Wells Fargo Employee Dies at Desk, Discovered Four Days Later

In the USA, a Wells Fargo bank employee died at her workplace but was only discovered four days later. The employee used her key card to enter and went to her 'cubicle' on the third floor, where she passed away. Some colleagues even saw her briefly, but no one paid attention. When the smell of decay began to spread through the office, it was initially attributed to the plumbing. The bank now states that they do not understand how the employee remained in that condition for four days without being noticed — neither by security nor by her colleagues. An internal investigation is underway.


September 1, 2024

Man wraps himself in luggage film at Miami airport and demands to be registered as baggage

At Miami Airport, a man wrapped himself in luggage film and demanded to be registered as baggage on a LATM flight. He stated that he identifies himself as baggage. Eventually, airport security noticed the man-suitcase and he soon checked in as a regular passenger. It seems the airline also abandoned principles of inclusivity and diversity.


September 1, 2024

Ben Affleck seen smiling for the first time in years

Ben Affleck was seen smiling for the first time in years. Paparazzi caught the actor as he left the house to pick up a food package. Important context: Last week, Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce after two years of marriage. Divorce and food delivery work wonders.


September 1, 2024

Elon Musk Invents New Bonus Calculation Method

Elon Musk has invented a new method for calculating bonuses – prove yourself that you deserve it. Specifically, it concerns options that many Twitter employees have still not received, and it is now unknown whether they will. Musk sent out a letter to employees suggesting they prove their importance to the company. This needs to be done with a one-page essay arguing why you deserve the shares. No significant contribution to the company – no shares. The battle for options at Twitter has been ongoing for several months. Musk constantly evades payments under various pretexts, sometimes even postponing the distribution of options without explanation. Now he has come up with a trick every HR dreams of, shifting the duty of proving their usefulness onto the employees themselves.


September 1, 2024

Underwater Tunnel with Crocodiles

An underwater tunnel where you can come face-to-face with crocodiles and observe them from all sides. This one is located in the Miami Zoo, where it enjoys incredible popularity. Most of the time, the reptiles behave peacefully, but sometimes they can frighten by snapping their jaws suddenly.


September 1, 2024

Neural networks begin to 'dumb down'

Computerworld reports that models like ChatGPT, Meta AI, Gemini, and others are giving more and more incorrect or not always accurate answers over time. The publication explains that neural networks learn not only from data on the internet but also from information created by the models themselves. This means that the quality of new data is deteriorating, while the amount of generated information is increasing.


September 1, 2024

Women's Actions That Completely Kill Male Desire

1. Too frequent rejections in intimacy. As a result, he stops approaching you because he gets used to rejections. 2. Choosing comfortable rather than aesthetic underwear. Wear sexy underwear from time to time. 3. Hours-long preparations for sex. For men, the atmosphere is not as important as the process itself.


September 1, 2024

Yoga and Sensuality

Stretching stimulates sensuality. Stretching and breathing exercises practiced in yoga are also beneficial in other respects, such as for sexual life. Yoga relaxes and reduces cortisol levels, while the body produces more oxytocin. This hormone is also known as the cuddle hormone.


September 1, 2024

The Secret Point of Female Orgasm

The female body has many erogenous zones, but this one will drive you crazy every time and make you moan in orgasm. This point is located just above the clitoris. Upon touching, you should feel the bone that borders the vaginal tissues. By pressing with fingers and moving right and left, a woman can experience an orgasm in 5-10 minutes.


September 1, 2024

Texture of Lubricants

1. Thick liquids are ideal for anal sex. They do not hold their shape and spread across the skin. 2. Creams are a dense mass that is rubbed into the skin. This texture holds its shape and does not spread. Creams are convenient to apply and have the most economical consumption. 3. Sprays are sprayed onto the skin. This is very convenient: they cover a specific area and do not require additional rubbing in.


September 1, 2024

Imbalance in Bed

One of the common problems in sex between partners is that the woman cannot climax, and the man cannot hold back his orgasm. Why does this happen? Simply put, partners have different levels of arousal (women are less sensitive). What to do? Extend foreplay to increase the woman's arousal. Psychologically hold back the orgasm until the last moment. Technique 9 to 1, nine short thrusts and one long. Lubricant with a cooling effect.


