What is dry brushing for?

- improvement of skin turgor, - exfoliation of dead cells, - enhances the effect of body care products, - cleanses pores and releases endorphins, - increases energy and helps to restore sleep, - stimulates blood circulation, improving cellular oxygenation.


September 9, 2022

Dry brushing or dry brushing.

Drybrushing was originally, and still is, a practice called garshana and dates back to Ayurvedic medicine. This system of medicine, which originated in India, is based on ancient scriptures that teach a natural approach to physical and mental health. And the massage itself is designed to refresh and stimulate the skin and lymphatic system, improve blood circulation and rid the body of accumulated toxins. I recommend doing it in the morning before taking a shower. And after a shower, be sure to apply your favorite body oil or cream.


September 9, 2022

7. Circuit training plan.

1 minute bodyweight squat. 1 minute running in place. 1 minute pushups. 1 minute exercise "Alpinist" (running in the plank). 1 minute in plank.


September 8, 2022

6. Try circuit training.

Circuit training is a great way to work your entire body in a short amount of time. Erin and Tiffany share a simple scheme that works for both the gym and the home. Include this workout in your schedule instead of racking your brains about what exactly to do in the next sports "window". Do 3 to 9 reps depending on your fitness level and time availability. The workout will take from 15 to 45 minutes.


September 8, 2022

5. Hit the bag.

Spending 20 minutes on a punching bag with the natural resistance of this projectile will not only burn 115 calories, but also boost your metabolism for the whole day, which will help you use energy more efficiently and burn fat.


September 8, 2022

4. Increase the incline of the treadmill.

Walking on a 10% incline at 3 mph will burn about 255 calories in 30 minutes. This is about 50 calories more than when walking at the same speed on a flat surface.


September 8, 2022

3. Jump rope.

This is a sure way to burn a huge amount of calories in a short amount of time. In just fifteen minutes, you will burn up to 187 calories. Jump for an hour and you'll be gone for breakfast and lunch (up to 748 calories). Of course, few people can jump for 60 minutes in a row, after 15 minutes you will probably start to run out of steam, but you can do several approaches or at least have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the rope works.


September 8, 2022

2. Increase weights and resistance.

Help boost your metabolism to burn more calories by increasing equipment weight and resistance strength during your workouts. Your body will have to work harder and expend more energy holding heavier dumbbells.


September 8, 2022

1. Add high-intensity exercise.

Interval training is very effective for burning more calories without increasing your time in the gym. Try alternating between two different activities, changing the intensity and type of effort. For example, add intervals like sprints or brisk walks between strength training sets for more effective fat burning.


September 8, 2022

How to burn more calories without increasing your workout time?

Nutritionists and trainers Tiffany Bacchus and Erin McDonalds, who created the U Rock girl team, have collected recommendations and tricks on how to get your metabolism active and burn more calories during your usual workout time.


September 8, 2022

"Lazy" oatmeal is the perfect breakfast option. Fast, tasty and nutritious!

Ingredients: 1/3 cup oatmeal 1/2 st. l. chia seeds 1/2 st. l. flax seed 2/3 cup almond milk Fruits and berries of your choice. Mix all ingredients except fruit. Divide into several servings. Put the mixture in containers, add fruits and berries to taste in each container. Put it in the refrigerator overnight and breakfast will be ready in the morning. You can add whatever you like if you wish.


September 7, 2022

How to treat psychosomatic diseases?

Our brain is constantly adapting to the reality around us, and the body plays a crucial role in this adaptation. To cure a psychosomatic illness, it is necessary to combine Western, Eastern medicine and psychosomatics. First, it is necessary to identify what exactly is happening with the human body - here they resort to traditional analyzes, ultrasound, decoding of blood and urine, a visit to a therapist, gynecologist and other specialists that are necessary. In the future, a consultation with a psychologist is required, who will “unpack” and diagnose the individual experiences of a person, their significance and realize what kind of psychosomatic scenario he has. It is also important to teach a person health skills - only in this way will he realize how to manage it and what needs to be changed in order to gain it.


September 7, 2022

Problems in the gynecological field are also closely related to psychosomatics.

All problems in the gynecological field are associated with the feeling of being a woman, as well as relationships with a specific partner. When a woman loses her connection with a man and cannot keep it against her will, tissue proliferation occurs - and in severe cases, even breast cancer. Similar observations have been statistically proven. If we take gynecological diseases, then when a woman does not feel like one, or a man constantly tries to manipulate her, she develops uterine fibroids. If a woman does not want to become pregnant or has experienced the bitterness of infidelity, then she may face endometriosis. Annoyed at her sexual partner, the girl will suffer from cervical erosion.


September 7, 2022

Modern psychosomatics believes that stress does not just affect health.

Stress is different from stress: human experiences are very specific. So, when we "do not digest" someone or something, we will have problems with digestion. For example, conflicts with a mother with whom you have to live for many years, but this causes you discomfort, lead to ulcerative colitis or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). A person experiencing attacks of bronchial asthma feels that he is literally "blocked" from the air from some kind of pain or loss.


September 7, 2022

What are psychosomatic illnesses?

There is an interesting concept of the "Chicago seven psychosomatic disorders" - the most typical health problems caused by negative changes in the psyche. Among them are bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and others. More than 50 years ago, the authors of this term proved that all these common diseases are the result of psychosomatic disorders.


September 7, 2022

Is it true that all diseases are caused by stress?

In the scientific literature today you can find the term "psychosomatic scenario of the disease." This is a combination of psycho-emotional traumas that make a person sick. From the point of view of psychosomatics, diseases of the physical body are a kind of adaptation to the experiences and stresses that you experience. Stress triggers changes in the nervous system that provoke changes in various organs and tissues. The body begins to react to any changes that occur to your psyche: if they are positive, then your body works without failures, if they are considered stress factors, then exacerbations of chronic diseases or the debut of new ones are provoked. From the point of view of psychosomatics, all diseases in one way or another stem from stress.


September 7, 2022

What is psychosomatics?

This is a branch of medicine that studies the relationship between the psyche and the physical body of a person and their influence on each other. That is, if a person has an internal emotional conflict, then it somehow affects the performance of the body, its physiology. And vice versa - if there are any pains or problems in the body, they can also affect the emotional state of a person.


September 7, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

6. Include glutathione or adenosine/cysteine ​​in your diet. Glutathione is a substance that is actively involved in all key stages of detoxification in the liver. At high loads (with a large amount of toxins), its consumption is greater, respectively, regular replenishment with the help of products containing it is important. Also important are foods containing sulfur, the amino acids adenosine and cysteine ​​- substances from which the liver synthesizes glutathione. These include: onions, garlic, broccoli and all cruciferous, avocados, almonds, asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches, bananas and melons.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

5. Do yoga. Plow yoga exercise or Halasana - many years of research on this asana found that with regular use, the blood flow in the liver changes, it is better cleansed. Blood circulation to and from the liver is improved, which leads to good cell regeneration and oxygen supply. This is a pose when we gently throw our legs over our heads. For its implementation, training and supervision of a specialist is required. It is good to spend in it from 1-3 minutes, bring it up to 5 minutes a day, but take into account the possible load on the neck.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

4. Include cloves in your diet. Cloves - a spice that is known to everyone, has a restorative effect on the liver. It balances the work of the liver, restores cells and starts regeneration. Clove buds contain the active compound eugenol, which is important for liver health. The use of cloves in powder, buds or capsules restores the liver as part of a general therapy for serious diseases and reduces the effects of oxidative stress. A single use is half a teaspoon per glass of water or 3 buds. Longer use has its own characteristics.


September 5, 2022