How does medicine help you lose weight?

A more physiological method of weight loss is the use of drugs that reduce appetite. They allow you to reduce appetite, eat faster in smaller portions and smoothly adjust your eating habits: the patient realizes that some "snacks" are superfluous. Medicines can be a good help for those who find it difficult to stick to a diet and do not have time for physical activity.


September 26, 2022

How does medicine help you lose weight?

Ways to lose weight can be divided into surgical and medical. The first group includes various ways to reduce the volume of the stomach. This is only suitable for advanced cases, because any abdominal surgery is a risk to health and life. And even these methods do not preclude strict adherence to a diet throughout life.


September 26, 2022

Cold can help overweight people speed up their metabolism.

Scientists from the University of Maastricht have found that chilling to the point of shivering can help overweight people speed up their metabolism. The experiment was carried out on 15 volunteers. They were exposed to cold for 10 days. For an hour a day people were shivering from the cold. Measurements showed that the concentration of glucose decreased from 5.84 to 5.67 mmol / l. Moreover, the amount of triglycerides and free fatty acids decreased by 32% and 11%, respectively. This means that cold baths have reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


September 26, 2022

Frequent snacking on fruits and vegetables can help relieve symptoms of depression.

Birmingham tested 428 people over several months. The results showed that there was an obvious relationship between the number of fruit and vegetable snacks and mood.


September 26, 2022

Underwear. We choose and take care of it correctly.

1. The wrong size can cause inflammation. Briefs should not leave streaks on the skin: this means that they are too narrow, and the risk of catching an infection is seriously increased. 2. Ordinary washing cannot kill all bacteria. Therefore, it is best to wash clothes at temperatures above 40 ° C. Drying clothes in the sun also helps to kill bacteria. 3. Thongs are actually very bad for your health. A narrow rope that replaces the gusset rubs the delicate tissues of the perineum, injuring them. 4. About the pocket on the panties. This is a gusset - a special padding inside women's panties. It is made from natural fabrics and protects the skin. Thus, if a woman takes care of her health, she must definitely choose panties with an insert. And it will protect the skin from rubbing, and absorb excess secretions, relieving discomfort.


September 25, 2022

Autumn mask for skin nutrition “Bulk apple”

We need only two ingredients: an apple - 1 piece and half an egg yolk. We peel the apple, divide it into 4 parts and put it in the microwave until soft. Mash the apple in puree and add half the yolk. The consistency of the mask is heterogeneous, soft, like cottage cheese. Apple: smoothes fine wrinkles, increases skin resistance to temperature extremes, whitens freckles, moisturizes dry skin, saturates with vitamins and amino acids. Egg yolk: nourishes the skin, enhances tone, gives a lifting effect. For oily skin, choose more acidic apples. For dry skin - more sweet. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. In autumn, do this mask 2 times a week.


September 25, 2022

How to make ghee butter?

To prepare ghee, you need high-quality butter and a saucepan. The required amount of butter, for example 500 g, must be placed in a saucepan and put on medium heat. When the butter has completely melted, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 10-15 minutes. During this time, foam will appear on the butter, then it will boil, after which you can see the remains of milk in the form of sediment at the bottom, and the butter will turn golden. When the oil has acquired the desired shade, it should be cooled and allowed to separate into three layers. For ghee, only the middle layer is taken, it should be filtered through a sieve with gauze. Melted butter is ready. You can store this oil in the refrigerator for about a month.


September 24, 2022

Ghee in cooking.

Ghee butter gives dishes a pleasant mild flavor. Most often, ghee can be found in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. Rice, puri, dal, curry, roti, halva, laddu and many other dishes are cooked with ghee. In addition, ghee is safe for frying foods - ghee starts to burn and smoke only at 250 ° C.


September 24, 2022

Benefits of ghee oil.

Ghee is a source of polyunsaturated fats, which are necessary for the body to function in the brain, produce sex hormones and maintain immunity. Ghee oil also has a positive effect on the functioning of the small intestine and the entire digestive system as a whole. Ghee oil can also be consumed by people who are allergic to dairy products. Ghee is produced by melting, the essence of which is the evaporation of water and the removal of milk proteins from butter. With this method, the milk protein casein - one of the most well-known allergens - is almost completely removed. In addition, when exposed to high temperatures, ghee does not become toxic, so it can be used for frying.


September 24, 2022

What is Ghee?

Ghee is clarified butter that is used for cooking. It is obtained exclusively from fresh butter from grass-fed cows. Ghee has become famous thanks to the ancient medicine of Ayurveda. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, daily intake of ghee oil has a positive effect on vision, digestion, memory and skin. Ghee is one of the main medicines in Ayurvedic medicine. Initially, ghee was widely used in the cuisines of South Asia, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity in other countries.


September 24, 2022

Fight insomnia.

