Mask for nourishing the face of potatoes and avocados.

Avocado is the most valuable fruit. Its acids and vitamins are especially useful for the face. It rejuvenates, moisturizes, smoothes. Suitable fruit pulp or oil from it. For the mask, we take clean and grind in a puree half an avocado and a medium-sized potato. Mix and apply on the face avoiding the eyes and lips for 15-25 minutes. After removing the mask, it is recommended to wipe the face with chamomile decoction or ice from it.


October 2, 2022

Let's have a healthy breakfast!

A healthy breakfast is a very complex and controversial topic for many. We all seem to understand its importance, but in the rhythm of modern life we ​​pay unacceptably little attention to this meal. In the morning, it is very useful to eat oatmeal with vegetable salad (fill with 1 teaspoon of olive or linseed oil) or berries. This is a classic and the most optimal breakfast. In the absence of appetite, you can have breakfast with non-acidic fruits. The composition of the morning meal should include proteins and carbohydrates, you should make a menu so that you do not feel hungry a few hours after eating. An important point is the intake of water. When you wake up, you need to drink at least 200 g of warm water to renew the body's water reserves. An apple as a breakfast is not suitable because it does not saturate and increases acidity. It is better to combine fruits with porridge and other products.


October 2, 2022

Hemp seeds.

Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of high quality plant-based protein, the building blocks of our muscles. Hemp seeds contain almost the complete set of amino acids and protein building blocks found in meat and dairy products. The only plant with even more protein is soy. However, the type of protein found in hemp seeds is easier to digest and absorb into our bodies. We advise you to try urbech from hemp seeds. It can be used as a filling, smeared on toast or even just eaten with a spoon, it is very tasty.


October 2, 2022

Hemp seeds.

Do you know why vegetarians and vegans love hemp seeds so much? Because hemp seeds are almost 50% high-quality vegetable fats. In them and in hemp oil there is an ideal ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids. Along with omega-3s and omega-6s, hemp seeds and oil contain certain types of fats that are difficult to find in other food sources. Namely: gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA). They are considered "super" polyunsaturated fatty acids.


October 2, 2022

Lipstick color.

By the way, the color of lipstick also matters. Fans of the red shade are active natures who do not like to stay at home. Pink tones for lips are chosen by sociable and dreamy girls, charming with their femininity. Plum palette is adored by self-sufficient and independent ladies, and nude lipsticks are adored by girls who like to take care of someone.


October 2, 2022

Lipstick. Did you know?

Cosmetic giant Covergirl has collaborated with well-known psychologists to find out how lipstick affects the lives of contemporary girls. The test results are impressive: it turned out that it was enough to look into a colleague's cosmetic bag to understand what she would achieve in life! The study found that those of us who wear lipstick at least 4-5 days a week will achieve career heights. Such girls feel more confident, are not afraid to be in the spotlight and take on the solution of the existing difficulties - in general, they know everything that employers like to fit into the word "stress resistance".


October 2, 2022

What is hummus and how is it useful.

The beneficial properties of hummus for the body are better known to residents of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, this appetizer has been prepared since the 13th century. Despite its exoticism, over the past decades, hummus has managed to win the recognition of many gourmets and enter the diet of those people who adhere to proper nutrition. The dish is a paste of a homogeneous consistency, which can be spread on bread or served as a sauce. The basis is chickpeas, olive oil, sesame seeds, garlic or aromatic herbs. Hummus contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the removal of “bad” cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, which helps normalize blood pressure.


October 2, 2022

Living alone accelerates aging.

Scientists from Stanford University have found that living alone accelerates aging faster than smoking. They came to such conclusions when they analyzed the data collected by Chinese researchers as part of the CHARLS project. More than 11 thousand elderly people participated in it. The participants in the study regularly underwent examinations and interviews, donated blood samples, and this helped scientists track changes in their condition as they age. It turned out that living alone and the social and psychological problems that accompany it affect the aging process. On average, it accelerates by 1.65 years - this is faster than if a person smokes or lives in an unfavorable environment.


October 2, 2022

The use of castor oil.

It is useful to periodically apply castor oil to the hair diluted with coconut oil (as the oil itself is very viscous) for 20-30 minutes before washing your hair under a shower cap. You can add a couple of drops of oil to your face cream when you need extra nourishment. Fear not, it has a low level of comedogenicity and even more - it fights pimples and redness. At night, you can add oil to your foot cream, put on socks, and in the morning the skin will be super soft. And by the way, it showed itself well in the fight against nail fungus.


