Где изобрели чай из салата?

Но изобрели чай из салата вовсе не тиктокеры. В мае 2017 года в журнале Food Science Biotechnology было опубликовано исследование о возможности применения салата латука в качестве снотворного. Был проведен научный эксперимент, который подтвердил, что из этой зелени можно получить природное средство для нормализации сна. К слову, в Южной Корее масло семян салата давно используется как лекарство от бессонницы в традиционной медицине.


October 16, 2022

Salad tea or salad water.

The first video with salad water was the video of tik-talker Shapla Hoque. She washed a few lettuce leaves under water, then crushed them and poured boiling water over them. After 10 minutes of infusion, a drink was obtained, which was called "tea". Sometimes fresh or dried mint is added to add flavor. Fans of this recipe claim that after 10 minutes of such tea drinking, you want to quickly go to bed and fall asleep.


October 16, 2022

Digestion and assimilation are different processes.

For example, do you have enough enzymes to digest protein, BUT is it well absorbed by the intestines? The quality of absorption depends on the health of the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, we again come to the point that we need to deal with the health of the intestine, its microbiota.


October 16, 2022

What to do for good digestion of protein?

1. First of all, to establish the work of the digestive tract, no matter how trite it may sound. There should be sufficient acidity and good condition of the gastric mucosa, which produces enzymes. 2. Lean on fiber, as it contains the necessary enzymes for digestion. Try to eat plenty of vegetables and green salads along with protein. 3. Drink more water. Water is actively involved in the processes of digestion. BUT do not drink with food, as you can dilute the gastric juice and reduce acidity. You need to drink 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after. Based on approximately 30 ml per kg of weight. 4. The method of cooking meat or fish is also very important. If you are a fan of deep frying or deep frying, you will lose a lot more protein than if you just stew or bake the meat. Well, plus get a whole "bouquet" of carcinogens. Do you need it?


October 16, 2022

Sony has released the first hearing aid.

This is very important news for the hearing impaired. At the moment, the devices are produced by medical companies at high prices. The arrival of a commercial corporation on the market will make them much cheaper. Actually, the price of the announced Sony CRE-C10 is $1000. While the average price of conventional hearing aids hover around $5,000.


October 15, 2022

We protect teeth from caries.

1. Dentists advise resisting the temptation to rinse out your mouth after brushing your teeth, because otherwise the protective fluoride coating applied with toothpaste is washed off (unexpected, huh?!) 2. "Advanced" doctors do not even wet the toothbrush before squeezing the paste onto it, and try not to drink for half an hour after this hygiene procedure. 3. Another important point, do not brush your teeth immediately after eating, because the food temporarily softens the tooth enamel and you need to let it harden again, which takes at least half an hour.


October 12, 2022

Creamy snacks.

✔️ Melted cream cheese with garlic and herbs. Spread 1 triangle on cucumber, cut in half. (35 calories) ✔️ 1 tsp almond oil. (34 calories) ✔️ Half a glass of low-fat yogurt with 1 tsp. strawberry jam (43 calories) ✔️ 1 slice of avocado 30 g with 2 tsp. cream. (45 calories) ✔️ 8 cherry tomatoes dipped in 1 tbsp. l. cream cheese. (46 calories)


October 12, 2022

Leela game. Continuation.

During the game (and the game can last 5-6 hours, and even more) there is a constant struggle between consciousness and soul. The mind throws at us not what we need. And with each new move, we gradually remove from ourselves the layers of that material and superfluous that until recently seemed very important to us, and expose our soul. Bringing ourselves to a completely new vibration. This is a kind of meditation, connection with the universe through the game. But I don’t even dare to call it a game after everything that I had a chance to feel and understand. These are some kind of spiritual algorithms that, with each new move, tune the strings of our soul in the right way, remove distortions, garbage and lead us to some new, clear sound. Each participant ends the game differently. Some pass quickly, some will be constantly thrown back only to be given new keys and opportunities for rethinking. So that a person does not have doubts and questions. After the game, it is very important to follow the chosen vector and use the tips that Lila gave in life.


October 12, 2022

Leela game.

In general, Lila came to us from India. This game is over 2000 years old. Initially, it was an amusement of the Maharajas, with the help of which the rulers could look into themselves and find answers to questions. There is a lot of demand for this game right now. This is understandable - people want stability and understanding. It is believed that Lila appears in your life exactly when you need it. In the game, the guide, the leader, is very important. To get into the game, you need a request. Not any, namely the one that the game will accept, that is, the true one. I need to realize why I play, what I want to get answers to. And here lies the main trick of our mind. It seems to us that we are asking exactly the question that is really important to us, and then it turns out that these are all machinations of consciousness, and our soul and heart want something completely different.


October 12, 2022

October 10 was World Mental Health Day. Continuation.

2. Make a list of what you have ALREADY done and praise yourself for it. I'm sure we always have something to praise ourselves and pat on the head for. 3. Morning routine is extremely important. It is not necessary to immediately run out of bed to meditate or do “downward-facing dog”. If you're not ready for this yet, you can just make your bed, do a short exercise, apply your favorite face mask, and drink warm water. And just smile at the new day. 4. Take care of those around you: family, friends, work colleagues, or even just random people who need help. Self-giving and love work wonders.


October 12, 2022

October 10 was World Mental Health Day.