7. Homeopathy. It is important to have a specialist who will choose the right one for you. 8. Mode. No matter how trite it may sound, but going to bed before 23.00 helps to produce melatonin. 9. Tulsi Sleep tea. See previous posts. A very cool tea that not only soothes, but also removes toxins and boosts immunity. The most important thing, if you can’t fall asleep: DON’T BE ANGRY, DON’T BE NERVOUS, BUT THANK YOU AND ACCEPT! So that's what you need now.


September 24, 2022

Fight insomnia.

3. Meditation. I tried many different ones, but I liked transcendental meditation the most). ⠀ 4. Affirmations. I remember reading books by Louise Hay for the first time about 15 years ago. Everything is very simple there, but it is in simplicity that great wisdom is always embedded. 5. Tapping Technique (Chakra Tapping Technique). This is a unique and very simple technique that helps our internal energy to circulate properly and relieve stress instantly. It can be used every day in any situation. 6. Oura Ring. This gadget is very handy. You do not notice it on your finger, while it analyzes your sleep very accurately.


September 24, 2022

Fight insomnia.

1. Know that it is impossible to change the situation, and it is not enough just to accept it. You have to THANK the universe for this. After all, any illness or unpleasant situation is given to us for something. 2. Our body is the best clue what is wrong with us. The causes of insomnia are banal: fear, inability to trust, struggle, anxiety. Therefore, our subconscious causes insomnia in order to solve the problems that worry us at night. You need to learn to trust yourself and, as a result, other people. We need to learn to trust life, the universal mind, God, who knows better than us what we need.


September 24, 2022

Fight insomnia.

Now everyone is very anxious, which means that sleep problems may begin. At some point, I began to analyze this disease, I myself took up its study. I will not describe for a long time my many years of struggle and, most importantly, ACCEPTANCE and GRATITUDE to this illness. Let me tell you what helped me and maybe it can help you too. But the main thing is that there will be no magic pills here. We ourselves must change.


September 24, 2022

Molecules found in green tea effective against Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists at the University of California have found that the molecule epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) breaks down tau fibers, long strands of tau protein that form tangles and cause neuronal death. EGCG molecules are found in green tea.


September 24, 2022

Unusual collection of clothes.

A clothing manufacturer from London has released a collection made using technologies that NASA uses in astronaut clothing. According to medical research, thermoregulation of such things helps to curb the symptoms of menopause in women.


September 24, 2022

Tea Tulsi sleep.

What is this tea and what is special about it? Tulasi is a sacred basil that grows in India. Why sacred? Because of its religious significance in Indian culture. In Ayurveda, this plant is called the "queen of herbs". Tulsi tea is actively used in traditional Indian medicine as an adaptogen. It is known that the natural substances contained in the composition of the herb help the body adapt to various stress factors. Namely, in Tulsi sleep tea, basil is combined with brahmi, ashwagandha and shankhapushpi (known for their healing effect on the nervous system), mint, chamomile (relaxing and calming effect) and cardamom. For me, this tea many years ago became a real discovery and a lifeline in the fight against insomnia. Very, very, very recommend.


September 24, 2022

How to work the inside of the forearms.

Sometimes, shaking our hands, we fail to work out the inside. But she just betrays us with giblets when she begins to sag, a dull sight. I found a cool and easy triceps exercise (you can do it at home) from trainer and nutritionist Bebe Arrington. You will need: a rug, one dumbbell or any other weighted object and your attitude (perhaps this is the main thing). 1. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. 2. Take a dumbbell in two hands and stretch your arms towards the ceiling. 3. Bend your elbows, lowering the weight to your forehead. 4. Stretch your arm back up towards the ceiling. 5. Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps. The main thing is that the weight of the dumbbell should not be too light, but not too heavy either.


September 24, 2022

About meditation.

3. Reduces the intensity of pain (and the frequency of migraines). Of course, meditation can hardly replace traditional medicine, but it is well established that people who meditate are less likely to get sick in principle - and almost never suffer from migraines. 4. Meditation slows down the rate of aging. Yes, no more, no less. Stress reduces the length of telomeres (these are protective regions on chromosomes). And meditation prolongs their lives—and ours, too. People who constantly meditate look smiling, benevolent and young 5. Meditation allows you to accept your own and others' imperfections. Oh, how much criticism could have been avoided, how many conflicts would not have even started if people had the ability to accept themselves and reality without distortion. Meditation helps to get closer to this state.


September 24, 2022

About meditation.

Here is what was found out in the course of scientific experiments. The results were presented by Emma Seppala, who observed thousands of people, measuring their condition before and after meditation. 1. Meditation increases the overall positivity of character and reduces the number of negative traits of nature. Of course, this affects the general outlook and quality of human life. 2. Meditation increases empathy and enhances the sense of social connection. That is, it seems as if a person withdraws into himself for a while, but in fact he begins to understand other people better.


September 24, 2022