Exercise "Βacuum on the stomach".

"Βvacuum in the stomach" is considered one of the most effective exercises for increasing the tone of the internal transverse abdominal muscles and giving it a flat shape. It is interesting that this exercise is also found in yoga. Thanks to this exercise, in just three weeks, you can significantly strengthen the internal muscles of the abdomen, which will lead to a decrease in the volume of the waist and an improvement in both the shape of the preppy, which will become more flat.


October 24, 2022

Sage anti aging.

If you can't turn back time, then stop it. The thing is that sage contains natural substances - plant hormones, which are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen. That is why, after 35 years, you can begin to conduct rejuvenation courses for regular troops. Three times a year for three weeks every morning drink an infusion of sage. 1 tsp Pour sage herbs with a glass of boiling water, wait until the infusion cools down, then strain and drink in small sips 30-40 minutes before breakfast. Depending on your mood, you can add honey or a slice of lemon to the infusion, or both.


October 24, 2022

The main products that help the brain work.

1. Marine products. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins. Fatty acids are part of the brain and allow it to fully function. 2. Milk and dairy products. They have a nourishing function for the neurons of the brain. 3. Legumes and legumes. These products (peas, beans, beans) are an excellent natural source of B vitamins, which are necessary for the full functioning of brain neurons. 4. Tomatoes. They contain the essential ingredient lycopene. It has a protective function in relation to brain structures and protects them from premature destructive processes.


October 24, 2022

20 minute practice to start your day.

Batilasana-Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose). Get on all fours and place your shoulders over your wrists. As you exhale, press your palms down, round your back and drop your chin down. As you inhale, slowly arch your back and lift your chest. Make rhythmic movements, connecting them with the breath for as long as you need. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog). In the all-fours pose, gently curl your toes and lift your hips up and back. Stop here and take a breath. In Downward Dog Pose, exhale, then lift your right leg high behind you, rounding your spine, and pull the knee of that leg toward your chest. Keep your pelvis low and pull your spine up. Continue pressing your hands into the floor. Return to Downward Dog, and then repeat with the left leg.


October 23, 2022

Photos of acquaintances in social networks develop more complexes than celebrity posts.

Bright pictures of beautiful bodies undermine users' self-confidence, and photos of people they know are twice as harmful to the psyche as pictures of celebrities. Perhaps the fact is that the physical form of acquaintances seems to be a closer and more achievable ideal. And the person is upset that he could not achieve the same result. At the same time, users are more critical of celebrity posts, their pictures may look unrealistic.


October 23, 2022

Even a forced smile improves mood

A forced smile for no reason improves mood - a person immediately begins to feel happier after the corresponding facial muscles are activated. These conclusions were reached by scientists from Stanford in the course of a study involving almost four thousand people from 19 countries.


October 23, 2022

Gymnastics will save you from snoring.

Push the tongue forward and hold it in this state for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 30 times. Press the chin with your hand and forcefully move the lower jaw back and forth. Repeat the exercise 30 times. Close the right nostril and inhale as slowly as possible through the left. Then close the left nostril and exhale slowly through the right. Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes. Regular practice will effectively overcome the annoying problem.


October 23, 2022

You can officially burn fat while sitting - sloths have access to weight loss.

Training the soleus muscles triples the burning of glucose and fat. This conclusion was made by scientists from Houston. The study's lead author, Professor Mark Hamilton, found that pressing on the muscles in the feet can activate the calf muscles and keep the body's metabolism going for hours, even when the person is sitting.


October 23, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

6. Add some spice! Capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers, makes you sweat, which in turn increases your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and makes you burn more calories. One study showed that people who consumed capsaicin for 12 weeks reduced belly fat by 3%.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

5. Caffeine is everything! Coffee lovers will be happy to know that daily consumption of caffeine is great not only to wake up in the morning, but also to improve metabolism. Caffeine activates the digestive system, speeding up the journey from digesting food to transforming it into energy. In the short term, this method works great.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

4. Drink more! When your body is dehydrated, your organs, especially your liver, work less efficiently, causing your metabolism to slow down rapidly. Research shows that if you lose at least 3% of your weight through fluid output (for example, if you weigh 63 kg, fluid = 2 kg), you slow down your metabolism by 2%. Dehydration can also cause fatigue and decreased muscle function. If you are actively exercising, then the water consumption may increase.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