September 1, 2024

Myths About the Female Body

Myth 1: Genitals naturally smell bad. In fact: A healthy vulva typically has a slight odor that can change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Myth 2: There is a standard for what labia should look like. In fact: Labia vary among individuals, like noses, and can come in all sorts of shapes, shades, and sizes. Myth 3: Vaginal discharge is a bad sign. In fact: A healthy vagina produces lubrication. Its appearance changes throughout the cycle.


September 1, 2024

Sexual Fantasies of Women

Did you know that women fantasize sexually as much as men, and sometimes even more? Here is a short list of the sexual fantasies that may be on their minds: Sex with two or more men. Bisexual encounters (by the way, a very common fantasy). Threesome sex FFM. Dominance and submission. Mutual masturbation with lots of adult toys. Anal and vaginal fisting. Sex with a stranger. Sex in public places.


September 1, 2024

Not All Women Always Orgasm

Not all women orgasm every time. According to statistics, 70% of women do not reach orgasm during sex. The reason is that orgasm is a skill, a conditioned reflex. It is necessary to train the body to achieve orgasm. For vaginal orgasm, the G-spot is responsible - the best stimulation is self-massage or exercises for intimate muscles.


September 1, 2024

Engineer Invents Smart Glasses for Visually Impaired

An engineer has invented smart glasses for the visually impaired. The glasses are equipped with a camera that analyzes the surroundings and informs the user about nearby objects so they can avoid them. Everything works on an AI basis that quickly detects obstacles. The engineer developed this budget-friendly version because many people cannot afford expensive gadgets.


August 31, 2024

Special Heat-Resistant Sprays Sold in Japan

Special sprays against heat are sold in Japan. The composition starts to work when it reacts with sweat, almost instantly cooling the skin by 10°C. The spray costs around 800 yen.


August 31, 2024

Horoscope for August 31

Capricorn: Try to maintain a balance between work and rest. To avoid upsetting anyone, it's better to delegate some responsibilities to colleagues. Set your priorities straight and stick to them carefully. Aquarius: You should engage in creative activities to distract yourself from problems. Drawing, singing, or crafting can lift your mood and bring positive emotions. Do what you enjoy. Pisces: You may feel the need for solitude. Try to avoid stress or unpleasant conversations. Find time for rest and recuperation to maintain inner harmony.


August 31, 2024

Horoscope for August 31

Libra: Your diplomatic skills will help you in communication and conflict resolution. Remember that everything can be discussed calmly. You will manage to prove your point and prevent a bad scenario. Scorpio: Changes in your personal relationships are possible. These will help you understand yourself and your partner better. If you feel that something is wrong - speak openly about it. Misunderstandings and silence can play a bad joke. Sagittarius: You need to pay attention to your health. Sport and proper nutrition can improve your quality of life and well-being. Remember to take care of yourself in time to avoid serious health problems.


August 31, 2024

Horoscope for August 31

Cancer: You should spend time with your loved ones and strengthen family ties. Give them a present or arrange a surprise. Positive emotions will be very timely for them and for you now. Leo: Leos will be in the spotlight on Saturday. Your charm will attract the attention of those around you and elicit admiration. Don't overload yourself with work and spend more time relaxing. Virgo: A favorable period for planning and organizing your life. Think about what exactly you lack for complete happiness and what steps are needed to achieve it. You will definitely succeed.


August 31, 2024

Horoscope for August 31

Aries: Aries will feel a surge of energy and motivation for new endeavors. This is a good time to take the lead on a project or propose innovative ideas. Luck is on your side. Taurus: Financial matters will be your top priority. Currently, you are being very particular about your budget or investments. The main thing is not to lend money, as there is a risk you may never get it back. Gemini: New opportunities and acquaintances await you. You will easily find like-minded individuals who will help bring creative ideas to life. Pay attention to details and be diligent.


August 31, 2024