Benefits of banana peel.

In a number of useful products, replenishment - scientists have found the benefit of adding banana peels to baking. Sugar biscuits with the addition of peel were found to be enriched with fiber, magnesium, potassium and various antioxidants.


August 16, 2022

FTO gene.

And if a little more specifically about the popular gene FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated protein), the polymorphism of which may be associated with a predisposition to obesity. Gene expression leads to variant genotypes: G/G - no predisposition G/A - body weight gain ~ 1.2 kg A/A - body weight gain ~ 3 kg What does it mean? This gene is located on the 16th chromosome. Or not located. Studies show that carriers of one copy of this gene per chromosome weigh an average of 1.2 kg more than "lucky" ones without this gene; if there are two such copies, then the average mass is already 3 kg more.


August 16, 2022

Myths about genetics.

Most often, we think that in families where all family members are obese, genetics definitely played a cruel joke. But in fact, in the first place, their family model of eating behavior has an influence. Most likely, their women know how to cook very tasty and satisfying, men do not play rugby or football, and one of their favorite traditions is hearty dinners, not walks in the parks. It’s just that it’s customary for them, and it’s very difficult for new family members to break family ties and break into a different lifestyle, because often children don’t even know that it’s possible somehow differently. But from childhood they know how to cook pancakes.


August 16, 2022

"You're lucky, but I have bad genetics!"

There are women who can eat pasta at night and not gain weight. And there are those who get fat already from one look at a chocolate bar. Is it really all about heredity? Let's try to figure it out. Yes, genetics can indeed be a factor in obesity! Moreover, there are many genes responsible for excess weight gain! But I can calm you down or, on the contrary, upset you: their impact on weight gain is only 13.6%. Everything else comes down to our lifestyle: nutrition, physical activity, stress levels. This means that those people who have these genes will need to make a little more effort and time to lose weight.


August 16, 2022

Do you want to freshen up?

Here is a cool and healthy recipe for mango sorbet with probiotics! Take a few frozen mangoes, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Next, throw in ice cubes and pour in 1/4 cup of probiotics. What do I mean by probiotics? Now you can buy such sachets or tablets for intestinal flora. There are many different ones sold in pharmacies. Simply mix with water and add to a blender. And now before you is not just a sorbet, but a healthy dessert.


August 16, 2022

The effect of practice on health.

4. You will learn to cope with anxiety without harm to the body: during practice, you need to concentrate and control your breathing, such a skill in everyday life allows you to quickly return to a stable emotional state; 5. The quality of the skin improves: in the process of training, the body is tightened, lightness and smoothness in movements appear, and posture is straightened; 6. The work of the brain is stimulated, the restored blood circulation improves memory and attention; 7. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract disappear, since the change of straight and inverted asanas speeds up the metabolism and reduces heartburn attacks.


August 15, 2022

The effect of practice on health.

Despite the seeming danger of doing exercises, aerial yoga is considered safe, moreover, it has a positive effect not only on physical but also mental health: 1. The clamps are removed and the natural position of the joints is restored, 2. Blood flow is normalized, which allows cells to receive the necessary nutrition, which contributes to accelerated tissue regeneration; 3. The mood improves, the nervous system is restored, and the quality of sleep increases;


August 15, 2022

How is the practice of aerial yoga?

This is a whole complex of yoga practice, acrobatic elements and Pilates. Unlike the classical directions familiar to us, additional equipment is used in aerial yoga: hammocks. They allow you to perform asanas that are not available in classical practice. During the exercise, you are released from the force of gravity, because of this, the load on the spine is reduced, at the same time, the efficiency is increased.


August 15, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

7. Pranayama. Breathing practices naturally normalize body temperature. Start with the simplest pranayama: inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other. 8. Grenades. They contain many antioxidants and help thermoregulation. 9. Sandal. Sandalwood oil can be added to shampoo or shower gel. Despite the warm oriental aroma, it cools well. 10. Foot bath. Our feet have many receptors for heat and cold. Add sea salt or epsom salt, mint extract, and lavender and rosemary essential oils to the water.


August 14, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

4. Chili pepper. Yes, you heard right: when we eat very spicy foods, the brain receives a signal that it is urgent to cool the body. You can make salsa with chili, garlic, parsley, olive oil, and lemon. 5. Coconut water. Saturates the body with electrolytes and cools. 6. Essential oils. Peppermint and rosemary oils are very refreshing: add them to an aroma diffuser, bath, or spray on your pillow (unless you're allergic!)


