Washing mistakes.

1. Too hot water. Hair loves cool water, it closes the scales, so the hair is shinier and less tangled. 2. Apply shampoo along the entire length. Do not overdry the main part of the hair with excessive soaping. Apply shampoo to the roots, thoroughly rinse the scalp, where the hair is most oily. The main length is enough flowing foam. 3. Lack of deep cleaning shampoo. A deep cleaning shampoo every two to three weeks is necessary to deeply cleanse the hair of masks and styling products. You will notice after it a special volume, freshness. Hair will stay clean longer.


September 28, 2022

Ошибки при мытье головы.

7. Интенсивно тереть волосы полотенцем, долго держать их замотанными в полотенце. Отнеситесь к волосам как к нежному шелку или кашемиру: не дерите, не скручивайте, не трите. Отожмите в мягком полотенце и не держите в таком положении больше пары минут. Иначе вы повышаете активность потовых и сальных желез кожи головы, а значит волосы будут жирниться быстрее! 8. Расчесывать мокрые волосы. Так вы их вырываете. 9. Пренебрегать сывороткой для корней. Если маски укрепляют полотно волоса, то сыворотки – действуют на корни. Благодаря им новые волосы растут активнее и сильнее. 10. Редко мыть расческу. Когда вы расчесываете чистые волосы расческой, которую не мыли неделю и больше – вы переносите на них загрязнения и жир. Понимаем, что немного лень, но если вы отличница, то моете расческу с мылом после каждого мытья головы – это высший класс! Ну или хотя бы раз в неделю.


September 28, 2022

There are more complex and confusing situations.

Analyzes indicate iron deficiency, but it is actually normal. For example, with low ferritin, which in itself is not always a sign of iron deficiency. It occurs when there is a shortage of either hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood cells, or red blood cells, or both. Reduced ferritin may indicate the initial stage of anemia, and may not be related to it. So if you suspect iron deficiency, you need to take tests for hemoglobin and red blood cells, and not ferritin.


September 28, 2022

Other causes of iron deficiency.

However, all of the above does not mean that all iron problems depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a puzzle with many pieces, and the task of the doctor is to find the true cause (or causes) and ways to solve the problem. For example, abundant monthly and bleeding gums contribute to the loss of iron, or "leaks" somewhere else, imperceptibly. Therefore, if anemia is suspected, all organs are checked, not only the stomach and intestines (but they are in the forefront).


September 28, 2022

The next “destination” is the intestines.

From it, iron is sent on a journey through the body. However, if there are ulcers, erosions and polyps in it, as well as excessively multiplied bacteria begin to feed on iron, there is little left for us, so it is important to maintain a balance of the microbiome and monitor the condition of the intestine.


September 28, 2022

The role of the stomach and intestines in the occurrence of iron deficiency.

The stomach plays an important role in iron absorption because it is where it is absorbed. This process is disrupted if there are problems in the organ. For example, due to the consequences of exposure to the bacteria helicobacter pylori, which cause ulcers and gastritis, the very “holes” appear from which iron “poureds” past and does not have time to be absorbed. Also, this bacterium can cause atrophy of the walls of the stomach, and it simply cannot absorb substances normally.


September 28, 2022

How iron deficiency occurs - an example with a mug.

In order for something to appear in the mug, you need to pour something into it (accordingly, the intake of iron into the body from food is important). In order for there to be enough iron, we need to “pour” into the “mug” as much as we need to drink - according to our needs. If we pour less, then the deficit cannot be avoided either: we simply will not have enough of this amount to replenish the usual norm. If there is a hole in the “mug”, then everything poured will pour out from the back, we will drink and we will miss (hello, leaky intestines). So the amount of iron that enters the body and is absorbed depends on the condition of the digestive tube. That is, you need to “put” iron into the “mug”, be able to “pick it up” and check if there are any holes and if what you poured pours out.


