In Japan, recorded the first case of infection and death of a person from the Oz virus.

This infection is transmitted through tick bites, but there have not yet been cases of human infection. The bitten woman had a liver malfunction and an ischemic stroke, after which she died.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 30th.

Capricorn♑️ Even the most important issues today are worth discussing in a relaxed atmosphere. So it will be much easier for you to find the right tone and the right words, to interest the interlocutors. Some unusual business proposals are not ruled out. Aquarius♒️ Keeping calm will not be easy. The emotional background will be especially tense in the morning; at this time, any little thing can throw you off balance. But there will be people nearby ready to support you and help if you need it. Pisces♓️ Feel free to take on difficult tasks: today you will surely cope with them perfectly. Whatever challenges you face, there is no doubt that a solution can be found quickly. Many Pisces today will be rescued by their rich imagination.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 30th.

Libra♎️ Surely you will want to command, give orders and demand their immediate implementation. But today you will need something completely different: the ability to negotiate with very different people, to find an approach to those who seem not to be interested in cooperation. Scorpio♏️ You will have time to do even more than planned, because you will not waste time on trifles. Old acquaintances will help, you won’t have to explain to them for a long time what needs to be done and why. It will be more difficult to negotiate with people with whom you recently met for the first time. Sagittarius♐️ Habitual work will be given a little more difficult than usual. Some minor difficulties may suddenly arise, sometimes you will be mistaken even in some simple things. It will not be easy to agree on something with colleagues or partners.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 30th.

Cancer♋️ New ideas will appear, and you will take up their implementation with great enthusiasm. People around you will not immediately understand what you have in mind, but they will still try to support you. Leo♌️ The more people who know about your success today, the better. You will be asked many questions about the cases with which you have brilliantly handled lately. Answer in detail and without false modesty Virgo♍️ Try to pay attention to the little things. What seems insignificant now may be important later. A difficult day awaits the representatives of the sign, who today will take on something completely new.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 30th.

Aries♈️ Are you going to dedicate the day to some important business? Be prepared for unexpected difficulties and delays. They will not prevent you from achieving your goal, but you will have to put in a lot of effort. Taurus♉️ It is worth focusing on work or business: here you can achieve great success today. Many bold undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. At the same time, proven methods are unlikely to be effective, and the advice of others is likely to be useless. Gemini♊️ It will be difficult to focus on something at the beginning of the day. Too often, people around you will distract you with questions, empty talk, and unsolicited advice. It is possible that people from whom you have lately preferred to stay away will want to communicate.


June 30, 2023

10 Cancer Celebrities Who Achieve Their Goals Despite Obstacles. Selena Gomez.

The actress was born on July 22. As a child, the girl decided that she would become an actress. Selena started acting as a teenager and became instantly famous with The Another Cinderella Story and Wizards of Waverly Place Movie. Gomez built a musical career in parallel, and now she also manages to do business.


June 30, 2023

Men of what zodiac signs will never make a woman happy. Pisces.

A man born under the sign of Pisces very often provokes unhealthy relationships. primarily because he is too emotional and it is too difficult for him to grow up. And it doesn’t matter how old he is - childishness, frivolity, infantilism will always be among the distinguishing qualities of Pisces, moreover, in leading places. That is why building hopes for a brighter future with Pisces is such a thing - they rarely admit they are wrong, do not notice mistakes and are unlikely to ask for forgiveness, even if they understand that they have greatly offended their soul mate. Of course, such men know how to beautifully look after, say poetic compliments, but they are unlikely to do something for a joint future that will be cloudless and happy. Be prepared that if you manage to fall in love with Pisces, you will have to constantly take the initiative and carry everything on your fragile shoulders. After all, Pisces lives much more comfortably in a fictional world in which outsiders are not allowed to enter. In addition, the Pisces man often shows a slippery character and loves to lie. Negligence and disorganization are symptoms of the existence of a Pisces man. Often he does not keep his promises, and generally forgets that he made them. Living together with a man born under this zodiac constellation requires serious endurance. Most Pisces are slippery types. When they need something, they become soft and accommodating, manipulate the feelings of the chosen one and put on her shoulders the burden of responsibility for making important decisions. And in which case, of course, they reproach the passion, because it was “her choice”.