3. Eat as much protein as possible. Your body burns calories for energy. This is called the thermic effect of food, and it accounts for about 10% of total calorie expenditure. In other words, if you consume 2000 calories per day, you will spend 200 only on digestion. And some products, or rather, macronutrients, require more energy for digestion than others. According to research, your body needs a lot of energy to digest protein - about 30% of your total calories. If you eat 200 kcal of protein foods, you will spend 60 of them on digestion. Carbohydrates take the second place - 10% of the total, fats - less than 5%. For one kilogram of weight should be from 1.4 to 2 grams of protein. A person weighing 63 kg needs 89 to 127 grams of protein per day.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

2. Pump your muscles! The more muscle a person has, the more metabolically active they are. Even at rest they burn more calories than fat. 0.5 kg of muscle per day burns 6 calories, 1 kg of fat - 2 kcal. If you replace 1 kg of fat with 0.5 kg of muscle, you will increase your BMR by 8 calories per day! When people lose weight, they not only shed fat but also muscle, which in turn kills metabolism in the bud. But moderate pumping of muscles will help not to ruin the metabolism, but to disperse it even more!


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

1. Move more! The only 100% effective way to speed up your metabolism and increase your daily calorie expenditure is to move. Studies show that the effect of being active is 15 to 30% of your daily calorie expenditure. Accordingly, the more you move, the sooner you will get to 30%. The easiest way to burn a couple of hundred calories effortlessly is walking. However, it should be remembered that the movement is not limited to walking. Even if you are carrying heavy bags, gardening or cooking dinner, you are burning calories. The main thing is to diversify your day with various movements.


October 21, 2022

Don't ignore your body signals.

Cause if we ignore them constantly rushing around, circumstances will stop us: colds or quite serious illnesses, accidents, fires... Everyone should be attentive to the symptoms that the body sends. It is important to remember the following: any pain is a defense mechanism of the body. Using painkillers not figuring out the nature of our pain doesn't solve the problem but exacerbates it. Take a pause — listen to yourself. Your body will thank you.


October 21, 2022

In China, they tested the effect of coffee and alcohol on the reproductive functions of people.

There was no association between caffeine intake and live birth rate. But alcohol reduced the chance of having a live baby by 9%. And this is not only about women but also about men who drank alcohol before conception.


October 21, 2022

Working as a food delivery man is bad for the psyche.

Food delivery couriers and taxi aggregator drivers are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than other professions in the geek economy. This is due to a small salary, lack of time for oneself and family, heavy workload, stress, monotony of work and lack of sufficient freedom and emotional support - delivery men and taxi drivers rarely see their colleagues. These conclusions were reached by Dutch scientists from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. They analyzed the data of 3.6 thousand employees of taxi and delivery services.


October 21, 2022

Vitamin D will help you lose weight.

Vitamin D has various physiological effects. Its active metabolites are needed not only for calcium metabolism, they also affect carbohydrate and fat metabolism. And - can affect body weight. Scientists attribute this success to the ability of a combination of these substances to suppress appetite. Vitamin deficiency can increase the risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, that is, it contributes to the onset of the metabolic syndrome in general.


October 20, 2022

Spanish chiromassage of the face.

During the session, more than 100 techniques are used from simple ones: light friction with fingers on massage points to the most complex ones: skin stretching and musculo-vascular kneading. This technique allows you to influence not only the muscles of the face or body, but also the internal organs and nervous system. With the help of point movements, the specialist will be able to relieve neck pain, eliminate swelling, help improve mood and normalize sleep. This manual technique is also called “plastic face massage”. During the session, there are no unpleasant sensations, but the muscles tense up and tone up. As a result of regular procedures, you can get the effect of a surgical facelift. At the same time, it is quite stable - the effect is noticeable for several months after the end of intensive anti-aging therapy.


October 20, 2022

Split face massage.

Split massage was formed as a method aimed at combating age-related changes in the face and neck, by reducing swelling, more even distribution of adipose tissue, normalizing muscle tone and skin turgor. Rejuvenation is mainly achieved through a more balanced distribution of tissues on the face, which returns the "status quo" inherent in a young face. Split massage will also prevent further unwanted deformation of the face, neck and décolleté area. Split massage is carried out in a prone position, and this technique does not involve the application of any cosmetics or oils. At the same time, professionals use a variety of manipulations - such as rubbing, kneading, squeezing, myofascial release, post-isometric relaxation, as well as chiromassage, facial fitness, etc.


October 20, 2022