Horoscope for September 4

Capricorn: A celebration planned for this day, even if it's just a quiet event with family, is better postponed to another day. There is a high risk of serious quarrels. In love matters, you should relax control and enjoy the moment. Aquarius: Rise above dubious hints and ambiguous jokes. Responding to evil with evil will soon cause you to be tormented by guilt and blame yourself for what happened, better to avoid this situation. Pisces: The stars recommend that you refrain from physical exertion, including sports activities. You have little energy now, so it's better to conserve it for more serious activities, such as implementing work projects.


September 4, 2024

Horoscopes for September 4

Libra: There’s no point in fighting for justice when standing up for someone you believe has been unfairly treated. They can stand up for themselves and may later blame you for what happened. Avoid making purchases today, as they will lead to disappointment. Scorpio: Do not look for reasons to quarrel with those around you – this time, you might face serious resistance. Think carefully before engaging in any confrontation with anyone. Sagittarius: Do not stop people from showing their true selves – you will lose the illusions you had about them and will not be deceived in the future. This revelation will be painful but helpful.


September 4, 2024

Horoscope for September 4

Cancer: On this day, it is important to look for positive moments in everything. Positivity will add to your energy, while negativity, on the contrary, will drain it. Today, the support of those around you will be important. Any trips and business travels will be successful. Leo: The day is favorable for business negotiations, which are preferably held in an informal setting - this will make it easier for you to find mutual understanding with partners. Spend the evening with your significant other. A romantic date will go well on this day. Virgo: A successful day for those who have long been considering a job change. You can start studying job advertisements, sending out your resumes, and attending interviews.


September 4, 2024

Horoscope for September 4

Aries: Communication with others should be minimized to avoid conflicts. Keep only the closest ones around, with whom quarrels are impossible by definition. By the end of the day, you will be exhausted from the attention surrounding your persona. You can expect money inflows and good news. Taurus: Being at the initial stage of a new project, put in maximum effort to make the 'start' powerful, then no one and nothing will be able to stop you on your way to achieving the goal. Gemini: It is recommended to spend the day in a state of calm and relaxation. The main thing is not to succumb to the temptation to take a nap and not to sleep for several hours – you may miss the most interesting things.


September 4, 2024

Horoscope for September 3

Capricorn: Today, any task will be within your reach. You will have the opportunity to bring your creative initiatives to life and implement even bold plans. You are on the brink of changes. You might change jobs or start education. Do not worry about the upcoming changes, everything will be fine. Aquarius: Excessive trust could let you down. So double-check information and listen to your intuition to avoid mistakes. Pisces: You will be calm and composed, which will help solve even complex problems. Communication with new business partners will be successful.


September 3, 2024

Horoscope for September 3

Libra: You will not be in the best mood in the morning. Avoid being noticed by your boss and getting into arguments with colleagues. Scorpio: Do not make any important decisions in the morning. You will not always be able to consider all possible circumstances. New information is likely to appear, which will require changes. Today’s acquaintances will be useful, as they will contribute to your career advancement. Sagittarius: In the morning, it will be difficult to reach mutual understanding with those around you. You will be somewhat selfish and stubborn. Not everything will unfold as you would like.


September 3, 2024

Horoscope for September 3rd

Cancer: You will handle even those tasks that caused difficulties for everyone else. A surge of strength and energy will help you significantly advance towards your goals. Leo: At the beginning of the day, you will have many successful opportunities. The key is to notice them in time and not miss out. Do not waste time and do not get distracted by insignificant details. Harmful habits can lead you to a dangerous state. Reevaluate your priorities and focus on what will improve your life. Virgo: A favorable day to show initiative and start new bold projects. You will be able to handle any complex tasks. You will achieve noticeable successes.


September 3, 2024

Horoscope for September 3

Aries: In the morning, you will have to deal with many unfamiliar issues. But you will successfully handle them thanks to your cleverness and intuition. Taurus: Arm yourself with patience. Today, not everything will work out on the first try. Some interesting ideas will prove unfeasible. Gemini: Do not plan anything important for the first half of the day. Focus on routine tasks, organize your documents, and correct any mistakes made. Start treating your body with love and care, and you will be rewarded with excellent well-being and a wonderful appearance.


September 3, 2024

What to Find Out on a First Date?

What to Find Out on a First Date? The first date is an exciting moment when you start to get to know each other and determine if you share common interests and values. 1. Interests and Hobbies. Ask: "What do you like to do in your free time?" or "What are your hobbies?" 2. Values and Beliefs. Ask: "What values are most important to you?" or "What is the most important thing in your life?" 3. Life Goals and Ambitions. Ask: "What are your plans for the future?" or "What are your ambitions?" 4. About Relationships. Ask: "What kinds of relationships are important to you?" or "What are you looking for in a partner?" 5. Family and Friend Relationships. Ask: "What is your relationship with your family?" or "Do you often see your friends?" 6. Favorite Travels and Places. Ask: "What is your favorite travel destination?" or "Do you have a dream to visit any special place?"


