Do you notice the little things that make our love more important?

For example, when the door is closed so quietly not to wake anyone. Or how they taste the tea before handing over the cup. How they let you eat the cherry from their cocktail. How they leave the last sip of water in the bottle when you're thirsty. How they get up a bit earlier in the morning to prepare breakfast and tiptoe around. How they gently stroke you to help you fall asleep faster. Love is in these tender little things when you pay attention to them.


August 23, 2024

Forget All Negative Emotions

Emotions can be compared to waves that come and go. Try to imagine an emotion as a wave. And remember, waves come and go. The same happens with emotions: they come and go. It is important to describe and perceive emotions with words. Then we begin to recognize them and understand that we are capable of withstanding them. Over time, they lose their intensity.


August 23, 2024

Beer Can Be Consumed Without Health Risks: One Glass per Week

Beer can be consumed without harm to health: one glass of 0.3 liters a couple of times a week. This information was shared by doctors. It is better to choose quality beer without sweeteners and preservatives. It should contain nothing but water, hops, and malt. It is also recommended to drink only when in a good mood and in pleasant company. The main problem of weight gain from frequent beer consumption is that people use chips, crackers, nuts, fatty sausages, and other high-calorie foods as snacks. It is best to choose shrimp, crayfish, natural homemade crackers, lean dried or cured meat. And it is best to avoid snacks altogether and enjoy the taste of beer. In the latter case, statistics show that the amount of beverage consumed will be less.


August 23, 2024

Athlete's Lung Collapses Due to Regular Vaping

An athlete's lung exploded due to regular vaping. He combined regular training with vaping. In a week, he could smoke 4-5 disposable vapes. As a result of such strain, air pockets formed around his lungs. At some point, one of them burst and compressed the lung. The guy survived but promises never to look at vapes again.


August 23, 2024

Faster Aging Due to Pelmeni, Sausage, and Fast Food

The body ages faster due to pelmeni, sausage, and fast food. This was reported by endocrinologists. The combination of salt, sugar, and fat negatively affects the body and triggers the aging process. Such a mixture can provoke inflammatory processes that, in turn, accelerate cell aging. The issue of aging is not only a matter of genetics but also of lifestyle. It is important to remember that our diet plays a key role in maintaining health and youth. Be mindful of what you eat and try to make healthier food choices. This will help not only preserve youth but also improve overall well-being.


August 23, 2024

Intermittent Fasting Causes Colon Cancer - Study

During a test on mice, they had a rather high risk of developing precancerous tumors with such a diet. When a person fasts, their intestinal cells become active, leading to the risk of mutations that cause cancer. If you still decide to take the risk and try intermittent fasting, try to avoid red meat, which often negatively affects the colon.


August 23, 2024

There will be more magnetic storms

This is reported by meteorologists. All due to the abnormal activity on the Sun. It will last at least until the end of this year and could continue into the next.


August 23, 2024

Elon Musk Wants to Chip Millions of People

Elon Musk wants to chip millions of people in the next ten years. The entrepreneur wrote this while commenting on the latest successes of his startup Neuralink. Not long ago, they implanted a neurochip in a second patient - who was even able to play Counter-Strike 2 with the power of thought. "If everything continues to go well, in a couple of years Neuralink will be in hundreds of people, in 5 years in tens of thousands, and in 10 years in millions," Musk writes.


August 23, 2024

Horoscope for August 23

Capricorn: The day may mark the beginning of significant changes in your life. The decisions you make will serve as the first step to future successes. You will be able to achieve what others have not. Aquarius: Your ability to adapt to the situation will come in handy. Not everything will go as planned. But you will achieve impressive results if you show flexibility and spontaneity. Pisces: Don’t waste your time. Then you will be able to accomplish a lot. Implement your ideas as soon as possible. The stars will be on your side, and circumstances will be extremely favorable.


August 23, 2024

Horoscope for August 23

Libra: Don’t demand too much from yourself. The day will be challenging, but your efforts will definitely pay off. To achieve success, you will have to work hard, so don’t put things off. Scorpio: Be patient and don’t trust others' promises too readily. First impressions can be deceptive. The path to achieving your goals will be longer and more complicated than you expected. Sagittarius: Be ready to work hard. You will need perseverance and determination to overcome all obstacles on the road to your goals. Take your time and consider each decision carefully.


