How to reduce the calorie content of rice.

We all know that rice (I'm talking about white polished rice, which adults and children love so much as a side dish) is a high-carbohydrate product. And you should not abuse it because of the high glycemic index, as it increases blood glucose levels. But it turns out that it all depends on the way it is prepared. At the annual conference of the American Chemical Society (ACS), chemistry students from Sri Lanka presented an absolutely simple but innovative way to cook white rice, thanks to which it reduces calories by 50-60%.


November 3, 2022

Do not use night cream during the day.

The division of creams into day and night is not just a marketing ploy. Day cream, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing, is a kind of protective screen against environmental influences, ultraviolet radiation. The night cream focuses on restoring the skin and restarting its natural regenerative functions during the dormant period. Do not interchange or replace these creams.


November 2, 2022

Beauty advice.

Clean up your beauty space. We are talking about old hair ties that are lying around in a drawer, cracked powder that has not been touched for several years, sparkles that you took on Halloween, donated by someone, but categorically not going to you lipstick, expired body cream, samplers, which have been waiting in the wings for a year already… Let your bathroom have only your favorite and relevant. It will transform your beauty rituals.


November 2, 2022

Basic nutritional rules followed by Gisele Bundchen.

The top model carefully monitors her health and diet: she undergoes a detox course twice a year, practices yoga daily and eats fruits and vegetables exclusively from her own garden. Over the years of her modeling career, the girl has developed for herself the basic principles of nutrition: Breakfast rich in vitamins. In the morning, useful substances and trace elements are absorbed better than in the evening, so before breakfast, Giselle drinks a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon, then eats a salad of vegetables, avocados, eggs and gluten-free bread; Giselle replaces snacks with seasonal fruit and berry plates, giving special preference to strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and kiwis; Love for superfoods like seaweed, quinoa, raw rice, chia seeds, etc. Giselle says that flour and white sugar are banned in her house. Giselle has dinner from 17:30 to 18:00 to give the body time to digest food before bed. The model admits that she has been following this rule for many years: “During this time, the body gets used to it, and you don’t want to eat at all after six hours.”


November 1, 2022

Want to slow down aging?

Eat honey. Recent research by scientists shows that drinking two teaspoons of honey a day strengthens the body without creating a load on the pancreas. In turn, honey accelerates the process of removing dead cells, works as an excellent antioxidant, and also helps to start cell regeneration processes.


November 1, 2022

Playing a piano chord while sleeping reduced the nightmares.

Using non-invasive methods of manipulating emotions, scientists have been able to reduce the number of nightmares. The study involved 36 volunteers diagnosed with a sleep disorder in the form of nightmares. The researchers asked volunteers to rewrite their most frequent nightmares in a positive light, as well as talk about the sounds they associate with positive emotions. After "rewriting nightmares," the volunteers were put to sleep and played the C6/9 piano chord associated with positive experiences every 10 seconds during REM sleep, when nightmares are most likely. At the beginning of the study, the control group had an average of 2.58 nightmares per week, by the end of the study, the number of nightmares in the control group had decreased to 1.02.


November 1, 2022

Potatoes turned out to be not so harmful as many people think.

In the process of conducting the study, scientists collected data on the health of approximately 2,500 people, whose age ranged from 30 to 50 years. The results of this study were published not so long ago, but scientists have been collecting data for 50 years. The results of healthy adults showed that eating adequate amounts of potatoes did not affect their risks of health problems, including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Also, those participants who ate fried potatoes had a reduced risk of ill health if they excluded red meat from their diet and exercised.


October 31, 2022

Nicotine prevents memory problems in the elderly.

Also, according to researchers, nicotine prevents problems with concentration and attention. A study with an average age of 76 years old showed that when using nicotine patches, there was a positive trend in all areas of mental activity.


October 31, 2022

Include glutathione or adenosine/cysteine ​​in your diet.

Glutathione is a substance that is actively involved in all key stages of detoxification in the liver. At high loads (with a large amount of toxins), its consumption is greater, respectively, regular replenishment with the help of products containing it is important. Also important are foods containing sulfur, the amino acids adenosine and cysteine ​​- substances from which the liver synthesizes glutathione. These include: onions, garlic, broccoli and all cruciferous, avocados, almonds, asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches, bananas and melons. Glutathione and NAC (sulfur) in the synthesized form are relevant if the level of intoxication is high, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. They quickly and fully help the liver cope with toxins.


October 28, 2022

Take up yoga.

Plow yoga exercise or Halasana - many years of research on this asana found that with regular use, the blood flow in the liver changes, it is better cleansed. Blood circulation to and from the liver is improved, which leads to good cell regeneration and oxygen supply. This is a pose when we gently throw our legs over our heads. For its implementation, training and supervision of a specialist is required. It is good to spend in it from 1-3 minutes, bring it up to 5 minutes a day, but take into account the possible load on the neck.


