How to Identify a Resourceful Man for a Relationship

1. He always has goals and plans for his life. 2. He improves and develops himself. 3. His word is valuable, not just talk. A man who says something does it. 4. More actions, fewer words. 5. He can solve problems and make decisions. 6. He always calls and informs if plans change. It's a matter of respect. He respects himself, so he respects you. 7. He invests his resources in the woman: time, emotions, money, provides protection and security. 8. He is ready to take responsibility for the woman and the family. 9. He respects the personal boundaries of the woman. 10. He values his woman because he respects his choice. He is interested in the woman's preferences.


August 26, 2024

Remember Once and For All

Remember once and for all that you don't need to beg for love from those who are unable to express this wonderful feeling. You don't need to ask to meet, to call, to come over, to buy medicine, to order pizza, to take you to the doctor, to cook meals, to clean the apartment, and everything else. When someone truly cares, perhaps even loves, you don't need to ask. This applies to both women and men. And begging for love and attention means training the one with whom you plan to create a family and build relationships. Don't forget that you will always be a priority if you are needed, valued, and loved.


August 26, 2024

Tomatoes Banned for Breakfast

Tomatoes are banned for breakfast as they contain oxalic acid. Nutritionists warn that tomatoes provoke already increased acidity, irritate the stomach lining and duodenum. For those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis, nutritionists advise completely eliminating tomatoes from their diet.


August 26, 2024

Scientists warn against health tips from the planet's oldest people

Scientists strongly recommend against following health advice from the planet's oldest people. They are still trying to understand how some people manage to live over 100 years. These individuals often boast about smoking a lot or eating only burgers. Many perceive this as advice for longevity, prompting scientists to raise the alarm.


August 26, 2024

Smart Glasses with Vision Correction Lenses from Even Realities

The device is packed with a multitude of functions. The coolest ones include: a navigator, a teleprompter - you can read text straight while recording video, and a built-in translator that instantly translates texts and audio. Price - $599.


August 26, 2024

Stranded Starliner Crew to Be Returned by Elon Musk in 2025

The first crew of Boeing’s space ship, who were supposed to spend only a week in orbit, will be returned by Elon Musk – but not until February 2025. Starliner was launched in June, planning to return to Earth after 8 days, but due to engine problems that occurred at launch, the ship has been in orbit for three months. Ultimately, NASA will attempt to return Starliner on autopilot with no humans aboard: the crew will be picked up separately by a SpaceX ship.


August 26, 2024

British Stuntman Johnny Davis Sets New World Record

British stuntman Johnny Davis has set a new world record for riding on boots behind a motorcycle. The extreme sportsman accelerated with a special mechanism in his glove, and his soles were made of titanium. In the end, he managed to reach a speed of 256.7 km/h, breaking Gary Rothwell's record (251.5 km/h), which he held since 1999.


August 26, 2024

Selling Sunlight at Night in the USA

California startup Reflect Orbital is developing mirror satellites that will redirect light to your location for a fee.


August 26, 2024

KidZania: A Place in Tokyo Where Children Can Try 50 Professions

In Tokyo, there is a place where children can try out 50 types of professions. KidZania is a miniature replica of a city where kids are offered the chance to work for pretend currency, which they can spend there as well.


August 26, 2024

Stanford creates sprayable gel to protect wooden houses from wildfires

Stanford has created a sprayable gel that protects wooden houses from wildfires. Old gels withstood flames for only 90 seconds and became useless just 45 minutes after application. The new Morphing material, however, can protect against fire for up to 7 minutes and will stay on until it is washed off.


August 26, 2024

Glasses Against Depression Developed in Austria

Glasses against depression are being developed in Austria. The headset from the Vienna startup Syntropic Medical affects the head with directed light impulses. The developers assure that this method will be more effective than antidepressants.