August 23, 2024

Horoscope for August 23

Cancer: You will be able to accomplish everything planned if you do not get distracted by insignificant details. Focus on the main things and do not worry about what you cannot influence. Leo: You will have to work hard to achieve the desired results. Carefully weigh your strengths and assess the complexity of new projects. It may very well be that you cannot handle it alone. Virgo: Have patience and caution; today they will be useful to you. Pay special attention to details, as there is a high likelihood of missing an important detail.


August 23, 2024

Horoscope for August 23

Aries: You will do equally well whether working independently or collaborating with recent partners. Today, there are no insignificant details—every matter is important to see through to the end. Taurus: Use your charm. It will help you easily make a good impression on new acquaintances and endear yourself to everyone else. You will manage to establish business contacts. Gemini: Boldly tackle difficult tasks from the morning. Today, luck will be on your side. There will be quite a lot to do, but this will please you as you will feel your worth.


August 23, 2024

Last Parade of Vintage Amphibious Cars in Amsterdam

The last parade of vintage amphibious cars was held in Amsterdam. 100 vehicles that can both drive on roads and swim took part in the event – mostly Amphicar 770s produced in the 70s. The parade has been held in various European cities since 1987, and Amsterdam has hosted it four times, but this was the last one as restrictions on motor vehicles will be introduced in some areas from 2025, with a complete ban aimed for 2030.


August 22, 2024

World Mosquito Day

August 20 was World Mosquito Day - despite their small size, insects top the list of the deadliest animals for humans. The mortality rate from diseases caused by mosquito bites is up to 1 million people per year. They are carriers of malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and some encephalitis.


August 22, 2024

Chinese Release Household Robot

Unitree is preparing for the mass release of the G1 robot, which can prepare breakfast, wash dishes, pick up scattered socks, and more. Additionally, the built-in AI will observe you and teach the robot new tasks.


August 22, 2024

Scientists Discover Antibody Against All Coronavirus Strains

Thanks to its properties, the antibody hits the virus and blocks the infection process in cells, even in viruses that have already mutated. Based on the obtained data, scientists will be able to create a vaccine that protects against various SARS-CoV-2 strains.


August 22, 2024

Horoscope for August 22

Capricorn: The day will be busy and productive. Your energy will help you handle even those tasks that no one has been able to tackle for a long time. Aquarius: At the beginning of the day, you will feel not very well. Mood swings will prevent you from getting into a productive work mode. Keep an eye on your belongings; you might lose something small. Pisces: In the morning, you will be calm and rational. You will manage to resolve many important issues, but don't expect a significant breakthrough in your affairs. You may witness an unpleasant and even dangerous situation. Be careful and watch out for your own safety.


August 22, 2024

Horoscope for August 22

Libra: Self-confidence will help you reach remarkable heights. No small troubles will make you deviate from your planned path. Spend the evening with your loved ones or engage in creative activities. You haven't done anything for yourself for a long time. Scorpio: You will easily attract those around you. Therefore, it is best to handle tasks that require the participation of colleagues in the morning. Together you will achieve success faster. You will be satisfied with yourself and your work. Sagittarius: Do not postpone important matters. You will achieve a lot thanks to a surge of energy and enthusiasm. You will handle unconventional tasks well.


August 22, 2024

Horoscope for August 22

Cancer: Pay special attention to current routine tasks in the morning. Avoid communicating with colleagues, as you may come across as tactless without meaning to. Don't hesitate to seek support from close people. Their advice may be helpful and change your thought process. Leo: You will achieve a lot if you don't rush. Thoughtless actions may harm you. Try not to impose your opinion on others, but try to understand their point of view. Virgo: Don't expect much from this day. Not everything will go as you want. Focus on routine tasks that don't require unconventional approaches or serious effort.


August 22, 2024

Horoscope for August 22

Aries: You will feel a surge of vitality in the morning. Enthusiasm and a drive for victory will help you solve several important issues and achieve your desired goals. Pay attention to details – important clues may be hidden in them. Taurus: Do not start the day with important tasks that require concentration – it will be harder than usual to focus. The day is favorable for analyzing and considering new opportunities. Gemini: You will come up with many original ideas. However, not all of them will come to fruition. Some will be difficult to implement for objective reasons.


August 22, 2024