What are adaptogens and how do they affect our health?

Despite the fact that adaptogens have become a wellness trend only recently, they were discovered back in 1947. This discovery was made by the Soviet scientist N.V. Lazarev, who devoted his life to the search for substances that can increase the resistance of the human body to various types of adverse effects. It turned out that they really exist: such substances are called adaptogens. It is believed that their unique abilities lie in the ability to help adapt to different types of stress: biological (infection with viruses and bacteria); physical (thermal loads - heat, cold and sports); chemical (toxins and heavy metals).


July 13, 2022

What problems does visceral massage solve?

1. Eliminates excessive contraction of muscle fibers and increased tone, that is, relieves tension and relaxes the body; 2. Improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph from the organs, which eliminates swelling - during the massage, the stagnant liquid is literally squeezed out of the organs; 3. The supply of cells with oxygen improves, as the flow of arterial blood increases; 4. Digestion is normalized; 5. Lowered organs are raised and the adhesive process is prevented (abnormal binding of scar tissue, due to which the functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted).


July 13, 2022

How to get rid of pain?

“To work not with a symptom and disease, but with the whole person as a whole, with all his individual aspects, is the basis of health practices, and working with the stomach gives a powerful impetus to restore all systems, and the body itself begins to restore itself, at that optimal speed. which is available to him at a particular moment in time, ”specialists of visceral massage emphasize.


July 13, 2022

How is visceral massage performed?

The task of the visceral therapist is to restore the nutrition of the cells, gently and delicately working with the abdomen. During the session, the doctor presses on the stomach according to the projection of the internal organs, in a certain sequence. Ideally, palpation (even deep) should not cause pain, otherwise we can talk about a problem with internal organs. You can try a self-diagnosis by lightly pressing on the navel area and assess if there is a problem or not. If pain occurs when pressed, this is an alarm.


July 13, 2022

Visceral massage or abdominal massage.

Visceral massage is an ancient practice that used to be called "tummy tuck". The impact is on the internal organs through the straight abdominal wall of the abdomen in order to restore them naturally and improve blood supply. In this way they receive oxygen, which makes their work possible, and our body healthy and strong. However, due to the wrong lifestyle, the nutrition of our organs is disrupted, which leads to pain, cramps, food intolerance and a deterioration in mood.


July 13, 2022

Salt still shortens life expectancy.

Tulane University specialists took data from 50,000 patients from the UK Biobank. Based on data on how often people eat salty foods, it was concluded that the risk of premature death among salt eaters is 28% higher. And on average, salt-loving men live two years less. Women, in turn, by one and a half.


July 12, 2022

An intense weekend workout can replace daily exercise.

The frequency of exercise during the week is not important - there is no difference between daily exercise and a one-day weekend workout in terms of health benefits. The main thing is to fulfill the weekly norm for physical activity. Brazilian scientists came to these conclusions after analyzing the data collected in 1997-2013 from more than 350,000 Americans.


July 12, 2022

Did you know that foods affect mood?

The issue of nutrition has long ceased to be only physiological: we eat to enjoy and enjoy the process of eating. The culture of feasts and conversations over coffee with delicious treats, and even the history of the right food and its search is part of a fashion that is not directly related to health. Studies show that a low-carb diet increases feelings of anger and worsens depression. The same thing happens with the mood of people who eat a lot of protein and few carbohydrates. On the contrary, a high content of carbohydrates in food, in general, has a positive effect on mood.


July 12, 2022

What is important to remember about food?

The need to satisfy hunger is one of the most important human needs as a biological organism. This leads to the second point. Food is one of the most important joys of life. So, whether we enjoy it affects our psychological well-being. Our eating habits are associated with childhood memories, and therefore are associated with comfort, security and love. And when we try to change them, we often feel that we are losing touch with the past, with the family.


July 12, 2022

Today we will discuss the topic of nutrition.

Our eating habits and psychological situation are so closely related that it makes no sense to consider them separately. Attempts to mechanically restrict yourself in food, to force you to eat right, although you are not used to it and, perhaps, are not ready, lead to violations and problems throughout our lives.


July 12, 2022

What to eat after six in the evening so that you can lose weight?

