Artificial Intelligence in China Adopts Socialist Values

In China, artificial intelligence is being instilled with socialist values. An alternative chatbot based on the works of Xi Jinping and official literature has been launched in China. AI should not shy away from discussing political topics and must answer more than 95% of questions. Users of Chinese chatbots have already noticed the results of this process. Most systems refuse to answer questions about the events in Tiananmen Square in 1989 or the resemblance of Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh.


July 27, 2024

AI Terminal Developed in Germany to Choose the Perfect Bicycle

The Smartfit Q2 system measures and analyzes your parameters, then suggests the best bicycle that you won't want to get off.


July 27, 2024

Horoscope for July 27

Capricorn: Tomorrow you will be very determined and productive. Use this day to achieve your goals and plans. Success is just around the corner, you just need to put in a little more effort. Aquarius: Be open to new opportunities and don't be afraid to experiment. Pay attention to your health and emotional state. Avoid toxic people. Pisces: The day will be calm and harmonious. Spend time with your loved ones, it will bring you joy and satisfaction. Trust your intuition.


July 27, 2024

Horoscope for July 27

Libra: Libras should take care of their health. Astrologers say that the day will be favorable for medical examinations and various procedures. Physical exercise will also be beneficial. Scorpio: You will be full of determination, so on this day you can accomplish things that previously seemed impossible. If you need advice, turn to your loved ones. Sagittarius: Sagittarians may find a patron who will help them move forward. Listen to their advice as it could be advantageous for you. However, still rely on yourself.


July 27, 2024

Horoscope for July 27

Cancer: Spend this day with your family and loved ones. This will help you gain a dose of inspiration and energy. Interacting with children will only benefit you. Leo: Be open to new opportunities and adventures. Do not be afraid to go where it is scary, because where there is fear, there is strength and success. There are people who will support you. Virgo: You can finish all your old tasks and take a little break. Plan a mini-trip where you can catch your breath and restore your energy. Then you can think about new projects.


July 27, 2024

Horoscope for July 27

Aries: The day will be filled with romance. For married Aries, the spark will reignite, and singles may meet someone with whom they will want to spend their life. You will find personal happiness. Taurus: You are recommended to spend more time outdoors. Don't stay within four walls; instead, take your friends and go for a walk or a picnic. A walk with a loved one in the park or by the lake will also help you find harmony. Gemini: You may come up with a brilliant idea. Share it with your like-minded friends. They might help you refine it and start implementing it.


July 27, 2024

The Best Time for Intimacy

The difference in sexual rhythms between men and women is almost a whole day. For women, the most comfortable time to have sex is between 9:15 PM and 11:50 PM. For men, this cycle is when they feel the highest arousal, on average between 7:10 AM and 9:20 AM. So, it's just a matter of finding a compromise and enjoying each other anytime and anywhere, without paying attention to the time.


July 26, 2024

Sexual tastes change and become more promiscuous

Sexual tastes change and become more promiscuous. Many young women like romantic sex at first, but then begin to lean towards more brutal, rough, and dominant forms. People change their sexual preferences over time, sometimes to the opposite. The older a person gets, the more free they are from prejudices and the more open they are to different experiments in bed.


July 26, 2024

Vaginal Balls

Vaginal balls. Let's start with what these balls are. Vaginal balls are one of the vaginal trainers that are among the top sex products. No disadvantages or harms of this trainer have been identified. The vaginal trainer helps to improve sexual life, and some women can solve the problem of lack of orgasm with its help. In addition, the intimate trainer can solve the problem of excessive vaginal dryness.


July 26, 2024

Sex in the Elevator?

If passion catches you in the elevator, what should you do? Generally, vertical positions are suitable for sex in an elevator, such as the partner holding the partner in the air, with her back against the wall opposite the entrance. However, if there are railings along the walls, they can be used as follows: place one of her legs on the railing and leave the other on the floor. A third position that can be used in the elevator, if there is enough space, is the high doggy style, where the woman bends forward, holding onto the railings, and the man approaches from behind.


July 26, 2024


Do you love the classic position? Then have sex in the missionary position, but with a slight modification. For this, lay the woman on her back, as in traditional sex, but the man should be standing. If the bed is low, he can stand on his knees. Another way to ignite passion is to place the partner on a table so the man can stand. The rest follows the usual scenario. To achieve orgasm faster, the woman should lift her pelvis (a pillow can be placed under it) and throw her legs over the partner's shoulders.


July 26, 2024

How Much Sex is Necessary?