September 28, 2022

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia, or iron deficiency in the blood, appears as a result of insufficient and malnutrition, as well as due to disorders in the body, in particular from the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists explain how it works. For clarity, a simple comparison: let's take a mug as a model of the gastrointestinal tract. When we “drink” from it (that is, the body absorbs the necessary trace elements), it is important that enough is poured into it so that it does not become thin.


September 28, 2022

Как возникает железодефицит — пример с кружкой.

Чтобы в кружке что-то появилось, в нее надо это что-то налить (соответственно, важно поступление железа в организм из пищи). Чтобы железа было достаточно, в «кружку» нужно «наливать» столько, сколько нам необходимо выпить — по нашим потребностям. Если мы наливаем меньше, то дефицита тоже не избежать: нам просто не хватит этого количества до восполнения привычной нормы. Если в «кружке» дырка — то все наливаемое будет выливаться с обратной стороны, мы будем пить и нам будет не хватать (привет, дырявый кишечник). Так что количество железа, которое поступает в организм и всасывается, зависит от состояния пищеварительной трубки. То есть в «кружку» железо нужно «положить», суметь «забрать» и проверить, нет ли дыр и не выливается ли то, что налили.


September 28, 2022

Laminaria rejuvenates your face.

Did you know about it? It turns out that ordinary dried algae bought at a pharmacy work wonders! The recipe is very simple. We need 3 tsp. kelp, 5 tsp boiling water. Mix everything, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. If you have oily skin, then add a few drops of lemon juice, and if, on the contrary, dry, then vegetable oil. Mix everything, cool and then apply with your fingers on the skin of the face for 20 minutes. Then at night the mask must be washed off. A kelp mask should be done up to 4 times a week.


September 27, 2022

4 immune boosting ingredients to include in your diet.

1. Zinc. Influences simultaneously on all links of human immunity. It increases the production of interferons, prevents the spread of the virus in the cell, protects lymphocytes from destruction. 2. Vitamin D. Strengthens innate immunity, activates antimicrobial peptides that eliminate pathogenic organisms such as microbes, bacteria and viruses6. Vitamin D strengthens cellular immunity, supports lung function by reducing the inflammatory response caused by viruses. 3. Vitamin C. It enhances the production of interferon proteins, which are among the first to fight viruses. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to neutralize free radicals and protect lung cells from their aggressive effects. 4. Quercetin. A natural bioregulator and antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals and the development of inflammation, contributes to the faster disappearance of cough, shortness of breath, swelling of the bronchi, and normal breathing.


September 27, 2022

The secret to perfect hair.

1. Comb your hair twice a day. This stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp, which contributes to the active growth and nutrition of the hair. 2. Rinse your hair with cold water. It refreshes the skin, regenerates cells, relieves fatigue and improves blood circulation. 3. First use conditioner, then shampoo. This simple secret will help you moisturize your hair and make it beautiful and shiny. There is another equally effective trick: after using the conditioner and shampoo, rinse your hair with a little lemon or coconut oil added to the water. 4. Say yes to hair masks twice a week. 5. Be careful when using chemicals and high temperatures. Try to use a hair dryer, tongs and curling irons within reasonable limits. 6. Watch your diet. Our hair is negatively affected by the lack of vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium): hair loses its healthy shine, becomes dry, weak and brittle, with split ends.


September 27, 2022

One of the most common myths in the field of fitness: you can lose weight locally!

That is, in those places where I would very much like to become smaller: the stomach, hips, etc. Indeed, there is a lot of information on the Internet about this. But here's what the science says. Physical activity affects the expenditure of the total fat depot, but not its individual parts. In addition, do not forget that, in addition to the subcutaneous fat layer, which we can see and even measure, there is also visceral fat (it surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity). During training, for energy, you must first break down fats into glycerol and fatty acids. Several hormones are responsible for this: adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine, growth hormone and thyroid hormones. We cannot influence the work of hormones at the moment and at will. But we can approach the training process in a complex way, with a great emphasis on nutrition. This is how you can "blind" the figure of your dreams.


