Cubes with chamomile and rose hips.

Ingredients: 1. Chamomile; 2. Sage; 3. Rosehip. Mix dried chamomile, sage and rosehip (these herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy). Dial 1 teaspoon of herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Cool the infusion and pour into molds. These ice cubes will help maintain the water balance of the skin, soften it and prevent inflammation.


September 11, 2022

Herbal cubes.

Ingredients: 1. For normal skin: mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, tricolor violet, horsetail; 2. For dry and sensitive skin: rose, linden, lemon balm, any red berries (mountain ash, hawthorn, strawberries); 3. For oily and problematic skin: calendula, birch buds, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory root or bergenia thick-leaved. It is necessary to make a collection of herbs. 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, pour over and let it brew for 30 minutes. Pour into molds and freeze.


September 11, 2022

Cosmetic ice for youth and beauty of the skin.

The main property of cosmetic ice is the improvement of local blood circulation. This effect is achieved due to the fact that while the cold actively affects the skin, the blood vessels are actively constricted. As soon as you remove the ice cube, the vessels begin to expand. The visual effect appears immediately after the procedure: the skin looks refreshed and beautiful, even the complexion is evened out. Ice should be used twice a day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, an hour before bedtime.


September 11, 2022

DIY tonic

Why do you need a facial tonic? In facial skin care, there are three main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Tonic is the final stage of cleansing. A tonic recipe that will give odds to many skin care products. Have to take: ▪️ Rose hydrolat (calendula, pine needles, lavender) - 45 ml. ▪️3/4 drops of fresh lemon juice ▪️Natural honey - a quarter of a teaspoon (or at the “tip of a knife”, as it is more convenient for anyone to measure) You can add D-panthenol - 2 drops By mixing these components together, you will get the simplest tonic, with the maximum benefit for your skin. The best way to store toner is in spray bottles. When using the tonic, do not wait for it to dry, but spread the tonic over the face with patting movements, pay special attention to the area around the eyes. Important: since the tonic is a leave-in care product, choose only high-quality ingredients.


September 11, 2022

Physical activity and brain function.

In one study in the United States, schoolchildren played sports during the year between classes. Naturally, the physical form of children has improved. The level of self-control has increased. Children became less distracted, were able to perform several tasks at once, and also began to remember and absorb information better.


September 11, 2022

Physical activity and brain function.

Different types of physical activity have an extremely positive effect on brain function, both in children and adults. For example, riding a bicycle while studying helps to better absorb and memorize new foreign words. And walking, as Nietzsche once said, "inspires" the imagination. In fact, walking, whether it's on a treadmill or just down the street, improves divergent thinking, the ability to come up with multiple solutions to the same problem.


September 11, 2022

Korean scientists came up with a smart tattoo to monitor health.

The ink is made up of gallium-based liquid metal and carbon nanotubes. Thanks to this, the tattoo turns into a bioelectrode - it can conduct electricity, interact with electronics and serve as a heartbeat or blood sugar sensor. To take readings, the tattoo must be connected to an electronic gadget - it does not have its own source of energy and memory. In the future, scientists want to add a chip to the tattoo. Then the body will be able to communicate directly with external devices.


September 11, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

5. The belief that fitness is a chore. Of course, no one can come to every workout with a glued-on smile, but if you hate every second in the gym, you're setting yourself up for failure. How to overcome. Make a schedule that fits harmoniously into your life. Do not overdo it. Take rest days. Adjust the difficulty for yourself: workouts should be hard enough, but not intimidating. Try to find a type of physical activity that you really enjoy and don't get bored of.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

4. No time. “I don’t have time to train” is something coaches often hear. How to overcome. Schedule time for sports. Treat it like a meeting you can't miss and set a reminder on your phone.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

3. Mistaking motivation for discipline. Boosting motivation at the start of your fitness journey is great, but what got you out of bed yesterday may not work tomorrow. How to overcome. Every day you get up and make dozens of decisions. Sport is one of those solutions. Motivation comes and goes, and developing healthy habits will get you there.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

2. Comparing yourself to others Taking pictures from social networks as a challenge is a sure way to develop complexes in yourself. How to overcome. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Our bodies are different, so your progress will not look the same as someone else's. Act to the best of your ability.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

1. Unrealistic goals. Lifting huge weights after a week at the gym? Completely change your body in a few workouts? Such goals will only lead to disappointment. How to overcome. Watch yourself and your changes in the body during training and set only achievable goals! Being an adherent of a healthy lifestyle means making it a part of your life, gradually coming to it without sprint jerks, after which a rollback usually occurs.


September 10, 2022

Sweeteners increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Artificial sweeteners are not a healthy alternative to sugar. They can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 9-18%. These conclusions were reached by French scientists in the course of a study involving 103,000 people. The average age of the volunteers is 42, most of them are women.


September 10, 2022

A little about yoga.

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know what moves you forward and what moves you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. The sole purpose of the spiritual life is to give up everything that is not us and become who we really are. Yoga not only changes the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.


September 9, 2022

It also happens in the body during intermittent fasting:

Activation of thinking processes Thanks to intermittent fasting, performance and energy levels improve, and stress resistance to external factors increases. By adhering to intermittent fasting, you can get rid of acne, cleanse the body's organic systems, and also get rid of excess weight, especially in the waist and abdomen (if body fat is actually superfluous).


September 9, 2022

Time period for intermittent fasting.

It can be different: 12/12 10/14 8/16 etc... Example: from 12:00 to 20:00 - meals, and from 20:00 to 12:00 do not consume anything other than liquids without calories. Instead of consuming glycogen and glucose reserves, the body consumes protein breakdown products, removes toxins from the body. That is, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated.


September 9, 2022

Intermittent fasting.

Today I want to tell you about intermittent fasting - a way of eating in which periods of eating alternate with periods of abstinence from it at certain hours. Intermittent fasting includes different eating options, which are called windows. The scheme is as follows: The day (24 hours) is divided into two windows: ▪️1 window: all meals for the day fit into it ▪️ 2nd window: fasting (you can drink water, herbal decoctions, tea and coffee without sugar).


September 9, 2022


1. Hypersensitivity of the skin. 2. Diseases of the skin (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis). 3. Rash and irritation. 4. Any disease in the acute stage. 5. Numerous moles and papillomas. 6. Varicose veins and vascular pathologies. 7. Increase in body temperature. 8. Damage to the skin (burns, scratches, bruises, wounds). 9. Dehydration of the skin.


September 9, 2022

More basic massage rules:

- The skin and brush must be dry. Wet and steamed skin is easier to injure. - start with a few minutes, then you can go up to 15 minutes. - the use of brushes is not recommended on the face, in intimate areas, armpits. Avoid touching the lymph nodes, the skin of the inner thighs, the area under the knees and the heart area. - if scratches remain after the massage, then you need to change the brush to a softer one. I have a medium hard brush, but I started with a soft one. I do not advise you to start with a hard one.


September 9, 2022

How to drybrush?

- first we massage the legs: with direct movements with a brush from the foot to the knees, - then go from the knees to the hips, - thighs and buttocks are massaged in a circular motion, - massage hands from wrist to shoulder, - the neck and décolleté are processed from top to bottom (toward the heart).


September 9, 2022