Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

6. Tendency to hyperpigmentation: the sun increases the likelihood of new age spots. 7. Many cosmetics with active ingredients - fruit acids, vitamin C or retinol. They also cause hyperpigmentation. 8. Recently there was a peeling (chemical or laser) - it is dangerous to expose the skin that has not yet recovered to ultraviolet radiation: again, because of the risk of hyperpigmentation.


August 23, 2022

Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

3. Skin diseases, for example, acne, rosacea: ultraviolet light can provoke an exacerbation. At first, the sun dries up inflammation, creating the illusion of improvement, but then, as a rule, the situation worsens. 4. Diagnosed with cancer. Oncologists do not recommend tanning to patients. Aggressive sun can cause a weakening of the immune system, which creates conditions for relapses and metastases. 5. Many moles (more than 100 on the body): this indicates the risk of developing melanoma, and the sun is one of the provoking factors in the development of this disease.


August 23, 2022

Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

1. Blond hair, blue eyes and very fair, "porcelain" skin. In this case, even with a short stay in the sun, there is a risk of getting a burn instead of a beautiful tan. Be sure to use sun protection, especially in the summer. 2. Vitiligo (partial loss of natural skin pigment) or albinism (when there is no pigment at all). Unpigmented areas of the skin are completely devoid of natural protection and require maximum photoprotection.


August 23, 2022

Who Invented Face Masks?

They say that even Cleopatra applied a mask of clay and honey to her face so that the skin became smooth, toned and velvety. However, the inventor of cosmetic masks is officially considered not the Egyptian queen, but the American milliner. In 1875 Madame Rowley of Ohio patented a "toilet mask" made of rubber. The inventor guaranteed that with her help, clients would improve their complexion and whiten their skin. Later, new technologies replaced rubber, and now we use masks not only as an SOS remedy, but also as an important part of our morning and evening care.


August 23, 2022

General rules when using face masks:

1. Prepare your skin. First of all, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and impurities. Use a gentle cleanser and then be sure to wash and toner your skin to restore pH. 2. Apply the mask - with your fingers or a special brush. Distribute it along the massage lines of the face, that is, from the center of the face to the edges. This will help to avoid tension and microdamage to the skin. 3. Keep the mask on your face for exactly as long as the manufacturer recommends. Longer is not better, and you definitely don’t need skin irritation! 4. Don't forget to finish with cream. Yes, this is necessary to consolidate the effect and “preserve” the beneficial substances that the mask gave to your skin. The exception is indelible masks: it is not necessary to apply a cream after them.


August 23, 2022

How to use face masks correctly?

Sometimes we go to extremes and begin to either use masks every day, or, conversely, we remember about them only before an important event. Dermatologists recommend making masks no more than 1-2 times a week: if less often, the effect will be short-term, if more often, there is a risk of damaging the skin barrier.


August 23, 2022

Vitamin D really helps with depression.

Vitamin D supplements help people diagnosed with depression. In the future, the substance may become the basis of an alternative treatment option. These conclusions were reached by Australian and Finnish scientists in the course of a meta-analysis of 41 studies involving 53,000 people. Vitamin D is believed to help regulate the functions of the central nervous system. Also, animal experiments have shown that it is involved in controlling the chemical balance in the brain. This may explain the relief of symptoms of mental disorders. The biggest effect of vitamin D was in people who took it for less than three months. A typical dose is 50-100 micrograms per day.


August 23, 2022

Washing helps reduce stress levels.

The publication Social Psychological and Personality Science conducted a multi-level study with a thousand people. And the process of washing at all stages reduced their stress levels, calming people down.


August 22, 2022

In Britain, due to the fashion for tight-fitting leggings, the demand for intimate plastic has increased.

In the UK in recent years, more and more women want to get a labioplasty. It's all about tight-fitting leggings. In 2021, Skevophylax performed 50 intimate surgeries, in 2022 this record was broken already in August. Women are embarrassed by the fact that the "camel toe" is visible in tight pants, and also complain of discomfort and pain in the groin area. At the same time, not everyone is ready to give up fashionable pants, so they choose an operation. According to the surgeon, 80% of patients want to eliminate the discomfort of wearing tight clothing, and not to make the vulva more aesthetic.


August 22, 2022

Crabtree & Evelyn Bodycare Line

Goat milk can be a salvation not only for the skin of the face. If you experience a feeling of tightness and discomfort after a shower, suffer from itching in the cold season, then the Crabtree & Evelyn line will be a real salvation. Hand soap and body lotion will help get rid of irritation and peeling.


August 20, 2022

TONYMOLY Naturalth Goat Milk Premium Skincare Premium Set

An ideal choice for girls who do not want to spend time choosing cosmetics that are in harmony with each other. A complete goat milk-based skin care line will also appeal to those who want to get the most out of it. Naturalth Goat Milk Premium Skincare Premium Set consists of 5 products, 30-60% natural milk. Each of them has a hypoallergenic formula, so beauty products can be safely used to care for sensitive skin.


August 20, 2022

Little Seed Farm Goat's Milk Moisturizer

And this cream was created specifically for girls with combination or oily skin types. It contains argan oil, which is considered non-comedogenic, and therefore safe for use on skin prone to inflammation.


August 20, 2022

Kate Somerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cream

This cream was created by the world famous cosmetologist Kate Somerville. Plus, it is enriched with aloe extract, which perfectly soothes irritated skin.


August 20, 2022

Beekman 1802 Triple Milk Cleanser

No aggressive textures and acids! Beekman 1802 Triple Milk Cleanser is a cleanser that seems to be specially created for the cold season. Goat milk extract and milk proteins nourish and even out skin tone, effectively removing dust particles and decorative cosmetics.


August 20, 2022

Did you know that goat milk has become the new superfood in the beauty industry?

Firstly, it moisturizes the skin no worse (or maybe better) than hyaluronic acid. Secondly, it exfoliates, as it is rich in lactic acid. Thirdly, goat milk contains vitamin A, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Therefore, catch a selection of cosmetics based on goat milk.


August 20, 2022

Very unusual and tasty eggplant!

First, crush the eggplant well with a rolling pin so that it becomes a little flattened and whiter soft inside. Now make a cut in the middle. Put feta (you can use any other cheese) and cherry tomatoes, cut in half. Place the stuffed eggplant in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Brush with olive oil and bake in the oven. Enjoy your meal!


August 19, 2022

"Banana water" as a sedative and hypnotic.

Potassium and magnesium in the composition of a banana contribute to muscle relaxation and peace, it helps to fall asleep easily in the evenings. In addition, a banana cooked in this way in a peel is incredibly tasty. Ingredients: 1 banana, 200 ml of water, a pinch of cinnamon. Preparation: Bring water to a boil. Cut off a banana in a small piece on both sides. Boil banana in boiling water for 10 minutes. The drink is ready! For flavor, add a pinch of cinnamon to it. A nice bonus - a banana boiled in a peel - you can sprinkle a little cocoa, cinnamon and powdered sugar. Such a banana is useful at night to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and skin condition.


August 19, 2022


Sports doctors believe that, all other things being equal, it is better to choose whey protein. It has been proven to be better absorbed and to a greater extent helps to gain muscle mass. But if for some reason you do not consume dairy products, soy is also suitable.


August 19, 2022

Soy protein:

- Regulates blood cholesterol levels - Suitable for vegans - Does not contain lactose - Absorbs quickly


August 19, 2022

Whey Protein:

- Increases stamina - May accelerate weight loss - Improves skin condition — “Packed” with minerals and amino acids “Delicious, easy to disguise in a smoothie.


August 19, 2022