September 27, 2022

Nightmares may be an early sign of dementia, scientists say.

The researchers came to this conclusion when they analyzed the results of three studies that looked at sleep quality. The participants in the experiment were followed for several years, assessing the health of their brains. Among them were more than 600 people aged 35 to 64, as well as 2,600 people aged 79 and older. It turned out that those who have nightmares at least once a week in middle age are four times more likely to suffer from cognitive decline in the next ten years. And older participants in the study, who often experienced disturbing dreams, were twice as likely to develop dementia.


September 27, 2022

3. Include rational arguments.

If you need extra motivation to stop being afraid or angry, try negotiating with yourself. “I asked myself: do you understand that these people do not need your tears? They need your brain, your heart, the ability to make decisions quickly,” shared Jolie. You can come up with any reason for yourself to stop being nervous and start acting. Promise yourself that when it's all over, you will definitely make yourself some kind of gift: visit a SPA-salon or go for a massage, buy a beautiful dress or just cry to your heart's content and then eat a bucket of your favorite ice cream. Or even two. The main thing is to be collected now, when a lot can depend on your ability to hold on.


September 26, 2022

2. Set a limit on the experience.

Record the time on a stopwatch or phone - and follow it. Tell yourself something like this: I allow myself to fear or hate with all my might for exactly three minutes. And the allotted time to live your negativity. If the brain knows that there is a certain time limit, it will “try” to make sure that by the end of the stated period, the emotion has greatly decreased. After that, you need to take a few deep breaths. You can use any breathing technique that helps you.


September 26, 2022

1. Allow yourself to acknowledge any emotion.

There are a fairly large number of "forbidden emotions" - that is, those that are not supposed to be experienced by good girls. This is anger, rage, envy - and fear too. Sometimes, the very resolution of an emotion is already enough to make the emotion less powerful. In a difficult situation, you need to do this: allow yourself to feel exactly what you get, to the fullest. Maximum strong. If you feel hatred, let it be the biggest hatred you can. The same goes for any other negative emotions. This is necessary in order to live the state - but do it quickly. The fact is that our psyche cannot be in a peak state for a long time, therefore, after a serious surge, there will be an emotional decline quite quickly.


September 26, 2022

Useful practice for gaining peace of mind.

In our difficult time, when stress and negativity are going through the roof, we so want stability, harmony and peace. But managing strong emotions can sometimes be difficult. In some difficult situations, it can be very difficult to focus and find a way to calm down. We present you an interesting practice shared by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in one of her interviews. How to calm down when you are scared and want to cry? She was taught this method by a military psychologist when she once had a tantrum in Cambodia. “These unfortunate people were waiting for help from me, and I was in a terrible hysteria with horror, I couldn’t come to terms with what I saw - I couldn’t even say a word properly,” the actress admits.


September 26, 2022

Brad Pitt not only became a sculptor, but now he also took up beauty.

The actor has launched a line of gender-neutral care cosmetics Le Domaine. Pitt says what inspired new ideas about health and longevity. Raw materials for the production of cosmetics are grown in the vineyards of the actor Château Beaucastel in France. In the composition of the funds: extract of grape seeds, skins and vines.


September 26, 2022

Benefits of chamomile tea.

1. To strengthen the immune system. To strengthen immunity after a long illness or during a seasonal exacerbation of colds, a cup of tea a day for two weeks is enough. The plant phenols contained in chamomile will make the body resistant to any virus and bacteria of any nature. 2. As a sedative. As a sedative, chamomile tea should be taken 2-3 cups daily. It helps to relax, fall asleep faster, relieves depression, accelerates adaptation after stress. 3. With diabetes. In diabetes mellitus, regular consumption of chamomile drink significantly reduces blood sugar levels, keeps it in one position, which improves the patient's condition.


September 26, 2022