Try to eat fruit in the morning and berries in the evening.

Fruits have a high glycemic index. Fructose, found in fruits, increases blood sugar. And the liver converts fructose into body fat. Scientists from the University of Basel have found that fructose negatively affects the interaction between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. The results of their work were published in the journal Cell Metabolism. In simple terms, fructose (unlike regular glucose) does not give a feeling of satiety and fullness. That is, we can eat a lot of fruit, but our brain will not tell us "STOP".


August 8, 2022

Why is chlorophyll useful and what is it?

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that is necessary for photosynthesis, during which oxygen is released, which everyone needs. Chlorophyll is also called the "blood" of plants, because its structure is similar in structure to the hemoglobin molecule. There are a lot of useful properties of chlorophyll, they all will not fit here, but here are the main ones: raises immunity promotes tissue renewal and rapid wound healing has an antibacterial effect removes toxins normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract (especially excellent for poisoning and during the recovery period).


August 8, 2022

Herbs to improve sleep quality and stimulate melatonin production.

Chamomile linden flower Cat mint Mint Lavender Lemongrass Valerian Passionflower


August 6, 2022

Essential oil blends to improve sleep.

1. Patchouli and cedar. 2. Lavender and vanilla absolute. 3. Vetiver and chamomile. 4. Ylag-ylang, chamomile, bergamot, sweet marjoram, valerian. 5. Lavender, chamomile, sage, ylang-ylang. 6. Geranium, sweet marjoram, patchouli, sweet orange. 7. Chamomile, rose, palm rose. How to use essential oils: Inhale, add to bath, shower gel, apply on wrist and behind ears before bed (mixed with carrier oil), diffuser, cotton pad in bedroom before bed, bedroom and bed spray. The effectiveness of essential oils for improving sleep is supported by a meta-analysis of 15 studies. No side effects found.


August 6, 2022

Secrets of healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep - a healthy body! Nutrition to improve sleep: - Caffeine not later than 14.00. - Chamomile tea in the 2nd half of the day. - Lunch with a good fat content. - Dinner 3-3.5 hours before bedtime - at least 100-120 g of protein (poultry, fish, cheese, minced meat, eggs, bone broth soup) - Warm cherry or cherry juice in the afternoon (from 1/3 cup) - Dark chocolate over 80% 30 g 2 weeks in the morning - Eliminate alcohol. - Eliminate light carbohydrates, including fruits after 16.00


August 6, 2022

Appetite control zone.

It is located in the center of the outer side of the palm, its diameter is about 3 cm. Massage of this zone 10 minutes before meals will help reduce appetite.


August 5, 2022

Hegu point or omnipotent point.

It is located between the thumb and forefinger. This is one of the most powerful analgesic points, by clicking on which you can get rid of headaches, sore throats, toothaches, pain during menstruation. To achieve the effect, you need to put pressure on it properly, without sparing yourself.


August 5, 2022

Point Laogong.

Located in the center of the back of the hand, massage this point helps to relieve pain during menstruation, helps with irregular menstrual cycles, dizziness and sunstroke.


August 5, 2022

Yuji point.

Located at the base of the thumb. Massage of this point will help in the treatment of throat, colds, coughs and even sore throats. The point can be massaged with a finger and also scraped with a scraper.


August 5, 2022

Point Shenmen.

Located on the wrist. Massage of this point better than any sleeping pill helps to restore the balance of the nervous system, hormonal balance and get rid of insomnia.


August 5, 2022

Point Shaofu.

It is located under the little finger in the crook of the palm. Massaging this point will help get rid of pimples on the forehead, nose and cheeks. To achieve a noticeable effect, follow the regime - rashes in these areas are often associated with sleep disturbance.


August 5, 2022

Chinese point massage.

You have probably heard about the miraculous Chinese massage more than once? Can you do it yourself at home? Let's take a look at the most popular massage points in the palm of your hand. Finding them is not difficult. When you press the point, you will feel a pulsation, a slight bursting from the inside, as well as slight discomfort, since the points on the hands for the most part have an analgesic effect. Do not be afraid to "press in the wrong place", you will not cause harm to yourself. In addition, the massage area of ​​the point is quite large, so the error is quite acceptable. We press on each point and make circular movements for 3 seconds, press again and again make circular movements, this is a point massage.


August 5, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

18. Write a list of grievances, disappointments and burn it (let go of the negative of the past, forgive grievances and forget them). 19. Make a list of your tasks (at least three) and entrust them to someone else. 20. Write a list of your dreams. 21. Make a playlist of your favorite music and listen to it. 22. Make a gratitude list of at least 10 items - for which you are grateful to the universe or specific people. 23. Take a contrast shower. 24. Have an evening of a hundred kisses with your man. 25. Do a morning workout (jogging, meditation, gymnastics). Choose at least three points and complete them during the day, the result will be instant.


