Flossing can increase interdental spaces.

Many people know about the benefits of flossing, but are afraid to use it so as not to push their teeth apart. This is another myth about dental care. In fact, flossing helps keep your mouth healthy. With floss, you can remove food debris and bacterial plaque from interdental spaces that are inaccessible to the brush. The use of a thread is very important and necessary, and its width and density are insufficient to affect the bite. Unaccustomed to flossing, your gums may bleed. This usually goes away after a few weeks. But, if bleeding continues, see your dentist to identify the cause and treat your gums.


August 26, 2022

Chinese effective facial rejuvenation mask.

A beauty mask made from honey starch and salt that nourishes, evens out skin tone and visibly reduces the appearance of age spots. Ingredients ▫️1 teaspoon honey (preferably liquid) ▫️1 teaspoon starch ▫️1 teaspoon salt Preparation: mix honey and starch until a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). To mix everything. If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then add another 1 teaspoon of milk to the mask. Application: apply on the face in several layers until all the prepared mixture is used up. The mask should be kept on the face for 25 minutes, then washed off. For best results, it is recommended to do a Chinese beauty mask every other day, for 20 days. During this time, it will turn out to make 10 masks.


August 26, 2022

"Golden milk"

Golden milk helps restore intervertebral lubrication, flushes out salt deposits. It is also useful for hematopoietic function, colon, nervous system and bone tissues. Ingredients (per serving): • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric • 1/4 cup (65 ml) water • 250 ml milk • 2 tablespoons (40 ml) unrefined almond oil • honey to taste Cooking method: Pour turmeric into water, bring to a boil and cook for about 8 minutes, until the contents thicken. If the paste becomes too thick, add some water. At this time, boil the milk, adding almond oil to it. When the milk boils, immediately remove from heat. Pour milk into turmeric and add honey to taste.


August 26, 2022

Is it true that neuroses can be cured with proper nutrition?

Neurosis occurs due to an insufficient amount of folic acid in the body, the presence of which is responsible for the level of serotonin in the brain (in the common people - the “hormone of happiness”). You can restore (complete) the lack of this hormone by adding the following foods to the diet: bananas, greens, cabbage, asparagus, citrus fruits, etc. With depression, there is a lack of vitamin B6, which is also necessary for the formation of the “hormone of happiness”. Vitamin B6 can be found in such foods: shrimp, fish, seeds, nuts, chicken meat, lentils, banana.


August 26, 2022

Psychedelics help treat alcoholism.

These conclusions were made by scientists from the Langone Center for Psychedelic Medicine at New York University. Taking psychedelics helps people cope with alcohol addiction. After treatment, they have fewer relapses than people who simply received therapy and took a placebo.


August 26, 2022

Watching TV increases the risk of dementia.

American scientists decided to find out how different types of sedentary leisure are associated with the risk of developing dementia. It turned out that frequent watching TV is more dangerous than sitting at the computer. This can be explained by the fact that watching TV is an extremely passive activity, while spending time on a laptop involves cognitive functions. For example, users are writing emails or thinking about their next move in a video game. The study involved 146,000 people over 60 years of age, initially none of them had dementia. Over 12 years of observation, the disease developed in 3.5 thousand.


August 26, 2022

Avocado benefits:

1. Protection for the heart. 2. Weight loss. 3. Reducing the risk of diabetes. 4. Improved vision. 5. Your hair and skin will get better. Daily consumption of avocado improves bowel function, metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels. All this thanks to increased diversity of intestinal bacteria and monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocados are rich in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid.


August 24, 2022

How to apply coconut vinegar?

You can add it to salad dressings. It also works great during intestinal infections. You can wipe the skin with it if the skin is oily and prone to rashes. A teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water on an empty stomach helps improve digestion. P.S. the main thing is to buy organic natural coconut vinegar, which is obtained by natural juice fermentation.


August 24, 2022

Coconut Vinegar. How is it better than apple.

Coconut vinegar is called a probiotic superfood. Because it's naturally fermented, it contains probiotics that are important for digestion and gut health. It has a low glycemic index and almost neutral ph, which means it is suitable for controlling blood sugar levels. Coconut vinegar reduces the feeling of hunger. Coconut vinegar contains all 9 essential amino acids that are part of every living cell in the body.


