What is onion useful for, and why should you not neglect it?

3. Rich in fiber. Onions contain both soluble and insoluble (coarse) vegetable fibers. They help to feel full longer, normalize the digestive tract and “feed” the beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora. In a conventional cup of onion - up to 12% of the daily fiber requirement. 4. Source of vitamin B6. One medium bulb contains about 8% of the recommended daily value of vitamin B6. It helps your body form red blood cells and breaks down protein.


September 18, 2022

What is onion useful for, and why should you not neglect it?

1. A source of vitamin C, the main antioxidant that fights free radicals that accelerate aging. Important for strong blood vessels and rapid regeneration. Onions contain 8 to 19% of the daily value of vitamin C. 2. Contains other antioxidants. For example, the flavonoid quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps the body produce vitamin E and protects against many forms of cancer. Every onion has antioxidants, but red and yellow onions have more than white ones.


September 18, 2022

Do you love meat?

I'm sure many are. But sometimes you need to take breaks and switch to plant foods. Just to unload the body a little from animal protein. To date, there are many products from vegetable "meat" that differ little from non-vegetable ones due to the special processing of pea protein in the composition. And this is good, there is no feeling of sublimation and substitution. At the same time, pea protein is perfectly absorbed and saturates the body.


September 18, 2022

Anti-stress products!

5. Fermented vegetables have a marked reduction in stress levels. 6. Bananas. Contain serotonin, vitamin B6, Melatonin. 7. Avocado. Explosion of useful substances! Potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins and folic acid. 8. Eggs. They contain fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, a source of tryptophan. 9. Blueberries. Anthocyanins and antioxidants contained in the berry help the brain produce dopamine, an assistant for memory and good mood. 10. Broccoli.


September 15, 2022

Anti-stress products!

1. Oily fish. Such as herring, sardine, mackerel, salmon, cod, wild trout are rich in omega-3. Omega-3s help reduce anxiety and depression. 2. Nuts and seeds. It is also a good, quality source of omega-3 fatty acids. 3. Pistachios. Reduce the load on the heart, by reducing vasospasm, which is accompanied by any stress. 4. Green leafy vegetables. Helps the body produce serotonin and dopamine.


September 15, 2022

The reason for your excessive arch in the lower back may be in the feet.

The condition of the feet directly affects the health of the back. If the arches of the feet are violated and the toes lose their ability to repel, then this leads to the shutdown of the gluteal muscles. And if the gluteus muscle is turned off, then the pelvis will tip forward. And this leads to the formation of too much deflection in the lower back. To restore the normal deflection in the lower back, you need to achieve the correct work of the gluteal muscles while walking. And this can be done by working with the feet. Strengthen the arches of your feet, include your toes in the process of walking, and you will notice that your gait and the state of the lumbar region have changed for the better.


September 15, 2022

Energy source for every day.

5. Evening baths. Half an hour before the bath, take sorbents, as a warm bath starts lymphatic drainage and this is an opportunity to clean the lymph (always important before a bath or sauna). 6. Soar legs. Every day in the evening - 5-7 minutes, ankle-deep, you can also add salt and soda for 3-4 tbsp. spoons in the basin. If you warm your hands at the same time, the nervous system will receive a signal that there is no stress. 7. Breathing practices. Everyone has been talking about this for a long time! Please try and introduce this habit into your life! Breathing meditation (diaphragmatic breathing) after waking up and before going to bed. And let as much energy appear in your life as you need to fulfill your most cherished goals and desires!


September 15, 2022

Energy source for every day.

Movement is life! That is why today I want to share with you the best daily rituals for vitality, health and energy. 1. Walks in the fresh air. In a comfortable rhythm every day, about 10,000 steps per day. 2. Nordic walking. Or yoga, Pilates. 1-2 times a week, best of all, if the head sweats, it means that the blood flow has turned on and is working, energy synthesis has begun! 3. Morning complex of physical exercises. For example, exercises according to Peter Kelder “5 Tibetan pearls” - the secret of eternal youth, lymphatic drainage, healthy joints and spine! 4. Contrast shower. To train the vessels to work well, accustom yourself to do a contrast shower in the morning.


September 15, 2022

The best ways to fall asleep.

I am sure that among these methods, you will find the one that suits you. 1. Music. For the last hour before going to bed, listen to calm music - so that each next track is more and more calm. 2. Tibetan meditation. Lie down, relax and imagine that a plane is approaching you from the side of your legs, which decomposes your body into atoms - first the feet, fingers, ankles, shins disappear, the body dissolves into nothingness, and so on until your head and consciousness dissolve. 3. According to the Silva method. Count exhalations in reverse order (for example, from 50 to 1). 4. Full yogic breathing. If you are tense and cannot calm down: lying down, breathing in 3 stages. Slowly inhale with the belly, when it is full, inhale with the chest, then with the tops of the lungs. Exhale in the reverse order - exhale smoothly with the stomach, then with the chest, then with the tops of the lungs. Try to make your exhalation twice as long as your inhalation. Inhale - about 8 seconds. 5. Breathing through the left nostril. When we breathe with the right nostril, which is connected with the energy of the sun, we are charged with energy, when we calm down with the left, connected with the energy of the moon. If you are overstressed, in order to relax and fall asleep, you need to close your right nostril (with a piece of cotton) and go to bed. 6. Antimoraning. Close your eyes and open them for a split second (blinking in reverse).


