Ecological collapse can come already during our lifetime.

The researchers studied models of how tipping events in nature reinforce and accelerate each other. It turned out that the ecological collapse may begin earlier than previously thought. Scientists warn that more than a fifth of the planet's ecosystems, including the Amazon rainforest, are at risk of catastrophic destruction within the lifetime of modern humans.


June 28, 2023

Researchers have introduced a companion robot - it moves around the body.

Calico moves along a special track attached to clothes. Thanks to the ability to change location, it can perform a variety of functions: from health monitoring to assistance in sports training - for example, during squats, the robot can go down to knee level, and then rise to its back to control how the user stands in the plank.


June 28, 2023

The trailer for "Bad Money" has been released.

The film is about how Reddit users raised the shares of the "dying" GameStop chain of stores by 700%, although the entire Wall Street put it down. Then hedge funds suffered losses, and the whole world started talking about the situation. Starring: Paul Dano, Nick Offerman, Pete Davidson, Seth Rogen. The film will be released in Russian cinemas on October 19.


June 28, 2023

The perfect beer-shaped ice cube mold was made by Miller Lite.

According to the company's marketers, in the summer you should drink only cold beer, and ice most often spoils everything - therefore, they suggest making ice from beer.


June 28, 2023

Daily horoscope June 28th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is suitable for work, useful deeds, solving some important tasks. You will cope well with what others did not succeed, you will see opportunities that previously remained unnoticed. Financial issues can be successfully resolved, because of which there has been a lot of unrest lately. Aquarius♒️ It is unlikely that you will have to seriously worry about something today. Circumstances will develop successfully, nothing will prevent you from implementing your plans, achieving the desired results. True, it will not always be clear to others why you act this way and not otherwise. But hardly anyone will dare to stand in your way. Pisces♓️ A good day to talk about important things. No one will argue with you, because it will immediately become clear that you are right. The experience gained a long time ago will help you quickly cope with new cases and avoid annoying mistakes. Unexpected, but very tempting offers of cooperation are likely. They can be taken without much thought.


June 28, 2023

Daily horoscope June 28th.

Libra♎️ Take on new challenges, take initiative in business, do not waste time on trifles. This day will be very fruitful if you tune in to a decisive mood. Not everything will immediately turn out the way you would like, but you, of course, will not give up on what you have planned. Many will like your perseverance. People who hardly noticed you before will want to make friends. Scorpio♏️ The day will not be easy, but very interesting, and at times simply breathtaking. He will surely bring some unexpected discoveries, strange coincidences, amazing news. Talents that few people knew about before will help you succeed. Sagittarius♐️ Today it will be easy for you to find a common language with others. Even with those with whom you did not get along before, you will quickly agree on joint actions. Some Sagittarians will demonstrate enviable diplomatic skills, reconcile those who have been at odds for a long time, and put an end to protracted conflicts.


June 28, 2023

Daily horoscope June 28th.

Cancer♋️ The day will go well. Much will turn out even better than you expected. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will quickly cope with complex tasks and implement the most daring plans. Pleasant acquaintances are not excluded. Perhaps you will meet people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before, and immediately make friends with them. Leo♌️ This day is well suited for new things, and for the implementation of some old plans. There will be no serious obstacles on the way, and you will quickly cope with minor difficulties. Thanks to the support of friends and just good acquaintances, you will achieve what seemed incredible before. Virgo♍️ In the morning, it will be more difficult to negotiate with others than usual. Disagreements over trifles, mutual claims are not ruled out. Sometimes you will quarrel with those with whom you used to get along very well. But everything will be settled quickly, already in the middle of the day it will become clear: relations are getting better.


June 28, 2023

Daily horoscope June 28th.

Aries♈️ It is unlikely that success will be achieved quickly in business, so be patient. This is not the best day to take on completely new things, without any preparation to take on the solution of some important issue. It will take some time to figure out how best to proceed. The experience of acquaintances who have helped you more than once will not be superfluous. Taurus♉️ The day may not be easy, but you should not lose heart or especially worry. First, you will definitely succeed and find a way to overcome all difficulties. Secondly, new business opportunities will open up before you, and you will certainly take advantage of them. Gemini♊️ It is better to start the day by solving well-known problems. Don't try to think about many things at once. It will be much more useful to focus on one thing. Unfortunate coincidences are likely, a violation of old agreements is not ruled out. But all this will not prevent you from doing things on time.


