Snus: the risks and addiction

Snus can lead to stroke, pancreatic and rectal cancer. It causes strong addiction, despite many attempts to quit smoking. Snus users have a 3.5 times higher risk of developing esophageal cancer than ordinary people. All because of the carcinogenic tobacco. Snus is a smokeless tobacco product that is available in various forms and used as chewing tobacco.


June 5, 2024

Special napkins

Special tissues that absorb excess oil and spices from dishes have been invented in Asia. As a result, the food becomes less caloric, but still retains its taste qualities.


June 4, 2024

China Successfully Cures Type 2 Diabetes Patient with Cell Therapy

For the first time in China, a patient with type 2 diabetes has been cured using cell therapy. The 59-year-old man had been suffering from the disease for 25 years and had faced severe complications. Most of his pancreatic islet cells, which play a crucial role in regulating blood glucose levels, had failed, and his life depended on daily insulin injections. In July 2021, the patient underwent a cell transplantation procedure. Following this, his body started producing insulin on its own, and within a year, the man was able to discontinue taking blood sugar regulating tablets.


June 4, 2024

Peanut Oil in Childhood Can Prevent Allergies

Peanut oil in childhood can save from allergies. A study has shown that this ingredient reduces the risk of peanut allergy by 71%. Interestingly, it used to be common practice to completely avoid such food for babies.


June 4, 2024

The Impact of Air Pollution and Noise in Childhood on Mental Health

Air pollution and noise in childhood increase the risk of developing mental problems. The study involved 9065 individuals. 19.5% reported psychotic disorders, 11.4% reported depression, and 9.7% reported anxiety disorders. It was found that childhood air pollution increased the risk of developing depression and psychotic disorders in the future, while noise pollution influenced the level of anxiety.


June 4, 2024

Scientists discover how to reduce aggression with a simple food supplement

Scientists have discovered how to reduce aggression with the help of a simple food supplement. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania conducted a meta-analysis of several studies and found that omega-3 food supplement reduces aggression by an average of 22%. Interestingly, omega-3 reduces both reactive and proactive aggression. The first type includes immediate response to perceived threat or provocation, while the second type of aggression requires planning. Scientists believe that omega-3 should be used in combination with existing psychological and psychiatric treatment methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.


June 3, 2024

How Personality Traits Can Impact the Risk of Developing Senile Dementia

Scientists have determined how various personality traits can influence the risk of developing senile dementia. They took into account qualities such as conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to new experiences, neuroticism, agreeableness, and life satisfaction. The results showed that individuals who were more conscientious, guided by moral principles, were sociable and had a positive outlook on life, had a lower risk of dementia. On the other hand, neurotics predisposed to negativity, anger, anxiety, and fear had higher risks of encountering senile dementia. However, no changes were found in their brain.


June 3, 2024

Xiaomi Releases Smart Waist Massager: A Budget-friendly Solution for Office Workers

Xiaomi has launched the Smart Waist Massager, a budget-friendly option designed specifically for individuals with sedentary jobs. The cushion warms up the muscles in the back and then massages them using built-in balls. This rhythmic massage helps alleviate pain, stiffness, and fatigue. The price for this product is $70.


June 1, 2024

Nestlé Launches Special Product Line

Nestlé is launching a range of products specifically for those who take Ozempic - a medication for diabetics that suppresses hunger. Thanks in large part to social media, Ozempic has become very popular as a weight loss aid, with one in every eight Americans having already tried it. Investors see it as a threat to the food industry, so food companies started adapting and launching new products as early as last year. The new frozen pizzas and pastas from Nestle contain more protein, iron, and calcium.


May 29, 2024

Life Expectancy to Increase by Five Years by 2050

Life expectancy is projected to increase by five years by 2050. From 1990 to 2019, it increased on average by 0.27 years annually, but after 2022, it will only grow by 0.16 years per year. Currently, the global life expectancy stands at 73.6 years, and by mid-century, it will rise to 78.2 years. The majority of these changes will be driven by regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. The highest life expectancy in 2050 will be observed in high-income countries, followed by Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania, and Latin America.


