The sense of balance will improve.

How long can you stand straight on one leg without falling? If only a couple of seconds, then this indicates that you have weak abdominal muscles. And the daily plank is the best way to “educate” your balance and coordination.


July 30, 2022

Your posture will improve significantly.

The plank exercise helps straighten your back. By strengthening your core muscles, you can maintain good posture. Because the abdominal muscles have a great influence on the condition of the neck, shoulders, chest and back.


July 30, 2022

How to increase the level of oxytocin?

To feel even happier, you can increase the level of the hormone of love in the body using simple methods. Next I will tell about them. Physical contact. Hugs, massages, intimacy, handshakes, and breastfeeding all trigger the release of oxytocin. Aromatherapy. Research shows that certain essential oils, including clary sage oil, can help balance hormones and stimulate the production of the “love hormone.” Eye contact and laughter. Giving and receiving gifts (including money). Altruistic behavior, such as cooking for others and sharing meals. Stroking a dog, cat or other pet. Declaration of love. Listening to soothing music. Walk, talk on the phone with someone you trust. View photos or videos of people you care about.


July 29, 2022

What are the benefits of playing sports?

Regular exercise makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep. Exercise promotes cardiovascular health and, as a result, reduces the risk of stroke. Moderate sports activities improve the nutrition of the joints and help them stay healthy longer. People who lead an active lifestyle are less prone to anxiety.


July 29, 2022

Bath for favorite heels.

Collect warm water at a comfortable temperature (37-39C) in a basin. Take Epsom salt at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Be sure to add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to the salt. Rub in your hands and add to water. If you simply drop oil into water, it will not dissolve in it, but will float on the surface. Lavender works great with the skin: it moisturizes, soothes, and has a good antibacterial effect. Steam your legs for no more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, the water will cool down and you will get the opposite effect. After the bath, massage your feet with coconut oil. Put on cotton socks. Ideally, this bath is best done at night. You will sleep like a baby. And the heels will be soft in the morning.


July 29, 2022

Rough skin on the heels can be perfectly removed at home.

I share one cool and proven way: a bath with Epsom salt and oils. For those who don't know, Epsom salt, or Epsom salt, is a natural mineral that is 99% magnesium sulfate. Such salt perfectly relaxes, removes muscle spasms, removes toxins, softens the skin and so on.


July 29, 2022

Let's touch on such a topic as rough and cracked skin on the heels.

It's summer now, and this problem is especially relevant. Causes of cracks can be many, from insufficient fluid intake and infections to improper footwear, flat feet, and even thyroid problems. Therefore, in any case, a consultation with a podiatrist and a nutritionist will come in handy.


July 29, 2022

Do you want to sleep well?

Then pay attention to: 1. Humidifier During the heating period, the air in the apartments becomes the same as in the Sahara desert. Dry mucous membranes are more easily irritated, the throat is constantly dry, all this interferes with sleep. Maintain hydration 50-60%, including for sound and healthy sleep. 2. Light alarm In winter, it is dark in the morning, and the body is in no hurry to wake up. The alarm clock simulates dawn by gradually increasing the light in the bedroom over 30 minutes and changing the spectrum from a soft red tint to a daylight yellow tint.


July 29, 2022

Try making almond milk!

No preservatives, pure goodness. And also very tasty! It can be added to cereals, muesli, pancakes, tea, coffee. Here is the basic recipe: - take 1 cup of peeled almonds. You can also take it not peeled, then the taste will be a little more tart. - put the almonds in a blender and pour 3 cups of water - beat for a couple of minutes, and then strain the finished milk. By the way, I don’t throw away this cake, which remains after filtering, but use it in making pancakes.


July 28, 2022

How does auro-soma work?

During the consultation, an accredited specialist from the Auro-Soma Center (these centers are located in more than 40 countries around the world) will guide you through a personal session of self-selection of two-color bottles, after which you will find the only one with a personal composition selected for you. The composition will need to be applied to yourself every day, until your emotional state evens out and the problems go away.


July 28, 2022

Aura-soma is closely related to the name Vicki Wall.

It was this English writer and pharmacist who invented it in the 80s, as is often the case, for personal needs. In fact, the aura-soma originated as color therapy, as you can easily see by reading Wall's book "The Miracle of Healing with Color". However, not only: in the future, the methodology was based on knowledge about the healing properties of herbs, plants and crystals.


July 28, 2022

Do you know what an auro-soma is?

These are such bright, multi-colored bottles that you have probably already seen somewhere. It is a system of flowers, plants and crystals that enhances happiness and vitality to help you become the best version of yourself.


July 28, 2022

Your metabolism will speed up.

The plank is a great way to challenge your entire body. Daily exercise burns more calories than, for example, traditional crunches and squats. The plank is guaranteed to burn a lot of energy, even if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is especially important if you spend most of your day in front of a computer. In addition, doing this exercise daily for a few minutes at home before or after work not only provides an increased metabolic rate, but also maintains a high metabolic rate throughout the day (even when you sleep).


July 27, 2022

The risk of injury to the back and spine will be reduced.

The plank is an exercise that allows you to build muscle without overloading your spine and hips. In addition, the plank reduces back pain, strengthens its muscles and provides good support for the spine, especially in the upper back.


July 27, 2022

The plank is an ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles.

It involves all the main muscle groups: the transverse, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, and in addition to this, the buttocks. Soon in certain areas you will definitely notice the result. Transverse abdominal muscles: it will be possible to lift more weight. Rectus abdominis: increased performance, particularly in jumping. In addition, this muscle is also responsible for those same 6 cubes. Obliques: Twisting the waist will now be easier. Buttocks: strengthened back muscles and tightened gluteal muscles.


July 27, 2022

The plank is an exercise for all time.

It does not depend on any fashion trends. It is considered the most effective exercise to date. And this is quite reasonable. Because the bar requires a minimum investment of time and money, and at the same time allows you to achieve visible results in a short time.


July 27, 2022

Who exactly needs collagen in dietary supplements

- athletes (with high physical activity) - people under stress - recovering during the recovery period after serious illnesses - women after menopause - Vegans (collagen is found only in animal protein!)


July 27, 2022

Who needs collagen supplements.

Today, collagen is produced not only in the form of a hydrolyzed powder, but also in the form of lozenges, marmalade, and drinks. However, studies on the effects of additives have only been done on powders. The study showed that the use of collagen hydrolyzate for 8 weeks improved skin hydration and elasticity and reduced signs of aging. However, the body does not need collagen on a daily basis, as some vitamins and minerals do, and proper protein-rich nutrition (eggs, chicken, meat, fish) can work just as well as supplements.


July 27, 2022


Hydrafacial is the latest hardware technique in aesthetic cosmetology that gently cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. The HydraFacial technique has a triple effect on the skin - skin cleansing and peeling, comedone extraction, antioxidant therapy and moisturizing are performed during one procedure. During this all-inclusive procedure, the skin is simultaneously effectively cleansed under the influence of vacuum and actively moisturized with various active serums. As a result, intense hydration and renewal of the skin occurs, various skin problems are eliminated, and anti-aging care is carried out.


July 27, 2022

J Lo has been rocking lately.

And she got married, and celebrated 53 years, and even released a body and butt cream against cellulite JLo Beauty Firm + Flaunt! Of course, her butt is cool, you can’t say anything! But this is not about a cream, but about training, nutrition and willpower in general)) Cellulite will never go away from a magic cream, only from a magic pendel up your ass! Well, J. Lo's butt at 53 can serve as a good motivation.


July 27, 2022