Immature and Mature Love

Immature people, when in love, destroy each other's freedom, create dependency, and build a prison. Mature people in love help each other to be free; they help each other destroy any dependencies. When love lives in dependency, ugliness arises. But when love flows together with freedom, beauty emerges.


August 20, 2024

Tesla to Train Humanoid Robots

Tesla will train humanoid robots with the help of people who move like robots. About 50 specialists walk around in motion capture suits and mimic different actions, including lifting heavy objects that the humanoids will have to perform in factories. These recordings are then used to teach the robots the most efficient actions. According to Elon Musk's plan, the robots should start actually helping in factories next year and will go on sale in 2026.


August 20, 2024

Briton buys spherical egg for £150

A Briton purchased a spherical egg at an auction for £150. According to experts, such a shape occurs once in a billion. It was discovered in a Scottish supermarket and then listed on an auction house's website. The happy owner of the artifact is still unsure what to do with his acquisition. He is currently contemplating carefully extracting the egg's insides to preserve the unusual shell in the best possible condition.


August 20, 2024

Switzerland offers 50,000 francs for the best idea to retrieve ammunition from lake beds

Switzerland has offered 50,000 francs for the best idea to retrieve ammunition from the bottom of the country's lakes. More than 7,000 tons of ammunition rest on the lake beds, having been discarded there by the military. They believed this would ensure safe disposal. In reality, the munitions can still explode or contaminate the water and sediment. The prize fund will be split among the three safest and most environmentally friendly ideas. The rescue operation for the lakes will cost billions.


August 20, 2024

Surgeons in the USA lost part of a patient's skull during surgery

In the USA, neurosurgeons lost part of a patient's skull during surgery. Fernando Cluster was admitted to the hospital with a stroke. To save his life, the doctors had to perform a craniotomy. Part of the patient's skull had to be temporarily removed and then sent to storage. When it was time to return the bone tissue to its place, it couldn't be found. Instead, the man was fitted with a prosthesis, for which an additional bill of $146,000 was issued. Moreover, during the implantation, Fernando was infected, forcing him to undergo another surgery. Cluster's relatives took the matter to court.


August 20, 2024

Video Games Improve Mental Health

Japanese scientists have concluded, after observing gamers, that stress decreases during gameplay and negative thoughts go away. In addition to games, the purchase of a new console has a positive effect on mood. However, they warned that if you play for more than 3 hours a day, the beneficial effect decreases.


August 20, 2024

Neural networks help doctors detect rare pathology in early pregnancy

Neural networks help doctors detect rare pathology in early pregnancy. Specialists from Yandex Cloud and students of the School of Data Analysis have developed an ML model to identify symptoms of Spina bifida, a rare disease of the central nervous system in children that is difficult to detect in early pregnancy. The neural network analyzes the results of an ultrasound of a pregnant woman and helps the doctor determine the likelihood of a pathology. The project is available for free on the 'Spina bifida' fund website, and the code is open-source - the technology can be adapted for other medical tasks.


August 20, 2024

Perverted Dolphin Terrorizes Japanese Beach for Three Years

In Japan, a perverted dolphin has been terrorizing a local beach for three years - during this time, more than 47 people have been injured. It approaches its victims and rubs its genitals against them, and also bites. The local government is at a loss and keeps lifeguards on high alert.


August 20, 2024

Blue Supermoon on August 19 Could Have Caused Your Depression

Astrologers claim that during the phenomenon, the risk of apathy, sleep problems, tension, and conflicts significantly increases. Additionally, issues with the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, and exacerbation of alcoholism may arise. Highly sensitive individuals will notice changes for another week after the supermoon.


August 20, 2024

Chinese Scientists Propose Launching Energy Resources from the Moon to Earth

Chinese scientists have proposed launching energy resources from the Moon to Earth. In their opinion, creating a magnetic launch installation on the Moon would allow for cheaper delivery of extracted resources to Earth, saving about 90% of current expenses. The working principle of the installation is similar to the process of hammer throwing in athletics - the load will be rotated with increasing speed and then released towards Earth. This delivery method is made possible by the unique properties of the lunar atmosphere: vacuum and low gravity.


August 20, 2024

Britons Demand Compensation for COVID Vaccine Complications

About 14,000 UK residents have approached the Kingdom's authorities demanding compensation for harm caused by the coronavirus vaccine. In total, 175 people managed to secure compensation, receiving £120,000 each. In 97% of cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine was the cause of disability. This vaccine caused strokes, heart attacks, and spinal cord inflammations, for example. Recall that in May 2024, AstraZeneca began withdrawing its COVID-19 vaccine sales authorization. According to the media, this may be related to legal battles with individuals affected by rare side effects.