August 4, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

9. Take a walk in the park to your favorite music. 10. Walk barefoot on the grass, lie down on it. 11. Sort out your wardrobe and throw away everything you don't need. 12. Bring comfort at home, update the interior. 13. Write 25 compliments to yourself 14. Make a list - 10 items: "Why I love myself." 15. Write a list of your uniqueness - the 10 best differences from the majority. 16. Put a bouquet of flowers at home / at the workplace. 17. Find time every day to slow down - do something measuredly, do not rush.


August 4, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

1. Spend three days in a row without male elements in clothing (trousers, boots, sneakers, etc.). 2. Write a list of your achievements and hang them on the wall in a frame. 3. Spend an aroma evening at home with relaxation, meditation 4. Sit alone by the water (lake, stream, river). 5. Read poetry. 6. Take a relaxing bath (make a face mask, wrap, etc.). 7. Stretch. 8. Cook a meal with the whole family.


August 4, 2022

Acupuncture reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Acupuncture helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes. These conclusions were made by Australian scientists after a meta-analysis of dozens of studies involving 3.6 thousand people in a pre-diabetic state - their blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not enough to diagnose a chronic disease. According to the International Diabetes Federation, by 2045 almost 1.3 billion people on Earth will suffer from diabetes or prediabetes.


August 4, 2022

How to help yourself with swelling?

Sleep strictly until 23 hours. If possible, correct stress, and if this did not work out, then connect anti-stress techniques (any stress in the body will always be reflected by swelling on your face). Vagus nerve stimulation (singing, gargling). Breathing exercises - slowing down breathing, breathing through the left nostril, hypercapnic practices. Healthy movement (head turns with gradual deceleration and closed eyes, progressive relaxation from heels to crown, increase movement throughout the day). Relaxation of the diaphragm (mandatory!!! a clamped diaphragm will keep swelling in your body). Warm up your hands and feet (use baths, if you add a hot foot bath to the ritual before going to bed, you will quickly see a good effect on the whole body) Pelvic floor exercise. Meditation (relaxation is an important factor in the fight against swelling). Aromatherapy.


August 3, 2022

Swelling of the face.

Edema is the result of a lack of energy in the body, as a result of which not all toxins could be adequately processed by the detoxification organs during the night. Swelling of the upper half of the face in the morning, pale skin in the periorbital zone - pay attention to the kidneys. "Heavy" lower half of the face, nasolabial folds in the morning - the liver.


August 3, 2022

Lymphatic drainage drinks.

Every day, from 1.5 to 3 liters of lymph circulates in the human body, due to which the intercellular space is cleansed of excess fluid, fats, toxins, pathogens, etc. Try making a sea buckthorn drink. 2 liters per day for 14 days, then 500 ml for another 14 days. Drink until 19:00 - IMPORTANT! Contraindications: Insulin dependence, problems with sugar. Indications for use: Gastritis, ulcers and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Ingredients for 2 liters of water: - 300 gr sea buckthorn, - 1 orange, - 1 tsp ginger, Pour hot water no more than 60 degrees and leave for several hours. Drink warm. Heating in the microwave and boiling is contraindicated!


August 3, 2022

Nutrition by blood group. The first blood group.

Allowed products: Meat: lamb, beef, veal, venison, buffalo meat; Offal: heart, liver. Fish: pike, cod, mackerel, herring, sturgeon, salmon, sole, swordfish, bluefish, halibut, perch, hake, sardine. Greens: cilantro, parsley, dill, spinach, celery, arugula, oregano no more than 100 grams per day. Root crops: beets, carrots, radishes, daikon, radishes, broccoli, celery root no more than 50 grams per day Herbal teas without sugar: Ginseng, Radiola Pink, Canadian Goldenseal, Lemongrass, Aralia, Milk Thistle, Mint, Fenugreek, Red Clover, Oregano, Melissa. Cereals: barley groats, brown rice, green beans, millet, buckwheat Water: At least 1.5 liters of pure, non-carbonated water per day (juices and teas do not count). Nuts: cashew, pine, almond. Dried fruits: figs, raisins, dried apricots, prunes (if you eat dates, then no more than 2 pieces per day). IMPORTANT! Candied fruits are not dried fruits, they have a high sugar content. Seeds: ground pumpkin, sesame, flax and chia seeds.


August 3, 2022