September 30, 2022

About castor oil.

One of the most inexpensive and readily available oils for hair and skin is castor oil. It can be bought at any pharmacy, but, unfortunately, it is not as popular as black cumin or shea oil. But in vain! Castor oil contains fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial for both skin and hair. It is composed of almost 90% rare ricinoleic acid, which is not found in any other oil. It has an analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. And castor oil does not dry out and does not form a film.


September 30, 2022

Alcohol in small doses can have a positive effect on health.

The results of the study showed that in small doses, alcohol can relieve stress and anxiety - risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The toxic effect of ethanol in such cases is "levelled" by a positive effect on the central nervous system. But scientists emphasize that we are talking about very small doses, up to one "drink" - this is a conventional unit of measurement equal to 10 grams of ethanol. Exceeding this dose threatens with negative consequences.


September 30, 2022

Smiling faces and kind words prolonged the antidepressant effects of ketamine.

Researchers have found that positive self-representation training enhances the antidepressant effect of ketamine in patients with treatment-resistant depression. The training, developed by the authors, involves the use of pleasant words and images of smiling actors, combined with photographs of the subject himself and personal pronouns.


September 30, 2022

Paracetamol use by pregnant women has been associated with sleep and attention disorders in children.

A prospective US cohort study found that paracetamol (acetaminophen) use during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of sleep and attention disturbances in the unborn child.


September 30, 2022

Stretching helps practice mindfulness.

Concentration on smooth movements and deep breathing allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Such a practice is especially necessary for those who, having come home from work, mentally remain at it and continue to scroll through work plans and restless thoughts.


September 29, 2022

Stretching stimulates the production of “happy hormones”.

Hormones also play an important role, while you stretch on the mat in the frog pose or sit in the “butterfly”, the level of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) drops sharply, but endorphins are actively produced. After class, you will experience a pleasant feeling of relaxation and peace.


September 29, 2022

Stretching teaches proper breathing.

In addition to the physical exercises themselves, designed to stretch the muscles and ligaments, it is extremely important to focus on breathing in the classroom. The fact is that quick, shallow breaths and exhalations signal stress, an even rhythm, on the contrary, reports that everything is fine. That is why it is necessary to control calm breathing during exercise. So you send a signal to the brain: “I am safe,” and it allows the body to relax.


September 29, 2022

Did you know that stretching is the most original way to protect the nervous system from stress?

Stretching relaxes the muscles. It is important to understand that the thesis “stretching fights stress” has a solid scientific basis. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stiffness in the body, the situation is aggravated by permanent stress - the body reacts to brain signals and "clamps" certain muscles. In turn, even a small stretching session restores blood flow, saturates the blood with oxygen and releases the tension accumulated during the day in the muscles.


September 29, 2022

Drinking coffee reduced mortality.

Drinking any type of coffee reduced all-cause mortality. Australian researchers have concluded that drinking any variety of coffee - instant, ground and decaffeinated - reduces cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality.


September 29, 2022

Washing mistakes.

7. Intensively rub your hair with a towel, keep it wrapped in a towel for a long time. Treat your hair like delicate silk or cashmere: don't tear, twist, or rub. Wring out in a soft towel and do not hold in this position for more than a couple of minutes. Otherwise, you increase the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the scalp, which means that the hair will get greasy faster! 8. Comb wet hair. So you pull them out. 9. Neglect the serum for the roots. If masks strengthen the hair fiber, then serums act on the roots. Thanks to them, new hair grows more actively and stronger. 10. Rarely wash your comb. When you comb clean hair with a comb that hasn't been washed in a week or more, you transfer dirt and grease to it. We understand that it’s a little lazy, but if you are an excellent student, then wash your comb with soap after each shampooing - this is the highest class! Or at least once a week.


September 28, 2022

Washing mistakes.

4. Use hair masks daily. Excess food leads to weight gain. After each wash, use a conditioner balm, and dessert - masks - apply every 2-3 washes. 5. Do not use masks. The strength of the mask is that it penetrates deep and strengthens the hair fiber from the inside. The hair is denser, does not break off along the length, forming an inaccurate ladder, which you want to cut all the time. 6. Keep the mask for a couple of minutes. Ideal - wash your hair, pat your hair with a towel, and only apply a mask on dried hair! And walk in it for 10, and preferably 15-20 minutes. Try this and you will feel the difference.


September 28, 2022