August 20, 2024

Scientists Discover Cure for Aging

In the USA, a drug has been developed that regenerates cells and slows aging several times over by lengthening the telomeric regions of stem cells. Initial tests of the drug cured a 12-year-old shepherd dog of cancer, and another elderly dog regained the ability to walk. Human trials are expected to begin in 2025.


August 20, 2024

Man in Spain Assembles Largest Collection of Nokia Phones

In Spain, a man has assembled the largest collection of Nokia phones and entered the Guinness Book of Records. Vens Palau Fernandez became enthusiastic about this idea in 2008 and accumulated 3615 models over 16 years. He even has unpublished prototypes and super rare phones like the Nokia Star Wars.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 20

Capricorn: Control any situation. Whether at work or at home. Without your involvement, problems won't be resolved promptly. Today you are riding the wave of success. By the end of the day, you can treat yourself to some sparkling wine or just have a good rest with your family. Aquarius: A contradictory day. Despite external prosperity, you may feel increased nervousness. As a result, chaotic mood swings will take over. Keep your emotions in check, otherwise, you might hurt your loved ones. The evening is best spent in solitude. Pisces: An excellent day to achieve your goals. However, be prepared to unexpectedly have to change your initial plans or take on new responsibilities. In the evening, the stars advise not to take risks and to watch your wallet.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 20

Libra: Slow down your work pace. Do not overexert yourself, take a break. Try to relax and live life to the fullest to appreciate its joys. Dedicate the evening to yourself and your loved ones: shopping, movies, restaurants. Scorpio: Do not plan any important matters, as the situation is uncertain today. Be cautious, there may be intrigues from the envious. Act on your intuition and listen to no one. An increase in your wallet is not excluded. Sagittarius: You will need to think seriously to avoid mistakes. Spend the evening with your loved ones, they need your support or help. Be careful with money: there is a high chance you might lose something or not get your change back due to carelessness.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 20

Cancer: Today being nervous will be useless and harmful. Keep your emotions in check and do not react to provocations. Show prudence and common sense. Expect an unexpected guest or news. Leo: Settle old matters and postpone new projects. The evening will be a favorable moment to take a step forward in relationships. Gifts or purchases that will delight you are also not excluded. Virgo: You will have the opportunity to implement new plans. However, minor household problems may arise, but you will quickly deal with them. By evening, you can relax with a clear conscience.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 20th

Aries: Your increased activity will attract the sympathies of those around you. But know your limits; otherwise, mood swings and fatigue are guaranteed. Unexpected expenses are possible. Taurus: Relations with colleagues and management may deteriorate. It will also be difficult with loved ones. Try not to be pushy or use raised tones in communication. Maybe you should direct your energy to cleaning? In the evening, relax: take a walk or lie in a warm bath. Gemini: Something will go wrong in love relationships. Try not to overburden your mind with these events; today is not a day for love and relationships. In the evening, it’s best to rest in a calm environment.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 19

Capricorn: A good day to take stock and evaluate your achievements. Attention to detail and careful planning will help you avoid unpleasant situations. Aquarius: You will be focused on resolving issues related to personal life and household affairs. Unexpected tasks will come your way. It is important to remain flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. Pisces: Pay attention to creating a comfortable environment at home. It might be a day to clean up or make small changes to the interior. Taking care of the home space will help you create coziness and harmony.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 19

Libra: The day is suitable for organizing your things or rethinking plans for the future. It would also be good to give attention to your loved ones, showing care and consideration. Scorpio: Focus on issues related to home and family. There may be minor household difficulties that will require your attention. Try to solve problems as they arise to avoid accumulating difficulties. Sagittarius: Sagittarians may face the need to resolve minor household issues related to organizing space or planning tasks. It's important to maintain a clear mind and not miss details to ensure everything goes smoothly.


August 20, 2024

Horoscope for August 19

Cancer: Unexpected problems or misunderstandings will need to be dealt with. Try to remain calm and find practical solutions to avoid complicating the situation. Leo: A good day to tackle home projects or participate in community events. Your activity and organization will help you successfully handle any tasks. Virgo: Pay attention to health and well-being issues. It would be beneficial to review your daily routine or start following new self-care recommendations. Try to find time for rest and recovery.


August 20, 2024