August 14, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

In many parts of the world, the heat danger level is orange right now, and coolness is a must. But living under air conditioning and gorging yourself on ice cream is not an option. Not everyone has a private pool either. Here are some easy ways to feel better. 1. Aloe vera gel. Perfectly cools the skin, it can be used neat or mixed with cream. 2. Mint. Add it to water, yogurt, tea. Mint sauces like chutney are very refreshing! Now I put mint even in salads - very tasty. 3. Homemade lemonade. Vitamin C naturally lowers body temperature. You can use lemons, limes, your favorite sweetener, and mineral water.


August 14, 2022

Scientists from Finland have confirmed that sunlight helps in the fight against depression.

To be more precise, it is vitamin D that is produced in our body under the influence of sunlight. The study involved 53,235 people, some of whom are happy owners of clinical depression. However, vitamin D supplements and sunlight corrected the situation.


August 14, 2022

Sources of adrenaline.

Very strong sensations, which are accompanied by the production of large doses of adrenaline, are always stored in our memory. The production of this hormone is primarily promoted by sports, especially dangerous sports, as well as travel, gambling (cards, roulette, etc.). Businessmen also very often experience a similar emotional state, since their professional activities are associated with constant risk. A number of professions can also be called "adrenaline": firefighters, surgeons, journalists, etc. Emotional addicts often choose these professions for themselves, since the constant presence of adrenaline is vital for them. Adrenaline is a very important and very necessary hormone. This is a kind of dope and a source of energy. Without it, our life would be boring and uninteresting!


August 12, 2022

Аdrenaline diet.

There is a type of adrenergic receptors, the "inclusion" of which contributes to the breakdown of adipose tissue. That is why people who are too emotional are usually thin, but if there are not enough such structures, in this case, adipose tissue begins to accumulate. Currently, scientists are developing drugs based on this principle of interaction with adrenergic receptors.


August 12, 2022

Biotechnologists transplanted human genes into yeast to find a cure for cancer.

Dutch biotechnologists transplanted human genes responsible for muscle metabolism into yeast. So it will be possible to study cellular processes, the understanding of which will help in the search for cures for cancer. Yeast DNA has been modified before, but this is the first time scientists have been able to include such a large and important piece of the human genome. Humanized yeast is easier to grow than human cells and tissues. It is also easier to study them - the model turns out to be clean, there are no extraneous interactions in it. Using genetically modified yeast, researchers will study the process of breaking down sugar to capture energy and create cell blocks inside muscle cells.


August 12, 2022

Vegetarians in old age are one third more likely to have hip fractures than meat eaters.

These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Leeds during a 22-year study involving 26,000 women aged 35-69. Perhaps this is due to the lack of nutrients for healthy bones and muscles, as well as a smaller body fat - it serves as a "safety cushion" in the fall. For bone health, fortified cereals with added iron and vitamin B12, as well as sufficient amounts of nuts and legumes - they contain protein, can be included in the diet, according to the researcher.


August 12, 2022

The rate of dissolution of tablets in the digestive system depends on the posture of the person.

It can decrease or increase by 83%. American physicists came to such conclusions after analyzing computer models. It turned out that tilting the body to the right accelerates the absorption of tablets. Also, drugs dissolve a little faster when the body is tilted back at 45°. Tilt to the left slows down the process. These data must be taken into account when creating tablets, which, for maximum effect, must dissolve in the digestive system as soon as possible.


August 11, 2022

All about blackberries. Pros.

100 grams of blackberries contain 35% of the daily value of vitamin C. Blackberries are high in anthocyanins and other antioxidants. Blackberries are an excellent source of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting. Blackberry activates brain activity. Research has shown that rats that ate blackberries had improved cognitive skills compared to a group of rats that didn't eat blackberries. The authors of the study believe that this is due to the polyphenol substances that it contains.


August 10, 2022

All about blackberries. Minuses.

In the midst of the blackberry season, I propose to enjoy it from the heart. But do not forget that in addition to the pros, there are always cons. Namely: Blackberries are a pretty strong allergen. The reaction can appear in just an hour. Blackberries contain a lot of organic acids, so people with high stomach acidity should limit their use. Blackberries have a strong diuretic effect, so people with kidney disease should take them with caution.


August 10, 2022

Myofascial release.

MFR cannot be replaced where it is required to speed up the recovery process after a workout, remove pain in the muscles, increase flexibility, and remove hypertonicity. There are many different techniques and applications of MFR. Self Myofascial Release is now popular in fitness, that is, an independent myofascial release that you can perform yourself before, after or instead of training. MFR is performed using all kinds of rolls of varying degrees of hardness and balls. They are rolled, they are pressed with their feet and hands, they sit, lie and stand on them.


August 10, 2022