Gather Your Attention in the Now

You will forgive yourself and others many times. You will process the pain from your past life again and again, and then start all over. Because you have scattered your attention on thoughts and emotions, on events from the past, on your self-pity and its importance. You consume the past, the future and lose the present. If you are not here and now, if you do not realize your presence, then where are you? In a daze. In hallucinations. Gather your attention in the now. Realize your presence and this will heal you once and for all.


September 2, 2024

Read at least 20 pages a day

The rules are simple — commit to reading at least 20 pages every day. After 30 days, you will have read 600 pages or two to three books. You already know that reading brings pleasure, develops empathy, expands vocabulary, reduces stress, and improves sleep.


September 2, 2024

Act Every Day to Develop Yourself

No matter how many commandments you read, no matter how often you say what they mean, what will they mean if you do not follow them? They say: "Words are worthless," and it is true. To develop, you must act; to develop quickly, you need to act every day. Glory will not fall into your lap! Glory is for everyone, but only those who act constantly will achieve it.


September 2, 2024

Her Choice Matters

It doesn't matter if she's your woman or your wife. If she's with you, it means she chose you. Women cannot be with a man just for carnal pleasures alone. She chooses a life partner first and foremost, even if your romance didn't involve grand plans. And if her choice is you, it means she sees at least a friend, brother, husband, support, and a shoulder in you. It means you possess that core strength that makes women forgive almost all men's mistakes. She clings to her choice like a last straw because all her dreams and desires are connected with you. And it's not the ring on her finger or the status that makes her yours, but her voluntary desire to see only you beside her among millions and to forgive all the foolishness you sometimes do.


September 2, 2024

Embrace Change

Embrace change. According to many people, stability is a guarantee of security. Because their entire life is governed by fear - fear of losing money, relationships, and much more. In life, there are two doors: Freedom and Security. Choosing freedom may not yield security. But choosing security, you will lose both. Sooner or later you will have to come to terms with this thought: the only constant in this world is change. Instead of being afraid, embrace it.


September 2, 2024

One of the Most Beneficial Habits

Write down 10 ideas every day. By the end of the month, you should have generated exactly 300-310 ideas. This will greatly enhance brain activity and provide guidance for the future. Additionally, when you encourage yourself to come up with idea after idea, even if they are silly and terrible, you become more creative and thoughtful, and also learn to solve your problems more effectively.


September 2, 2024

Chinese Man Sets Record for Simultaneously Solving Three Rubik's Cubes While Juggling

A man from China set the record for simultaneously solving three Rubik's cubes while juggling them. Li Zhixiao completed the task in 1 minute and 59 seconds, surpassing the previous record by over a minute and entering the Guinness Book of Records once again. He also holds records for solving a Rubik's cube underwater and upside down.


September 2, 2024

Annual 'La Tomatina' Festival Held in Spain

The annual 'La Tomatina' festival took place in Spain. An astonishing 150 tons of tomatoes were brought for the festivalgoers to play something akin to snowball fights. The streets, as expected after such an event, turn into red rivers.


September 2, 2024

California Couple Spends $20k on Cat Wardrobe

A California couple has spent $20,000 on a wardrobe for their cat. Waffle loves trying on different outfits and posing for social media. The couple adopted the ginger cat from a shelter 9 years ago because the man was a Garfield fan. Apart from photoshoots, they pamper Waffle by spending about $650 a month on food, supplements, grooming products, and costumes.


September 2, 2024

Horoscope for September 2

Capricorn: Carefully consider every step. There is a high probability of making a mistake and regretting it. Your detractors will try to harm you. However, they are unlikely to succeed. Aquarius: Inspiration, intuition, and imagination will help you solve many problems that no one has been able to handle for a long time. Your insight will be at its best. Pisces: The day is unlikely to bring a significant breakthrough in matters. However, handling routine tasks will be easier than usual. Communication with colleagues and business partners will go well.


September 2, 2024

Horoscope for September 2

Libra: Not everything will go as planned. But you will quickly adapt to the situation and take advantage of new opportunities. Scorpio: You will be good at understanding complex things and acquiring new skills. A favorable day for professional development or exam preparation. Sagittarius: You will feel an emotional boost that will help you deal with any surprises. A lucky day for making deals with foreign partners.


