Fight of the century.

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk agreed to fight after a dispute over Meta's strategy to copy features from other companies. It all started with the fact that Musk ridiculed the rumors that Meta was going to release an analogue of Twitter, and invited the head of the company to meet in a wrestling match. Zuckerberg asked to send the location and received a response. Now Zuckerberg is posting photos from his jiu-jitsu workouts, and Musk is joking that he will use the walrus move when he just lays down on his opponent and does nothing.


June 26, 2023

Your cat will never be bored alone again.

Startup O-Sister has released an AI robot of the same name to care for cats. The robo-nanny is able to recognize by the gestures and movement of the fluffy what he wants now: to play, sleep or eat. For the latter, a compartment with food is even provided inside the robot. For those who cannot spend even a couple of hours without a pet, there is a video calling function. The price is $199.


June 26, 2023

The ant orgy left the people of Germany without the Internet.

It took a week to restore the connection. A group of ants were looking for a new home and settled in the equipment of a local Internet provider. During the mass mating of insects, acid was released, which corroded the microcircuits. After that, life in a small town in western Germany went offline for a week.


June 26, 2023

Mercedes has unveiled the Vision One-Eleven concept sports car.

It became a modern interpretation of the experimental C111 coupe, developed in 1969. The new concept has similar body lines, a low front end and gullwing doors. In front, instead of a radiator grille, a liquid crystal screen is installed. Exactly the same display is located in the stern. The car will not go into production, but some of the ideas embedded in the car will be embodied in the brand's production cars in the future.


June 26, 2023

Neuralink plans to implant the chip into people live.

The brain chip company founded by Elon Musk plans to implant people with tetraplegia or paralysis during the broadcast. The chip should help people regain mobility skills. Previously, experiments were carried out only on animals.


June 26, 2023

Short naps can keep your brain healthy.

Researchers have suggested that a short midday nap may help protect brain health as you age. Most likely, this habit is associated with an increase in its volume. Scientists relied on data from the British Biobank, during which extensive information was collected on the genetics, lifestyle and health of people aged 40 to 69 years.


June 26, 2023

Skyscrapers have been banned in Paris.

Paris has adopted a new urban development plan, which prohibits the construction of buildings in the French capital above 12 floors, that is, 37 meters. Parisians believe that skyscrapers spoil the architectural appearance of the city. The decision was made after criticism of the pyramid-shaped Tour Triangle tower. It will be the third tallest building in the city.


June 26, 2023

Would you make an empress? 4 zodiac signs with claims to the throne! Aries woman.

Aries Woman - Autocrat The Aries woman is self-sufficient and strong: she is able to solve all problems and get out of the most difficult situation with a smile. She is admired, inspired and idolized and carried in her arms, if she, of course, allows. A cold, calculating mind and insight help to manage people and their lives. Sometimes a dictator wakes up in her, but as soon as the danger passes, the optimistic princess returns again with confidence in a brighter future. Aries has a vulnerable pride: it is important for her to be the first and she knows how to achieve this. Aries will go to her throne "over the heads" if she is sure that he belongs to her by right.


June 26, 2023

Men of these signs will not hesitate to take their wife away from the family. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius - takes his own. Nothing is impossible for Sagittarius men: they are inventive, smart and damn charming. Sagittarians can turn anyone's head and even take someone else's wife out of the family. To do this, they do not have to promise to build castles in the air and promise happiness, as soon as a woman succumbs to his charms, she herself will come up with non-existent promises. The behavior of Sagittarius after a woman leaves her family is not easy to predict. If he really loves the girl, he will make her happy, but if for him it was another non-binding flirtation that is misunderstood, then it is stupid to wait for reciprocity.


