What foods will help you tan quickly?

Before sunbathing, treat yourself to carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables (such as peaches, apricots, and carrots). These substances accelerate the formation of a tan and make it more persistent. In addition, eat nuts and seafood more often in summer. The beneficial fatty acids contained in them protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. And just before going to the beach, do not forget to bring a bottle of water with you. Sufficient fluid is essential to keep the skin hydrated, as it will be under severe stress during sun exposure.


June 28, 2022

Yeast mask recipe.

Yeast has unique anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. And for mature skin, yeast fungus is just a find - a rejuvenating effect is provided. In a large container, we dilute 50 g of crushed yeast with warm water to a creamy state. We add 25 g of rye flour and leave for fermentation for a day in a warm place, covered with gauze. We apply the mixture on the face in a thick layer. Macka from yeast, prepared according to this recipe, gives the skin freshness and velvety.


June 28, 2022

Delicious treatment with figs.

Instead of aspirin. The essential oils found in figs normalize the composition of the blood and prevent it from thickening (you don’t need to drink “thinning” aspirin: it’s better to eat figs - for a month, only 1 fruit a day, and repeat the course a month later. Improves brain function. Figs are recommended for use by people whose work is associated with intellectual loads and creativity - artists, composers, and entrepreneurs - creative thinking is also very important for them. At high temperature, sore throat, infections of the oral cavity, bronchitis. 1 st. a spoonful of chopped figs is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, 10 minutes. boil on low heat; cool, filter, take 4 times a day. Fatigue, weakness, nervous exhaustion. 4-5 berries are poured into a glass of milk, insisted, rubbed, and eaten 2-4 times a day. Urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pain during urination. Figs are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, 5 minutes. boil over low heat, then knead the berries well.


June 28, 2022

Quote from Donn Farhi.

“Yoga does not tear us away from the reality or duties of daily life, but rather puts our feet firmly and resolutely on the practical ground of experience. We don't go beyond our lives; we return to the life we left behind in the hope of something better.”


June 28, 2022

Life is breath and concentration on it is very important.

In yoga, meditation, childbirth - it is breathing that is the fundamental practice, the main assistant in controlling consciousness, energy and your emotions. Each inhalation-exhalation is an internal transformation. It doesn't matter what comes to life, what matters is how we transform it and what we give back. As we breathe, so we live. Breathe in love, everything new and beautiful - breathe out gratitude, let go of all doubts, all grievances. And you will feel how your life will be filled with harmony.


June 28, 2022

6 foods for bloating and gas:

1. Ginger, 2. Natural yogurt, 3. Fennel seeds, 4. Bananas, 5. Papaya, 6. Asparagus.


June 28, 2022

Effective hair mask:

1. Stir half a glass of kefir, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of cocoa. 2. Apply the mixture on the head. If it dries a little, then apply again. And so on, until the entire portion is finished. 3. Wrap your head with a film and a towel on top for 20-25 minutes. 4. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with nettle decoction. Do it often (2-3 times a week) for at least 2-3 months. Overgrows bald spots, restores damaged hair, if applied to healthy hair, makes it much thicker! It is better not to use on very light hair, otherwise it may stain a little.


June 28, 2022

Coconut oil speeds up the metabolism of the liver.

Coconut oil contains a rare group of plant compounds that have a truly magical property - they stimulate liver cells to burn fatty acids for energy. If you replace conventional oils in the diet with coconut oil, visceral fat will disappear much faster. True, there is a caveat: the amount of such fats in the diet per day should be no more than two tablespoons.


June 28, 2022

A new study has found that sleeping in the light contributes to three serious health problems: obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

The results of the study showed that older people who often slept with a night light or TV on were more likely to suffer from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, compared to those who were not exposed to light during a night's rest. The fact is that light at night disrupts circadian rhythms, and also suppresses the production of melatonin. Over time, this can cause metabolic and heart disease.


June 27, 2022

Beer prolongs life, but only if the drink is strong.

A professor at the University of Amsterdam said that some particularly strong beers can have a positive effect on the body and even prolong life. All thanks to probiotic yeast, which is very beneficial for health. They are destructive to most diseases, including obesity and dementia.


June 27, 2022

Is there a risk of addiction?

Can the body get used to droppers so much that without them it will not be able to function normally and replenish vitamins? This is not to be feared, but there are other important points: 1. An overdose of vitamins and antioxidants, which can also cause health problems. 2. Reliance only on droppers with a complete disregard for the principles of proper nutrition and sleep patterns, the preservation of bad habits. After all, droppers bypass the intestines, and this body is in dire need of support through nutrition, sleep and exercise.


June 24, 2022

How often can IV therapy drips be given?

It is recommended to make droppers with an interval of 1-2 days, that is, 2-3 times a week. The components are stored in cells in high concentrations during the day. So that they work out completely and do not provoke an overdose, we do rest the next day. The general course is 7-10 droppers. We repeat depending on the situation for health and lifestyle. It is important to understand that droppers are just a start that will give you good health, but this does not negate the need for further health care, building proper nutrition and lifestyle.