June 28, 2023

10 Cancer Celebrities Who Achieve Their Goals Despite Obstacles. Khloe Kardashian.

Cancer women. These individuals have poor control over their emotions and are prone to mood swings. They don't like being criticized. Any remark can negatively affect their self-esteem. Khloe Kardashian. The celebrity was born on June 27th. She became famous thanks to the family reality show, but this is not her only occupation - now Chloe is actively running a business. She tries to hide her personal life, but the media still manages to find out the details of her relationship. So, everyone knows that Kardashian more than once forgave the betrayal of her ex-boyfriend Tristan Thompson, thinking first of all about the happiness of her common daughter, however, this did not lead to anything good.


June 28, 2023

10 Cancer Celebrities Who Achieve Their Goals Despite Obstacles.

Those born between June 22 and July 22 often care more about others than about themselves. These emotional personalities strive to make everyone feel good. Cancerians have a huge heart - they will always come to the aid of a loved one and sacrifice everything for his happiness. Representatives of this zodiac sign know how to listen and know how to provide support. Thanks to these qualities, many become psychologists or engage in social work. However, there are times when such individuals choose creative professions and reach incredible heights.


June 28, 2023

2 female signs of the zodiac that tear off the head of men at the first meeting. Lioness woman.

There are women who are taken to the cinema and theaters. There are ladies with whom you want to talk heart to heart. And there are also such persons from whom men lose their heads. For the sake of the fatal beauties, they shoot and fight, leave their families and go bankrupt. Under what constellations were these unusual women born, from one meeting with which the life of men changes forever? Stunning Lady Lioness. A lioness does not have to prepare for a meeting. Even if she appears without makeup and a beautiful outfit, the man will be smitten on the spot. The sexuality of the Lioness rolls over, and the head is spinning for all the guys within a kilometer radius. And the Lioness does not have a goal to conquer men - why, because everyone is ready to fight for her favor. The lioness is sincere in communication and behaves naturally - it conquers. A lioness can chat on a date about all sorts of nonsense - they will listen to her with her mouth open and admire. Let's not call the men who "fallen" on her fools - the power of the fiery lady's charm is great, and they simply lose their minds. Is it possible to resist such a seductive beauty, especially if she smiles so mysteriously?


June 28, 2023

Men of these signs will not hesitate to take their wife away from the family. Aries.

Aries - there are no barriers in love. Aries are able to love long and true, but sometimes they long for the distant and forbidden, and when they achieve this, they are disappointed and look for another goal. Aries man will not be interested in a depressed and unhappy woman in marriage, he chooses bright and strong partners. There will be obstacles, refusals and misunderstanding of loved ones on his way, but if he is in love, then the opinion of others does not matter to him. A man does not hunt other people's wives, he just achieves the one that he liked. He will be persistent, but if he understands that the chosen one is not interested in a relationship, he will not spend years of his life on love without reciprocity. Aries is elemental and passionate, he acts with intelligence and pressure, so not every woman can resist his charms. True love can come when you don't expect it. You can deny it or fight for the possibility of happiness.


June 27, 2023

Daily horoscope June 27th.

Capricorn♑️ It can be difficult to remain calm at the beginning of the day, as this time will be full of surprises. Do you get frustrated if things don't go according to plan? Of course not! You will be able to quickly navigate the situation, understand what should be done and who you can rely on. Your ability to make the right decisions at lightning speed will impress many. Aquarius♒️ Today it will be especially easy for you to get along with different people. You can easily find a common language with those whom you did not understand at all before, restore old ties, and negotiate with those who until recently were your rivals. It is possible the beginning of unusual business relationships that will open up a lot of new opportunities for you. Pisces♓️ There will be more cases than you expected, and you will have to hurry to get everything done on time. Old friends will be happy to help you. From those with whom you first met recently, it is better not to expect support: such people may simply not understand what needs to be done.