In general, stable mental health is what we all urgently need now. I am sharing with you absolutely simple, but useful life hacks that can do absolutely anything and that really work, despite their apparent simplicity. 1. Get up early. Who gets up early, you know what. Of course, it all depends on what time you go to bed. Ideally, you should fall asleep before 11 pm. And then there will be a quality sleep, and early rises invigorating, and not as if the skating rink has run over you. I noticed on my own: it’s worth sleeping off on the weekend - that’s it, the energy is at zero and the mood too.


October 12, 2022

Intense Stretching Pose (Pashchimotanasana in Sanskrit).

To stretch the spine and the back of the leg, as well as to improve the blood supply to the abdominal organs Performance: - Sit with a straight back, straighten your legs in front of you. - While inhaling, raise your arms, stretching the top of your head up. - Keeping your back straight, as you exhale, bend down to your hips, wrapping your hands around your feet. - Hold this position for up to 2 minutes.


October 11, 2022

Dandelion jam.

This jam is certainly not as popular as others, but it is definitely worth a try. After all, it helps the work of our liver, restoring its cells, is able to purify the blood. To prepare this jam, we will use: 400 dandelion inflorescences, 2 sliced ​​lemons, 1 kg of sugar. We soak the inflorescences with water, leave for 24 hours. Then squeeze the flowers, pour 1/2 liter of water and set to boil. Approximately 15-20 minutes. Then add sugar and lemon. You can also add 1 tsp. citric acid. Cook for about 7 more minutes. When the color of honey appears near the jam, remove from the stove. Cool the jam, then strain and cook again for 2 minutes. After cooling, the jam will look like honey.


October 11, 2022

How to lose weight?

1. For the first 3 days, reduce the volume of the stomach. Dim 5-6 times a day, serving - a saucer, a spoon - a teaspoon. 2. We carry out point 1 + connect 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day to this. It's still +2 days. 3. We fulfill point 1 + point 2 to this, we sort out our diet. We refuse harmful food. We are looking for a replacement for harmful products. We reduce the amount of sweet, fatty, flour. We cook dishes for a couple, stew, boil or bake in the oven. (This is at least another + 7 days) 4. We fulfill all the previous points and add sports to them. For a day, you should generally devote at least an hour to sports (you can half an hour in the morning, half an hour in the evening, or distribute this hour in some other way). More +7 days. Total 19 days. After you will feel lightness and confidence in yourself, you can already choose the right food for yourself. The main thing - it's not so difficult, as it seems. SHOULD ASK FOR GOAL!


October 11, 2022

Raw snacks.

✔️ 6 chicory leaves mixed with 30g low fat feta cheese. (49 calories) ✔️ 1 slice of hard cheese. (30 calories) ✔️ 1 fried tomato, chopped and sprinkled with 1 tbsp. parmesan (44 calories) ✔️ 50 g low-fat cottage cheese spread on a slice of toasted bread. (38 calories) ✔️ 50 g low-fat mozzarella cheese dipped in 1 tsp. marinara sauce. (45 calories)


October 11, 2022

Named mushrooms, the use of which is most useful.

Among more than 300 types of edible mushrooms, champignons came out the winners - there is vitamin B and phosphorus and potassium and other useful substances. Also, shiitake, oyster mushrooms, blackberry, enoki and porcini mushrooms were in the top.


October 11, 2022

Scientists have created a video game that improves short-term memory in adults.

Developers from the University of California have created a game that improves cognitive abilities in adults - if you play it regularly, it becomes easier to remember information and recognize faces. The new musical rhythm game is called Rhythmicity. To test its effectiveness, scientists conducted an experiment in which 47 adults aged 60 to 79 participated. They were divided into two groups: one played Rhythmicity and the other a regular word search game.


October 11, 2022

Why is MCT oil unique and useful?

- Unlike other fats, MCT goes directly to the liver, and is not deposited in adipose tissue, - It activates the brain - Increases the feeling of satiety. MCT fats have been shown to increase the release of satiety hormones leptin and peptide YY more effectively than conventional long chain oils. This helps keep you feeling full longer and avoid unnecessary snacking. - It is not deposited in the form of fat deposits. Usually the body uses it immediately for energy production, - Normalizes bowel function, - Increases performance - Increases energy potential and improves mood. This makes it possible to avoid overeating on a nervous basis or simply out of boredom. But it's important to understand that MCTs are not a magic weight loss pill. It works only in conjunction with proper keto nutrition and active sports.


October 10, 2022

What is MCT oil and how does it help you lose weight?

So, if it’s difficult to say, then MCT oil or MCFA (medium-chain fatty acids) are medium-chain triglycerides, which, unlike long-chain fats, are absorbed more easily, since the body needs less effort to break carbon bonds. MCTs are quickly transported to the liver, where they are broken down into ketones and distributed in the bloodstream, providing the body with an almost instant energy boost. Simply put, it is the quintessence of traditional coconut oil, as MCTs are extracted from coconuts.


October 10, 2022

Cold soup with beets.

Calorie content per 100 gr - 91.7 kcal. Proteins/Fats/Carbohydrates - 5.53/6.27/3.79 Ingredients: Kefir, ayran or yogurt - 1.5 l Boiled beets - 500 gr Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs Boiled egg - 5 pcs Greens (green onions, dill) - 50 gr Salt - to taste Cooking: Mix beets, grated cucumbers on a coarse grater, add finely chopped eggs, onions and dill. Salt, pour kefir, mix well.


October 10, 2022