September 15, 2022

Two-step facial cleansing with hydrophilic oil and foam cleanser.

Two-stage facial cleansing came to us from Asia. This method of cleansing the skin works with a bang. The oil prepares the skin, removes makeup and sebum, opens the pores. A foam or gel cleanser removes oil residue. So: Stage 1. Hydrophilic oil for deep skin cleansing. It cleanses well, rinses off perfectly, but the skin remains velvety. By the way, it removes eye makeup very well. Stage 2. Foam for deep cleansing of pores. I don't know about you, but I love having my skin squeaky clean after washing. Here is just such an effect. At the same time, there is no feeling of dryness afterwards, which is important.


September 14, 2022

If the test results alarmed you.

If tests show that adrenal health is not all right, consult a nutritionist and sleep specialist: you need to first improve sleep and nutrition in order to prevent further hormonal imbalances and adrenal exhaustion. And, of course, do stress management, reconsider your lifestyle and priorities, and make time for quality rest!


September 14, 2022

Hypotension test.

Lie down on the bed and lie down for 1-2 minutes. Measure blood pressure in the supine position. Record the digital result. Without changing body position, inflate the cuff again to 20 mmHg. above the received systolic pressure. Stand up abruptly with the cuff inflated and immediately measure your blood pressure while standing. What do the results say? The pressure rose by 6 -10 mm Hg. immediately after a sharp rise - everything is fine. BP dropped by more than 10 mm Hg. - a sign of depleted adrenal glands. The greater the fall, the more pronounced the exhaustion.


September 14, 2022

How to do a test?

Immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature under the tongue, tightly closing the lips. It is advisable to use a mercury thermometer, but if you take an electronic one, then hold it for a couple more minutes after the beep. What do the results say? Temperature 36.6-36.8 - normal A temperature below 36.5 indicates a possible hypothyroidism of varying severity. Unstable temperature on test days indicates adrenal fatigue.


September 14, 2022

5 day temperature test.

Allow five days to complete this test. It is better for women with a regular cycle to carry out diagnostics on the 1-5th day of the cycle, for men and women in menopause - on any day. During the testing period, try to get a good night's sleep and avoid excessive physical activity, do not drink alcohol and analgesics every day before bedtime.


September 14, 2022

What is restless adrenal syndrome? How to identify it?

Do you find it hard to get up in the morning, often dizzy, hair falling out and blood pressure low? These symptoms can be a manifestation of a variety of diseases. One of them is associated with excess stress in life - adrenal fatigue syndrome. The first stages of adrenal fatigue are usually invisible. And the latter already require urgent medical intervention. If there is stress in your life, this may be a signal that it is time to check the adrenal glands. Home diagnostics in the form of simple tests will help identify the problems of this important endocrine organ. We suggest starting the check with home tests (if there are no serious symptoms that you need to see a doctor).


September 14, 2022

Fatty meals before bed prevent you from getting enough sleep.

Scientists have proven that people who eat fatty foods get less healthy sleep than people who eat light meals. Meals with a lot of fat not only significantly reduce the quality of a night's rest and the speed of falling asleep, but can also cause heartburn and indigestion. If you cannot refuse such food, at least eat dinner three hours before bedtime.


September 14, 2022

Nighttime meals reduce glucose tolerance.

Workers who refused to eat on the night shift were more resistant to anxiety and depression, the scientists found. Late-night meals reduce glucose tolerance, a condition that precedes diabetes mellitus and which, in turn, is associated with mood swings.


September 14, 2022

The risk of stroke was first linked to blood type.

In Maryland, they decided to compile statistics on almost a million people with strokes. According to her, people with the second blood type are 16% more likely to experience strokes before the age of 60. On the other hand, when analyzing statistics, the first blood type turned out to be the safest - its carriers experience strokes 12% less often.


September 14, 2022

Scientists have found a link between dental diseases and dementia.

Experts analyzed 47 studies conducted in this area. They concluded that periodontal problems increased the risk of future cognitive impairment by 23%, and the development of dementia by 21%.


September 12, 2022

A hearty breakfast does not affect the process of losing weight.

In Scotland, the popular scheme of a hearty breakfast, an average lunch and a meager dinner as a means of losing weight has been debunked. It turned out that the rate of assimilation of food does not change depending on the quality of the food. Body weight will not decrease if you have a hearty breakfast and eat something low-calorie for lunch. The researchers found that energy expenditure and overall weight loss were the same for people on the morning and evening diets. They debunked the myth about the influence of time of day on metabolism.


September 12, 2022