June 27, 2023

Daily horoscope June 27th.

Libra♎️ At the beginning of the day, it can be difficult to collect your thoughts, focus on what really needs attention. You can worry and worry about trifles, while not noticing what will later turn out to be important. It is worth listening to the advice of old friends. They will help you avoid mistakes. Scorpio♏️ The day starts well. In the morning you will have some great ideas, and the opportunity to bring them to life will not take long. Thanks to your experience, you will not make mistakes, you will immediately understand what should be done immediately and what is better to postpone. Financial issues, which have recently brought a lot of anxiety, can be exceptionally successfully resolved. Sagittarius♐️ The day is perfect for solving a variety of issues, from simple to very complex. But it will not immediately become clear where to start. By the way, there will be a person nearby whose advice is worth listening to. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. You will begin to understand much better those with whom you did not find a common language before.


June 27, 2023

Daily horoscope June 27th.

Cancer♋️ The day can start off rather badly, especially for the representatives of the sign, who have big plans for this time. The emotional background will be unstable, because of worries and worries it will be difficult to focus on business. The meetings that you had high hopes for will hardly live up to expectations. Leo♌️ The start of the day will be quite hectic. It will not be easy to focus on matters that have long required attention. Yes, and in order to bring what you started to the end, you will have to make an effort. People around you will distract you more often than usual: many will need help, and you will not want to refuse. Virgo♍️ You can start the day with important meetings, they will be held exactly as you need. No one will put you off balance, will not force you to agree to some unfavorable conditions. Even people who did not support you before will listen to your arguments today and admit that you were right. Possible proposals for cooperation.


June 27, 2023

Daily horoscope June 27th.

Aries♈️ Do not worry about trifles in the morning. At this time, something will not go according to plan, minor misunderstandings are likely, an unfortunate set of circumstances may prevent you from fulfilling your plans. But the situation will soon change for the better, and then you will begin to act. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is suitable for taking on new things: there will be no obstacles along the way that you could not overcome. Even the most daring plans can be realized, and it is unlikely that you will need someone's support here. And you yourself will willingly help everyone who finds himself in a difficult situation. Gemini♊️ The day will turn out very well. You will do a lot of useful things, not only for yourself, but also for others. But it is unlikely that it will be easy to achieve the goals set. Much more likely to take some effort. In the morning you have to correct the mistakes made by others. This can be a daunting task, but you can do it.


June 27, 2023

Neural connections.

The more those connections our brain has, the better our cognitive abilities. Therefore, our brains need daily exercise. What's to be done?There is one working exercise that doesn't require any special conditions. Just close your eyes and try to move around your apartment, take a shower with your eyes closed, put some stuff in its place. Try to feel the value of a coin lying in your pocket. Try to learn Braille, a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. What's the object of doing that? By doing this you boost neural connectivity and activate some brain areas, which usually perform little or no work. It's also a great exercise for the whole brain.


June 27, 2023

We see the world through the prism of our soul

If you are able to see BEAUTY, it is only because you carry beauty within you. The world is like a mirror, in which everyone can see his or her own reflection. Everything that happens once can never happen again. Take your time to find joy in every sunrise and sunset, in a cup of morning coffee, in a Christmas bustle as well as in everyday life. Always say how you feel and do what you think is right! Sometimes silence breaks the heart and causes unhappiness...


June 26, 2023

The world's first pregnancy test using saliva has appeared.

The UK has developed the SaliStick, the world's first saliva pregnancy test. It works on the principle of oral tests for covid. The result is displayed after ten minutes. Saliva samples should be collected in a handheld applicator and placed in the block for analysis. It will measure the level of β-hCG - just like a regular test strip. Traditionally, the hormone can be detected in the third or fourth week of pregnancy. More than 300 women have participated in the SaliStick trials. The accuracy of the method is 95% from the first day of delay. Test sells for £9.99


June 26, 2023

Swans in Slovakia are addicted to poppy seeds.

They contain opium. Hundreds of drugged birds have become easy prey for predators. Animal activists sent swans for rehabilitation. But they fear that as soon as the opportunity arises, the swans will return to the poppy fields.


June 26, 2023