People with brown eyes are the smartest

Researchers have concluded that people with brown eyes are the smartest. They made this conclusion after conducting various IQ tests, where the best results were shown by those with brown eyes, while the lowest scores were among those with blue eyes.


August 25, 2024

Woman Covers 99.98% of Her Body in Tattoos

A woman has covered 99.98% of her body in tattoos. For this, she even got into the Guinness World Records. In addition to tattoos, she has many piercings and modifications, such as a split tongue. She got her first tattoo at the age of 15 (she is now 36) and has no plans to stop even now.


August 25, 2024

Apple patents new technology - read your thoughts through AirPods

Apple has patented a new technology to read your thoughts through AirPods. The earphones will include a set of various electrodes that can read brain biosignals similar to an ECG. A similar technology is likely to be integrated into the Vision Pro headset.


August 25, 2024

Americans have created a regenerative gel

Traumagel stops heavy bleeding in just a few seconds and does not require pressure on the wound, unlike tourniquets and bandages. The miracle ointment will appear in American pharmacies later this year.


August 25, 2024

Harry Potter Cookbook to be Released

A Harry Potter cookbook is set to be released. Inside, there are 80 recipes for snacks and dishes from the universe. Sales start in September, and in the meantime, fans are being teased with photos of pages and recipes for festive toasts.


August 25, 2024

World's largest football stadium to be built in Morocco for the 2030 World Cup

Morocco will build the world's largest football stadium by the 2030 World Cup. The complex will cover an area of 100 hectares and accommodate 115,000 people. Its highlight will be a roof in the style of traditional Moroccan tents. The project cost is about $455 million. By the way, currently, the largest stadium is the 'May Day Stadium' in North Korea. When it opened in 1989, it was designed to accommodate 150,000 spectators, but after renovations in the 2010s, the number of seats was reduced to 114,000.


August 25, 2024

Mashed Potatoes Extend Life

Mashed potatoes extend life - Norwegian scientists have proven it. They observed 77,000 adults for a long time and concluded: regular consumption of boiled potatoes reduces the risk of death from all possible causes. Every 100 grams of potatoes per day reduces the risk of death by 4%.


August 25, 2024

Second Largest Diamond in the World Found in South Africa

The second largest diamond in the world has been found in South Africa, weighing 2492 carats (498 g) and valued at over $40 million. The lucky discovery was made by the Canadian mining company Lucara Diamond at a Botswana mine, but what will be done with it has not yet been decided. The largest diamond in history, the 'Cullinan' at 3106 carats, was found in 1905 (also in Africa). It was then divided into several pieces, which adorned the scepter of English King Edward VII and the British Empire's crown.


August 25, 2024

Horoscope for August 25

Capricorn: You have overestimated your strength and taken on too much. It's time to take action: prioritize the most important tasks and involve helpers. To relax and get your emotions in order, spend at least part of the day doing something you enjoy, treat yourself to a celebration. Aquarius: You might accidentally overhear a conversation: they will be talking about you, and not in the most positive light. Don't pretend you didn't hear anything, put the gossipers in their place and don't let them insult you without consequences. Pisces: Don't be upset by minor mistakes, focus on the main goal. Think about what resources you have to achieve it and determine how to use them more effectively.


August 25, 2024

Horoscope for August 25

Libra: Try to avoid contact with strangers, as they may cause you some trouble. Today you have the chance to showcase your best qualities and enjoy well-deserved admiration. Scorpio: Solving a problem is much easier than you think; the solution is literally on the surface. The day is also suitable for major purchases, opening deposits, and savings accounts. Sagittarius: You are organized and businesslike, and you can easily handle all the tasks and problems that arise. The stars advise only to show more patience, not to rush events, and to avoid adventurous, risky decisions.


August 25, 2024

Horoscope for August 25

Cancer: Sunday will bring unexpected changes, and you will have to contemplate how to adapt to the new circumstances. Do not take rash steps, this is not a case where the first thing that comes to mind is the most correct decision. Leo: It is advisable to spend the day in good company, if you stay within four walls, you will get bored. Do not refuse invitations to visits and entertainment events, there you will not only have a great time, but also meet interesting people. Virgo: If you wake up feeling broken and overwhelmed with sad thoughts, do not succumb to this mood. Spend time with children, whether they are your own or others', carefree communication and sincere fun will do you good.


August 25, 2024

Horoscope for August 25

Aries: The day is suitable for discussing plans, exchanging experiences, and creating schedules. Changes are expected in your personal life. Single representatives of the sign will have a chance to start a relationship, while families will achieve mutual understanding with their partner. Taurus: The stars advise spending the first half of the day alone, as communication may end in arguments. In the afternoon, the mood will improve, and you can plan meetings with friends and relatives or go on a business date. Gemini: If you are worried about a quarrel or misunderstanding, now is a good time to clear the air and reconcile. Physical and mental exertion should be avoided, as it can lead to ailments.


