Help satisfy sugar cravings

Help satisfy sugar cravings ✔️ Half a large baked apple with 1 tbsp. l. fat-free yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon. (46 calories) ✔️ Half a frozen banana. (46 calories) ✔️ 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice sprinkled with cinnamon. (49 calories) ✔️ 2 Sugar Free Popsicles (30 Calories) ✔️ 1 fruit ice without sugar. (35 calories) ✔️ 100 g raisins. (45 calories) ✔️ 12 cherries (48 calories) ✔️ 50 g of jelly with 3. tbsp. whipped low-fat cream. (40 calories) ✔️ Half a glass of strawberries with 21 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir. (47 calories) ✔️ 14 frozen red grapes. (48 calories)


October 6, 2022

A little about yoga.

Yoga is both a means to Self-realization and the desired goal of man, which is the union of the individual "I" and the universal "I". The goal of yoga is one. The sole purpose is to remove the obstacles that prevent people from fully enjoying their lives. It is very easy to become a teacher. It takes a lifetime to become a student. The easiest thing in the world is to teach what you don't know and don't practice. The hardest thing to practice is what you teach.


October 6, 2022

Bananas should definitely be included in your diet.

Bananas help fight depression. They contain a lot of tryptophan - a substance from which serotonin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, eating a banana is easy to improve mood. Strengthening bones. Bananas retain calcium in the body, it is not excreted in the urine, but remains in the body and is used to strengthen bones. This is especially important for coffee lovers, which, on the contrary, leaches calcium from the body. Improvement of intestinal microflora. Thanks to the enzymes that are part of bananas, substances that enter the body with the main food are absorbed by the body faster. Constipation. Bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption of bananas will get rid of this problem. Gastric ulcer. When consumed, bananas envelop the walls of the stomach and thereby protect it from aggressive substances and acids in food, this contributes to the healing and scarring of ulcers in the stomach.


October 6, 2022

Healthy food. Salt.

The composition of the substance contains about 60% chlorine and about 40% sodium. Salt also contains small amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and other components. Experts from the American Heart Association have calculated that the minimum amount of salt that you need to eat per day is 0.5 g. This is the amount of salt that the body needs to maintain water and mineral balance, conduct nerve impulses and work muscles. The maximum daily intake of salt is up to 5-6 g. This indicator, however, is unattainable for many - many foods that are in our diet contain much more salt. You need to be more careful with your food choices.


October 6, 2022

Cranberry juice with honey to strengthen the immune system.

Sort the cranberries, wash. Grind the berries in a blender (if you think that this will greatly impair the taste and useful properties of cranberry juice, you can knead it with a wooden spoon in a porcelain bowl), squeeze the juice. Close the juice tightly with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Pour the cake with water, boil for 5-7 minutes, cool to room temperature and strain. Mix the resulting broth and cranberry juice. Add honey. Morse can be consumed both warm and chilled.


October 6, 2022

Useful essential oils for hair.

Essential oils for hair are oils or oily liquids that are obtained from plants. Each time you wash your hair, add 1-2 drops of the desired essential oil to the shampoo: 1. For children, you can add lavender. A drop every time you wash your hair. 2. For dandruff - Lavender, Wintergreen (winter green), Cypress 3. Dry hair - Geranium, Sandalwood, Lavender 4. Hair Breakage - Sage, Lavender, Thyme 5. Oily hair - Basil, Cypress, Thyme, Lemon, Rosemary. 6. Hair Growth Stimulator - Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang 7. Hair Loss – Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Ylang Ylang You can also make a hair mask by adding 3-4 drops of the desired oil to 1 tablespoon of base Coconut oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.


October 5, 2022

What can be added to tea to get more benefits.

1. Carnation. Relieves headaches and freshens breath. Tea with cloves will help after a hard day to calm your nerves and put things in order in your thoughts. 2. Thyme. It will help after a hearty feast to improve digestion and remove unpleasant sensations in the stomach. 3. Ginger. Stimulates the protective function of the immune system and warms up after a long walk in the cold. Drink tea with ginger if you suddenly wet your feet, get cold or after suffering a cold, ARVI, flu. 4. Cinnamon. It normalizes the content of sugar in the blood, so tea with cinnamon is good to drink sweets and bread with cheese. 5. Tea with mint. It can fall asleep and wake up with renewed strength, as it has the ability to calm the nerves, relieve stress.


October 5, 2022

Honey-cinnamon acne mask.

Cinnamon enhances blood circulation and fights acne, while honey soothes and has an antiseptic effect. What you need 1 tablespoon of cinnamon; 2 tablespoons of honey. How to make a mask. Thoroughly mix cinnamon and honey, apply evenly on the face, previously cleansed, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.


October 5, 2022

It is possible that very soon there will be tests to determine centenarians.

Scientists have found unique sets of neurons in the brains of long-lived people. They are described as "large nerve cells that prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease." The trick is that these cells are formed at an early age. And therefore, in the future it will be possible to test yourself for old age in your right mind.


October 5, 2022

Scientists have explained our inexplicable cravings for fatty foods.

