Myth 5. The dosage of collagen is the same for everyone.

Many people believe that it doesn’t really matter how much collagen you drink per day, the main thing is to continue taking them constantly. But before you buy dietary supplements, it is important to understand what your goal is. For example, if you only want to maintain skin elasticity, you will need a little collagen, and if you plan to smooth wrinkles, you need to increase the dosage. A person may need 2.5 to 15 grams of collagen per day. The lower value is the prophylactic dose. It is increased if a person is injured or injured. Scientists conducted a study to find out if taking collagen helps improve skin condition. For this, women aged 35–55 years old took 2.5–5 g of collagen once a day. After four weeks, experts noted a significant increase in skin firmness compared to the placebo group.


September 24, 2022

Myth 4. Collagen should be selected according to your needs.

Inside the body, there are several types of collagen, and each is responsible for different things: one maintains the elasticity of the skin, another - the health of cartilage, the third - the strength of muscles and ligaments. Because of this, confusion arises: it seems that only a certain type of collagen will help strengthen joints, and another will not work. In fact, this is not the case: the supplements contain processed hydrolyzed collagen, which has the basic properties of all types. This means that when taking a supplement with hydrolyzed - split into peptides - collagen, the body will receive an ideal building material. And he will direct you where you need to: to restore the skin, joints or ligaments.


September 24, 2022

Myth 3. Liquid collagen is better absorbed.

Some have heard that if collagen is taken, it is better that it be liquid. It is believed that this form is easier to digest and absorb, unlike tablets, which must first dissolve. And liquid collagen is much easier to add to smoothies than a pill. It really doesn't matter what kind of collagen you drink: in tablets, powder or liquid form. The main thing is what composition it has. Pay attention to the packaging: if it says “peptides” or “hydrolyzed”, then the collagen has already been split into an easily digestible form. Collagen peptides are absorbed quickly - after six hours they can be found in human blood and tissues of the whole body.


September 24, 2022

Myth 2. Men do not need to take collagen.

In collagen advertising, women are often addressed specifically: they say that the skin will be soft and velvety, the hair will be shiny, and the nails will be strong. Because of this, men do not think that they, too, may need collagen. In fact, the male body needs collagen in the same way as the female body. It not only maintains the beauty and health of the skin, teeth and nails, but also helps build muscle mass. Scientists have found that if you take collagen before or after strength training in the gym, the muscles will grow faster.


September 24, 2022

Myth 1. Only the elderly need collagen.

It is believed that the lack of collagen is something age-related, so you can not think about supplements until the age of 60. Research really confirms that aging skin produces much less collagen than young skin. That is why in young people scratches, deep cuts and fractures heal faster than in older people. But collagen production does not slow down in old age, but much earlier. The body begins to lose collagen around the age of 30, and after 5-10 years, the effect will be very noticeable. First of all, this is reflected in the skin - it becomes dry, wrinkles appear. Then hair fades, and a person can also gain weight, even if eating habits have not changed, or earn problems with their teeth. Therefore, it is worth starting to look narrowly at collagen supplements between 20 and 30 years.


September 24, 2022

5 myths about collagen. Why shouldn't you believe in them?

Collagen is often advertised as a product that can prolong youthful skin, make hair shiny, and nails strong. It seems that if all this is not about you, you do not need collagen. In fact, collagen is found in all tissues of the body: bones, joints, tendons - and is one of the main building proteins. Therefore, both men and women from 20 years old need it. In the article, we debunk the myths about collagen and tell you from which sources it will be absorbed faster.


September 24, 2022

In people, “owls”, an increased risk of diabetes was found.

Scientists of the University of Ratger in the United States have found that people who go to bed are late, decreases the ability to burn fat for energy. This contributes to the accumulation of fats in the body and increasing the risk of developing diabetes of the second type and cardiovascular diseases.


September 22, 2022

Magnesium salt bath contributes to:

- normalization of sleep, - Improving the detoxification process, - Relieves cramps at night and when sipping, - Eliminates pain in muscle tissue, - Helps relieve neck and back pain - Strengthens and improves the appearance of hair and nails. But there are also contraindications: - phlebeurysm, - heart failure, - low blood pressure. And if you still soar the legs with this composition, the effect will be amazing! It will take a quarter of the above ingredients for an ankle-deep basin of warm water. Do not spare time for yourself! No time for a bath - steam your legs! Your body will thank you.


September 20, 2022

Relaxation. Lymphatic drainage. Detox.

It's all magnesium salt bath with epsom salt! Baths with magnesium salt have a pronounced therapeutic effect, they are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the field of neurology, cardiology, gynecology, dermatology and other fields of medicine. We need: Mix sea salt bath and magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) 50/50 - one glass of each. It is important that the water temperature is no more than +38 ° C. The optimal procedure time is 10-15 minutes. The course includes 20 procedures 4-5 times a week.