August 26, 2024

Horoscope for August 26

Capricorn: You are in for an unexpectedly pleasant event, possibly related to family or friends. Work will be calm. But do not forget about deadlines - time flies. In the evening, find time to rest. Aquarius: You will have to show flexibility in dealing with colleagues or loved ones. Unplanned events may occur that will change your plans for the day. Stay calm and adapt to the situation - everything will turn out for the best. Pisces: This day may bring some misunderstandings with loved ones, but there is no need to worry. A calm conversation will help clarify everything. Financial news may arrive that could affect your future plans.


August 26, 2024

Horoscope for August 26

Libra: The day promises a lot of communication. New acquaintances are possible, which can be useful in the future. In your personal life, minor misunderstandings may arise, but the resolution will be easy if you show patience. Scorpio: Important changes at work await you. You may have to make a decision that will impact your career. Do not rush to conclusions - the stars advise carefully considering all options. Sagittarius: You may lack motivation, but that's no reason to give up. Try to find inspiration in simple things or seek advice from a close person. Minor difficulties at work will be quickly resolved if you focus.


August 26, 2024

Horoscope for August 26

Cancer: This day will bring emotional tension, especially in relationships. You may have to make an important choice. Be honest with yourself and others, and this will help avoid conflicts. Leo: The stars will enhance your creativity. Use this day to bring your creative ideas to life at work or in personal projects. Pleasant news related to close ones might come in the evening. Virgo: Pay attention to your health. Take preventive measures or finally address those issues you've been putting off for a long time. New responsibilities may appear at work, but don't panic - you can handle it.


August 26, 2024

Horoscope for August 26

Aries: Monday promises you an unexpected opportunity for professional growth. Keep your eyes open and be ready for an important conversation that could change your plans. Don't let doubts drag you into inaction. Taurus: Be prepared for minor misunderstandings at work. You can easily resolve them if you stay calm and diplomatic. Don't take everything too personally, because in the evening you will have a pleasant meeting with close people. Gemini: Your energy is at its peak, and this is the best time to start new projects. Don't forget to check all the details to avoid mistakes. Unexpected financial expenses are possible, so keep your wallet under control.


August 26, 2024

A Special Kind of Love

There is a special kind of love. When you are loved in such a way that you remember your true self, long forgotten by yourself. It is not an overwhelming feeling that sweeps you off your feet. Quite the opposite. It is a love that helps you see yourself because you are loved. It is the feeling when, thanks to one person, you find what you have hidden from everyone for so long and have forgotten yourself how unique you are. It happens the moment you meet someone who sees you for who you truly are. Who does not try to change or break you, and you feel that you become better in their presence. You are not playing. You become yourself again. You can love yourself and another person again because it is this kind of Love that helps you uncover yourself. We are always magnetically drawn to those who bring out the “real you.”


August 25, 2024

Signs of Healthy Jealousy

Healthy jealousy is a reaction that arises when our relationships are threatened. When experiencing healthy jealousy, we are capable of taking reasonable actions aimed at protecting our relationships. Here are the points by which you can understand that you are experiencing healthy jealousy: 1. The person acknowledges their jealousy, admits it, and takes responsibility for their feelings and emotions. 2. The person may ask you to help them cope with this feeling but does not require you to radically change your life.


August 25, 2024

Life is not a movie

I know that life is not a movie — there are no takes that can be reshot, replayed, and perfected. But there are moments that cannot be fixed or repeated. I know that there are sweet and bitter times. I know that happiness is the cruelest of illusions, the most beautiful fairy tales end in complete collapse, people leave, any unions are not eternal, and the worst betrayals always have the most familiar eyes.


August 25, 2024

Moving Forward in Life

As you travel along the road of life, you must learn to leave behind without regret everything that hinders your progress: bad memories and old grudges, past mistakes and former disappointments, and most importantly — people who have proven through their words and actions that you are no longer on the same path with them...


August 25, 2024

Unmanned Airship for Internet Distribution Successfully Tested in the USA

An unmanned airship designed for internet distribution was successfully tested in the USA. The 65-meter-long device can ascend to 19 km and fly continuously for months, powered by solar panels. Primarily intended to provide mobile communications in hard-to-reach areas, it will also monitor climate changes. If all goes according to plan, it will enter commercial operation next year.


August 25, 2024