October 28, 2022

Include cloves in your diet.

Cloves - a spice that is known to everyone, has a restorative effect on the liver. It balances the work of the liver, restores cells and starts regeneration. Clove buds contain the active compound eugenol, which is important for liver health. The use of cloves in powder, buds or capsules restores the liver as part of a general therapy for serious diseases and reduces the effects of oxidative stress. A single use is half a teaspoon per glass of water or 3 buds. Longer use has its own characteristics.


October 28, 2022

Milk thistle for the liver.

Milk thistle (lat. Sílybum marianum) or "holy thistle" is the liver's best friend. No more effective hepatoprotective agent has been invented yet than milk thistle milk or shot. It is used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, with severe intoxication of the body. It helps liver cells (hepatocytes) to recover due to the contained substance - silymarin. Milk thistle not only restores liver cells, it also helps in digestion, stimulating the digestive tract, has a pronounced choleretic effect and protects against infections and toxic effects.


October 28, 2022

Drinking regimen is also very important for the liver.

The optimal drinking regime is clean warm or hot water in a larger volume than usual, fresh vegetable or green juices. The most useful for the liver are spinach, parsley, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, beets in small quantities. You can dilute juices 50/50 with water. This will increase the volume of circulating blood, dilute toxins and get additional vitamins and minerals.


October 28, 2022

Fasting days for liver health.

The easiest and most affordable way is to reduce the load to a minimum. For one day, leave only light food in the diet: fresh salads, vegetables, berries, fruits. You can spend the day on herbal tea or water. Your liver will thank you. During this time, she will restore her cells, get rid of some of the toxins, purify the blood and develop many substances that are important for digestion and the quality of the blood.


October 28, 2022

A little about such an important organ as the liver.

The liver is the body's internal chemical laboratory. It neutralizes toxins that enter our body with food, absorbed through the skin and inhaled from the air. Liver health is the key to a long and active life. After all, it neutralizes the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and unfavorable ecology. But even if the state of liver health leaves much to be desired, timely measures taken will help it recover.


October 28, 2022

A new type of antibiotic against treatment-resistant bacteria has emerged.

Swedish scientists have developed GmPcides, a new type of antibiotic that kills even treatment-resistant bacteria. Including gram-positive microorganisms that cause nosocomial infections. The drug can be combined with other drugs. Experiments have shown that new antibiotics not only stop the division of microbes, but also kill them. GmPcides are also effective against vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). This type of bacteria is recognized by the American Center for Disease Control as a major threat to global health.


October 26, 2022

Sand helps treat obesity.

Australian scientists simulated the environment of the gastrointestinal tract and added particles of purified sand to it. It turned out that they suppress digestive activity. This property will help treat obesity. Scientists used artificial silica - silicon oxide, which is used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics. Its particles that got into the gastrointestinal tract prevented fats and carbohydrates from being adsorbed in the body. Best of all, porous particles with a pore width of 6-10 nanometers coped with the task. There were fewer side effects than with a popular obesity treatment. Now the goal of scientists is to test their method on animals.


October 26, 2022

Vaping is bad for men's health

Scientists have provided research data on the health risks of vaping. According to them, vaping reduces the level of testosterone in the body by up to 50%, and also reduces male fertility. Testosterone is responsible for the motivation, strength and sexual performance of a man.


October 24, 2022

Technique for performing "Βakuum in the stomach".

1. Starting position - lying on the back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees are on the floor, muscles are relaxed. Exhale slowly, gradually releasing the lungs from the air, without straining any muscles of the body. 2. Having freed the lungs from the air, begin to strain the abdominal muscles, trying to pull it in as much as possible. At the same time, breathing is stopped. At the lower point, fix the position of the abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then take a small breath, continuing to draw in the stomach. 3. After taking a small breath, do not rush to relax the stomach - tighten the abdominal muscles and freeze for another 10-15 seconds, then draw in the stomach again, while maintaining the tension of the abdominal muscles. If you find it difficult to hold your breath, take small breaths. 4. Breathe out, relax your stomach, take a few free breaths, then again empty your lungs of air, and draw your stomach in as much as possible. Pulling, try to tighten the abdominal muscles, and then push the stomach up without inhaling.


October 24, 2022

"Βacuum in the stomach". What you need to know.

Exercise "vacuum in the stomach" must be performed both lying down and standing or leaning forward. Considering that this is primarily a strengthening exercise, you should perform it as often as possible, or at least 5 times a week. You should get used to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscles should be constantly tense. With regular exercise, after a few weeks, the muscles will tone up, and you no longer have to make efforts to control it.


October 24, 2022