August 24, 2022

Tapes on the abdomen.

I recommend doing teips on the stomach. What matters is a good trainer who knows how to glue them correctly, what tension to choose, and so on. If you are actively working on diastasis, then tapes serve as a kind of "icing" on the cake to consolidate the results. Why are teips good for the abdomen? 1. when walking, they help to keep and not “dump out” the lower abdomen, thus collecting all the muscles of the abdominal cavity together 2. good lymphatic drainage effect in the abdomen 3. normalization of blood circulation 4. skin tightening (especially since I recently did a microneedle RF lifting on my stomach, tapes give an additional effect) But, of course, teips are not a panacea, but only auxiliary measures if you are actively involved in sports, eat right, get enough sleep, etc.


August 24, 2022

Where is taping used?

Tapes are actively used in sports, cosmetology, and medicine. When taping, in each case, a certain tension, direction and form of application are selected - all this depends on the specific goal and affects the effect. For example, facial tapes help fight wrinkles, while body tapes solve several problems at once: from weight loss and lymphatic drainage to reducing inflammation.


August 24, 2022

What is taping.

Tapes themselves are special adhesive tapes that are applied in a certain way to problem areas of the body. They act on the nervous system through skin receptors. As a result, muscle tone increases, swelling disappears, pain is relieved, and much more.


August 24, 2022

How often can you use a body scrub?

How often you use a scrub often depends on your skin type. If for oily and combination skin scrubs can be used - 1, maximum 2 times a week, then for dry and sensitive skin it is not recommended to use it more often than once every two to three weeks. Scrubs should not be used if the skin has wounds and inflammation, including acne. Abrasive particles can damage the inflamed area and spread germs over the entire surface of the face. As a result, even more rashes.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 3. A sugar salt scrub that will not only help get rid of cellulite, but also make stretch marks less noticeable. To prepare the scrub, take: - 250 grams of regular sugar add - 250 grams of salt, sea salt is best Pour it all with olive oil (0.5 cups). Mix everything thoroughly and you can safely use.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 2. No less effective is a coffee and sea salt scrub. To prepare the scrub, take: - 3 tablespoons ground coffee beans - 3 tablespoons of sea salt - 5 drops of olive oil Mix everything thoroughly. This scrub will increase blood circulation, resulting in an increase in the rate of removal of fluid and toxins from skin cells.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 1. One of the most effective and effective salt and honey scrubs. To prepare the scrub, take: - 100 g of natural liquid honey, - 100 g of sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and you can safely apply on the body. Scrub not only helps get rid of cellulite, but also perfectly moisturizes the skin.


August 23, 2022

How often do you need to take hormone tests?

Doctors recommend taking hormone tests once a year, even if you do not have the above symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. A referral to them can be issued by a gynecologist or therapist. But haphazardly checking all hormones before a visit to an endocrinologist is not worth it - there is a risk of wasting time and money. The endocrinologist will tell you which tests you really need based on your symptoms and the answers to his questions.


August 23, 2022

When to See a Doctor About Hormones:

4. Acne, especially if you're well past adolescence. 5. Constant feeling of tiredness, regular sleep problems. Yes, this may not be due to anxiety about deadlines at work, but a sign of hormone problems. 6. Dry mouth that doesn't go away even if you drink plenty of fluids. 7. Problems with the intestines and stool. 8. Abrupt weight gain or loss.


August 23, 2022

When to See a Doctor About Hormones:

1. Any violations of the menstrual cycle. And also, when the discharge became too abundant or, conversely, stopped. 2. Planning for pregnancy, as well as when you have been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to conceive a child (You should consult a doctor one year after you and your partner have given up any contraceptives. Women over 35 years old - after six months). 3. Hair loss or accelerated growth, brittle nails.


August 23, 2022

What to do if you fall into one of the above categories?

If you fall into one of the above categories, in the summer, use products with the maximum degree of sun protection. These include Photo Reverse cream from Institut Esthederm. It not only prevents the appearance of age spots, but also brightens existing ones - even under the influence of UV rays. The cream is available in several shades and colorless - if you do not need a tone. And for those who have been diagnosed with vitiligo or albinism, a No Sun ultra-high protection product is more suitable.


August 23, 2022