Athlete Performance Metrics

It was found that evening intimacy did not affect athletes' performance in the morning in any way. Moreover, scientists discovered signs of a positive impact of sex on competition results for marathon runners.


August 22, 2024

If the partner prefers when the woman is on top

Does your partner love it when you sit on him? This might be because he likes to give you a lot of attention. He loves to listen to you and communicate with you. In general, he is a very attentive person and is known for this among his friends. You are very important to him, and your well-being is always a top priority, including enjoying sex. He always lets the lady go first!


August 22, 2024

Optimal Duration of Sexual Intercourse: Up to 10 Minutes

How long should sexual intercourse last? It is believed that intimate closeness should be enjoyed for 10 minutes. Quite often, ejaculation in men occurs 2–3 minutes after the start of intercourse. This time is too short to satisfy both partners. Sex lasting 12 minutes or more is too exhausting. Therefore, the optimal duration of sexual intercourse is 7–10 minutes. In this case, the intimate connection will bring pleasure to the partners but won't excessively tire them.


August 22, 2024

Unconventional Behavior for Sexual Routine

Unconventional behavior can help with sexual routine. Due to the placebo effect, paradoxes often improve sexual functionality. For example, a sex therapist might assign a problem couple temporary abstinence from penetration as homework, allowing them to enjoy foreplay and explore each other's bodies. This breaks typical routine behavior in sex and opens the door to creativity, novelty, and excitement. Sensual focus improves intimate life.


August 22, 2024

Cowgirl Position on a Chair

1. The man lies on his back across the chair, his arms straight and slightly lowered. 2. The woman climbs onto her partner with her buttocks and bending forward, lies completely face-to-face on his chest. 3. Her legs stand on the surface, and her hands are clasped behind her back in the buttocks area.


August 21, 2024

How much sex do you need to be happy?

Scientists have found that emotional intimacy and happiness hormones, which are produced during sex, last from 2 to 4 days in us. They provide us with a good mood and emotional background. So, it is not necessary to have sex daily. Even if you do it once a week, your closeness with your partner will not diminish.


August 21, 2024


The most powerful erection occurs before sexual intercourse; almost immediately after the process begins, the blood flow to the penis decreases and the erection is only 70-80% of the original.


August 21, 2024

Where There is Sex and Food – There is Home

Where there is sex and food – there is home. The daily worries of most men are much heavier than pots and diapers. They are under more moral burden. Coming home, they feel more confident, more protected. The home should smell of food and sex. Not of vanilla, not of perfume, but specifically of food and sex. Only these two components will make him return regularly. The absence of one of these points will lead to the man inevitably finding a temporary place to stay. And in the complete absence of both food and sex, he will change his location entirely.


August 21, 2024

Should you confess your love to your girlfriend?

Should you confess your love to your girlfriend? Definitely, and there are several reasons for that: She expects the decisive step from the guy and is unlikely to be the first to speak about her feelings; If you are dating but haven't talked about your love yet, she does not understand the nature of your relationship and your intentions are not fully clear to her; Women love with their ears. It sounds cliché, but it's true. Even if you have proven your feelings a hundred times through actions, reinforce them with words as well – your girlfriend is waiting for that! However, not all situations are clear-cut. If you feel the risk of rejection, don't rush.


August 21, 2024

Don't Live in the Future!

Don't live in the future! The future is an uncertainty that instills fear and insecurity in us. We fear failures, problems, wrong decisions, and unexpected consequences. Why think about the rain that will come tomorrow when today is sunny and cloudless?


August 21, 2024

Don't Let Fate Control Your Life

Don't hold on to fate. If something goes wrong in your life, it's not because of fate. Don't allow yourself to settle for your situation. Look for solutions to your problems, look for ways to change your circumstances. Take action!


