Improved Patient Outcomes with Female Doctors

Forecast for patients is better with female doctors. Scientists analyzed data from over 458,000 women and over 318,000 men hospitalized over several years to understand the impact of a doctor's gender on treatment. They examined the number of patients who died within 30 days of hospital admission and the number of readmissions. It turned out that female doctors achieved better results. The difference was even more noticeable when the patient was also a woman, especially when it came to serious illnesses.


May 2, 2024

Artificial intelligence reduces drug consumption

Artificial intelligence has helped reduce drug consumption. Researchers have found that AI-based chatbots can be used to control and limit medication intake. In experiments, ChatGPT analyzed the composition of drugs and discontinued ineffective ones. The AI tool was cautious in decision-making, often preserving the existing treatment regimen and frequently canceling opioid prescriptions compared to other types of medications.


May 2, 2024

Bacteria on the ISS have mutated and become drug-resistant

Microbiologists have studied the DNA of the bacterial species Enterobacter bugandensis, which was found on board the International Space Station in 2018. This type of microbe is not directly harmful to humans, but it could pose a potential threat. It turns out that the microorganisms have accumulated various mutations, making them functionally distinct from their earthly counterparts and resistant to known antibiotics.


May 1, 2024

Chemicals Linked to Cancer Found in Band-Aids

Chemicals that can cause cancer have been found in band-aids. Researchers have tested popular brands of band-aids in the laboratory and found that 65% of them contain organic fluorine, an indicator of harmful chemicals. These chemicals are sometimes used in adhesives and in the production of stickers, as well as providing waterproofing. In band-aids, these substances have been found in the adhesive part. Previous laboratory studies have shown that the exposure of these chemicals to the skin poses the same health risk as if they were ingested through food or water.


May 1, 2024

Artificial intelligence identifies the brain region where psychosis occurs

Artificial intelligence has determined which area of the brain psychosis arises from. The neural network detected differences in brain activity between patients with and without psychosis. In control groups, the model accurately identified the presence of psychosis through brain scans with an accuracy ranging from 84% to 90%. Scientists plan to target these key brain regions using existing treatment methods, such as brain stimulation, to observe if they can prevent or delay psychosis.


April 29, 2024

Fast Food: A Detriment to Memory

Fast food permanently impairs memory. American researchers conducted experiments on rats and found that a large amount of fatty and sugary food in the diet permanently impairs the ability to remember information. The rats were offered to explore new objects in different places. After a few days, the animals were placed in the same environment as before, but with the addition of a new item. The test subjects who consumed unhealthy food could not recall what and where they had already seen, while the animals from the control group recognized familiar objects. Specialists believe that such dietary behavior during adolescence in humans can lead to similar consequences, which will persist even in adulthood, even when switching to a healthy diet.


April 29, 2024

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Health

Lack of sleep can cause as much damage to the body as alcoholism. Regular sleep problems can lead to fatty liver disease, which can eventually result in cirrhosis or even liver cancer. All of these are symptoms of severe alcoholism. The only solution is to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Doctors even refer to this as a new 'silent epidemic'. Many suffer from sleep deprivation, but no one is dying en masse.


April 29, 2024

The Negative Effects of Noise-Canceling Headphones on the Brain

A study has shown that noise-canceling headphones are very bad for the brain. Sounds are processed worse, and at some point, audio information may stop being perceived altogether. Noise-canceling technology blocks out external sounds, causing the brain to adapt to such an environment and potentially start ignoring any external noises. Ultimately, there is a possibility of complete hearing loss.


April 28, 2024

The Effects of Insomnia on Skin Health

Simba Company has modeled people suffering from insomnia. If you sleep less than 7 hours, you will develop more wrinkles, dryness, and dark circles under your eyes, similar to a panda. According to the company, this happens because cells do not have enough time to recover.


April 28, 2024

Scientists Use Smart Rings to Measure Stress Levels During Sleep

Scientists have developed a method to determine stress levels during sleep using smart rings. During this time, the human body can provide a significant number of specific signals. Smart rings that collect pulse data have helped prove that 8-9 hours of sleep are necessary for well-being. Each additional hour reduces the likelihood of stress by 38%.