1. Easily digestible products. These include vegetables, boiled potatoes, seafood, fish, sweet fruits. It is not recommended to consume yogurts and broths, which are quickly excreted from the body. 2. Low-calorie food. Try to leave a quarter of the usual daily diet for the evening, and eat high-calorie meals until three in the afternoon. 3. Low-fat foods. Fatty foods give a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and can cause poor sleep. 4. Food rich in magnesium and potassium. It is believed that such food, consumed 2 hours before bedtime, helps to relax muscles and stabilize the brain. Therefore, you should pay attention to foods such as baked fish, greens, cabbage, green peas, cereals. There are such completely non-caloric foods that cause the burning of a large number of calories and lead to weight loss. If you use them in the evening after sports, you can achieve good results. We are talking about cabbage, melon, carrots, celery, cod, crabs, apricots, apples, blueberries, broccoli, beets, cherries, cucumbers, etc. The main thing is to choose products suitable for the evening meal and then there will be no problems with weight.


July 10, 2022

Cheesecakes with poppy seeds

Calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100g: 141/14/3/15 Cottage cheese1-3%-300g Flour-70g Mac-20g Egg-1pc Sweetener - to taste We mix all the ingredients (if desired, poppy seeds can be soaked in boiling water for 20-30 minutes) We form cheesecakes (with wet hands) one cheesecake 110g, bake in a heated frying pan under the lid on both sides.


July 10, 2022

Don't forget to include eggs in your diet.

1. Memory improves. Egg yolk contains choline, a key amino acid for transmitting tiny nerve impulses that help us remember details. For example, you better remember where you put your car keys or left your mobile phone. 2. Vision improves. Research shows that eggs are rich in lutein, a vitamin that helps keep vision sharp and clear. Lutein is naturally found in the eyeball. 3. Bones and teeth become stronger. Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Eating eggs also helps the body absorb calcium, which gives more strength to bones and prevents osteoporosis. 4. Improves the health of the skin, hair and liver. Folate deficiency is common in women who do not consume the required amount of vitamin B. Fortunately, eggs are a good source of this vitamin.


July 10, 2022


Simple cheap weed, but what a useful one! Try fresh sorrel in salads, as well as sorrel juice. Literally 50-80 ml per day will be enough. What is the benefit of this juice? - Helps with sore throats and coughs. Even a purulent sore throat will wave your hand if you gargle with such juice. - improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. - helps with diseases of the oral cavity. Stomatitis, bleeding gums, etc. And diluted oxalic juice whitens tooth enamel. - relieves puffiness. And this is especially important in hot weather. - helps to heal wounds on the skin, abrasions, mosquito bites.


July 10, 2022

What fat to add to keto coffee?

Coconut oil and coconut cream are best. It is also possible to add MCT oils (I’ll tell you about them later). The recipe is very simple: I brew freshly ground coffee in a Turk. I try not to use coffee capsules, as they do not always have a high-quality composition. - in a blender, add a tablespoon of coconut cream and a teaspoon of coconut oil I pour coffee into a blender and mix everything.


July 10, 2022

What is keto coffee?

This is coffee, which has added a source of animal fats. Adding fat to coffee allows you to increase the amount of ketones produced by the liver. This suppresses the feeling of hunger more strongly, increases the quality of brain function and physical endurance. Such coffee calms cravings for carbohydrate foods, does not increase insulin, is excellent before training, saturates and nourishes brain cells.


July 10, 2022

Electrical eye stimulation can cure depression.

Hong Kong scientists have tested corneal electrical stimulation on mice and found that the procedure alleviates symptoms of depression and slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Applying a weak current to the eye is called transcornial stimulation. Initially, the method was developed for the treatment of the eyes. But it turned out that electric current applied to the cornea can activate the hippocampus. This is the area of the brain involved in learning and memory.


July 10, 2022

A yoga mat is a great option!

A yoga mat is a great place to change direction when talking to a therapist and taking antidepressants isn't enough. Yoga is the practice of calming the mind. The success of yoga lies not in our ability to perform the poses, but in how they change our lifestyle.


July 9, 2022

It's time for a seasonal detox on a raw food diet.

Summer is the perfect time to have a pleasant detox on a living plant-based diet. After all, in summer there is enough sun, heat, fresh vegetables and fruits, so that a plant-based diet will bring you the greatest benefit. Competent raw-breeding can: cleanse and rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, increase energy, normalize weight, heal diseases. It is very important to approach the raw food diet wisely, otherwise such a diet can do harm.


July 9, 2022

Creative pancake.

Ingredients: ◽️ cottage cheese - 100 gr ◽️ egg - 1 pc ◽️ milk - 2 tbsp ◽️ baking powder - 1/3 tsp ◽️ coconut flakes - 1 tbsp ◽️ sweetener - to taste ◽️ rice flour - 1 tbsp Combine all the ingredients and pass through a blender (if the cottage cheese is small, you can just mix everything). Fry the pancake in a pan over low heat. The filling can be any sour cream, yogurt and your favorite fruit. Bon Appetit everyone!


July 9, 2022