If a man doesn't text first...

Has the man's initiative decreased? Of course, it suddenly became clear that he doesn't want this relationship, right? Usually, a woman wants to know the truth. Why? That's how she is, every action follows a pattern, especially in relationships. Contemplated, weighed, decided, acted. And she naturally feels that the man acts according to the same logic. Yes, he acts according to this logic, but his priorities may be slightly different. This behavior does not mean at all that he is ignoring you, he just forgot a little. If a man thought like a woman – he wouldn't be a man. Don't be afraid to write first, maintaining the household is your duty, don't hesitate to take control in this matter.


September 7, 2024

Examine Your Surroundings Carefully

Examine your surroundings carefully. The ancient proverb "Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are" is still relevant today. If you are surrounded by people who prefer fast food and are not striving for personal growth, you are likely to find yourself in a similar situation. Your environment plays a significant role in influencing your worldview and social connections. Consider those with whom you spend the most time. Do they inspire you to achieve new accomplishments, or do they hinder your development?


September 7, 2024

The Futility of Jealousy

There is no sense in jealousy. Total control has never protected anyone from anything. You can read your partner's messages, call unexpectedly, conduct interrogations with intensity, and still be cheated on if they want to. During lunch breaks, business trips, or when the phone is supposedly dead. They will cheat, and there's nothing you can do about it. No one can be protected from anything in this life. No one can be controlled one hundred percent. So is it worth tyrannizing your loved ones with your jealousy and limiting their social circle? You need to give the person you love as much freedom as they need. And if they abuse your trust, there is only one way out - to leave them.


September 7, 2024

US Man Earns $10 Million from Generated Music, Faces Up to 60 Years in Prison

A young man from the USA earned $10 million from generated music and now faces up to 60 years in prison. Since at least 2017, he has been creating tracks of fictional bands using neural networks and uploading them to Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube Music, manipulating the listens with bots. A local AI startup assisted him, and in particularly successful months, he earned over $100,000. However, at some point, the streaming services became suspicious and contacted the FBI.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7th

Capricorn: Today, you will have to listen to words, guess the hints and suggestions of those around you. Your intuition is at a high level, so it’s useful to use it when making an important decision. You can take up a new hobby or study an interesting subject. Aquarius: Treat yourself with a small gift, buy something unusual, or go to a restaurant with exotic cuisine. This will lift your spirits and give you new emotions. Pisces: Spend more time with your beloved person. Show care, talk about your feelings, or have an honest conversation about your differences, if any. Stay calm with possible changes in plans and look for the positives in any given circumstances.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7

Libra: There is a chance that you will need to change your plans. Circumstances or ill-wishers will hinder the fulfillment of your intentions. Pay attention to minor household matters and avoid taking on something complex or responsible. It's also beneficial to spend more time in solitude. Scorpio: Listen to your intuition to avoid mistakes or wrong decisions. Postpone important matters. Today, you need to relax and regain your strength after a tough week. An argument with friends might lead to a promising idea. Sagittarius: The day will be difficult and tense. Some situations will upset you. To avoid serious conflicts, adapt to your interlocutor and look for compromise solutions. Engage in activities you enjoy, which help you relax and find inner balance.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7th

Cancer: Your dreams or fantasies may lead you to an interesting and promising idea that you will later implement successfully. An unusual perspective will also attract new people. Loved ones will help and support you in any matters. Leo: Take a break from problems and spend the day as you have long wanted. You can do physical work outdoors or have a workout. Alternatively, you can relax and stay at home with a book in your hands. If you plan to finish any tasks, set small easily achievable goals. Virgo: Some secrets or mysteries may become known today. Not all of them may be to your liking. If you have an interesting and unusual plan or project, today is a good day for its implementation.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7

Aries: The accumulated fatigue may remind you of itself. Spend the day relaxing, get some sleep, and rejuvenate. It's not worth dealing with work matters, even if you haven't finished something. Today, it is beneficial to learn something interesting or take up an intellectual hobby. Taurus: Visiting a theater, an exhibition, or engaging in a creative activity will help restore emotional balance and take your mind off problems. Personal relationships are going great. Don't follow fleeting desires. Gemini: On this day, an event may change your aspirations and views, showing you new paths and wonderful opportunities for development. Try to de-stress. Go for a workout, spend time in nature, or just have a relaxed day watching a series.


September 7, 2024

Positive Thinking Shapes Perception

A person who believes that the whole world is evil will see a lot of evil and come into contact with those who serve as evidence of his theory. A person who searches for the good in everything and everyone will attract events and people that correspond to this thought.


September 6, 2024

Quotes by Mark Twain

«Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.» (Mark Twain)


September 6, 2024

Why do we seek partners similar to our parents?