April 27, 2024

Are Asian Soups Addictive? Expert Opinions

Asian soups are said to be addictive, according to dietitians. Doctors believe that the combination of spicy, sour, and sweet flavors is the reason behind this. However, dietitians have no objections to Asian soups. Doctors consider these dishes to be low in calories and sufficiently beneficial for the body.


April 22, 2024

World Ranking of Largest Buttocks

Researchers have published a ranking of the largest buttocks from around the world: 1. South Africa (106 cm) 2. Argentina (104 cm) 3. Sweden (103.9 cm) 4. Greece (103.5 cm) 5. Germany (103.1 cm) 6. Italy (102.9 cm) 7. Australia (102.87 cm) 8. Netherlands (102.5 cm) 9. Canada (102.4 cm) 10. France (102.2 cm) The smallest hip circumference is in India - only 91.7 centimeters.


April 22, 2024

Some US Companies Want to Pay Employees with Mushrooms, MDMA, and Ketamine

In the United States, many companies want to compensate their employees with mushrooms, MDMA, and ketamine. Some may receive permission in the coming months. American doctors believe that these drugs can effectively treat depression and PTSD. Moreover, they will not have as strong an impact on employees' lives as antidepressants.


April 22, 2024

Research by Japanese scientists

Japanese scientists at Tokyo University have successfully combined lab-grown models of the human brain using long neuronal projections for the first time, leading to synchronization of neural activity. As the human brain functions as a unified entity due to functional neural connections between different regions, which are formed through axons - the long projections of neurons from one area to another, the ability to grow them will enhance research aimed at understanding various neurological and psychiatric conditions.


April 21, 2024

Evening workouts proven to be more effective

Medics have proven that evening workouts are more effective than any other time of day. The study focused on individuals diagnosed with obesity, aiming to determine whether exercises at a specific time can neutralize certain negative effects. The observation was conducted over eight years, during which doctors recorded cases of death from any cause, as well as new diagnoses of cardiovascular and other diseases. The results showed that individuals who performed various types of workouts in the evening had greater health benefits compared to sedentary individuals.


April 21, 2024

Rising cancer rates among young people due to accelerated aging

More and more young people are being diagnosed with cancer. This is due to accelerated aging, when the physical age surpasses the actual age. The causes include fast food, sedentary jobs, and other habits of the younger generation. Accelerated aging not only leads to cancer, but also to other deadly diseases.


April 20, 2024

Life Expectancy Increases Worldwide

Life expectancy worldwide has increased by 6.2 years over the past 30 years. This progress can be attributed to the reduction in deaths caused by diarrhea, lower respiratory tract infections, and cardiovascular diseases. The region comprising Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Oceania has experienced the highest increase in life expectancy during this period, with a growth of 8.3 years. Southern Asia comes second, with life expectancy rising by 7.8 years due to a significant decrease in mortality rates from diarrheal diseases. However, scientists have identified a substantial negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy. Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Sub-Saharan Africa, have been hit hardest by this crisis.


April 20, 2024

Scientists develop groundbreaking technique for growing new liver in the human body

Scientists have successfully developed a bold solution to the organ shortage for transplantation by growing a new liver directly in the human body. In this innovative procedure, donor liver cells are introduced into the lymph node in the abdomen. Over a few months, the cells multiply and transform into a miniature liver capable of fully functioning. Under the supervision of medical professionals, the patient gradually recovers. If the procedure proves successful, it could significantly address the issue of organ shortage for transplantation.


April 16, 2024

Printing blood vessels

Italian scientists from the University of Pavia have printed a blood vessel on a 3D bioprinter. In the future, their bioprinting technique, RESH-3D, will be used to test the effectiveness of drugs and treat vascular diseases.


April 16, 2024

Successful Kidney Transplant from Pig to American Patient

An American patient has successfully undergone a kidney transplant from a pig. After two weeks of observation, the patient has been discharged from the hospital. Doctors are confident that the new organ will not be rejected by the body. They will continue to monitor the patient to ensure the safety of the operation.


April 15, 2024