September 20, 2022

Quotes about yoga.

"When the breath is unstable, thoughts also wander. But when the breath is stable, the mind also becomes calm. This is how yogis achieve longevity. So everyone should learn to control their breathing" "The most important equipment you need in yoga is your body and your mind" "Your task is not to seek love, but simply to seek and find all the obstacles that you have built against love"


September 20, 2022

Why can't you cross your legs?

Another bad habit. One of the causes of varicose veins. It would seem an innocent thing, but every day talking with phlebologists (specialists in vein diseases), I understand that such an innocent habit undermines the health of many people's legs day after day. This causes pain in the lower part of the spine, interferes with blood circulation, and can even lead to diseases in the pelvic and genital area. For example, the scheme: a normal vein and with varicose veins, the arrows show the blood flow, normally in the veins it is carried out from the bottom up.


September 20, 2022

Honey hair mask.

You will need: - Burdock oil - 2 tablespoons, - Yolk of 1 egg, - Honey - 1 tablespoon. We warm the oil a little, add other ingredients, mix well and apply on the scalp. We put on a hat, towel and hold for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.


September 20, 2022

Plants are good for your eyes!

Lemongrass Chinese. Schisandra tincture (pharmaceutical drug) take 20-30 drops 2 times in the morning. Motherwort. Motherwort tincture (pharmaceutical drug) take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day, mainly in the afternoon. Infusion: 15 g of dry chopped herbs per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes; take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times in the afternoon. Aloe. Juice (drug) take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Fresh juice too.


September 20, 2022

Charlotte recipe with apples and berries without gluten, milk and white sugar.

Autumn is apple time, which means it's time to make charlotte. What you need: Apples 3-4 pieces, berries to taste (I used frozen cranberries and strawberries), 4 eggs, any gluten-free flour 1 cup (I used almond and coconut), coconut sugar 1/3 cup, maple syrup 1/3 cup, baking powder, nutmeg 1 teaspoon, cinnamon optional, ghee oil. Let's get started: - beat the eggs, add coconut sugar and syrup to them and beat again, - add flour with baking powder, beat until the consistency of sour cream. If the dough is too thick, just add water, - nutmeg. It gives a subtle spicy taste. - put sliced ​​apples and frozen berries into a baking dish, previously greased with GHI oil. The main thing is not creamy, it can not be heated too much - apples and berries are covered with cinnamon and more - Pour batter on top. Also covered with cinnamon. - put in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!


September 20, 2022

How does intermittent fasting work?

Intermittent fasting helps to reduce insulin in the blood and at the same time increases growth hormone. As a result, the process of active burning of excess fat is launched, and its accumulation stops. At the same time, IG solves many health problems: - high blood pressure is reduced; - immunity is strengthened; - inflammation and pain disappear; - the general tone and mood increases; - Improves sleep and memory. All this is due to the normalization of the cells' response to insulin.


September 20, 2022

How to gently enter the intermittent fasting mode?

It is generally started according to the most sparing scheme. First, you switch to three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. No snacks, just water. Frequent eating raises insulin and stops fat burning. As soon as the new regime becomes habitual, you refuse breakfast or dinner. There are 2 meals left. Listen to your body - with the right diet, it will tell you when you can do without food. (But if you left dinner - it should not be too late). The last step is to lengthen the fasting interval and shorten the eating window. The traditional scheme is 16/8 (16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating).


September 20, 2022

The main thing to learn when switching to intermittent fasting.

You only eat when you are truly hungry! Therefore, the first step is to learn to distinguish hunger from a slight desire to eat. A small appetite, unnecessary to the body, disappears in a few minutes on its own or after a few sips of water, hot tea, as well as after a walk and any switch of attention.


September 20, 2022

Intermittent fasting.

Back to the topic of intermittent fasting. Let's consider this topic in more detail. So what is intermittent fasting? This is not a diet, but a diet that has already become a way of life. The point is that it is necessary to give up one of the meals, in my case, breakfast. And my first meal is at 13.00, lunch. Then dinner at 19.00 and then 17 hours without snacks until lunch the next day.


September 20, 2022

For good sleep, eat almonds before bed!

Tasty and healthy almonds are rich not only in protein, but also in a substance that will make it easier to fall asleep and your muscles can relax. In addition, these nuts contain melatonin and may also lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. According to studies, almonds, as well as the oil from it, have a hypnotic and sedative effect.


September 18, 2022

September 16th, by the way, was National Guacamole Day.

Since I am a big fan of this dish, I am sharing a recipe for newcomers, which I once posted here: - take 3-4 ripe, soft avocados. Peel, put in a bowl and mash with a fork. - add finely chopped red sweet onion (1/2 onion) - and tomatoes cut into small cubes (1-2 pcs). - mix everything, pour olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. The main thing is to find the softest avocados! By the way, do you like avocados?


September 18, 2022