We continue the topic of food habits. Eat slowly.

Get rid of the addiction of eating on the run, learn to chew food thoroughly and take your time. Slowing down not only supports digestion and helps me better tune in to my body's natural hunger signals, but it also allows me to truly enjoy my food, and this has a profound effect on mental well-being.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Stick to your meal schedule.

Healthy eating is not just about what you eat, but when. A suitable eating schedule must be followed. Meals should be fairly frequent. You don’t have to wait until you are very hungry, otherwise you can pounce on food and overeat. Portions should be small in order not to unnecessarily stretch the stomach.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Take hearty snacks with you.

When you constantly need recharging, you need to pay special attention to competent snacks. It is better if it is sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh vegetables and lean meat or fish. Gnawing carrots or peppers, eating a piece of cheese and chicken is a pleasure! It is important that snacks combine fiber, protein and the right fats, then they will maintain your tone, stable blood sugar levels, and will not let you get hungry. You can add a little healthy fats: olive, linseed, almond oil.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Prepare ahead of time.

When you look in the fridge, of course you want to find something ready to eat right away, but usually instead it is filled with the ingredients of your future dinner, which need to be cut, baked, stewed, and so on. Assessing the prospects, many will prefer any dry food, just not to cook. Solution: Set aside a day of the week, stock up on at least chopped veggies (including avocados), and fill the fridge with containers of delicious cheese, baked chicken pieces, and so on. All this can be thrown on a "pillow" of lettuce leaves - and that's it, a healthy snack is ready!


July 16, 2022

Delicious drinks for immunity.

Cranberry tea will give the body valuable vitamins and invigorate the immune system. You need to wipe 1 tablespoon of fresh cranberries, cover the berries with sugar and pour 200 ml of boiling water or ordinary brewed black tea. Tea from currant leaves. Take 2 handfuls of fresh currant leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. Then pour into cups and add some sugar and honey for sweetness and taste. Healing hazelnut milk. 100 g of hazelnuts should be lightly fried in a dry frying pan and then crushed to a powder. Pour nuts with 0.5 l of boiling milk, cool slightly and add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and a pinch of vanilla. After insisting, after 15 minutes, mix and drink in small sips throughout the day.


July 16, 2022

How to eliminate bad breath?

Ways to fight: Treat the cause of bad breath. You should go to the dentist and check the gastrointestinal tract for problems. Clean your tongue. This is one of the most important points to follow. Otherwise, your tongue will become a haven for millions of bad-smelling bacteria. Use your toothbrush and floss more often. It will be enough to brush your teeth twice a day, while not forgetting to rinse your mouth with a disinfectant liquid and clean the interdental spaces with a floss.


July 15, 2022

Causes of bad breath.

Common causes of pathology: • diseases of the tonsils, tonsillitis; • polycystic kidney and liver; • periodontitis, periodontal inflammation; • increased acidity of the stomach; • Syndrome (night) apnea, sudden cessation of breathing during sleep.


July 15, 2022

It is very useful to eat pistachios before going to bed.

They contain a lot of magnesium, vitamin Β6 and protein. These trace elements are responsible for fast falling asleep and perfectly replace sleeping pills. With regular use, the psycho-emotional state of a person is normalized, the syndrome of chronic fatigue and susceptibility to stressful situations go away.


July 15, 2022

The benefits of grapes

Grapes are very rich in potassium. As we know, for heart health, it is recommended to reduce the amount of sodium in the daily diet, that is, dietary salt, and increase the amount of potassium. This berry contains resveratrol. This is a compound that has a positive effect on the tone of the venous walls and helps stop varicose veins. To do this, you can simply buy dark blue grapes. Such grapes are good for the kidneys and the cardiovascular system and contain a lot of iron salts. The acids contained in dark grapes reduce the acidity of urine and have a positive effect on our well-being. In this regard, grapes are also useful for those prone to the formation of kidney stones.


July 15, 2022

Breathing exercises.

Take a deep breath in through your nose for 2 seconds, then slowly exhale for 4 seconds and hold your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat several times Stand up straight, bend your elbows, lowering your elbows down. Place your hands at shoulder level, with the back of your palms facing you. Take a noisy breath through your nose while squeezing your palms. Stand up straight, clench your hands into a fist and place them on your belt. Take a noisy breath through your nose, sharply dropping your hands and unclenching your fists. Stand up straight with your hands at your sides. Bend towards the floor without bending your knees and rounding your back. Take a short, noisy breath at the end point of the bow. Slightly straighten and let the air calmly exit through the nose. It is important to perform breathing exercises in a well-ventilated area.