August 25, 2024

Horoscope for August 24

Capricorn: Today you can expect a day filled with productivity and determination. Your efforts will be rewarded with success. In the evening, allow yourself to relax and enjoy some well-deserved rest. Aquarius: You can expect a day filled with unexpected encounters and interesting events. Be open to new acquaintances and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The evening is the perfect time for creative activities and self-expression. Pisces: You can expect a day filled with intuition and inspiration. Allow yourself to dream and don't be afraid to share your ideas with those around you. The evening is the perfect time for romantic meetings and conversations with close people.


August 24, 2024

Horoscope for August 24

Libra: You are in for a day filled with harmony and balance. Try to find time to communicate with loved ones and enjoy their company. In the evening, you may have a romantic date that will give you unforgettable emotions. Scorpio: Today you will have heightened intuition. Let your feelings guide you and don't be afraid to take risks. The evening is the perfect time to enjoy a quiet and cozy evening at home. Sagittarius: You are in for a day full of adventures and new experiences. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and experiment. In the evening, a fun party awaits you, where you can show your optimism and zest for life.


August 24, 2024

Horoscope for August 24

Cancer: You will have a day filled with emotions. Allow yourself to be sensitive and do not hesitate to express your feelings. The evening is the perfect time for relaxation and meditation. Leo: Today you will have the opportunity to show your talent and leadership qualities. Do not be afraid to take the initiative; success awaits you. In the evening, you may enjoy a fun party with friends, where you will be the center of attention. Virgo: Today you need to be particularly attentive to details. Do not rush and check everything carefully to avoid mistakes. The evening is the perfect time to engage in your favorite activities and enjoy the process.


August 24, 2024

Horoscope for August 24

Aries: Today you will experience a surge of vitality and energy, but be careful not to overexert yourself. Your straightforwardness may lead to conflicts, so it's better to use a diplomatic approach. In the evening, find time for a peaceful dinner with pleasant company. Taurus: Engage in something creative that brings you pleasure today. You will encounter unexpected success in your hobby or work sphere. The evening is the perfect time for romantic dates and spending time with loved ones. Gemini: Try not to get distracted by trivial matters today and focus on what's important. Your talkativeness can lead to unnecessary disputes. In the evening, a pleasant surprise will bring you joy.


August 24, 2024

Nothing Returns to the Office

"Remote work is incompatible with high ambitions and high speed." The British company Nothing has decided to bring all its employees back from remote work – 450 people received an email stating that everyone is switching to a five-day office week. Those who refuse to come to the office were offered to resign and seek opportunities in another field. CEO Carl Pei said in the letter that they have an "adult company," and adults should work in the office. Employees will be given two months for adaptation. They have not yet commented on the decision, but it could be assumed that the employees are simply speechless. After all, many joined Nothing because the company operated only remotely. Remember how during the Covid era everyone said that the world would never return to offices?


August 23, 2024

The Most Famous Superfood: Avocado

The most famous superfood is the avocado. It is very rich in vitamins and microelements, but it is important to remember that this harmless fruit is high in calories and can hinder weight loss. This fruit should ideally be eaten with various foods, especially tomatoes. With them, the avocado burns empty calories. Powerful antioxidants and carotenoids are found in the green fruit, while beta-carotene is found in the red fruit. Therefore, these two ingredients help in the fight against harmful radicals and are highly effective antioxidants.


August 23, 2024

Why Love at All?

Why love at all if it will likely hurt in the end? I think you need to accept it as one of the outcomes of your relationship. It will hurt, but not necessarily. The point is not to focus on this question at all – it could drive you crazy. And you could lose all meaning in everything. Missing out on an opportunity like love is very sad due to such prejudices. The point is not to suffer because of what might happen in the future, but to enjoy the here and now. Do not be afraid to love and be loved!


August 23, 2024

About Male Love and Women's Wishes

When a man spends the night with a woman, it speaks of passion. When he dines with her, it shows his interest. When he is jealous, he shows his seriousness. But male love begins with caring for his woman. How is male love measured? By gifts? By care? By attention? Every woman has her own yardstick. I think when a man loves, he is always on your side in front of the rest of the world, even if you are wrong a thousand times. A man is the one who can piece together even a shattered heart and be proud that he managed to win the love of the one he truly needs. That's a woman's happiness, to be a whimsical woman in the hands of a caring man. Don't lose the woman who continues to love you despite your flaws. Women have only 3 wishes from a man. If you think it’s an apartment, a car, and a fur coat, you are mistaken. It is loyalty, gratitude, and attention.


August 23, 2024