A group of biologists at the Columbia Institute in New York have found that gut receptors control the craving for high-fat foods. Scientists analyzed the activity of neurons and found that fatty acids entering the gastrointestinal tract induce the transmission of impulses to the brain of experimental animals. Blocking these impulses dramatically reduces cravings for fatty foods.


October 5, 2022


Among the nutraceuticals that are necessary for beauty protection from early aging are collagen, vitamin D, magnesium, carotenoids, curcumin, coenzyme Q10. All of them are important participants in most biochemical processes in the body and are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair, nails, as well as weight control and the health of internal organs.


October 4, 2022

What anti-age strategies will achieve the best result?

3. Another proven anti-age strategy is exercise. Aerobic training delays the aging of the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer, dementia, and cardiovascular diseases. 4. At least 7-8 hours of good sleep in a dark room with an optimal air temperature of 20-21 degrees will help adequate production of the hormone melatonin - the hormone responsible for sleep, skin quality and youth in general. A carb-rich dinner can also reduce its production, so the best combination you can find is leafy or green vegetables along with protein


October 4, 2022

What anti-age strategies will achieve the best result?

The easiest way to start feeling younger and healthier is to change your eating habits. This will help reduce the biological age and the risk of various diseases. 1. Start by cutting out (or at least limiting) processed foods, increasing the amount of vegetables in your diet, cutting back on simple carbs, and cutting out sugar. Such a strategy will effectively control blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance, as well as “turn off” the G6PC2 and TCF7L2 genes associated with insulin production. 2. Avoiding gluten and dairy products causes IL-6, TNF-alpha and CRP to “turn off the genes” – this will help reduce inflammation in the body.


October 4, 2022

Possibilities of genetics.

In the arsenal of doctors, there is enough knowledge about genetics that allows them to identify the "scenario" of aging and the risks of diseases with high accuracy in order to further influence gene expression - whether this gene will manifest itself or continue to "sleep". Some genes generally manage to both “turn on” and “turn off”. The simplest example of how to do this is 20 minutes in a sauna turns on the longevity gene FOXO3. Intermittent fasting, which has become one of the most current wellness trends, turns on SIRT1 (the main proteins responsible for youth and longevity) and turns off mTOR (the path of aging and cancer risks).


October 4, 2022

Why preventive cosmetology?

Mankind has not yet learned how to reverse aging, although studies are already being regularly conducted on the elongation of telomeres responsible for youth and longevity. But we are quite capable of slowing down biological aging, especially since this is a much more rewarding practice than trying to fight its obvious signs. Preventive cosmetology and anti-age medicine today have many tools to influence the body. Among them are genetics, and epigenetics (optimization of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise regimen), nutraceuticals, and physiotherapy.


October 4, 2022

Why preventive cosmetology?

The appearance of the skin directly depends on the state of your body. The reason for the appearance of acne, wrinkles, unhealthy complexion and even hyperpigmentation can lie in: - individual characteristics associated with genetics; - metabolic disorders (problems with metabolism); - hormonal imbalance; - the presence of hidden and chronic diseases; - Nutrient deficiency or malabsorption.


October 4, 2022

What is preventive cosmetology and how does it help prolong youth?

The opinion of doctors of anti-aging medicine. Any changes that may occur to your health or appearance are easier to prevent than correct. This is what preventive cosmetology specializes in, which is aimed at slowing down the natural aging process. It is based on an integrative approach: it considers your body as a single system in which every “cog” is important for the stable functioning of the whole organism. From English "to prevent" - to prevent. This is easier than long and unsuccessfully eliminated.


October 4, 2022

The quality of sleep drops if there is a smartphone near the bed.

Tech Like This published a review of 20 scientific studies on the effect of electronic devices on a sleeping person. It turned out that when a smartphone is next to the bed, the quality of sleep drops. Even if the phone is not being used. Next to the phone, a person sleeps less and not so deeply. During the day, he feels sleepy, his productivity drops. If you remove your smartphone from the bedroom for a month, the quality of sleep will improve. If you also limit the use of the gadget before bedtime for this period, many other processes will return to normal: for example, working memory or the ability to experience positive emotions.


October 4, 2022

Harm of sausages.

Sausages, sausages and other meat products from processed meat are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as products with carcinogenic activity. For example, the pink color of sausage is due to sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite. You can’t do without them, because they prevent the development of botulism pathogens in the product. When ingested, these substances can be converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines. Smoked sausages are real cholesterol bombs, and according to the World Health Organization, high blood cholesterol is the cause of 50% of all heart attacks and 20% of heart attacks. If you do not give up the regular use of sausages, then voluntarily increase the risk of getting cancer.


October 3, 2022

Pumpkin seeds are great for heartburn.

An excellent remedy for excruciating burning sensation. It should be consumed raw, not fried. Once in the stomach, pumpkin seeds contribute to the production of enzymes that process excess hydrochloric acid and thereby neutralize its negative effect. In addition, in the process of digestion, pumpkin seeds envelop the walls of the stomach, and burning pains behind the sternum disappear.


October 3, 2022