August 21, 2024

Scientists Develop Implant to Prevent Opioid Overdoses

Scientists have developed an implant that prevents opioid overdoses in 96% of cases. The miracle capsule with AI on board is injected under the skin and monitors the condition of the drug user. When the implant detects a characteristic breathing disturbance, it injects naloxone within 10 seconds, which blocks the opioid receptors and saves the person's life.


August 21, 2024

Horoscope for August 21

Capricorn: One of those amazing days when you can be extremely impractical and have your head in the clouds instead of realistically assessing the situation. This can lead to annoying mistakes. Don't lose your business acumen, otherwise you will miss a good opportunity. Aquarius: The day is unlikely to pass calmly, especially for those whose work involves communication. There will be more disputes than usual, and you might find it hard to concentrate on truly important tasks. Pisces: Be prepared to change your plans and postpone what you intended to do in favor of something completely new. The day will undoubtedly bring many surprises.


August 21, 2024

Horoscope for August 21

Libra: Try to take as few risks as possible and use only the most reliable methods to achieve your goals. In business matters, it is better to rely on trusted allies whom you are confident in. Scorpio: Focus on important tasks, as the day is most suitable for them. Delegate minor and routine tasks to someone else. Do not hesitate to delegate authority if circumstances allow. Sagittarius: It will be quite challenging to maintain emotional balance at the beginning of the day. It may seem that those around you are deliberately testing your patience and trying to throw you off balance.


August 21, 2024

Horoscope for August 21

Cancer: Do not risk money at the beginning of the day. This time is not suitable for large spontaneous purchases, unplanned deals, or participation in dubious financial ventures. Leo: If you want to impress someone, try to communicate with this person in the first half of the day. Making the right impression will be quite easy. You will be irresistible! Virgo: A great day for work. It will be especially successful for Virgos engaged in intellectual work. It will be useful to communicate with like-minded individuals and share your ideas.


August 21, 2024

Horoscope for August 21

Aries: Be cautious at the start of the day. This primarily concerns the business sphere. Quite unexpected and tempting offers may come in, at first glance. Weigh all the pros and cons! Taurus: A great day for work. Even if you aren't aiming to conquer career peaks, today there will be a chance to strengthen your position, increase your income, or find influential patrons. Gemini: Think, today you are doing it better than anyone else. Gemini scientists will have a chance to make a very useful discovery, and the other representatives of the sign will not miss the opportunity to invent something useful.


August 21, 2024

Freedom in Relationships

Freedom in relationships is not about a history of debauchery, as is commonly believed in our society. If there is freedom in relationships, then certainly there is debauchery, infidelity, and betrayal. Freedom is about trust and confidence in your partner, when you do not try to control every action. When you are morally developed enough to give the right of choice to the person you love. He himself chooses with whom to be friends, where to work, which sport to engage in, and which project is worth implementing. Your task is to accept and support this, even if it is an insanely stupid idea. First and foremost, it is the choice of your partner that must be respected.


August 20, 2024

On the Elegance of a Woman

By how elegant a woman is, you can judge how much a man loves her, how much he can afford to take care of his beloved, and what he is willing to do for this woman. Or how independent the woman is from circumstances, men, and stereotypes! This is the case when she decides to be beautiful despite everything! When she loves herself and pampers herself, does not try to transform herself, but strives to improve herself, sets goals, and achieves them! Such women evoke envy and admiration!


August 20, 2024

I am happy!

I am happy! Just happy by itself. Without a reason, without an occasion. Because happiness is not the result of something. Happiness is not determined by achievements and even less by material goods, happiness is not even measured by people. It is not measured at all and is found within ourselves. You cannot lose happiness, it cannot be taken away, and it's a pity that it cannot be shared. You can give smiles, charge with good mood, but you cannot force a person to be happy.


August 20, 2024

Fate is not a fool

Fate is not a fool. It brings to you either the people you need or those who need you. At any stage of life. And no matter how strange life's twists may seem. Sometimes even incredible... know this — these are exactly the people you need right now... you are either saving them... or they are saving you.


August 20, 2024