June 26, 2023

Daily horoscope June 26th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will go very well. It will take you quite a bit of time to deal with the accumulated cases and complete what you started earlier. Good news regarding work is likely. Some Capricorns will receive offers they have been waiting for a long time. Aquarius♒️ There will be more worries than usual. But you will tune in to a serious mood in the morning and quickly cope with everything. It will become clear how to solve problems that you have not dared to approach for a long time. This is where someone else's experience can come in handy. Feel free to seek advice from people whose tips have helped you more than once. Pisces♓️ Small financial losses, unsuccessful purchases are likely. In everything related to money, you will be prone to some frivolity, so you risk spending a significant amount on something that you do not need at all.


June 26, 2023

Daily horoscope June 26th.

Libra♎️ Finding a common language with those around you today will be a little more difficult than usual. Even those close to you will not always understand you correctly. But serious disagreements and disputes can still be avoided: your natural delicacy and goodwill will help here. You may need to make small concessions. You won't regret doing it. Scorpio♏️ Rely on intuition: it is her tips that will allow you to solve complex problems today, to cope with what you could not do before. And there will also be a chance to deal with work problems that previously baffled everyone. People who doubted your professional qualities will understand how much they were mistaken. Sagittarius♐️ It will be difficult to remain calm, especially at the beginning of the day. At this time, any trifle can throw you off balance. Disagreements with colleagues are likely. The people you have helped many times before will not want to support you. But you shouldn't worry about it. It will take quite a bit of time, and everyone will admit that you are right.


June 26, 2023

Daily horoscope June 26th.

Cancer♋️ Successful business negotiations are likely, meetings with people whom you would like to see as your allies will go well. You will make a favorable impression even on those who are usually very demanding of others, do not forgive them even the slightest mistakes. Travel related to work will be successful. Leo♌️ Excellent day. Much will turn out better than you expected. It is worth using the support of the stars to cope with some important and complex matters, to solve serious issues. A lot of interesting discoveries will be made by the Lions, who will focus on study or research activities. The information received today will be useful in the near future. Virgo♍️ A good day to discuss work issues, talk with people with whom cooperation can be useful to you. You will quickly find a common language even with those with whom you did not get along before, and you will interest skeptics with your ideas. Most likely, today you will have not only reliable assistants, but also new friends.


June 26, 2023

Daily horoscope June 26th.

Aries♈️ You will have to hurry to catch everything that you have planned. Surely there will be many new tasks that need to be addressed immediately. It will be easy to deal with them if you act on your own, without expecting any help or tips from anyone. In general, today you should trust your own experience and intuition more than other people's advice. Taurus♉️ Feel free to take on new cases: there will be no unpleasant surprises or unexpected difficulties. The first half of the day will be successful in terms of work, you will quickly cope with already familiar matters, find a way to solve new problems. Your success will not go unnoticed. You will probably receive interesting offers soon. Gemini♊️ The morning will hardly do without disputes and disagreements. Discussing work issues will be more difficult than usual: you will not be understood right away, tense moments are possible even in communication with long-term partners and colleagues. However, by the middle of the day you will notice that the situation is changing for the better, and then the influence of positive trends will only increase.


June 26, 2023

Are Cancer Men Cheating?

Cancer men are very homely - if their partner suits them, they do not change. But, if they do not feel the attention they deserve, they may go in search of other relationships. Such men need to constantly show that you are aimed at creating a long and strong union. The astrologer emphasized that representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely jealous, so it’s better not to play on their feelings.


June 25, 2023

Would you make an empress? 4 zodiac signs with claims to the throne! Taurus woman.

Taurus Woman - Powerful queen. Taurus love luxury and prosperity and strive for "royal decoration." The Taurus woman surrounds herself with symbols of power, she has self-esteem and intelligence - she is ideal for the role of the Empress. Slowness and a tendency to think is not a disadvantage, but an advantage. It was not for the queen to fuss. It is important for her to look presentable, even in a discount center or a second-hand store she will find inexpensive, but stylish things, and she will look chic. The Taurus woman has royal willpower: perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal more than once interfered with personal happiness, but for the Empress, status is more important than love. The Taurus Queen is difficult to piss off: she will continue to smile, but there will be a warning in her eyes. In a rage, Taurus is destructive, because people, money and Fate itself are in their power.