Scientists have found that the emotional closeness and happiness hormones produced during sex last for 2 to 4 days. They ensure good mood and emotional well-being. In other words, it is not necessary to have sex daily. Even if you do it once a week, your closeness with your partner will not decrease.


July 26, 2024

Pubis: The Forgotten Erogenous Zone and Aesthetic Object

If you lie on your back, the pubis rises above the body like a hill. During missionary sex, the pubic mound acts as a shock absorber. When the partner's pelvis hits the pubic bone, the fat layer in the pubic area cushions the impact. What makes the pubis an interesting area? First of all, its special location: it lies directly above the clitoris, which converges with around 8000 nerve endings. If you or your partner stimulate the pubis, sensations arise not only in the area above the pubic bone but also in the erogenous zones of the vulva. A skillful pubic massage can lead to a very intense climax.


July 26, 2024

Horoscope for July 26

Capricorn: The meeting with friends scheduled for today will bring not only pleasure but also significant benefit. It is quite possible that one of them will give you valuable advice or even provide the necessary help. Aquarius: Before saying anything, it is necessary to carefully weigh every word. Careless remarks that hurt someone around you could come back like a boomerang. It won't take long to return. Pisces: The day is perfect for communicating with close ones whom you have seldom pampered with your attention lately. This is especially true for elderly people, but don't forget about your loved one either.


July 26, 2024

Horoscope for July 26

Libra: A day when it is undesirable to rely solely on your own strengths to accomplish an important task, no matter the field of activity. It is necessary to ask others for help – without them, you will not succeed. Scorpio: Do not judge an acquaintance for an action that seems unattractive or possibly even mean to you. You do not know all the circumstances of what happened, and in their situation, you might have done even worse. Sagittarius: When helping others, try not to sacrifice your own interests. Firstly, they are unlikely to appreciate your act, and secondly, you will harm your own affairs, which you will regret very quickly.


July 26, 2024

Horoscope for July 26

Cancer: A day when you need to put aside your modesty and present your recent work results to your boss. This will earn you not only praise, but also a bonus or salary increase. Leo: The eloquence and persuasiveness that the stars will grant you today will make any negotiations successful, from business to personal matters. It is especially important to resolve disagreements in relationships with close ones. Virgo: You should not meddle in the private life of one of your friends, even if you think they can't manage without your help. Their reaction may be the exact opposite of what you expect.


July 26, 2024

Horoscope for July 26

Aries: Once you make a decision, stick to it, even if the reasons for such behavior seem compelling. Later, you will regret your unreasonable retreat, but you will not be able to reverse it. Taurus: Today, you can tackle even those tasks that have seemed unattainable to you until now. You will have plenty of energy for this; the only thing lacking is motivation – try to motivate yourself. Gemini: It is not advisable to be greedy, trying to take on more work than you can handle. As is well known, you can't earn all the money in the world, and resting is very important. Without recharging your energy, you can quickly fall out of the race.


July 26, 2024

Horoscope for July 25

Capricorn: If feeling unwell, take a small timeout, at least for today, and rest. You have been working a lot recently, so it's time to replenish your energy, which is becoming increasingly depleted. Aquarius: Avoid any misunderstandings in your relationship with your loved one. Without sufficient information, they might imagine many things that they will ultimately believe in, and these fantasies will be hard to overcome. Pisces: The help you need, no matter what life sphere it concerns, will be provided by the people around you. And this may even come from those with whom you have neither familial nor friendly ties.


July 25, 2024

Horoscope for July 25

Libra: If you decide to take risks in professional and financial matters, first calculate the possible consequences and only then make a decisive move. Otherwise, you might lose instead of winning. Scorpio: The day is favorable for trips of both business and personal nature. Everything will turn out maximally successful, especially if you plan in advance the places that must be visited. Sagittarius: You can start implementing an important and ambitious project that you have been preparing for quite a while. Starting today, you can be guaranteed to expect success.


July 25, 2024

Horoscope for July 25

Cancer: The day is favorable for representatives of the sign engaged in trade. You will manage to conclude one, but serious and important deal. The stars advise others to make purchases - they will turn out to be exceptionally successful. Leo: Relationships with a close person, which have recently been leaving much to be desired, can be resolved by simply having an open conversation. But today you shouldn't do it – it will only get worse. Virgo: It is advisable to remain indifferent to rumors that a person in a hostile mood may spread about you. By starting to refute them, you will give reason to believe in their truthfulness.


July 25, 2024