July 15, 2022

What makes skin dry?

The main features of drying out of the skin are violations of water balance, lipid metabolism and disturbances in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Dry skin can be due to many reasons. The skin may be dry from birth. With this type of skin, sebum production and moisture regulation are impaired. This causes peeling, itching, redness and even inflammation. Cold, heat, wind and hot dry air can also irritate the skin. In addition, for many, dry skin can be a reaction to soap, synthetic clothing, hot showers. Improper diet and lack of water can also be the cause of skin problems. From the recommendations: visit a beautician / dermatologist and buy really good skin care, because you can’t save on yourself. Healthy, normal skin is your body's primary defense against bacteria and viruses, so be sure to take care of it!


July 14, 2022

Bloating. What to do?

Bloating is the process of increasing the volume of gases in the intestines by more than 2 times. This is not only due to an improper diet or an unbalanced diet, but can also be one of the symptoms of more serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Unpleasant symptoms also lead to: • lack of diet; • fast uncontrolled snacks, conversations in the process of eating, as a result of which, in addition to food, air enters the stomach; • smoking, chewing gum and carbonated drinks. Air is not harmful to the body and is excreted naturally. But to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you should adjust your lifestyle, in particular, adjust your diet, give up soda. Also, fractional nutrition will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.


July 14, 2022

The gut affects the immune system.

Every day with food, a huge amount of proteins and pathogens alien to us enter the intestines - substances that can cause diseases. Therefore, the intestines have adapted to ensure that these same substances are neutralized as quickly as possible. Including for this, microflora lives in it. A significant part of the immune system is located in the intestines, so the work of the digestive tract affects the entire body. A poorly functioning gut can lead to asthma, migraines, allergies, and even autoimmune diseases (diseases in which cells of the immune system attack their own bodies).


July 14, 2022

Alcohol and antibiotics. Why are they not compatible?

What are the main risks of such a combination? There is a chance that alcohol will either destroy the active ingredient or cause it to bind to pathogens. Yes, and the process of excretion can act - slow down or speed up. In addition, alcohol and antibiotics are quite toxic, and their combination further depresses the liver. Antibiotics, for example, block the enzyme that breaks down alcohol - increasing the time of toxic exposure. So the ban on the use of alcohol during a course of antibiotics is justified.


July 14, 2022

Sleep and excess weight.

During sleep, the body produces a hormone that stimulates metabolism and the mechanism of hunger / satiety. Constant lack of sleep leads to weight gain.


July 14, 2022

Smoking and wrinkles.

Smoking causes wrinkles due to the damaging effect of nicotine on collagen. And wrinkles in smokers are deeper and appear earlier.


July 14, 2022

Quiet sound can be used as a safe pain reliever.

It turned out that a quiet (about 50 dB) sound accompaniment lowers the pain threshold of the body. Further research in this direction in the future may allow physicians to use various sound schemes for effective and safe patient pain relief. The first attempts to use sounds as an anesthetic were made back in the 60s of the last century. Dentist Wallace Gardner in those years published a study in which he claimed to have performed about 200 tooth extractions without traditional anesthesia. The only painkiller was the soundtrack.


July 13, 2022

Cool and simple, but breathtakingly delicious summer dessert - frozen bananas in chocolate.

Take bananas, cut them in half across, put them on skewers and put them in the freezer until you get frostbite))) Melt your favorite chocolate in a water bath. You can take walnuts, crumble, or you can without them. Dip bananas in chocolate and sprinkle with nuts. Dip in the chocolate quickly as it hardens quickly. After 5 minutes, enjoy a delicious banana popsicle!


July 13, 2022

What are the adaptogens?

Noni juice, ashwagandha, rosea rhodiola, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia or leuzea tincture. Each adaptogen has its own level of effectiveness, but bee pollen is considered the most useful. It contains all the amino acids necessary for a person, which are obtained only with food, since the body itself cannot synthesize them. Due to the rich complex of amino acids, flower pollen is called the "elixir of youth". There is scientific evidence that bee pollen promotes the renewal of skin cells and the retention of natural moisture in them; as well as reduction of body fat. It also increases stamina, immunity and improves heart function.


July 13, 2022

How do adaptogens work?

Adaptogens contribute to a quick recovery after any kind of stress and active training in the gym or outdoors. They have a tonic effect on the body, but this should not be confused with the effect of caffeine or energy drinks. Adaptogens affect the body in a complex way, i.e. do it at different levels. It is known that plants with such properties contain many antioxidants - substances that significantly slow down the aging process in the body.


July 13, 2022