May 28, 2024

Social networks and vaping

Teenagers who spend a lot of time on social media are more likely to vape. The survey involved 10,808 people aged 10 to 25. Over 8.5% of the respondents reported currently smoking cigarettes, while 2.5% vape. Slightly over 1% use both. Among those who do not use social media, only 2% reported smoking cigarettes. The percentage increased to 9.2% among those who use social media for up to 3 hours a day, and up to 12.2% among those who spend more than 7 hours on them.


May 28, 2024

Scientists Cure Mice of Back Pain using Gene Therapy

American scientists have developed gene therapy that improved mechanical functions of intervertebral discs in mice and reduced the intensity of pain. Additionally, significant restoration of the structure and function of intervertebral discs was observed in experimental mice, including an increase in disc height and tissue hydration. Scientists acknowledge that the treatment method is currently difficult to scale, but further developments are believed to alleviate the pain syndrome that limits the functionality of many individuals.


May 28, 2024

A spoon that changes the taste of food

Japanese company Kirin has released a spoon that alters the taste of food, making it saltier. The device affects sodium ion molecules on the tongue with a weak electric discharge, thus changing the perception of food. According to the developers, the spoon will help reduce salt consumption and avoid health problems. The price of such a spoon is 19,800 yen.


May 28, 2024

Microplastics Found in All Tested Male Testicles

Microplastics have been found in all tested male testicles. Scientists tested the testicles of men and pet dogs and found microplastics in all samples studied. This could explain the long-observed decrease in sperm count. The concentration of plastic in human testicles is nearly three times higher than in dog testicles. Polyethylene, used in plastic bags and bottles, was the most common contaminant.


May 28, 2024

Difficulties Faced by Chinese Travelers Returning to China After Plastic Surgery in South Korea

Many Chinese people who travel to South Korea for affordable and high-quality plastic surgery face difficulties when re-entering China due to their passport photos not matching their new appearance after the operation.


May 27, 2024

Scientists identify main cause of overeating

Scientists have identified the main cause of overeating. According to doctors, consuming content during meals leads to a bigger appetite - this is the conclusion. The reason is that we derive less pleasure from food when we are distracted. The body solves this problem by consuming larger portions. The only solution is to focus on the food during meals.


May 27, 2024

Quick Way to Fall Asleep

A doctor from England has revealed a method for quickly falling asleep. It involves thinking about random object words that have nothing in common with each other, such as telegram, chair, rain, and mashed potatoes, among others. Doctors claim that this technique simulates microsleep, which we experience while falling asleep. By tricking your brain, you can overcome the obstacles preventing you from entering a restful state.


May 27, 2024

Vegan Diet Reduces the Risk of Cancer and Heart Diseases - Study

Giving up meat reduces inflammation in the body and normalizes metabolism. If you don't want to have diabetes and obesity, vegan diet is also your choice.


May 26, 2024

Cheese Addiction: A Costly Battle for a Young Woman

A young woman in the USA developed an addiction to cheese, similar to being hooked on drugs. She had to be sent to rehab at a cost of $6000 per week to overcome her dependency. Initially, she would consume cheese as a snack, but after a couple of years, she was devouring 5-6 blocks of cheese per week. As a result, she gained around 30 kg, lost her menstrual cycle, and faced an increased risk of diabetes. This addiction didn't occur without reason – cheese contains substances resembling narcotics.


May 26, 2024

Australian Doctor Develops New Cancer Therapy and Successfully Treats Himself

Australian doctor Richard Skolier has developed a new therapy against cancer and became the first patient to undergo it. His method successfully defeated glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of cancer, for the first time. The professor was also the first to receive a vaccine that enhances the ability of drugs to detect cancer. It has been a year since Richard showed any signs of illness.


May 26, 2024