Japanese Man Sleeps 30 Minutes a Day to 'Double' His Life

A Japanese man has been sleeping only 30 minutes a day for 12 years to 'double' his life. The 40-year-old Daisuke Hori even proved his abilities by participating in a three-day show where cameras never took their eyes off him. Since 2016, he has taught more than two thousand people the same: to practically not close their eyes, without feeling tired and extending their life.


September 6, 2024

Tesla Updates Smart Summon Feature

Tesla has updated the Smart Summon feature. The update is named Actually Smart Summon. Now the electric car can independently drive out of the parking lot and reach the owner or a selected location.


September 6, 2024

Horoscope for September 6th

Capricorn: You won't be able to control what happens. Events often don't go as planned. Stay calm, avoid taking on responsible tasks, and steer clear of stressful situations. Aquarius: Try to avoid unnecessary expenses and don't open your wallet too often. Meetings with friends will be beneficial. Someone may give you an interesting idea, the implementation of which will bring professional benefits. Pisces: Much depends on your mood today, so try to charge yourself with positivity from the morning. Your actions should be well thought out, otherwise mistakes will be inevitable. It's best to dedicate the day to familiar work. Postpone the start of new projects to another day.


September 6, 2024

Horoscope for September 6

Libra: Listen to your body. There is a high chance of getting sick right now. Take breaks and avoid tackling too complex or labor-intensive tasks. Pay attention to details. Small mistakes can negatively affect the final result of your work. Scorpio: Do not plan any new or difficult tasks for today. Circumstances are not in your favor, so you need to adjust and look for alternative paths. This is a good time for business negotiations, conferences, and exchanging opinions. You may find new allies and helpers. Sagittarius: Maintain a cozy and relaxed atmosphere in the family and do not try to prove your point at all costs. A peaceful attitude will help strengthen relationships and make them more trusting.


September 6, 2024

Horoscope for September 6

Cancer: You need to show determination and persistence. Defend your point of view in arguments or discussions, and be confident in your correctness. There is a possibility of quarrels in personal relationships. Talk more about your feelings and show care. Leo: On this day, you should pay more attention to solving financial issues, review your budget, and reduce expenses. Do not neglect small issues. The success of all your undertakings may depend on them. Spend the evening cheerfully, go to a lively place with friends, and get vivid emotions. Virgo: Postpone all important negotiations to another day. Also, try not to become a victim of manipulators, do not make decisions under someone's pressure. You can try something new and unusual.


September 6, 2024

Horoscope for September 6

Aries: There is a likelihood of making a mistake and directing your energy in the wrong direction. Listen to your inner voice and don't forget about your set goals. Difficulties may arise in the relationship with your loved one. Try to understand the reasons that led to the tension. Taurus: It is difficult to plan your day as there is no clarity on the ongoing events. Many things may not go as you expected. Pay more attention to urgent issues that need to be resolved at the moment. Avoid rushing in your affairs, act thoughtfully and calmly. Gemini: Do not listen to the advice of others, act intuitively, and approach all tasks practically. Try not to build castles in the air but realistically assess the ongoing events.


September 6, 2024

Make Your Woman Happy

A man likes a woman's smile, especially if it is his woman. A man strives to make his woman happy, to make her eyes shine. A man whose woman is happy is also happy himself. Because by creating happiness for her, he avoids problems, avoids obstacles, as she guides him with her light, becoming a beacon in the dark for him, illuminating his path! Make your woman happy and she will become your guiding star.


September 6, 2024

The Philosophy of Memento Mori: How the Reminder of Death Teaches to Cherish Life

Memento Mori — Latin for «remember you must die» — teaches us to recognize the finitude of our existence and to appreciate every moment. This ancient principle, rooted in the Roman era and Stoicism, reminds us of the inevitability of death and encourages us to live fully, finding joy in the present moment. Ultimately, Memento Mori is not a saying about sadness or fear but about accepting life as it is and appreciating its value. It reminds us that each moment is unique and each day is a gift to be used to the fullest.


September 5, 2024

Persistence Leads to Success

Great achievements are accomplished not by strength, but by perseverance. True success comes not from instant efforts, but from consistent hard work. Perseverance and persistence are the keys to achieving great goals. Strength may offer a temporary advantage, but only hard work will yield long-term results. By overcoming obstacles and not giving up, you become stronger and wiser.