June 24, 2022

What are the contraindications for IV-therapy?

1. Severe disorders of the kidneys and heart. 2. Severe cardiac arrhythmias. 3. Established allergy to dropper components 4. Exacerbation of psychiatric illness 5. Relative contraindications for individual drugs (kidney stones for vitamin C or low blood pressure for magnesium, for example).


June 24, 2022

Where do you need to start for those who want to do a course of droppers?

From analyzes! Since we will get the desired effect from droppers only when we understand the cause of the ailment (whether it is energy deficiency or hair loss) Find a doctor and a place. The higher medical education of a doctor is not a guarantee that the doctor has the skill of making droppers. It is necessary that the doctor has undergone in-depth training in this area. The clinic must hold a medical license.


June 24, 2022

What are the types of drips in IV therapy? Continuation.

5. Sports. Athletes experience colossal loads that are not covered by nutrition. Their supplements are also limited. Droppers help to replenish magnesium, potassium and avoid cramps, as well as increase the endurance threshold by increasing energy production. 6. Situational. Excellent help with headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, rashes on the face 7. Energy. With droppers we deliver all the cofactors to improve the work of "cellular power plants" - mitochondria. As a result - cheerfulness and increased mental performane. 8. Cosmetic. It has been proven that 1-2 drops before the procedure increase the effect of botulinum toxin and collagen production. In this case, droppers for collagen stimulation have been developed.


June 24, 2022

What are the types of drips in IV therapy?

1. Detox. These are droppers that contain all the cofactors that help the liver convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble ones and remove them from the body. Such droppers remove inflammation well (including post-COVID), eliminate the effects of negative factors on the body, and, importantly, prepare cells for the subsequent administration of vitamins and minerals. If the intercellular space is "clogged" with fragments of damaged cells, then there is simply no point in dripping vitamins. Fabrics need to be prepared. 2. Droppers for Replenishment of key deficiencies (Iron, amino acids, omega-3). 3. Antistress droppers. The work of the nervous system is very energy-consuming and requires elevated levels of magnesium, B vitamins. After 1-2 droppers, we see the restoration of sleep and a decrease in anxiety. 4. Antioxidant. This is about anti-aging and recovery after heavy loads.


June 24, 2022

What is the main difference between droppers and oral medication?

1. With capsules, only 30% of the active substance reaches the cells, and with a dropper, 100%. 2. Droppers help when it is necessary to solve several health issues at the same time (for example, remove inflammation, normalize sleep, improve hair growth). 3. Combining different droppers in one course, we can get the desired effect in 6-7 droppers. 4. Droppers are a great option for people who feel unwell, but have no motivation to change something in their lives. In this case, droppers give a good start in the form of a boost of energy, reducing cravings for sweets and the desire to take care of your health already planned and without haste. 5. And the main difference between droppers is the achievement of the working concentration of the nutrient in the cell in order to obtain one or another result. We know that the effect of many vitamins is dose dependent. Drinking vitamin C and getting the effect of taking it are not the same thing. A number of studies show that only intravenous administration of vitamin C increases the efficiency of office workers for more than a day.


June 23, 2022

How does it work with IV therapy?

IV therapy involves the intravenous administration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for the quality of the body's work. To replenish them through the intestines, it will take time (at least 2 months), patience (drink several supplements 3-4 times a day), a good condition of the intestinal mucosa so that all nutrients are absorbed. Through a dropper, we do not introduce them one by one, but drip them in optimal combinations, where each component enhances the action of the other. Due to this, the desired effect is achieved after the first drop.


June 23, 2022

Are you familiar with IV (intravenous) therapy?

Droppers are familiar technology. And it is difficult to call this method so “innovative”. Previously, droppers were used in critical situations, when the doctor needed to quickly stabilize the patient's condition. So it, in principle, remained. But now the use of droppers is much wider, thanks to the experience of foreign colleagues who introduced the concept of nutrition and IV therapy. It became possible to quickly compensate for deficiencies and correct many complaints using these procedures. Now droppers are successfully used when it is necessary to cope with fatigue, headaches, help weight loss, etc.


June 23, 2022

What time is the best time to go to bed?

Researchers from the University of Exeter conducted an experiment in which about 90 thousand people took part, their age is 43-79 years old, they were monitored for 6 years. The data obtained led to the conclusion that the time of going to bed is continuously associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. It turned out that those who went to bed between 22:00 and 23:00 were less at risk of getting sick, in addition, the beginning of sleep during such a period improves the general condition of the body. Others went to bed at 23:00 and after 00:00 - in this case, scientists received data that indicate that the later you go to bed, the weaker your body will be every day, and at the same time, the risk of diseases increases. .


June 23, 2022