier for people with diabetes.


June 22, 2023

The European Parliament voted to return removable batteries to smartphones.

In the coming years, manufacturers will be required, if not to make batteries completely removable, then at least to make them as easy to replace as possible. In other words, without glue and disassembly of the whole phone. The only disadvantage of such a solution is questions about the protection of smartphones from water, which is achieved by Unibody cases. But we remind you of the existence of the old Samsung S5, which had the IP67 standard and allowed you to change the battery in 1 minute.


June 22, 2023

Phosphorus has been found on Saturn's moon Enceladus.

For the first time in history, an element has been found in oceans outside of Earth. This is a key event in the history of astronautics, because phosphorus is one of the key building blocks for organics and life in the sense in which earthlings know it.


June 22, 2023

Apple has patented a scratch-resistant back case for smartphones.

Thanks to her, users will be able to refuse covers. According to the publication, the development will be made of a durable hybrid material that will help keep the gadgets intact. The back panel will be littered with "wear-resistant balls" that could be made of "metal, glass, ceramic and other suitable materials." In diameter, each such ball will be about 5 millimeters.


June 22, 2023

COVID-19 Patient Zero Found: Coronavirus.

Apparently, after all, it “leaked” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Publications and Racket News write about this, citing "several officials from the US government." According to them, patient zero is the scientist Ben Hu, who worked in the laboratory in Wuhan, where the virus most likely broke out.


June 22, 2023

The sight of dead relatives shortens the life of flies.

This is due to the activity of certain neurons. The exact mechanism of its effect on the early death of flies is still unclear, but it is associated with a disruption in the functioning of insulin. In the long term, this could lead to the development of drugs that slow down the aging process in humans, as well as to understand how the perception of death affects health.


June 22, 2023

The Japanese brand Bauhütte showed a brilliant invention - a gaming pillow.

You can lie on it or put it on your lap. On the sides there are special pockets for snacks and soda, as well as soft armrests so that your hands do not get numb. You can even attach a laptop table on top.


June 22, 2023