September 5, 2024

How to Turn Down a Man in a Relationship

There are situations when someone shows interest in us, but we do not feel the same in return. It is important to decline in a way that preserves the dignity and feelings of both parties. Honesty is the best way to turn someone down. Say something like, 'I respect your feelings, but unfortunately, I do not feel the same. I think it is better if we remain friends.' Choose an appropriate time and place. This shows that you respect the other person's feelings. Show respect and empathy. Express appreciation for their interest and say that you value them as a person. Avoid false hopes. Be clear in your words and avoid phrases like 'Maybe sometime in the future' or 'Let's see what happens next.' Be prepared for different reactions. If the person reacts emotionally, give them time to calm down. Do not argue or justify yourself.


September 5, 2024

Safety and Contraception

It is very important not to forget about your safety and contraception during your first sex. In such cases, a condom becomes an excellent remedy, as it protects not only from unwanted pregnancy but also from various infectious diseases. If you are using a condom for the first time, it would be good to practice putting it on beforehand on some object or on your finger. Purchase contraceptives only from pharmacies and always check their expiration date.


September 5, 2024

Which essential oil is the strongest aphrodisiac?

Ylang-ylang oil. Ylang-ylang oil has long been considered the strongest aphrodisiac that awakens sexual energy. It is important to note that ylang-ylang does not act immediately, but after some time. The oil enhances the sensitivity of receptors and increases sexual desire several times over.


September 5, 2024

Aphrodisiacs for Men

Which essential oil arouses men? For men, oud, jasmine, and sandalwood oils may be more effective. To attract a partner and enhance sexual desire, you can use patchouli or jasmine oil.


September 5, 2024

Oils and Scents

An erotic atmosphere is hard to imagine without candles, pleasant scents, and oils. It might not be very convenient to use oil every evening, but massaging each other at least occasionally is very beneficial for the relationship.


September 5, 2024

Quality over Quantity

If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you should understand that it is not the amount of sex that matters more, but its quality. Don't be lazy, show initiative either in the morning or right after work, or maybe even during the lunch break... A day off can start with breakfast in bed and a blowjob. Your partner will definitely appreciate it!


September 5, 2024

Tower for Car Collectors to be Built in Thailand

A tower for car collectors will be built in Thailand. The project by Porsche Design is a nearly 100-meter-high residential building whose design is inspired by Porsche cars. Inside, there will be luxurious residences with private garages and a spiral auto ramp.


September 5, 2024

Mouse Concept for Mobile Phones Unveiled in South Korea

A concept for a mouse for mobile phones has been unveiled in South Korea. It is Poinf - an accessory with a touchpad and a physical button that attaches to the back of the phone. It is intended to be operated with the index finger and solves the problem of 'shovel' phones, which are inconvenient to hold with one hand.


September 5, 2024

Incredible Slow-Mo Jump of Springtails

The incredible slow-mo jump of springtails - tiny bugs that perform flips faster than any other living creature on the planet. By pushing off with a leg on their abdomen, they leap into the air in just one thousandth of a second and spin up to 368 rotations per second. The jump height can reach 6 cm - 60 times the length of their bodies. The flip is so fast that to the naked eye it may seem like the springtails just disappear.


September 5, 2024

Horoscope for September 5

Capricorn: Do not vent your negative energy on the people around you. Instead, channel it into something peaceful – for example, do a thorough cleaning or engage in sports. You might be offered a promotion, but there may be minor issues in your personal life. Aquarius: A good day for new beginnings. You can kickstart new professional projects and start your own business – the stars will ensure that the circumstances are favorable. Pisces: Start the day with exercise – it will not only positively affect your figure and physical shape but also give you the necessary boost of energy for work, allowing you to accomplish a lot of tasks.


September 5, 2024

Horoscope for September 5

Libra: It is strongly recommended not to resolve any disputes with relatives and close ones at this time. You will not be able to find common ground, but it is quite possible to enter into a prolonged and pointless confrontation. Any trips will be successful. Circumstances in the second half of the day may disrupt your plans. Scorpio: Do not take criticism to heart. Those around you have the right to express their opinions about your actions, and you just need to draw the right conclusions from their words. Sagittarius: Your actions on this day will significantly affect your – happy or not so happy – near future. Therefore, try not to take any frivolous actions.


September 5, 2024