June 30, 2023

Men of what zodiac signs will never make a woman happy.

At the very beginning of a relationship, for sure, all the fair sex believe in a happy future with their chosen one. Everything seems magical, beautiful and airy. However, unfortunately, this is not always the case. And sometimes a fairy tale ends without really starting. Of course, any relationship can fail. But there are a number of representatives of the zodiac who, according to the astrological forecast, will never make their woman happy. What kind of men are best avoided, even if it is impossible to cope with their magnetism?


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 29th.

Capricorn♑️ It is unlikely that today it will be easy to get along with others. Both at home and at work, disagreements are likely. Even with those who supported you in everything before, sometimes you have to argue. But you will not get excited, so even the most unpleasant conversations will be quite calm and constructive. Aquarius♒️ The morning will be hectic. Unexpected difficulties may arise for Aquarians who have planned trips or important meetings for this time. Minor domestic misunderstandings, tense moments in communication with loved ones are not ruled out. But there will be no serious quarrels, and the influence of positive trends will soon increase, so there is nothing to worry about. Pisces♓️ It will be difficult to focus on one thing at the beginning of the day. It is much more likely that at this time you will have to deal with several issues at once, and this will be a little annoying. In addition, others may interfere in your affairs more often than usual, and not always delicately. But you still keep a positive attitude, and do the right thing.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 29th.

Libra♎️ Any talk about business today should be prepared seriously. Do not rely on your ability to quickly find the right words and the right tone: today it may not be enough to achieve the desired result. In addition, you have to communicate with very difficult people who will not be able to please you right away. Scorpio♏️ Be ready to deal with other people's affairs, to solve problems that have arisen through no fault of your own. This is not to say that it will be easy, but you will do well if you are attentive to the little things, try not to lose sight of anything. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. Sagittarius♐️ There will be many good ideas, and it will not immediately become clear what to take on in the first place. It is unlikely that there will be people nearby with whom you can consult. But you can rely on intuition: its clues will be correct. Thanks to them, you will not make mistakes, you will not fall into the traps set by ill-wishers.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 29th.

Cancer♋️ It will be difficult to start the day, especially for those who have planned something important. Violation of long-standing agreements is possible, errors in calculations, some unpleasant surprises are not ruled out. In addition, it will not be easy to concentrate: others will distract you too often. But you'll be fine if you keep your composure. Leo♌️ A good day to meet with a person whose support you would like to enlist. You can discuss important issues without fear that there will be reasons for disagreement and disputes. It will be easy for you to make a good impression even on those who usually do not like anyone. Not the last role here will be played by your personal charm. Virgo♍️ Take care of important things right away. The first half of the day is perfect for them, you will quickly achieve the desired result. This is a great time to communicate with colleagues, meet with potential employers, discuss issues related to cooperation. Many people will like your ideas. Some Virgos will have a chance to rise through the ranks.


June 30, 2023

Daily horoscope June 29th.

Aries♈️ Plan something especially enjoyable for the morning. This will help to tune in to a businesslike mood and not worry if something does not go according to plan. In the first half of the day, some minor misunderstandings, unpleasant surprises, delays in business are likely. But there will definitely not be difficulties that you could not overcome. Taurus♉️ Do not start important conversations in the morning. Even old acquaintances at this time can misunderstand you, the likelihood of disagreements and stupid disputes is quite high. But the influence of positive trends will rapidly increase. Gemini♊️ Get ready to act quickly: this is the only way you will have time to do everything that you have planned today. Especially a lot of surprises will be at work. New tasks will be added to the usual tasks, it is possible that it will be necessary to perform other people's duties or correct mistakes made by others.


June 30, 2023

Horoscope for July. Gemini .

It is worth stocking up on patience: in July it will come in handy. It is unlikely that you will succeed quickly, even if you immediately find the right path to the goal, choose the right strategy and tactics. Events can develop much more slowly than usual, and it is unlikely that you will be able to somehow influence this. In the business sphere, you should be more careful, especially if you often have to interact with unfamiliar people, agree with them on some kind of joint action. Trying to win you over to their side, many will make promises without intending to keep them. It will take some time to figure out who you can trust and who you can't. But in everything related to personal relationships, you can rely on intuition: it will tell you in time what to do. July will be favorable for dating, many Gemini will make new friends. The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. However, they are unlikely to immediately develop as you would like. Tense moments, unpleasant surprises are likely.