June 25, 2023

Men of these signs will not hesitate to take their wife away from the family. Pisces.

Pisces - barriers only in the head Pisces have their own rules. If he is confident in his choice, he will try to win a woman at any cost. He will adopt her child, create a fairytale life, and be grateful for the choice she made. Sometimes Pisces can come up with non-existent obstacles, but when faced with difficulties, he finds strength, emerging victorious from the struggle for his beloved.


June 25, 2023

Daily horoscope June 25th.

Capricorn♑️ A calm day awaits you, which will not bring unpleasant surprises, will not make you nervous and worried. Changes for the better in relationships with loved ones are likely. Largely thanks to your efforts, it will be possible to put an end to some long-standing dispute, to agree on common plans. Aquarius♒️ It is worth remembering the things that you have been putting off for a long time. Today there will be a chance to quickly deal with them, to achieve the desired result. True, the usual methods are unlikely to be effective, so be prepared to experiment, come up with something new. You can turn to old friends for help: they will not let you down. Pisces♓️ Be careful with money: today you will be prone to some frivolity in everything related to finances, so wasteful spending, unsuccessful purchases are likely. The rest of the day will go well. It is suitable for the usual things, and in order to take on something new, your endeavors will be lucky.


June 25, 2023

Daily horoscope June 25th.

Libra♎️ Getting along with others today can be more difficult than usual. Even with old acquaintances, you can hardly find a common language. However, disagreements and disputes will not spoil relations, will not be a reason for mutual claims and insults. Yes, not everyone will support your ideas. But no one will love you less because of it. Scorpio♏️ You shouldn't have your head in the clouds. It will be much more useful today to focus on solving practical problems, simple and understandable. You yourself would easily solve them, but there will be those who want to help nearby. Thanks to their participation, you will quickly cope with all matters. Sagittarius♐️ Try not to succumb to provocations. Today, this will prove to be a difficult task: those around you will test your patience, as if specifically trying to unbalance you. But it is unlikely that there will really be malicious intent: it is much more likely that the cause will be a misunderstanding. And everything will definitely clear up if you do not lose your temper and take the time to explain.


June 25, 2023

Daily horoscope June 25th.

Cancer♋️ A good day for serious conversations, discussing important plans. There will be a chance in a relaxed atmosphere to communicate with people whom you would very much like to see as your allies in the business sphere. They will like you. It is better not to plan especially tedious tasks for this day, as well as activities that require serious expenses. Leo♌️ The start of the day is good. The emotional background at this time will be especially favorable, nothing will spoil your mood. Meeting with friends will be good. If you go on a trip with them, it will surely be exciting. Although the influence of positive trends will decrease over time, the afternoon will not disappoint you either. Virgo♍️ Don't be surprised by unusual encounters. Today you will have a chance to meet people from whom you can learn a lot. Only now it will not immediately become clear what exactly. Therefore, try to listen carefully to everything that is told to you, and do not hesitate to ask questions.


June 25, 2023

Daily horoscope June 25th.

Aries♈️ The day will bring many worries. It is possible that problems will arise at home, for the sake of which it will be necessary to postpone the planned meetings or trips. Don't worry about it: in any case, everything will turn out well, albeit not quite the way you expected. Taurus♉️ The day will hardly be easy and completely cloudless, but it will not bring serious difficulties. In the morning, minor domestic misunderstandings, disputes with loved ones are possible. They should be treated with humor. A couple of jokes will be enough to defuse the situation, to help everyone tune in a positive way. Gemini♊️ The day will be quite hectic, and mainly because you will not immediately be able to figure out your own feelings and desires. Take your time: very little time will pass, and you will understand what does not suit you, what you would like to achieve and how you can do it.


June 25, 2023