Why do we seek partners similar to our parents? This is a fascinating phenomenon and it has deep psychological roots. Model of early attachments. Our relationships with our parents form the attachment model that we carry into our adult relationships. Seeking the familiar and comfortable. Parents are the first people we interact with, and their behavior becomes our 'norm'. Desire to replicate or fix. If we had positive relationships with our parents, we might seek a partner who helps us recreate that love, and vice versa. Psychological 'rehearsal'. We may look for partners similar to our parents to relive familiar dynamics and find ways to deal with them more constructively.


September 6, 2024

Principles of a Wise Person

Only the heart sees clearly. The most important things are invisible to the eyes. Falling is part of life, getting back on your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift, being happy is your choice. Whatever happens, never take life too seriously: you won't get out of it alive anyway. To truly connect with another person, you must first connect with yourself. If we can't come to terms with our loneliness, we begin to use others as a shield from isolation. The battle for life or life for battles – it’s all in our hands. Greed and happiness have never met each other. No wonder they are strangers.


September 6, 2024

How to tell if your partner is the one

It's important to realize in time whether this person is the right one for you or not, so I'm sharing tips on how to figure it out! 1. Chemistry. When you see each other, your heart beats like a locomotive! Hello, chemistry! 2. Perfect jokes. A partner who understands your sense of humor and makes you laugh until you cry is a treasure. 3. Little moments of love. Your partner is always there when support is needed. Together you can walk under the stars or simply enjoy the moment. 4. Click-moment! You know when you look at your partner and it seems like time stands still and everything around you becomes blurry? This moment tells you: 'Wait, this person is special!'. 5.  Feeling of home. When you feel that being with them is your refuge from all problems and difficulties. They make your world safe and cozy, like the fluffiest pillow. The main thing is to follow your heart, and it will lead you to the right path to love.


September 6, 2024


Concentrate. Sex and orgasm start in the head. Many women think about how they look in bed and whether their partner likes their appearance. But such thoughts block the path to pleasure. What can you do? Stop thinking about your body, stop looking for flaws in yourself, feel safe and relax. If you are tense, you won't be able to tune into the love game.


September 6, 2024

Facts About Women in Bed

1. Women also have an erection. To start feeling something pleasant from penetration, they need arousal, so that the clitoral legs swell, fill with blood and become sensitive. Just like men – they can't orgasm without a penile erection. 2. Many women are aroused by dirty talk (verbal descriptions of fantasies, partner's intentions during sex). Some researchers believe this explains the relative unpopularity of mainstream pornography among women, compared to literary erotica. However, many men also enjoy dirty talk. 3. The overwhelming majority of women cannot achieve orgasm simply from penis insertion into the vagina. Direct clitoral stimulation is necessary. This needs to be discussed. And there is no need to be shy about it. If a woman helps herself and stimulates the clitoris with her hand, it does not make the man a bad lover.


September 6, 2024

What Every Girl Should Have in Her Room

1. Condoms. Protection is everything! Especially if you don't have a steady partner. 2. Lubricant. Choose a water-based lubricant – you can't go wrong. It is compatible with mucous membranes and sex toys, and it's easy to wash off. 3. Sex toys. And even if you have a partner, this gadget can bring new sensations to your sexual life. 4. Intimate trainer. Almost everyone knows about intimate muscles. Yes, you need to work on them and train them.


September 6, 2024

Vaginal Balls

Let's start with what these balls are. They are one of the vaginal trainers that are among the top sex products. No disadvantages or harms have been found for this trainer. The vaginal trainer can help improve sexual life, and some women may use it to overcome the problem of lack of orgasm. In addition, the intimate trainer can solve the problem of excessive vaginal dryness.


September 6, 2024

Hormonal Patch for Contraception

How does it work? A hormonal patch delivers hormones into the bloodstream, similar to taking pills. What are the advantages of this method? Convenience. It's very simple: Once a week, apply a square piece to the most optimal area of skin. Safety. The minimal amount of hormones has no negative effect on the body.


September 6, 2024

Technique 'Dirty Blowjob'

1. The girl's hands are tied, and she has a mask on her eyes - she sits in front of the man so that he can hold her head with his hands. 2. Completely relaxed, the man guides the girl to his penis. 3. The penis penetrates the throat and the man thrusts it deeper and deeper.


September 6, 2024

Company brings 11 cats to the office to prevent burnout among IT specialists

The company brought 11 cats to the office to save IT specialists from burnout. As a result, programmers were much more eager to rush to work, knowing that they were awaited by fluffy friends, and thanks to the cats, they even managed to attract new people to the team.


September 6, 2024