September 2, 2024

Horoscope for September 2

Cancer: You will have many conversations, letters, and phone calls. You will have to solve family problems along with your work tasks, but you will successfully manage everything. Leo: Do not start responsible tasks in the morning. You will tend to be overly impulsive and act without thinking. Avoid conflicts with colleagues, as this will hinder your goals. Virgo: Your charm and good manners will allow you to make a favorable impression on everyone around you. You will acquire reliable allies whose assistance will be useful soon.


September 2, 2024

Horoscope for September 2

Aries: You will be good at endearing yourself to others. They will willingly meet you halfway and assist you in any matters. You will be able to strengthen your authority in the eyes of colleagues and management. Taurus: A good day to deal with real estate matters. Long trips and business trips will be favorable. Deals will be profitable, and negotiations will be productive. Gemini: In the morning, try not to come across the bosses. You will also not find it easy to find common ground with colleagues. If possible, engage in tasks whose results depend solely on your efforts.


September 2, 2024

Taking Control of Your Own Life

Do not wait for people to make the first moves or send the last messages. Either way, it's foolish to put your decisions in the hands of others. Do not beg for anyone's attention, love, or pity. Do not trample on your self-esteem to satisfy the ambitions of people who are completely indifferent to your feelings. Learn to listen to yourself: when you want, you call, write, come, go. Your life is a puzzle of your decisions, and no one else can understand what you want better than you.


September 1, 2024

5 Uncontestable Truths from Steve Jobs

1. Do not raise your children to be rich, raise them to be happy. 2. Eat food like medicine. 3. Those who love you will never leave you. 4. If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. 5. The best doctors in the world: sunlight, rest, exercise, diet, self-confidence.


September 1, 2024

The Benefits of a Cold or Contrast Shower

By regularly taking a cold or contrast shower, you stimulate your cognitive abilities, improve memory, and boost overall productivity.


September 1, 2024

Horoscope for September 1

Capricorn: You should take the risk and make a move that you haven't dared to make before. This can relate to both your personal life and work. September promises many surprises, but you can already start changing. Aquarius: Aquarians should say goodbye to a person with whom they have a toxic relationship. Even if it's hard to let go, you need to move on and not be influenced by this person. You will definitely be fine. Pisces: In the near future, you will be able to bring your plans to life. You already have a clear action plan and are ready to act decisively. Do not lose your persistence and take responsibility for every step.


September 1, 2024

Horoscope for September 1st

Libra: There will be a strong desire for independence, and Sunday will be the start of your action. You will finally get rid of constant self-doubt and won't listen to criticism. Freedom will definitely improve your life. Scorpio: You will experience happiness and joy throughout the day. There is a chance that someone will delight you with a gift or organize a pleasant trip to a place you wanted to visit. Be open to adventures and enjoy life! Sagittarius: There will be progress in your affairs. However, the cards advise showing patience and attentiveness. Don't focus on small mistakes, but notice your successes and growth more.


September 1, 2024

Horoscope for September 1

Cancer: Your opportunities will expand today. You can try something new or realize a dream you lacked the courage for. Everything is in your hands, just notice the signs of destiny. Leo: Conflicts with friends await you. You will have to defend your views and compete. Be careful not to say too much, as later you might have to ask for forgiveness. Virgo: The day may bring important information about your significant other. You might learn a secret that you won't like. However, it is better to discuss this with your partner so there are no more secrets between you.


September 1, 2024

Horoscope for September 1

Aries: Difficulties may arise that will force you to change your plans for the day. However, by the evening you will be able to resolve everything and breathe easier. The cards advise not to get upset but to draw conclusions from the situation. Taurus: You will feel pleasure from everything you have in life. You will also gain confidence in your own abilities and in the day ahead. Channel this self-belief in the right direction and continue conquering the world. Gemini: New perspectives will open up before you. Luck is now on your side, so things will go well. The cards advise celebrating your success with your loved ones.


September 1, 2024