June 30, 2023

Horoscope for July. Taurus.

A rather favorable month awaits you, but still not without difficulties. There will be more tasks and worries than usual, and often you will need to deal with several things at once. But no matter how the circumstances develop, you will not find yourself in a dead end, you will always find a way out, and you will even benefit from some difficult situations. Of course, it will be easier for Taurus, who already have quite a lot of life experience. Such representatives of the sign will quickly understand how best to act. The rest should seek advice from old acquaintances, whose experience has already helped out more than once. Do not believe those who promise mountains of gold and easy victories. You can make great progress in July, but it will take some work. The beginning of the month will be very favorable in terms of personal relationships. It will be easy to get along with loved ones, and you will quickly agree with new acquaintances, communication will please. But later, long-standing differences may escalate. Heated disputes and resentments are not ruled out. At this time, the ability to maintain composure, not to succumb to impulses, will be very useful to you.


June 30, 2023

Horoscope for July. Aries.

July will be successful in terms of work. Progress is likely in those cases that could not be dealt with before. You will correctly prioritize, you will not waste time on obviously hopeless projects. Your approach to solving new problems will please the management very much: it is possible that by the end of the month you will climb the career ladder. Income in July may increase. However, you will need to take financial matters very seriously. Do not rush to conclude deals, large purchases. Your own experience may not be enough to make the right decision: think about who you could consult with. Personal relationships can be tense at times. Sometimes it will seem that it is the people who are especially dear to you who do not understand you and do not even try to understand. But even here the influence of positive trends will be noticeable. In ambiguous situations, you will be able to sort it out, you will feel that you are loved, supported and appreciated.


June 30, 2023

10 Cancer Celebrities Who Achieve Their Goals Despite Obstacles. Ariana Grande.

The star celebrates his birthday on June 26th. From adolescence, she began to play in musical performances, captivating the audience with her charisma and voice. And at the age of 14, Ariana landed a role in Jason Brown's Broadway musical 13. At the age of 18, the artist released her first album, which became popular among young people. Thus began her path to fame.


June 30, 2023

2 female signs of the zodiac that tear off the head of men at the first meeting. Scorpio woman.

The unique Scorpio lady She came, and all the men were gone. And they hit - it is pointless to fight the magnetism of a Scorpio woman. She just needs to look a man in the eyes, and he will gladly rush into this terrible, enticing pool and forget about everything in the world. Scorpio knows about its attractiveness and skillfully uses it. She's not mean, it's just that the water lady likes to collect fans. This is a kind of competition, although the winner is always known - this is Pluto's ward. Scorpio carries danger, communication with her disturbs and excites. Men immediately make a rack - prey. But, alas, prey and hunters change places, and the guys themselves fall into the net of this passionate (yes, yes - Scorpio's passion is visible at first sight) and unusual woman. Oh, what women - Lioness and Scorpio. And we will sympathize with men in love - they no longer belong to themselves. Or we'll be happy for them. After all, fatal ladies not only tear off their heads, but also give incredible happiness and hope.


June 30, 2023

ChatGPT created four viruses in one hour.

This chatbot even provided instructions on how to get these potential pathogens from synthetic DNA. Although this data is insufficient to create a bioweapon, researchers have expressed concerns about the possible development of future versions of the GPT. There is a risk that language patterns may evolve to the point of inadvertently triggering another pandemic.


June 28, 2023

Google is developing a "selfie generator".

He will independently create a selfie, and the user will not have to pose in front of the camera. The service will create realistic images of the user based on other pictures of this person. With the help of text prompts, you can change the background and other details.


June 28, 2023

Bad childhood accelerates aging, doctors have found.

Doctors attributed violence, abuse, neglect, instability in the family to adverse childhood experiences. The epigenetic age of volunteers was calculated from the degree of DNA methylation. In people with a bad childhood, it was higher than the chronological one. They also smoked more, were less married, earned less, and exercised less.


June 28, 2023