September 2, 2024

Pectin removes unnecessary cholesterol!

Many fruits and vegetables contain pectin – a natural polysaccharide that helps to remove excess cholesterol from the blood vessels. The most pectin is found in beets, carrots, peppers, pumpkin, and eggplants. Also in apples, quinces, cherries, plums, pears, and citrus fruits. Try to eat the aforementioned fruits and vegetables as often as possible. Additionally, make sure to eat more greens. Especially dill, parsley, cilantro, and celery stalks.


September 2, 2024

Melon boosts performance!

Melon is almost 90% water and is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, B8 (inositol), B9 (folic acid), and minerals such as iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Regular consumption of melon enhances mental and physical performance. The fruit quenches thirst better than plain water, especially after very intensive workouts. And yes, this sweet flesh makes the body more resilient, allowing it to cope with high temperatures.


September 2, 2024

How to Convince Him to Do What You Want

How to convince him to do what you want? If a man is hard to persuade to do something - here are some tips to help: Take the initiative! If you want your boyfriend to help you with cleaning or to cook dinner, don't hesitate to ask him about it. The main thing is to do it with a smile and tenderness in your voice. Use your feminine charms! We are very weak in the face of your beauty and charm. So, if you want your boyfriend to go for a walk with you or watch a movie, just take his hand and say: 'Honey, I really want to spend time with you.' I am sure he won't be able to refuse!


September 2, 2024

Fear Will Always Be There

Fear will always be there. Starting something new. Stepping out of your usual circle. Taking risks. Doing something you're not accustomed to. Fear for your loved ones. For the matter at hand. For your own life if it comes to that. And many more. Fear will continue to be there. No matter how much experience, practice, confidence, recognition, money, or talent you have, every time you aim for a new height, every time you step on stage, every time you look back at your loved ones - to some extent, there will be fear. This is normal. It means you are still alive. And it means you need to move forward. Through the fear. Not try to completely get rid of it.


September 2, 2024

Despite warnings: Climbers ascend Dukono volcano

Despite warnings about the risk of an eruption of the Dukono volcano in Indonesia, a group of climbers decided to ascend to its crater. The eruption began as soon as the extremists reached their goal, so they had to descend twice as quickly. No one was injured.


September 2, 2024

Elon Musk tore the atmosphere

In November last year, there were explosions of the first stage and the main module of the Starship at an altitude of 90 and 149 km. Scientists from the RAS stated that the event led to the formation of a huge plasma hole in the ionosphere.


September 2, 2024

How to Not Be Shy About Talking About Sex

Open and honest communication about sexual preferences and desires is key to healthy and fulfilling relationships. Embrace your sexuality. Explore your desires and preferences. Reading literature on sexual education can help you understand yourself better. Start the conversation in a calm setting. When both are in a good mood. For instance, over dinner or during a cozy evening at home. Be honest and open. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts. For example, 'I like it when you do that, and I would like to try something new.' Respect your partner's wishes and boundaries. If your partner is not ready to discuss certain topics, respect that. Continue the conversation when both are ready.


September 2, 2024

Where Should the Support Come From?

If you don't receive support in a relationship, then where? From whom should you expect understanding if the closest and dearest person can't give you what you so desperately need in the moment. Parents, friends, yes, but sometimes you need the support of the one with whom you plan your future, share your bed, and have no secrets. Support is needed by everyone, even the strongest, when they find themselves in a difficult situation.


September 2, 2024

Istanbul, Turkey

An unusual fact: Istanbul is the only city in the world located on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Bosphorus Strait separates them, connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara. Istanbul is home to the Hagia Sophia, one of the greatest architectural structures, built in 537. It has been a cathedral, a mosque, and is now a museum. The city has around 3,113 mosques, including the famous Blue Mosque with its six minarets.


September 2, 2024

Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy. At least now, while you still can, have fun properly. Everything! Extract joy from every moment, it won't come back, it won't repeat, this moment! Let at least the memory of a humble, small joy remain. It is better than nothing. Capture the joy now, immediately, without delay! Tomorrow might not come... (Sake Komatsu "The Dragon's Demise")


September 2, 2024

Self-care doesn't always look attractive

Self-care doesn't always look as attractive as it seems. Often, it means doing very unpleasant things – sweating during a workout, telling a toxic friend that you no longer want to talk to them, finding a second job to finally start saving money, or – the most challenging task of all! – accepting yourself as you truly are, instead of pushing yourself to the limit to match an ideal, and then taking a forced 'break' from that reality with a bubble bath, a glossy magazine, and a phone turned off all day.


September 2, 2024